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Homeopathic Methodology: Repertory, Case Taking, and Case Analysis: An Introductory Homeopathic Workbook
by Roger Morrison [edit], Todd Rowe [edit]

Homeopathic Methodology: Repertory, Case Taking, and Case Analysis: An Introductory Homeopathic Workbook
******** 8 Stars!
Price: US$ 13.27, Available worldwide on
Check Availability from: Canada or from United Kingdom
ISBN: 1556432771


This workbook describes the fundamentals of case taking and using a repertory, both central concepts for the study of homeopathy.

Excellent book for the novice homeopathic practitioner, December 25, 1999
Reviewer: DrTerryND,DCH,MEd,NBCDCH (see more about me) from Milwaukee, Wisconsin
This is the kind of book I've been looking for for ages! It explains to the novice homeopath just how to begin taking a case and using the Repertory in practical terms. Wonderful! It also includes simple history-taking forms & templates. I highly recommend this book!

Roger Morrison

Todd Rowe



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