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Natural Prozac: Learning to Release Your Body's Own Anti-Depressants
by Tom Monte [edit]

Natural Prozac: Learning to Release Your Body's Own Anti-Depressants
******** 8 Stars!
Price: US$ 11.20, Available worldwide on
Check Availability from: Canada or from United Kingdom
ISBN: 0062513540

Tom Monte (Biography)

Tom Monte is one of the most prolific authors and teachers of natural healing in the world.
In the past 20 years, Tom has written more than 28 books and many hundreds of articles on virtually every area of health. His books offer healing approaches to heart disease, cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis, asthma, immune deficiency disorders, overweight and obesity, muscle and joint problems, Crohn's and inflammatory bowel disorders, and conditions affecting the brain and nervous system.

Tom specializes in creating a bridge of understanding between the ancient and modern forms of healing. He has a deep understanding of traditional healing practices, such as Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, herbology, and Naturopathy. His book, The Complete Guide to Natural Healing, provides solutions to more than 120 diseases and conditions from the perspective of modern and complementary medicine. In World Medicine: The East West Guide to Healing Your Body, Tom examines every organ, system, and sense from the medical and ancient healing perspectives.

He is also an accomplished medical and science writer; many of his books and articles describe healing approaches that are based entirely on the scientific literature. Staying Young, another of Tom's books, provides natural healing remedies for 70 major disorders exclusively from the medical perspective. Tom wrote three books with John McDougall, M.D., one on heart disease, another on weight loss, and a third on virtually every disorder affecting women's health. He wrote three books with Robert Pritikin, son of the pioneering scientist, Nathan Pritikin, the creator of the Pritikin Program who used diet and exercise to successfully restore the health of tens of thousands of people. Tom wrote Robert Pritikin's best-selling book, The Pritikin Weight Loss Breakthrough, as well as Nathan Pritikin's definitive biography, Pritikin: The Man Who Healed America's Heart.

With Dr. Joel Robertson, Tom wrote Peak Performance Living and Natural Prozac, both of which show readers how to use how food and behavior to balance brain chemistry and heal depression and anxiety disorders. Tom has written three books on various forms of massage and hands-on healing. He has also written extensively on psychological and spiritual approaches to healing.

Among Tom's best-known books are numerous inspirational recovery stories, including the best-selling Recalled By Life, the true story of Dr. Anthony Sattilaro's recovery from metastatic prostate cancer. Recalled By Life and Norman Cousin's Anatomy of an Illness were the two most widely read recovery stories of the past twenty years.

For the past twenty years, Tom has lectured and provided in-depth transformational workshops throughout the United States, Europe, and Japan. Among the many places where Tom has lectured are the University of Massachusetts and Yale University.

Tom lives in Western Massachusetts with his wife, Toby, his three children, Jacob, Christina, and Daniel, two cocker spaniels and three cats. Tom provides an ongoing counseling service in all areas of health and well-being. He sees people at his office in Massachusetts and counsels people from his website at

To contact Tom, send an email to
or call 413.253.0514
Mailing address:
Tom Monte
120 High Point Dr.
Amherst, MA 01002 


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