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T.D. Kaschalk Ms. Biography Add Book

Trisha Kaschalk is a 45-year old novelist that was born and raised in the village of Columbiana, Ohio. Her maiden name Storey grabbed the attention of many classmates, who ironically dubbed her as the story teller from the start. Surrounded by many tragedies at such an impressionable young age, she developed a strong interest in the occult. She adopted an alternative concept to life in her quest for a sense of spiritual oneness with the world. This has transcended into a life long journey of discovery; bringing hope, optimism and a can-do attitude that she readily displays. She has lived in five different states with many experiences, both good and bad, that have fed and inspired her imagination. After attending a few years at Kent State University, she realized her love for writing. Encouraged by her classmates and professors, she took it a step further and began to write her first book ideas. It took a couple of abandoned ideas before she came up with a story line that she felt confident with. “Divine Misconception” was her first completed novel. This was blended with her interest in ancient history, Sumerian mythology and her keen interest in conspiracy theories. Her latest novel, “The Eleventh Angel”, is a crime fiction. This book incorporates a past life regression medication that she plans on completing as a series. She had been a single parent of two boys for nearly 14 years until last year, when she remarried. Now living in Burton, Ohio, she enjoys her little family, which includes three Australian cattle dogs and two Siamese cats. Some of her hobbies include: Antiquing, photography, gardening, nature walks, documentaries and of course writing. Although she has little time for reading these days, she enjoys many fictional genres such as adventure, fantasy, science fiction, thrillers, crime and conspiracy. Her favorite authors are Dan Brown, Daniel Quinn and J.K. Rowling. She would be very cozy being trapped inside a chapter of one of J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter novels. Overlooking years of hardship, she believes that she's been blessed. She says that she's finally reached that final turning point in her life that she can live happily ever after


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