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Brian Peskin none Biography Add Book

Brian Peskin attended the world’s leading engineering institution, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), where he studied highly complex mathematics, engineering and physics, along with probability and statistics. Brian has also studied biochemistry and physiology. Peskin’s various fields of study give him a unique systems perspective when applied to health and nutrition. Electrical engineering is an exact science. There is no room for guesses, assumptions or errors. Brian Peskin’s findings with regards to health have a firm foundation based on incredibly high scientific standards, which are, unfortunately, often nonexistent in the field of nutritional research. That’s why so many studies keep getting reversed and no one knows what to believe. Applying exacting science and experiment to further our health is the approach Brian uses in his search for the truth. There is no one else in the world who applies this approach to the nutritional field! Brian Peskin has been called by Dr. Robert Nemer, cosmetic physician, “The most insightful quantum nutritionist of our age.”

In formulizing his nutritional recommendations, Brian Peskin often relies on complex systems analysis tools, which emphasize the entire system, not isolated effects or results. Borrowing from his MIT engineering background, this systems analysis allows him to view the issues without the subjective bias that years of conventional medical training often imposes on even the most open-minded of doctors and nutritionists. Because a scientist is trained from the beginning to think “inside the box” in their field – rarely do they think outside of that box or compare their


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