Fasting Information by labellavita .....

Taken from Prescription for Nutritional Healing James F. Balch, M.D. & Phyllis A. Balch, C.N.C. -

Date:   5/21/2007 11:36:28 AM ( 17 y ago)

Fasting is an effective and safe method of detoxifying the body. The body needs a periodic rest from the chemicals and toxins that are in the environment. Fasting should always be monitored by a health professional.

Fasting is not starvation! It is a technique that wise men have used for centuries to heal the sick. To understand the principles of fasting is to understand one’s own body.

Fasting is recommended for almost any illness because our bodies need rest. The body goes through high and low cycles, as does everything in the universe, including the sun, the moon, the stars, and the tides. Even insects and animals have cycles.

Help your body during its low phase; don’t put a heavy load on it by eating. If you learn to “go with the flow” of the cycle, and accept it and help your body through the low phase, you will feel better, and your lows won’t last as long. After a period of time, the body builds up toxins from chemicals, pollution, and overindulgences. It is during this low phase that the body is ridding itself of all toxins. This is a “normal detoxification phase.”

During these low or “down” times, you may develop headaches, diarrhea, or depression. Doesn’t it sound reasonable to help the body get rid of the toxins instead of letting the toxins build up? Fast when your body is at a low phase and help it detoxify itself. Then you will experience the “up” phase of the cycle, when you go through a period of feeling great. It is because the body is clean again. However, we start to pollute our bodies again, and in time toxins build up and we have our “down” days.

Fast regularly and help the body heal itself and stay well. Give all of your organs a rest. Fasting can help reverse the aging process, and if we use it correctly, we will live longer, happier lives. Just three days a month will do it. Each time you complete a fast, you will feel better. Your body will have a chance to heal and rebuild its immune system by regular fasting. You can fight off illness and the degenerative diseases so common in this chemically polluted environment we live in. When you feel a cold or any illness coming on, or are just depressed --- fast! A person can extend his life by several years through fasting. You heal faster, give your organs a rest, clean your liver and kidneys, purify your blood, cleanse your colon, lose unnecessary weight, get rid of toxin buildup in tissues, clear the eyes and tongue, cleanse the breath, and lose excess water.

Remember: Proper diet and supplements, exercise, and fasting will more than double your energy and keep you well and happy.

A three-day fast helps the body get rid of toxins. A five-day fast starts the healing process. A ten-day fast should take care of most problems before they arise - a fast this long is good twice a year. Do not fast on water alone! Fasting over three days should be supervised by a qualified health professional. For a longer fast, continue until the tongue is cleared of its coating, the breath is sweet, and you are very hungry. Then come off the fast. Continue to work while on the fast.

Diabetics should never fast unless under a doctor’s supervision. Hypoglycemics should never fast without also using a quality protein supplement. Spirulina is a good choice -- it is a near-perfect food. Make sure the spirulina is of good quality, has been laboratory tested, and has been cleaned before processing.

Fasting should become a part of your life. Fast at least three days a month.


* Eat only raw foods for two days before starting the fast, and only raw foods for two days coming off the fast. The desired effects of the fast may be ruined by eating cooked foods immediately following the fast.

* If you must have something to eat, eat a piece of watermelon. Always eat watermelon alone. You can also try fresh applesauce made in a blender or food processor. Leave the skins on the apples.

* Do not chew anything, such as gum, while on the fast. The digestive process starts with chewing -- enzymes are secreted into the gastrointestinal tract. With no food in the stomach for these enzymes to digest, trouble occurs.

* Spirulina can be used by anyone on a fast. It is high in protein and has all the vitamins and minerals the body needs, plus chlorophyll for cleansing. Take tablets or powder, five tablets three times daily or one teaspoon three times daily in juice.

* Extra fiber must be a part of the daily diet. Use bran; oat bran is good. Also good is Aerobic Bulk Cleanse (ABC), a colon cleanser, mixed with half George’s Aloe Vera Juice and half natural cranberry juice. This mixture adds fiber and has a healing and cleansing effect also. Psyllium seed or glucomannan are other quality fiber products.

* When using glucomannan or any fiber capsule, be certain to drink a large glass of water, because the fiber capsules expand. It may be best not to take supplements of wheat bran, because this may be irritating to the colon wall.

* Drink only steam-distilled water-- dilute juices with it. Use pure juices only, and avoid those with sweeteners or additives. Do not drink orange or tomato juice. The best juices to use are fresh lemon juice; cabbage, beet, carrot, celery, grape, and apple juice; and “green drinks,” which are juices made from green leafy vegetables. “Green drinks” are excellent detoxifiers. Raw cabbage juice is good for ulcers, cancer, and all colon problems. Do not store cabbage juice, because as it sits, it loses its vitamin U content.

* To aid in rebuilding the immune system, drink pau d’arco and echinacea herb teas mixed with one-third unsweetened cranberry juice, four times a day. Herb teas are good while fasting. Drink rose hips, dandelion, red clover, alfalfa, and chamomile, if you are not allergic to ragweed. Slippery elm is excellent for inflammation of the colon and also gives fast relief when used in an enema.

* The following is an excellent fresh juice and broth: three carrots, two stalks of celery, one turnip, two beets, a half head of cabbage, a quarter of a bunch of parsley, a quarter of an onion, and a half clove of garlic. This could be the best juice on our planet for healing many illnesses.

* You can also use a pure vegetable broth with no seasoning added. Gently boil any fresh vegetable, including onions and garlic. Drink the broth 2-3 times during the day.

* Garlic capsules aid in the healing process. Take two capsules twice a day. The “Super Algae”
combination ( contains Spirulina, Klamath-Lake Blue Green Algae, Chlorella and Red Marine Algae)
contains all the nutrients needed in the healing process.

* Clinics have reported using the low sodium Concentrace, which are trace mineral drops, in the following manner: put one teaspoon in apple, grape, or papaya juice. As an internal cleanser, use Concentrace mineral drops, one and a half cups of juice, one and a half cups of water, two teaspoons of psyllium hulls powder, and a half cup of aloe vera juice. Or, use another fiber in place of the psyllium or even bentonite.

* Use a coffee or lemon juice enema.

* Try dry-brush massages to help rid the skin of toxins and dead cells. Always brush toward the heart - wrist to elbow, elbow to shoulder, ankles to knees, knees to hips, etc. Use a natural bristle brush, and make sure it has a long handle so that you can reach your back. Large amounts of dead skin will be flaked away as the pores are freed of impediments. This will greatly improve circulation and the skin’s excretion of poisons. Those who have acne, eczema, or psoriasis should avoid brushing. So not brush areas that are broken or recently scarred, or that have protruding varicose veins.

* Some people, especially the elderly, need certain vitamins and minerals daily. If you are one of these people, you should continue to take vitamins while on the fast. When you are drinking juices, reduce the dosage of supplements that you take.

* A final word of advice: It took years to wear your body down, and it will take time to build it back up to its peak. But believe us, it can be done. Remember, when you start to feel badly, and in a “down” cycle, help yourself to come back up. Fast and feel better!


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