An illegal drug, and the war on you by thatzwhytheydie .....

How an illegal drug called Methamphetamine fits into the ongoing failed drug war

Date:   4/5/2007 2:22:57 AM ( 17 y ago)

I live in the midwest, and I've heard so many things in the news about'd think that it was some overwhelming setback to our economy. It's been quite the propaganda tool in the past, a media football to throw around really. Seizures of methamphetamine, or the precursors used in manufacture, have always seemed to show up in the news and receive more than their fair share of attention. Users of methamphetamine are also demonized, much more than I see happen with users of any other drug. The thing that I always wondered, all these remedies for this "problem" have no effect...why?

Well, the drug war needs publicity for one. This is a war on your civil rights, on the people...not on drugs. Just as the war on disease (health) is a battle that nature does not wish to fight, so is the war on drugs. We apparently need some dangerous drug to threaten the population with, we need a drug that tips the scales so to speak...a drug that is NOT unlike any other, but somehow transforms its users from nonviolent drug offenders into dangerous criminals. This way, when swat teams bust their way into the wrong houses and end up shooting the wrong people or even each other...nobody is to blame except this imaginary criminal.

Drug problems are health problems, period. People stopped buying into the "Reefer Madness" scheme long ago. That is, if they ever did. So then, we had to switch from demonizing a valuable health restoring plant (cannabis) something people might actually believe. Go ask a doctor for solutions to your health problems, they have all the toxic medications in the world to "treat" you with. You might also want to ask them why cannabis, a harmless health restoring plant, remains illegal to this day...we all know why it became illegal. The reason is money and power of course, people wanted to erradicate this gift of god to increase revenue from their own cash crops. The goal was also to increase the total amount of crime, to also increase the police force. The obvious answer to why it remains illegal, is that people who make your life decisions for you, simply make decisions...they don't follow up on anything, they will never admit failure or make the right decisions. They have an agenda, and if you don't know what it is...maybe you should find out.

Another important reason that methamphetamine receives all of this attention while there is nothing ever done about it, is that well meaning people who are against it are going after the wrong people. Hey, let's put these people in prison for the rest of their lives!??...for a social/health problem. Then, let's not do anything about the root cause...because what happened doesn't matter, as long as they take away people's rights as the long as their program goes forward. What is the program, to slowly kill you as you build and surround yourselves with their police state... all the while they will be brainwashing you, and recommending or imposing their poisons. If this is the get rid of people, we have to wonder...why wouldn't they just let users continue using, since it's such a dangerous drug?

Well, as I've mentioned above...the war on your civil rights is a bigger business than just pushing drugs and getting rid of people as I suggested they may be in to. See, you have to willingly go along with it all they need to disguise their moves. This is very important, it's not called the shadow government for nothing. The war on disease isn't a war on health for nothing, it is not an accident! The government has no problem with the cocaine or heroin that poors over the border every fact, they've been caught helping to ship it in. Methamphetamine is a cheaper "upper" alternative to a user than the mafia/government controlled cocaine, so it was obviously costing certain people a lot of business. Hmmm...interesting. Now think back to the "crack epidemic" and all of the poor people they just threw into prison, all the while they do nothing about it getting shipped in and they even help unload.

One of the main causes of any problems with methamphetamine is obviously the manufacture of the raw materials, the base ingredients...people are distracted with the limiting of how such "cold medicine" can be purchased, while the government continues looking into other intrusive methods of "regulation." All the while, they seem to be protecting the pharmaceutical industry at all costs. Let's just start thumbprinting and face-scanning everyone, and get rid of all privacy...that's what they would love to do. How does that sound? The high tech prison infrastructure isn't quite complete though, and they haven't sold it to everyone yet.

You can't believe anything you hear it seems, the FDA loves that all the kids are on Ritalin and other amphetamine type drugs...they love that vaccines are sterilizing and exterminating people. It's just great that autism has skyrocketed and that the mainstream news is putting out fake news that says that the mercury in vaccines is good for you. It's great that they pressure people to be vaccinated and drugged. It's great, because then they can push for embryo/stem cell research and make it sound like they have some wonderful cure that lies just ahead. Everyone, just go back to sleep!

What is the point of keeping a drug like pseudophedrine around if we have this "big problem" with people turning it into methamphetamine? In the realms of drug manufacture, the conversion is a pretty simple process. To the unlawful courts that are currently in place, this drug manufacturer could be detained indefinitely without any due process...because simply having the materials is against the law...I would assume, and they could easily convince people who know nothing of the process that it was endangering human life. That fits their definition of a terrorist. We wouldn't want people to not have access to their nutritious "cold medicine" though...let's just give pharmaceutical companies complete immunity. Then, let's abolish the 4th Amendment...and search houses at the drop of a dime. No, actually let's just completely give in and start worshiping them! Bow to your pharmacological/globalist masters, may they continue unloading massive amounts of poison on to the population.

Meanwhile, the pharmaceutical companies are one of the hands that feeds the media. Is this why people are brainwashed to be so pro- drug war when it comes to methamphetamine? Is it not arrogant to support "cracking down on meth" while also showing ads for Attention Deficit medication? The media, of course, is not going to pay attention to this simple over the counter decongestant that would be completely worthless were it not used as a raw material for meth...and keeping it around just happens to fuel the drug war. We wouldn't want to stop building prisons though, or stop hiring police. We wouldn't want to hurt the economy by getting rid of this cold medicine and suggesting safe alternatives, people might catch on and stop opting for poison. By not having over the counter drugs around to pedal to people...or by not letting our hired assassins swat teams murder nonviolent drug users....we would hurt the "team" ...we would derail the real master plan.

Traditional use of recreational drugs is a different thing entirely in my opinion, people were built a little differently long ago (they were more healthy and more in contact with nature), and they used the plants/fungi which they coexisted with. What is called drug use now, was a matter of spirituality with people then...and in many ways, people do continue this spiritual/traditional use to some extent. That is, if they even have time for spirituality and tradition. Meth, to me...doesn't seem to be rooted in these traditions. It's become a tradition of its own though by way of circumstances, the tradition is pretty simple, somebody makes it...and a bunch of people end up doing it. Every now and then, people get blown up or murdered or raped for it. If someone wants to shorten their own lifespan by using drugs, what difference does it make if they go to a doctor or a friend for the poison?

Perhaps for some, they will quit using the drug before it kills them...and it will serve as a learning experience, and will cease to be the completely evil substance that it's made out to be. All pharmaceuticals are evil, they have no beneficial properties when it comes to healing. Even if meth does almost completely destroy a persons mind, luckily...the mind can usually be salvaged from the wreckage. Methamphetamine is a powerful drug, by is toxic just like every single other drug.

The industry seems to design their drugs with the goal in mind, that you keep taking them. This sells more drugs, when you try to sell people for life. All of their garbage is specifically designed that way too. Anyway, if they don't get you with the drugs...who cares...they've probably already got you with vaccines. Then there's all the brainwashing. Go ahead and bow down to your masters, enjoy your "New World" everyone. I decide what I put into my own body, whether it's poisonous or illegal or not...come and make sure I don't, please come and try!


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