Why I became I pro life, Conservative Zionist by bluepastry .....

I saw the hate of Democrats and Liberals, just check my page and read the liberal responses to me. In the workplace I hear so amny anti gay, anti woman,sexist, hateful remarks that onlys eem to come from Liberals

Date:   4/13/2007 6:59:51 PM ( 17 y ago)

I saw the decline of Italian Neighborhoods in NYC and other ethnic neighborhoods and the reason for tahtw as that Democrats who Control the Bronx and the Mafia put their greed ahead of building up the community and the people in it.

If one wanted a certain job.They would go to certain Italian neighborhood leaders, give them thier soul and be devoted to the familia or better known as the corrupt Democrat party poverty pimps.

I saw so many people in my Bronx neighborhood die before thier time. I saw NYC policeman pocket money to be blind to illegal activities that drained family men of thier paycheck, businesses of their profits.

The Democratic Party and their willing accomplaces saw profit in racism and divisive actions put a once beautiful Bronx into the sewer and devalued property so rich, corrupt Democrats could then buy the Real estate and then exploit the remainder of the people who kept the neigborhood going.

I cannnot count how many people I saw beaten up in the street. People who were victime of sexua| abuse by teachers, and other

I myself on more than on occassion was a victim of sexua| abuse in the Bronx and knew that i would not let street thugs be my moral arbitors.

I do not blame the people of the Bronx, theyw ere used by mean spirited corrupt Democrats like Democrats Congressman Mario Biaggi who sold favors to constituints.

Now after 9-11 we have the same thugs and fear mongers telling epople that President Bush was behind 9-11. Rudy Giuliani is not a good Presidential candidate. WHy? because he stood up for law and order? He opened up the Jabits Center jobs to people who did not have to sell thier soul to get the job!

The same Democrats that keep many people on the welfare carrot with just enough money to get by. Want to be your husband and your parent. They succeeded in emasculating many men in the inner city by taking away jobs from ahrd working Americans and legal immigarnts and giving the jobs away to illeagal aliens.

The same Democrats succeeded in locking generations of families in the shackles of poverty and dependent on welfare, medicaid and food stamps to survive.

Why is it important that Democrats keep you in thier party and spread doom and gloom? Why is important for you to hate GW Bush, Clarence Thomas, Dr Condi Rice and any other eprson who is promoting motivational ideas for success?

These Democrats who are keeping people locked in poverty, are destroying family values, have allowed the youth of America to be atught by hateful anti American Liberals who disdain family values and ethics

Look at the heroes of the Democratic party, racists like Al Sharpton, jesse Jackson, Chris Rock, John Murtha, Ted Kennedy,
Timberland, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Mario Biaggi. Rosie O'Donnell, george Clooney, Sean Penn, the list goes on. The firing of Don Imus is not about Don Imus. It si about the double standard that exists in the USA

Democrat DA Nifong agggressively went after the Duke Lacrosse players and Democrats like AL SHarpton and jesse Jackson salivated over the hance to put innocent boys in jail.

George Soros who is wanted for illegal activity in France and cannot go back. he tried to bring African nations even furhet into poverty by destroying currency and then build it back up to make billions This actually promoted slavery in African Nations. he is an Icon in the Democratic party

We have Planned PArenthood opening in poor black neighborhood. How sad that many do not know that Planned Parenthood was supported by racists and the KKK.

Margaret Sanger is founder of Planned Parenthood, and the one who inspired Adolph Hitler in his views of eugenics and "murdering socially undesirable people."

Margaret Sanger, through Planned Parenthood, advocated abortions on Afro-Americans in order to eliminate what she called "socially undesirable people". This site is an excellent Afro-American response against Sanger's racist eugenics: Genocide against Afro-Americans

Her left-wing sisters, such as Gloria Steinem, had to selectively overlook this part of Margaret Sanger when they praise her feminist achievements.Ms. Sanger began her career as a nurse and political rebel, acting in association with the International Workers of the World (IWW) and with Emma Goldman, foundress of the American Communist Party. (Ms. Goldman also mentored Roger Baldwin, founder of the American Civil Liberties Union - ACLU)

While Democrats are funneling money into the Anti Christian/Anti Semitic ACLU who has spent most of thier time stripping the USA of the ten commandments and a chance to freeley practice your faith.

"We do not want word to get out that we want to exterminate the Negro population"

Who spoke these words? The Klu Klux Klan? Aryan Nations? The National Socialist (Nazi) Party? These are the words of Margaret Sanger, Founder of Planned Parenthood, the largest provider and promoter of legal abortion in the United States.
Take a look at the political party taht is now refusing to support our troops. Why? because they want bush to fail in his war on terrorism...

The DNC actually paid Reverend AL SHarpton 86 thousand dolalrs to support John kerry for President and now Sharpton is a pawn for Hillary Clinton against Baraka Obama..

Thisi is the Democratic Party that some of you support!


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