Why I left the Democratic Party by bluepastry .....

Democratic party has become closed minded

Date:   8/3/2006 11:23:50 AM ( 18 y ago)

I was having dinner at a Texas restaurant last night and there was some Democratic Party fundraiser going on in another part of the restaurant. These people were rude, beligerant. arrogant, etc.

They came to the other end of the restaurant and dropped flyers on our table while we were eating, they made very anti Israel and Anti Bush comments. While in the other part of the restaurntthey scremed at the tops of their lungs, annoy the people who came to dine. They blamed Israel and Bush for the Mideast conflicts and it was
almost like a huge facist party meeting.

Easy to assume, I will never go back to that restaurant again.

A growing number of Democrats , including myself have been turned off by the anger, attacks, and behavior shown by Democratic leaders

I am a former Democrat for over 20 years and recently
left the Democratic party. Many others that I have spoken to have done the same.

The is an anger many on the left have shown that ahs spilled into many areas of life. One is the workplace.
As a young man I remember Democrats being the party that protected America, John F. Kennedy stood up to the Russians and Cubans in the Cuban missle Crisis. I do admit the Democrats made a big mistake starting the Vietnam/Korean wars.

Today the party that claimed to be for equal rights has viciously atatcked people just for being Republican or refusing to support thae very left Democratic Party Agenda.

I myself receive hate mail and hate phone calls from people who wish i would die. Why? because once you leave the Democratic Party. You are sueless this angry lot of alleged caring, peace loving Democrats.

I have been told by people from the left who are allegedly tolerant that I look and act like a "fag".
I am a vegeterian and have been even attacked for, get this, being a Republican vegeterain. These same people are quick to point out the lunacy of any Black Person that would consider being a Republican

In NYC while still a Democrat I saw how the Democrat Clique at the place I worked and attended graduate school worked and got paid for numerous jobs while doing only one, how graduate students paid others to write thier thesis

In my very brief stint with network tv I listened to the leftists on the set make anti religious jokes, comment on how ugly Linda Trip is, how stiupid Republicans are and told dirty jokes about the Pope.

In meeting with a network executive whom hired me. I was put in an uncomfortable situation of being hit on by this amle executive who told me taht he thought I was gay so thats why he hired me..

While people in the Democratic Party claim to represent the underserved, what they really mean is that if you agree with thier politics and cast your votes for a Democrat then we are for you. The Democrats are first to point out the flaws and msitakes of the person who dares speak out against his or her party

The Hollywood left will continue to atatck our President, the Media elite will ignore the great Job our Military is doing in Iraq and Afghanistan. They will not show the cowardly attacks on the world trade Center and the people who jumped to thier deaths rather than burn.

The artists on the left could not wait to defend piss Christ and other art exhibits taht were funded with taxpayer money . The artists used first ammendment rights to defend thier art. Yet, thsi same lot is ready to criticize our troops and compare Gitmo to the Holocaust..

I sat in a Coffee shop in Houston , Texas about ten years ago and listened to then employees of the Houston Chronicle spew out thier hatred toward
Newt Gngrich and amke comments too hateful to be repeated..

This type of double standard is not abnormal. I have left the Democratic Party where it is a horrible thing if Chief Justice Calrence Thomas may have made a sexist comment about Anita Hill. But, if six women accuse President Clinton of sexua| abuse, or a married Ted Kennedy drives his girlfriend Mary Jo Kopechnie into Chappaquiddick, swims away and does not report it until the next day, where West Virginia Democrat Senator is a former recruiter of the KKK, that si not to be mentioned. We must forgive and forget.


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