Making Life INSTANTLY Respond by Dazzle .....

"Life Response" is the way life suddenly, abundantly, and miraculously responds positively on the outside to a corresponding change of your consciousness inside, apparently defying notions of cause and effect, and space and time. E.g. you change an attitude and suddenly a moment later someone who you never knew before contacts you from half way round the world with news of a big contract, of monetary gain, or other success for you. We can learn to invoke such response from life all of the time, enabling vast accomplishment, success, and happiness in our lives...

Date:   2/16/2006 8:03:16 PM ( 18 y ago)


     I thought this was an inspiring and very interesting article because it seems to be quite apt with what many of us are trying to do with our lives.  We are working on improving our health, our minds and spirits.  We are changing attitudes, belief systems and shedding old unnecessary negative thought processes.  We're making good things  happen for ourselves.  

The following article takes that a step further by explaining how because we are all interconnected with each other and the cosmos through energy, when we change a negative into a positive we attract powerful positive energies into our lives bringing abundance and further positive changes.  Like attracts like, after all.  


Happy Reading!


~ Dazzle


In 'Life Response' what might have taken considerable time occurs rapidly, as events, people, and place “conspire” to overcome normally perceived limitations and constraints, enabling unexpected circumstances to arise that render new, creative possibilities, overcoming the slow, meandering workings and unfoldings of Nature.  

Normally, we believe that taking an action on our part brings about a corresponding result in life. This is of course true. There is also a secret knowledge that certain transitions of our behavior can instantaneously evoke a positive response from life from seemingly out of nowhere. We call this dramatic phenomenon a "life response."

Higher Levels of Cleanliness, Orderliness, Attention, and Organization Attract

For example, let's talk about money. We are all aware of the importance of intelligence, hard work, social position, skill, organization, and other forms of strength and power to create wealth. There are, however, a few hidden strategies to creating an immediate response from life concerning money. For one, keeping accurate and up-to-date accounts of money is a powerful mechanism for attracting more of it from life. One small business owner decided to balance eight months of back statements in a weekend and received $5000 from out of nowhere the next day. This is an example of a life response. It is virtually instantaneous, and appears to come from seemingly out of nowhere; thus the moniker "instantaneous miraculousness."

There does not seem to be any obvious connection between the actions and the results, yet somehow life responds to the initiation of this person. That is the case because life is organized in ways that defy our normal perceptions of cause and effect, and space and time. There are movements, workings, unfolding of acts and events in life which are hidden from us, which we defy our normal perceptions of the world around us. However, if we develop a subtle perception, we can learn to see these subtle life movements and harness that knowledge for great accomplishment and success in life. The example of attention to money and how it generates a sudden, abundant, instant life response is but one example of applying thus subtle causality for success and joy in life.

Over the decades we have come to see that there are at least a dozen key human behaviors that can trigger such positive, instant, abundant life response. E.g. in addition to giving attention by keeping accounts up to date to attract money, being as careful and prompt in paying debts attracts sudden good fortune from out of nowhere. This is especially true for settling old debts.

One individual owed a friend money for over twenty years. As soon as he committed to paying one particular old debt within a few minutes he was told that he had found a new place to live, after having being stuck in the same place for twenty years! Taking care of another debt seemed to have the effect of creating a more positive atmosphere in his life, and seemed to also be followed by increased and higher paying work.

Greater attention to business accounts, higher levels of systemization, punctuality, et al are higher forms of personal organization that attract positive life response. Another example of this inner power of organization is the incredible power of cleanliness to attract. Consider this true life experience:

An instructor had not been contacted for new work for weeks, and was in desperate straits. He decided to apply the idea of cleanliness. His apartment was normally quite clean, but he wanted to take cleanliness a step further.  He decided to clean his refrigerator, something he was reluctant to do.  At the exact moment he finished putting things back into the refrigerator after cleaning, he heard a message on his answering machine from the his training company offering him new work.  The response from life was instantaneous!

Higher levels of cleanliness and orderliness, which is in essence higher levels of organization, has a vast power to attract sudden, abundant positive responses from life. The same is true for giving things more attention. For example, sometimes physical things, such as stored away objects or stocks of inventory in a business, are ignored or forgotten. If one makes an effort to give it a new level of attention, life can miraculously respond. Consider this true incident:

A wine seller in Asia had very low sales. A consultant had noticed that the wine seller had ignored stocks of old wine that had been lying dormant in the cellar. He asked the seller to make a full effort to clean those stocks, even though on the surface of things it did not seem that such an action could possibly bring about the sales the seller needed to improve his condition. The seller agreed. Within a few short weeks the seller not only found someone to purchase his old stocks, but got orders for new sales equal to a whole half years worth of sales.

That is the power of attention to elicit positive responses from life.

The Enormous Power of Attitudes to Attract
You can also attract wondrous responses from life by overcoming a limiting or negative attitude. This is perhaps the most powerful method of all!

A woman worked part time for over a decade, always hoping to secure a full-time job. One day she decided that her negative attitudes towards others should stop. Within a few days she was suddenly offered her a full time job by the company, her first full-time position in ten years. Moreover, her career develops steadily thereafter. She also notices that those around her, including her close family members, are also suddenly having very positive life experiences.

Life always responds to a decided change in one's attitudes. Here's another example of how overcoming a negative attitude or habit can elicit a positive response from life:

A man lost a lot of borrowed money in speculation in the stock market.  After a time all his shares became worthless.  In fact, he paid interest on the borrowed money by borrowing more money.  One day he didn't have any more money to pay the interest. Slowly, he realized his folly. He had already decided to no longer speculate. Now he also decided not to borrow any more money to pay the interest. He took this firm decision and became very calm within himself.  Though he didn't know what to do next, still he stuck to his decision.

After a day or two he read in a newspaper that a certain company was being taken over by another company.  The share price started its upward journey and within a few days it hit $20.  He sold them and met his obligation.

Life will suddenly and abundantly response to any decided change in attitude. It will also respond to a significant shift that leads to a decision, or the taking of an action when one was reluctant to act before.

A man worked at a computer store, but was reluctant to work weekends. He was in the lower tier of monthly sales compared to his peers. He changed his attitude, made the decision to work on weekends, and then actually worked on weekends. The first Saturday he appeared at the store, a man customer placed a huge order with him the instant the store opened. This kicked off the highest sales month he ever . It also turned into the highest sales month by an salesperson that the four store chain ever had. He rocketed to the top of the sales group, and made more money in the next few months than he had ever made in his life.

That is the power of making a change of one's limiting attitude, and the decision to act on that change. Transition in attitude, in combinations with our decisions and actions have an overwhelming power to invoke positive response from life!

Inner-Outer Correspondence
On the surface there does not seem to be any obvious connection between our actions and these miraculous results that follow. Yet, somehow life responds to our change in our consciousness; to our changes in behavior, attitude, action, opinions, thought, skill, etc. Why is this the case?

It is so because everything in the universe is related in energy and in consciousness, forming a unity of relations, associations, and purpose. Furthermore, this unity and oneness exists because there is fundamental spiritual substance and conscious force that underlies all existence, including all forms and beings.  From this view, we can then easily see that the boundary that separates us from others and the world is a false one; i.e. it is the results of the ignorance of the limited nature of Mind. What lies outside of us is thus inextricably related to and bound up with what is inside of us, i.e. our inner state of consciousness.

So when you move your consciousness towards the positive, you gain access to these hidden, powers that underlie all existence. When you move toward higher emotions, attitudes, behaviors, values, decisions, actions, thoughts, etc, you increase the chance of a corresponding positive reaction from across the great web of conscious force that permeates the universe. When you change some element of yourself to the better, a corresponding point on the web is touched, and positive vibrations are returned to you, which you experience as sudden, abundant, even infinite life response.  

The key is to proactively discover those wanting parts of your being, and to then make the necessary effort to change them, enabling the continuous flow of instantaneous abundance to move in your direction.

Further on, you can learn to use the spirit directly; to discover the Force above, and the evolving soul within to enable ultimate, causal life response. Then you will be well on the road to becoming the true Master of Life.

Other Methods that Attract
There are a number of other ways to make life rapidly and abundantly respond. E.g. one way is to improve yourself; such as learning a new skill to elevate your career. Consider this example where a person tried to improve his skill and got an unexpected result:

A man tried to improve his professional condition by learning new, higher level skills. He made a determined effort to see it through. Within a few days, he was contacted by a major industrial firm in the central valley of California to do a large consulting project. (He hadn't had a consulting project of any substantial order in over half a year.)

You can also make life respond by quietly wanting something (preferably something that is necessary!) from within yourself, without expressing it outwardly or demanding it. Some call this phenomenon the power of "Silent Will." Consider this extraordinary experience of a man who practiced Silent Will.

A management consultant was meeting a high level executive of one of the largest companies in the US to secure interviews with top level management for a book he was writing. The executive rejected him outright, giving many reason why the consultant request was not a good one. The consultant decided to practice Silent Will, and strained himself not to respond to any of the seemingly justifiable reasons given by the executive. After a few minutes the executive completely reversed himself, and came up with a series of reasons why the consultant request was valid. This led to the needed interviews, and much work for the consultant in the months and years that followed.

Like higher levels of organization, cleanliness, punctuality; changing negative attitudes, making important decisions, and taking actions when one was previously hesitant, Silent Will and other inner powers of consciousness have an enormous capacity to invoke wondrous abundant positive life response. When we master the inner rules and laws of consciousness, we gain an enormous power over life that we didn't have before. We, in essence, move from being the victims of Nature to becoming the Master of Life. We overcome time, we bring the future into the present, and we attract the infinite potentials of life into our reality, where we formerly saw only limited possibility. Life response is in this way "Instantaneous Miracles." 









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