30 Day Juice Fast Journey -- Day Twenty Three by Dazzle .....

I wasn't hungry, physically or psychologically all day. Yippeeee! It comes and goes... I just wait it out and am rewarded with lovely days like today...

Date:   2/7/2006 8:31:18 PM ( 18 y ago)

    I woke this morning from a deep sleep.  I've noticed my sleeping has become very deep and I wake feeling rested, but very slightly drugged.  It takes me an extra five minutes to to get the Sandman out of my eyes. 
Yesterday I went to a new produce market I'd not been to before.  I bought alot of carrots, apples and various greens.  Both my husband and I had our arms full.  It was the kind of place where they only offer baskets to carry your purchases in, not carts.  At the checkout, the lady asked why all the carrots and my husband said I was on a juice fast and was on day 22.  The lady stopped ringing up my purchases and looked  at me with her mouth open and blurted out, "But you look so healthy!"  So I explained to her why l looked so healthy.  She was more interested in how many pounds I'd lost.  The poor lady looked as though she needed to be more concerned about how healthy she is.  
I went back to Indiana, the place of my childhood, a few years ago, and stayed with some childhood friends of which one was and still is grotesquely obese and had been throughout her childhood.  When I told her about juice fasting, she was eager to try it out.  I explained the purpose and process of juice fasting to her in vivid and minute detail.  I especially emphasized the juice must be freshly juiced then immediately consumed.  I explained the differences between store bought dead juices and fresh raw live juices.  But because she was not interested in the health aspect of juicing as much as she was interested in losing massive amounts of weight, she did not listen.  So when I went back to Florida, she proceeded to drink juices from the store, health juices she called them, because that's what they said on the labels.  And juices from a juice bar which she did not drink immediately but brought back with her to her office where she worked and ended up forgetting the juice as business took over, so she would drink it hours later or just throw it out.  She became extremely constipated and could not continue her fast and she did not lose a pound of weight.  This is one example of someone who did not research on her own or did not care to educate herself before attempting a juice fast, even when the education was offered on a silver platter.  She had her sights fixated on one outcome and one outcome only and did not care to properly plan the path of her journey and so not only did she not reach her goal, but she damaged herself as well.
When I talk about juice fasting I tell people the healing aspects of fasting and the healing aspects of juicing.  I explain that the loss of weight is a by-product of the process.  That if people would take care of the health, the weight loss would follow.  Lack of health, dis-ease, is a by-product of imbalances within the body.  Fasting rebalances the body.  Juicing nourishes the body.  When the body is in balance and healthy there is no over-weight or under-weight.   There is only perfect weight.
Sometimes people need to do several fasts and incorporate dietary lifestyle changes in between the fasts in order to rebalance the body from decades of abuses and imbalances.  This is where I am.  I've smoked my entire adult life.  I have imbibed in alcohol now and then, here and there, my entire adult life.  These now and thens, here and theres pile up, especially if they've not been removed through fastings and cleansings.  Imagine a kitchen floor that never gets swept.  The bits and pieces of foods dropped here and there, now and then, begin to pile up, in decayed layers, over time, until it's impossible or at the very least, highly unpleasant, to venture in that kitchen.   Time to sweep and scrub that floor.  This analogy can be applied to the body and juice fasting.  Those bits and pieces of toxins now and then and here and there will build up and eventually make the body highly unpleasant and difficult to carry around.   This is when dis-ease (dissing your ease) begins in the body if the body is not cleansed, detoxed and rebalanced.  This is why I do 30 day juice fasts now and then, with smaller fasts in between.  I call it damage control.

Today I received the two RAW books I ordered, Hooked on Raw by Rhio and Living Cuisine: The Art and Spirit of Raw Foods by Renee Loux Underkoffler. 
They are fantastic and seem to offer so much information between the two of them of the RAW lifestyle, from benefits of eating live foods, to the equipment I will need to the absolutely gorgeous recipes.  The pictures of the finished dishes in Rhio's book are stunning and extremely appetizing.   I am beginning to see just how involved this lifestyle can be.  Many recipes take hours to complete if soaking or sprouting is required.  Sometimes it's recommended to begin a recipe the day before.  Reading all of this, I'm thinking about how I can incorporate this time consuming lifestyle into a life that's already full.  I'm willing to give it a try until March 19.  I've located another wholefoods store but haven't had a chance to explore.  That will happen this weekend.   I'm finished with the fast Feb 14, Tuesday, so I want to have some whole RAW foods here when I come off the fast.  

I also received the Oxy-Powder I ordered and will begin this tonight as directed.  I will let you know if it works and how well it works without details.  I'm actually looking forward to trying it out.  I'm tired of the psyllium, clays, lax teas that all create various levels of discomfort and cramps.  Oxy-Powder claims to clean out the entire digestive tract, colon, large and small intestines and introduces stabilized nascent oxygen into the bloodstream and intestinal tract.
Some information from their website:

Today is Day 23 of my 30 day juice fast journey.  And today was a very good day.  My energy was high, I looked good.  I weighed myself and I have lost 20 pounds of fugly fat and nasty toxins!  I am wearing clothes I've not worn in a few years.  People are noticing and wondering what I am doing.  I get a real kick out of telling them because I invariably receive the same reaction as the lady at the produce market.  I wasn't hungry, physically or psychologically all day.  Yippeeee!  It comes and goes... I just wait it out and am rewarded with lovely days like today. 
Well, I am going to read the RAW books I received today (I am really excited to learn as much as I can of this lifestyle) while I sip a rooibos tea with a cinnamon stick before I take a hot detox bath. 
I hope you all have a splendiferous evening and peace filled dreams.
I'll talk with you tomorrow.
~ Dazzle 
February 7, 2006


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