Inspirations for Our Multidimensional Selves by greggechols .....

We are continually receiving "inspirations" that are meant to move us into our true, multi-dimensional selves. This means moving outside of our limiting minds into the fullness of Who We Really Are.

Date:   5/5/2007 10:31:00 PM ( 17 y ago)

…Your natural state of being, and what you are evolving toward, is a multidimensional character who will be able to make peace on this planet and take that peace into other worlds as well…These layers of reality are beginning to split and fragment, and you are moving into new aspects of your abilities and expression. Now the trick is to catch these things—to spend more time pursuing what you have been inspired to discover over the years. (Barbara Marciniak, Earth: Pleiadian Keys to the Living Library, p. 149)

If we are indeed multidimensional selves, and if we are indeed our own ancestors, then wouldn’t it seem plausible that all the “inspirations” we receive in our lives are indeed coming from the untapped portions of our selves: those aspects of our beings that are motioning that index finger on our right hand back and forth, looking at us directly, and saying, “come on, we’re waiting for you…we’re opening you to your magnificence!”

What if these various “inspirations” were messages—smoke signals!—from these parts of ourselves that are our fully realized future selves? What if they were messages from our daemons, our blueprint-selves: that part of us that represents our mission in life, our destiny?
We give ourselves credit for these moments of inspiration, but, mostly likely, they are all originating from outside of our conscious self. It is as though they are hints, gleamings, and tremendous clues coming to us from that part of us that knows our potential: why we came here to Earth at this time. We came here with a purpose, a mission, and more than likely, we’ve forgotten. Inspirations are reminders, in a way.

Inspire derives from the Latin inspirare, from in- + spirare to breathe (spirare- breath of life or soul). To infuse by breathing, guided by the divine or supernatural: breathing life into something, which our daemons and “guiding selves” certainly do when they give us these amazing moments of inspiration.

If we aligned ourselves with these “inspirations,” and chose to pursue each of them more fully, imagine the roads we would encounter on our life’s path! Imagine the richness of life we’d experience with each of these “inner gleamings.” There is something calling us, beckoning us, and directing us in each of these moments of inspiration. The soul is calling us forward, into who we truly are.

I know when I get these “inspirations,” the feeling is amazingly alive: rich, exciting; body-tingling, breath-taking, and heart-pounding. It’s my soul talking to me, and if, in these moments, I were to take the gift of inspiration and move deeper into it, allowing it to move forward, I would be moving more fully into who I really am!

This is what moments of inspiration are moving us into. They are the future calling us into who we were meant to be. How many times do these inspirations seem far-fetched and impossible when we turn around and look back at them? I know I experience this with these inspirations at times, and it is because my limited mind has taken hold of the “inner gleaming” and tried to squeeze it into its small circumference of awareness. And, then, wham: my inspiration is squashed.

So, as I write this, I understand why and how the path of becoming who I truly am is difficult and certainly a chore: it is because it is meant to move me beyond who this limited mind thinks it is. It is because I am being moved into living fully as a multidimensional being, one who can embrace the energy of my full and rich self that lives outside of time. My rational mind cannot understand this, nor does it want this kind of experience to infringe on paying bills, driving the car, and dealing with relationships. It is not equipped to handle this!

So by moving deeply into these inspirations and “inner gleamings,” I can then begin creating a new muscle: my multidimensional muscle of the true reality of my being. It is as though I create a new reality by aligning myself more deeply with Spirit, with my daemon, Higher Self, Future Self, God Within, Cosmic Christ, Spirit Guide, Ancestors, Nowcester—all aspects of who I am! This is the work, the challenge, the mission. It is what we are each being asked to do.

As each of us grows this multidimensional muscle, the process, in turns, grows the multidimensional muscle of the planet, and of our collective humanity. We are working with and on behalf of each other as we move deeper into our inspirations. Our collective multidimensional muscle is growing stronger each time this occurs, and as we become more aware of our True Being. We affect so many worlds when we do this kind of work, and I know that there are levels involved here that I cannot even fathom—at least not yet!

The African medicine man Malidoma Somé remembers his grandfather talking to him as a child. “I will not speak out of my own thoughts,” his grandfather would say. So it is with our inspirations and “inner gleamings.” They are not of our own creation on this level, nor are they limited to something the mind is creating. They are gifts from our own Divinity, our own Cosmic Greatness, coming to us to remind us and move us forward.

Let us be bold and courageous and strong, and allow ourselves to step fully into these inspirations, giving them full life in this world. Doing so will honor all of Creation, and benefit our fellow travelers in ways we cannot even imagine.


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