ECO-Alert:Wildlife/Forestry/Wilderness/Coasts by Liora Leah .....

Help protect and conserve U.S. forestry, Utah's Redrock Wilderness, U.S. and world wildlife, America's coasts, and California sea otters with these fast and simple ECO-Actions!

Date:   7/23/2005 9:59:56 PM ( 19 y ago)

Photo: Goose Creek, Smith River National Recreation
Area, CA, an area with a proposed LWCF project. Photo courtesy
Trust for Public Land.Take Action!

Last Chance Looms to Ensure Funding for

Land, Water, Recreation!

Sometime within the next two weeks, we expect the House and Senate to work out final budget numbers for the Interior Appropriations bill for the next fiscal year. Within that budget will be funding for two very important land protection programs: the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) and Forest Legacy.

The Senate version provides much higher funding levels than those in the House-passed bill. Please urge your Members of Congress to support the Senate's funding levels for both the LWCF and Forest Legacy.

Send a message now from: 

Sponsored by The Wilderness Society


Stop Oil Drilling in Glen Canyon National Recreation Area!

Pronghorn antelope

It took millions of years to create the delicate sandstone arches and swirling crimson towers that rise over southern Utah's Redrock Wilderness. But it takes only a matter of days to destroy this delicate balance.

When the Bush administration allowed 50,000-pound trucks to crash through the desert in search of oil and gas in 2002, scientists said up to 300 years might be needed for the soils to recover from the damage. Permanent energy development would be even more devastating.

Now the Bush administration has proposed permitting an oil well to be drilled in a remote corner of Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, a wild and scenic region of the Redrock Wilderness.

Tell the Bush administration not to drill in Glen Canyon National Recreation Area!

Click Here to Save this BioGem!

Sponsored by National Resources Defense Council



ACTION DEADLINE:  July 25, 2005 
Roadless Areas - Oregon


You have an important opportunity to help increase federal funding for grants to states to prevent wildlife from becoming endangered and for special funds for the conservation of rhinos, tigers, elephants, great apes, sea turtles, and neotropical migratory birds. 

While the Senate approved $72 million for the state wildlife grants, the House allocated only $65 million.  If, as is often the case, Congress splits the difference, this important program will be left with much less funding than is needed and less than it received last year. 

The Senate also approved a higher level for the special funds for rhinos, tigers, elephants, great apes, sea turtles, and neotropical migratory birds around the world-- a total of $10.5 million versus the $9.9 million approved by the House. 

Click here to:  »» Learn more and send a letter urging your member(s) of Congress to push for the higher Senate funding levels for these two key wildlife programs. 

Sponsored by the World Wildlife Fund


Hands Off Our Coasts!

America's most beautiful seashores dotted with oil derricks... The ecological disaster of a major oil spill off California, Florida, or Virginia... Marine mammals at risk...It could happen!

Our opponents may have the best lobbyists the oil industry can buy, but we've got grassroots power! More than 50,000 letters of outrage have gone to Congress from LCV supporters. That sends a strong message to Congress that Big Oil and our coasts just don't belong together.

This week is an important milestone as the Senate and the House come together to debate the wide-ranging energy bill. If passed, a provision allowing inventory of oil and gas reserves on our beaches could open the floodgates to a future of countless oil derricks -- and oil spills -- on our precious shorelines.

Protect our coasts! 
Big Oil is already hard at work trying to defeat the ban against coastal drilling.  We need your help to counter their efforts.

Send a message to Congress, urging them to oppose oil drilling off our coasts! Tell them to stop making coastal drilling a reality:

Sponsored by League of Conservation Voters


California Residents:

Protect Sea Otters, California Coasts

Sea Otter

An open seat on the California Coastal Commission could spell trouble for the state's sea otters, other wildlife and the coastal habitat they depend on. That's why we need you to speak up right now for environmental leadership on this important commission.

California Assembly Speaker Fabian Núñez is considering re-appointing a former commissioner with a long record of voting for irresponsible development that threatens California's precious marine wildlife and wildlife habitat. Please send a message to the Speaker right now to urge him to consider all interested and qualified candidates for the commission.


Go go to the DEN Action Center at  *and ask Assembly Speaker Núñez to consider all other interested, qualified candidates in the Central Coast region. Thanks for helping speak out for the state's precious marine resources and the wildlife that depend on them.

Sponsored by Defenders of Wildlife

*Note: Before you take this Action, Defenders of Wildlife will ask you to join their action alert network (free) and receive periodic e-mails about their other eco-actions.


Thanks for Taking Action! 

 Liora Leah


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