Ragging on Whole Foods by YourEnchantedGardener .....

Ragging on Whole Foods Market. This is why I love Whole Foods Market Hillcrest.

Date:   4/19/2007 10:02:52 AM ( 17 y ago)

7:11 AM
April 19, 2007

I want to thank my Jewish Brother Blue Pastry
and my Job's Tear growing Sister Ren the Starchild
for bringing up a LiveLy Discussion about Whole Foods Market
on the Plant Your Dream Blog.

See their comments here:



I love Whole Foods Market, Make no mistake about that.

I love Whole Foods Market for the same person I
I Love Jesus. I love things that are good to me,
that I have a personal relationship with, that talk
to me when I need answers.

I accept that every personal relationship has its bumps
and growth patterns.

I am a person that enjoys the Ride.

I once was sitting by the side of an Ugly Hot Springs
in Eden Arizona.

There was an Old Friend, who I am Pissed at now,
named [ ]. He would go into a Trance.
An Incredible Source of Wisdom would pour out of his Mouth.
The Source of Wisdom, would tell us about Angels
and Archangels, That source always wanted me to be on Raw Foods,
but I had a hellava time doing that.

By the way, that same Source, John, is one of the Teachers
that Gabriel Cousens hangs with to this day.
Kevin and the Spooks he channels are honored teachers
who are part of Gabriel's Essene Priest/Priestess Program
that you can sign up for at the Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center.

Philip and Susan, two of the wonderful teachers in that program,
will be here at the Enchanted Garden Intentional Community
this Sunday Eve preparing a meal and celebrating the
lauching of The Rodriguez Ranch Buy Back.

We are out to help Joe raise enough money to
buy back the 100 acre organic farm that he now leases,
but once owed since 1985.

Back to the point,
and then Back to the Other Point,
and then, maybe the Bottom line.

Point #1: When I was sitting with Kevin about 30 years ago
at Healing Waters in Eden Arizona, there were some really beautiful
hot springs, but we were way out in the desert at this Ugly Springs.

I asked why.

John, John son of Zebedee, my Essene Teacher,
the same who when he was an Old Man, is said to have
written the Book of Revelation,
you know the Armageddon Story and all that--
turned and gazed over to the right.

"Do you not see the Angels?" he asked.
He said, "The Angels go where the work needs to be done."

That is a paraphrase, John in those days, spoke in all
kinds of Bible Lingo, Le, “Ye, Shall Take and Find” etc.

His Point: Here we were at this really beaten down choice
of a hot springs. We could have been where there was a lot
more ambiance, but we went where the Angels were hanging.

Why were they hanging there?
Because the work, needed to be done there,
there at that Ugly Springs that really needed some clean up.

I am a member of the OB People’s Coop.
Recently the Newsletter editor asked to be
taken off my email list because I suggested
that people bring Whole Food Quality locally grown
organic food to the Soilmates Circle I have here
each month.

I shop at Whole Foods, because here is an opportunity
here. There is an Opening for Transformation, and
people who shop who really have it in their capacity
to make social change. A good percent of those
shoppers deeply appreciate when I offer them
a Joe the Farmer berry. That want this. They want
local. There are willing to spend the money
for the best that can be bought, and then sincerely
want to help our world be a more beautiful place.

Some people talk about preaching to the Choir.
I gave up doing that a long time ago.
I have too much healing to do, plus I am not into
having a boring life.

Aside # 305A:

Most of my relationships are imbalanced, but not boring.
How else would I grow?

I believe that if two people have the guts to stay in touch--
in touch with feelings--to keep communicating, anything is possible.
The impossible becomes possible.

We all have things to learn.

We learn them when we make mistakes.

There is such a thing as being righteously angry.
THere is something healthy about that.
There is something about being richeously jealous,
or having envy. This are all normal emotions that
when deeply looked at can bring us to balance.

These emotions are intended to ask us to ask deep questions.

I recently took a stand on my relationship with
Twin Soul/Best Friend.

I realize I may not have a clue what a healthy male-female relationship
is, but I am remembering.

I am re-mem-ber-ing all my broken pieces into One
Unbroken Wholeness in Flowing Movement--that is Consciousness.
That is the Enchanted Garden.

I love Twin Soul/Best Friend, and there is a part of me that
is pissed.

There is a part of me that believes she walked/is walking away
from the Best Relationship she ever had in her entire life,
and possible could have, but that is for her to see.

Another part of me--accepts--this is a woman that needs new experiences--
and maybe one day she will realize what she really wants in a relationship
through her experiences.

We all learn from the pain that we cause ourselves.

We make amends. We say, I am sorry I did that.
I did not know any better. I am still learning. Thank you
for giving me a chance to see.

"Oh now I am seeing through Real Eyes!" my spiritual father
Dr. Bernard Jensen would say.

Back to Point #2:

Ragging on Whole Foods--

I love Whole Foods because I love Michael Besancon, the
Regional President. I love Love Foods because I have kind and generous
feelings for Marci Frumkin, the Regional Marketing Director.
She said yes to my full page ad that is now 25,000 in circulation--
the ad about this Sunday's "Sign a Letter to Joe the Farmer/ Plant Your Dream" exhibit in Balboa Park. That ad cost $600.00

I love Dave Sanders, the Whole Foods Market Hillcrest, President.
He basically has said yes to everything I have wanted. He wants
to bring local farmers into his store. He wants that because that is what Michael wants, and I only speak about things I know.

Then there is Carolyn Kates--the sweetheart who works with Ray Kau, who
heads Marketing at Whole Foods Hillcrest. Carolyn is a sweet real human being. She wants to help farmers. She helped Ray but on an evening where they showed "An Inconvenient Truth." He wants to take shoppers to
local farms so the shoppers can see what is really going on.

Ray--we are learning to work together.
He works 9-5. I work around the clock when I want something.
We worked together to make a good ad. That took a lot of work.

Then, there are all the Receivers of food at Whole Foods Hillcrest.

I am a pain in the butt to them.

They have their hands full, dealing with a ton of foods on palates
and Your Enchanted Gardener shows us with ten boxes of fresh picked
locally grown strawberries that have a shelf life of 24 hours.

Please! Do you get the challenge of what that would take to
sell ten boxes of that kind of food when the Warehouse System
is all set up to have foods that last forever?????????

Dr. Jensen spoke to that:

The Warehouse is all about Eternal Shelf Life.
The crackers that are preserved are meant to last forever.
They can be boxed, packaged.
They can be wrapped and gift wrapped.
You can keep them on a shelf for a year, and they will still
taste fresh.

Do you have a clue what a Joe the Farmer berry will be like
if you left it on the bin for a week?

You would have compost!!!!

Then Goldman, Your EG comes along, wanting big signs.
Wanting cooperation between what Dave would like as well,
and Ray and Carolyn, if they had the time to do more,
and Bill, the wonderful main Produce Team Leader, who is working as
fast as he can just to make it all happen.

And what about Joe? He wants his farm back, and he knows that
if he can get enough support from Whole Foods Market--it can happen.

So it all comes down to you, doesn't it--the shopper with the
$3.99 for a pint of berries.

Dr. Jensen would say--
In this hand I have a berry, the ripest sweetest berry you can possibly
have, a great source of vitamins, a great source of enzymes--
a great food here with ripe seeds, the more seeds the better!!!

and in this hand, I have another berry.
I little berry that was picked too soon, so it could fit in a plastic
container, and be shipped to a Warehouse, and then fit in a big box,
and is easier to sell because it will last longer.

Which do you choose?
I have made my choice, he would say.

Whole Foods Market--I love them because they realize that
food costs money. They are willing to pass the hidden costs
to the shopper rather than ask Mother Earth to pick up the tab.

Do you understand the hidden costs of food?

Do you get it when we use cheap labor a thousands
of miles away to cut corners?

Do you get it the unseen cost of transporation
through places like the San Juaquin Valley where
the asthma rate is 16% from the pesticides,
and pollution of trucks constantly rolling through
their air stuck Valley.

One out of every four trucks is bringing food from someplace
else? What is the hidden health cost?

What is the pollution expense?

Walmart--they realize that if they have cheap labor they can make
a good profit margin.

Whole foods Market--they want to be successful in a market that
demands all kinds of risk.

Why do you think Wild Oats/Henry’s needed to sell out in the first place?
They were going broke! Whole Foods saw an opportunity--either they
were going to buy them out, or somebody else was going to do that.

It was good business and they are into being a successful business.

I support that. George Bush supports that.

The question is, what kind of a Corporation is Whole Foods Market?

I would “die” for it, if all Corporations were doing what they are up too!

This is a corporation that gathers up all their food that is
past dated and turns it into soil again.

This is a corporation that in San Diego has one store that I know of--
my store--that is the largest purchasing of Wind Power in San Diego.

This is a store--that when I go to the Check Out, I see a picture
of people who are in Poverty and I am asked by the signage if I am willing to open my pocket and give $10.00 to help someone else.

This is a corporation that truly supports local farmers in my city.

Look at this--

On May 5, I am going on a bus to visit some local farms with other
shoppers. We are leaving from Whole Foods Hillcrest.

We are going to visit Tierra Miguel CSA.

Tierra Miguel doesn't have any foods to sell that our in the store
right now, but they were part of the local Vendor day last Saturday
where I and Joe the Farmer showed our fresh foods that are in
the store.

Why? Why? Why?

Because This store wants San Diego to have a thriving
farm economy and the are Big Enough to see that it does not matter
if Tierra Miguel is delivering their CSA boxes all over the place.

Eventually, when Tierra Miguel gets strong enough, Mitch of Tierra Miguel tells me we will have a Local Growers Coop, and working together,
all the loical farmers are going to make sure we have healthier lunches in the schools.

I am committed that San Diego will once again be a growing capital
of food for the world--organically growing food.

I could tell you ten other programs that are wonderful about
Whole Foods Market, and I will do that another time.

Go to their website if you like and look up Whole Foods Planet Foundation.

I just went out into the backyard.

I found a beaten in Joe the Farmer box that I am going to duck tape
where it is broken.

This Sunday I am going to have that box in the Children's parade.

Do you know why?

I will tell you.

Because this Returnable Box, decorated by Kids, is going to one
day be in a Food Museum.

It represents all the pain of Joe the Farmer.

For years, he was upset that his lovely lettuce, fresh picked went
up to Los Angeles, sat in a warehouse, and then was shipped back down
to some store to be sold.

That is called the Warehouse Food System and Walmart and Vons
and Safeway, and all the other Corps would die if it were not for the
Warehouse System and Eternal Shelf Life Crackers that keep
our Hospitals in great shape.

That Box--Whole Foods Market Food Receivers are going to get this
one decorated Box before long filled with the freshest, sweetest,
yummiest lettuce that is so fresh is does not know it has been picked yet.
It will arrive a few hours after it was picked,
and a Whole New World is possible thanks to the shopper
who eats some of the Last Real Food on Earth.

Do you hear me?

This is Leslie Goldman
Your Enchanted Gardener
three days from creating
a lovely beautiful Enchanted Garden Installations
on Earth Day.

Thanks for ragging on Whole Foods Market,
it makes me write.


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