Your Chicken Soup Story by YourEnchantedGardener .....

My story in the Chicken Soup for the Soul upcoming book? What is your story?

Date:   3/14/2006 6:41:36 AM ( 18 y ago)

Follow Up, Leslie!
One of the things that came out of being
with Mark Victor Hansen two weekends ago
was an invite to write up my story
for Chicken Soup for the Disabled Soul...

Gosh!!! I wonder what the real title of that book is?

The intent is to end the idea anyone is disabled!!!!

Mark, is a major cheerleader of me to
make the most of my life.

I had an opportunity to have something
in Chicken Soup for the Peacemaker's Soul,
but missed that.

One of the problems with writing Chicken Soup
stories is the format and point of view.
I need to study the above website and learn more

Jack Canfield is a jewel of a person.
Patty Asbury, the president of Chicken Soup,
is a cheerleader of mine too. I need to be in touch with her.

ALSO March 14--today is the deadline for
submitting my application to the Creativity and Madness
Conference Scholarship...

Please follow up, leslie

your eg

This is a picture of me with world class surgeon William Bugbee,
M.D. I created my room in the Thorton Hospital as a Healing Haven.
I intended that everyone who came through the door would be
influenced. I set an intention: Through my Getting HIp, Health
Care would Get Hip to being all it could be. I went to the hospital
weeks before. I made friends with the Chef. I arranged for my own
organic foods from local farmers to be delivered to the hospital kitchen
before I entered. I made friends with the person who helps you get
your needs met. She said, "Just imagine we are a five star hotel
with a little extra room service!"

My surgeries were about one year apart, back
in December 2001 and January of 2003.

I have been defined as disabled most of my adult life.
I walk with a limp, a very unusual gait. Many of my bones
are stuck together, and somehow do their best to keep my
body, mind, and soul together. I for the most part, have a lot
of uncomfortable feelings being in this world. I do not fall
into an recognized catagory of employment. My talents are
for the most part, other worldly as well as very down in the soil.
For lack of a better definition I call myself Your Enchanted Gardener.
That name fits for a name who is a poet, protographer, and Seed
Dream grower of Souls and Soil.

I have never been married, but I have healthy relationships with
many of my former Beloveds, who inspire much of my wisdom
about understanding women. A number of former and current
Beloveds were at my side night and day during my hospital stays.
Morea Garcia drove me to the hospital for both surgeries. The
third day of each surgery--is already being over the hill. They
generally get you out of bed to start moving on day three. Day four
I had my Salsa dance teacher with me, Rebecca. We made a movie
of me dancing. The Fourth day for me was Saturday. In my tradition
that is the Shabat, and so my best spirit ally, Ariella came. Saturday
night, the first time, I had my Sweetheart show up. She spent
the night. We laughed a lot. They give you a special book that
talks about not having any kind of physical intimacy for at least
12 weeks. We experimented, and thought to recommend
some new rules for the Manual of Medical procedures for
hip surgeries.

I eased the tension of surgery through imagining I was making a movie.
I had a friend do footage of parts of my stay. I had Morea take pictures
of me going into surgery both times. I had a copy of one of my Seven Love Cures with me both times. I was reading the poem to the nurses heading for surgery. Rather do that, that get into the normal experience. Morea was there
when I woke up both times. She did Reiki, an energy medicine, with me
Many of the nurses were closet healers, and welcomed her presence.

I planned out which day my "health aids" would be with me.
Morea is a natural born healer. She travels with me to each conference
where I can get her to do her healing work. She sets up her table
at the Pacific Symposium each fall, where I serve the acupuncture

The worse day of surgery for hip revisions is day two. Both times.
Dalya Miri Ralston, the wife of MD Adin Ralston has been with me.
She is an artist, a mother, a teacher. She is an enpath, highly sensitive,
and knows her way around hospitals. She was my advocate on the day
when I was having intense bowel upset. Day two eve, first time around, I had Dr. Gary Hartman, M.D. with me sleeping in my room. He was a dear
friend and lover of Rumi. Sadly, he died of cancer between my two
surgeries. Day four the first time, Rebecca, my salsa dance teacher
came. She is full of life and energy. Ariella Shira, my spiritual ally,
is also the wife of an MD. She was with me both Saturdays.

The hardest experience was came during surgery two.
I went from using Morphine--that stops the bowel--to Arnica Montana,
Boiron brand. That was the only pain remedy I needed. The doctors
and nurses saw red flags. They knew nothing about homeopathy.
One nurse looked up arnica on the web, on a health site they visit.
She printed up an article. Arnica, as a plant, is a poison. The homeopathic
dose helps ease pain. This remedy works for me, beyond what
it is suppose to do.

Thornton Hospital is part of the UC teaching network, so I had an
opportunity to "Teach." A year later, when I returned, Dr. Bugbee
was very happy to see me. We have a great rapport. One of his
student M.D. doing an internship, was with him. His name was
Scott. He remembered me and thanked me for what he learned.
I asked him, "What did you learn?" He said, one thing was about

In the early 20th century, we had homeopathic hospitals.
The conventional schools have overshadowed this wonderful
medicine that is having a comeback. I was glad to do my part.

Every time, I saw Dr. Bugbee, I would give him one of The Seven
Love Cures for his wife. I always would ask, "How is your wife
and family?" One time, I heard him say, "Leslie, really does know

My most unusual experience with the surgeries came somewhere
about six months after the second one.

I recieved this Very Special Invitation in the mail from the Chancellor
of the UCSD School of Medicine. What was he wanting from me?
Why would I, a person on disability, be getting an invitation to
attend a very posh home in Rancho Sante Fe to spend an evening
listening to the Chancellor and his plans to build a new integrative
medicine state of the art hospital for arthritis +?

It was a cold night. I thought twice about going out, and driving
my 68 VW van up someplace in the the backwoods. I had
butterflies in my stomach trying to find the place. They had valet
parking, but I choose to park myself up the hill. I was still
using a crutch.

Dr. Bugbee could not quarantee how my surgeries would come out.
There was a chance I would end up in a wheel chair for the rest of
my life. My hips are extreme. This was a Revision, not just a replacement.
They had to do some bone grafting. I am held together with titanium
and screws. He is very pleased with the results. I am able to sit without
much pain. I can drive. I can get around. It is a blessing that we have
such medicine and skillful surgeons when we need them.

That night, the night of the event. I made my way up the path to the
house. It was dark. At the end of the road was a very large mansion.
I figured it took someone a whole lot of selling Girl Scout cookies
to buy that place.

I knocked. I still had no idea why I was being invited to attend this
fundraiser. My donation would have been enough for
a no smoking sign for the new center.

Dr. Bugbee answered the door. I felt instantly at home.
He was very happy to see me. "Why did you invite me?"
I asked. "I wanted you to be here!' He said.

"You are one of my star patients. I loved the way
you advocated for yourself. I loved the way you insisted
on being in charge of your own hospital experience."

That night, they discussed building a state of the art
facility, where doctors from various disciplines of research,
development, and knife would have offices side by side
and start talking. I gave my two cents, and made some
friends. That night they also had an Enchanted Gardener
with them. I was glad to serve.

Your EG

So What is your Chicken Soup for the Soul story?

Here is the list of upcoming books intended for
the series:

We’re Looking for Stories!
We have many Chicken Soup books in development and we’re always looking for new stories. If you have a story, let us know. Take a look at the list of some of our possible books and see if there’s a fit.

You can submit your story by going to the link at the bottom of this page. Thanks!

Here Are Some of Our Working Titles:

Adopted Soul
A collection of stories that share the unique experiences of adoption from the points of view of the birth family, the person who has been adopted and the adopting family. No deadline date for submissions has been established.

African American Teen's Soul
Stories about real life teen experiences that will inspire and teach without preaching. No deadline date for submissions has been established.

Alzheimer’s Soul
A collection of stories to encourage and support all those suffering at the hands of this terrible disease and the people who care for them. No deadline date for submissions has been established.

Beauty Professional's Soul
Stories of passion, transformation and creativity honoring Beauty Professionals. No deadline date for submissions has been established.

Bedtime Stories for Kids
A timeless collection of stories to delight children everywhere. No deadline date for submissions has been established.

Cat Lover's Soul II
Another wonderful collection of stories celebrating cats as family. No deadline date for submissions has been established.

Catholic Soul
A affirming collection of powerful and heartwarming stories and poems full of faith and inspiration. No deadline date for submissions has been established.

Children with Special Needs
Stories to give inspiration to all parents in their goals of helping special needs kids go from handicapped to handicapable. The deadline date for story submissions is October, 2006.

Chocolate Lover's Soul
Yummy!! Need we say more? For a chocolate lover there is nothing like the taste of chocolate. This collection of stories will be delicious! No deadline date for submissions has been established.

Christmas Treasury Collection
A timeless collection of stories that celebrate the magic of the season. No deadline date for submissions has been established.

Coffee Lover's Soul
For a coffee lover, that first cup of coffee in the morning is what it's all about! These stories, from and about coffee lovers will explain their passion. No deadline date for submissions has been established.

Cookbook for Busy Moms
Fast and easy meal plans, helpful tips and tasty recipes to help busy moms Need we say more! The deadline date for story submissions is March, 2006.

Cooking with Kids
A collection of stories and recipes that bring back fond memories and experiences of the cooking you did as a young child. Please be sure to include the quick and easy recipe that goes along with your story. The deadline date for story submissions is April, 2006.

Cowboy's Soul
Stories about modern cowboys; the icons of the great American West who carry on the cowboy traditions of hard work, hard fun and, occasionally, hard luck. No deadline date for submissions has been established.

Crafter's, Knitter's and Quilter’s Soul
A collection of stories celebrating the art of crafting, knitting and quilting. No deadline date for submissions has been established.

Dating for Teens
Stories about the adventures, challenges, and humorous moments that are encountered when teens are dating. No deadline date for submissions has been established.

Dating Soul
Stories about the adventures, challenges, and humorous moments that are encountered when dating. No deadline date for submissions has been established.

Dog Lover's Soul II
Another wonderful collection of stories celebrating dogs as family. No deadline date for submissions has been established.

Fisherman's Soul II
Another helping of fish tales guaranteed to hook your spirit and snag your funny bone! No deadline date for submissions has been established.

Football Lover's Soul
Stories of inspiration and resilience from football players and from the fans who love football. No deadline date for submissions has been established.

Girl's Soul II
Another collection of stories from preteen girls and others who haven't forgotten what it's like to be a preteen girl. No deadline date for submissions has been established.

Golfer's Soul for Women
Stories for and about women who golf that capture the trials and tribulations on the fairway and that will entertain and inspire you. No deadline date for submissions has been established.

Healthy Living - Anxiety
A new series that brings both emotional support and vital information to people living with anxiety. No deadline date for submissions has been established.

Healthy Living - Arthritis and Back Pain
A new series that brings both emotional support and vital information to people living with arthritis and back pain. The deadline for story submissions is March, 2006.

Healthy Living - Depression
A new series that brings both emotional support and vital information to people living with depression. The deadline date for story submissions is December, 2006.

Healthy Living - Pain Management
A new series that brings both emotional support and vital information to people striving to manage their pain. The deadline for story submissions is September, 2006.

Healthy Living - Sleeplessness
A new series that brings both emotional support and vital information to people living with sleeplessness. No deadline date for submissions has been established.

Healthy Living - Smoking
A new series that brings both emotional encouragement and vital information to people who smoke and want to stop. No deadline date for submissions has been established.

Healthy Living Recipes
Stories, tips and tasty recipes to nourish the body, feed the soul and help keep the weight off. No deadline date for submissions has been established.

Kids Soul III
A third book of inspiring and character-building stories for kids ages 6-10. No deadline date for submissions has been established.

Life Lessons and Organizing Tips for Busy Moms
A book with just the right ingredients to help support busy moms to better organize and promote balance for a healthier life style. The deadline date for story submissions is June, 2006.

Life Lessons on Parenting
Parenting is the most difficult job in the world and also the most rewarding. These lessons and stories will inspire parents to learn and celebrate the joys and challanges of being a parent. The deadline date for story submissions is July, 2006.

Life Lessons on Relationships/Couples
Stories and lessons to help you reconnect with the things that are important in a relationship. No deadline date for submissions has been established.

Menopausal Soul
Light-hearted stories about that "second coming-of-age" told from the perspectives of those women who have experienced it and those men who have lived through it. No deadline date for submissions has been established.

Mother and Daughter Soul II
A second collection of wonderful and inspiring stories that celebrate the special relationship between a mother and a daughter. The deadline date for story submissions is April, 2006.

Motorcyclist's Soul
A collection of stories about the adventures experienced by people who ride motorcycles and about people who love this exciting sport. No deadline date for submissions has been established.

New Mom's Soul
There is nothing as life changing as being a new mom. These stories will make you laugh, make you cry and let new moms know that they are not alone in what they are going through. No deadline date for submissions has been established.

No Specific Title
If you have a great story but don't see a book title that it fits, please submit it here

Nurse's Soul II
A second collection of stories to celebrate the rewards and challenges of the nursing profession. No deadline date for submissions has been established.

People Helping People
If you have a heart-warming, insightful, humorous or moving story about people helping people, please tell us. Perhaps you helped someone in need or maybe you were the recipient of the generosity of the human spirit. For complete chapter outlines and guidelines please go to The deadline date for story submissions is August, 2006.

Red Hat Society
Stories about the women who belong to this unique group. These stories will make you feel good and will rekindle the warmth in your heart. No deadline date for submissions has been established.

Runner's Soul
Many people enjoy running. They find it to be an energizing and rewarding experience. The stories in this book will give us an insight into the runner's soul. No deadline date for submissions has been established.

Scrapbooker's Soul
A collection of stories that celebrate all those who enjoy the art of scrapbooking. The deadline date for story submissions is June, 2006.

Shopper's Soul
Shopping can be an energizing, cathartic experience and it's evolved into an art form, requiring highly coveted skills. Please share your funny, moving or inspiring shopping stories with us. Chapters include: It's in the Jeans Genes, The Dating Game, Mall Mania, Shop Till You Drop, Bargain Hunting 101, In Search of the Holy Grail and The Customer is Always Right ... sometimes. The deadline for story submissions is November, 2006

Sister's Soul II
Another collection of heart warming stories to recognize the essential role a sister plays in your life. The deadline date for story submissions is October, 2006.

Sisters' and Brothers' Soul
Relationships between sisters and brothers span a lifetime, thus creating those special sibling memories, and stories, that will last much longer. No deadline date for submissions has been established.

Soulful Guide to Alaska/Hawaii
Who doesn’t want to visit Alaska or Hawaii at least once in their lifetime? The nation’s 49th and 50th states are filled with wonderful destinations and great Chicken Soup stories, all to be shared in this new travel guide. No deadline date for submissions has been established.

Soulful Guide to California
With over $68 billion brought in each year by the tourism industry, California is the nation’s top tourist destination! This travel guide will feature stories and destinations about the Golden State, which will inspire the “California Dreamer” in you! No deadline date for submissions has been established.

Soulful Guide to Florida
Of course all is great in the Sunshine State! This guide will share fun travel stories about and destinations in the sun-filled state of Florida, a state that is always full of surprises! No deadline date for submissions has been established. No deadline date for submissions has been established.

Soulful Guide to New England
Who doesn’t want to visit New England? From balmy summers to fall colors - Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont dish up wonderful stories and destinations to inspire the traveler in you! No deadline date for submissions has been established.

Soulful Guide to New York
A travel guide about the amazing state of New York to include enduring, funny, heartfelt and inspiring stories and destination information about one of the nation’s most popular tourism states. No deadline date for submissions has been established.

Soulful Guide to Texas
This travel guide will capture the spirit of Texas and include wonderful stories of why there’s a little bit of Texan in all of us! And don’t forget about the great destinations in the Lone Star state — remember the Alamo! No deadline date for submissions has been established.

Soulful Guide to the Great Lakes
The Great Lakes region is just that — great! Don’t leave Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, Indiana and Ohio out of sharing their wonderful destinations and fun travel stories — you’ll be surprised at their diversity! No deadline date for submissions has been established.

Soulful Guide to the Great Plains
Rich in cultural history and myriad travel destinations, don’t miss out on this travel guide and story anthology about the states of North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, Minnesota, Iowa and Missouri. No deadline date for submissions has been established.

Soulful Guide to the Mid-Atlantic
This travel guide will tempt you to pack your bags and head to the mid-Atlantic region of the United States; destinations and stories about Washington D.C., Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia are featured in this guide. No deadline date for submissions has been established.

Soulful Guide to the Northwest
This travel guide will feature great stories from, and exciting destinations in the northwestern part of the United States —Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington and Wyoming. Bet you’ll learn something new! No deadline date for submissions has been established.

Soulful Guide to the South
Highlighting the traditions and culture of Southern life, this travel guide will include stories and destinations from the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee. No deadline date for submissions has been established.

Soulful Guide to the Southwest
Heritage and spirit are strong in the Southwest — learn about unique destinations and read inspiring stories about the states of Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico. You won’t be disappointed! No deadline date for submissions has been established.

A collection of stories about that one special person with whom you share a connection, These stories will leave an imprint on your heart and inspire you. No deadline date for submissions has been established.

Stepfamily's Soul
Stories to share the daily struggles, amazing triumphs and humorous moments that define the relationships of the members of the stepfamily. The deadline date for story submissions is April, 2006.

Weight Loss/Diet
Inspirational stories to aid those on their quest toward weight loss and keeping the weight off. The deadline for story submissions is December, 2006.

If you have a great story, but don’t see a book that it fits, that’s OK. Just click below and submit it under, “No Specific Title”

Thank you!



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