The Mayas, 4000 years ago by Glowing_Person_Method .....

Within my memories the development of some societies are part of my incarnated Spirit, among them is the 'real' ancient Maya, as a woman within that developed society before leaving Planet Earth. The story here is a summery of the history that passed on in the Mayan society coupled with memories of my previous life.

Date:   9/18/2005 12:18:51 AM ( 19 y ago)

Many thousand years earlier, before the big change began it was told that when the human animals were created they resembled to most of the animals with 4 legs. They had eyes which could see as well in the day light as during nighttime, mouth that could groan an excellent sense of smell, a sharp ability to hear that was astonishing, they also had a dark fur covering their bodies, the only thing they missed was a tail at least not as fabulous as the other animals. Very fast they started to attach to their bodies animal tails so they would look like all other animals. 

One external thing was different, although other animals could hold their food or any other thing in their proboscis or mouth, human could hold food and transfer it from one place to another with their   upper hoofs either in their mouth or on their back, very fast they learned to tie their far do with the help of skins from animals they had killed in order to eat. 

Only one specimen resembled them and could carry food with their hands and mouth but they never understood how to use other utensils to make their life easier. 

The human animals used to live together in herds, and this because of they felt useless against the bigger and stronger animals, the females used to give birth to 4 or 5 human litter young every birth. 

In each herd of this kind there were one strong family that used to lead it and was also the connection to the powers of nature and remedy. They used their senses and brain to sloly evolve into a moreeffective brain user race and their development began to be noticed in further stars too.

The way to learn the influence of each plant was by personal experience which was passed on only within the family together with the accumulated knowledge. This knowledge was precious because every time an unworthy and poisonous plant has been tested the person who tried it died and the others who watched the healing person at work would memorize what could not be used for good and that person would continue the experience and healing. Each time another man would learn and others watch exempt when seldom they would encounter a plant which would give them a high sensation and an extraordinary illusion. Such a plant the whole family would try and that is the way they started to plan special ceremonies. That family naturally was always the smallest family in the flock but also the wisest and most respected too.

Since the universe had a better idea concerning the existence of the human animals, it has been decided to help the development of part of them, then see if it was worthwhile to continue or not. In order to start this experiment, some creatures from other stars sent their people to evolve the human race. Each star was destined in different part of Planet Earth, each one followed different type of evolutionary process to evolve the human race upon Planet Earth. To those that arrived to Central America continent they had a tall and bright skin appearance. They came to some of the flocks and kidnapped a few females from each flock, with whom they disappeared for ever to a place that they choose for the future developed tribe. The children later born to these females were the first descendants of a culture that later has been called the Maya. 

Such cultures or a like lived in many forms and on various sites on the Planet Earth. Some vanished and some developed a rich and powerful culture using force (the pharaohs for example) and some were destroyed by their creators who used unknown illnesses, since from the beginning they developed in a deformed way not according the original planning. 

The Maya culture was the one which had the longest history of coupling with messengers of the universe, that star that got a responsibility over Central America sent different troops to couple with new born women and sent the grown up boys to find their place up north therefore, the developed tribe that later called the Maya was the most enlighten wisest with knowledge unlike any other culture on earth, at least until they started coupling with less developed dynasties and lose their talents.

The messengers knew that the time to leave would come and they wanted their descendants to both be protected and to remember for ever that some of them, their ancestors, came to the planet and also that some would come when needed, for good or bad. That is why they build for them a special energy-door-way: four giant temples in four power centers out each of one of them there were energy paths that led to the mainland and were connected to each other allowing the descendants to flow to infinite dimensions and back to the temples and to the day to day life. 


During all this time that the messengers were there with their children they would supply them all they needed and taught them how to make harmonious use of the earth in order to feed and dress themselves and how to communicate verbally and using drawings (writing). They taught them about the stars system and their influence on earth. They taught them about other cultures, the transition from one culture to another and they could leave their bodies and fuse with their ancestors since those born from this pairing received a pure soul in their birth so it would lead them to act accordingly to the universal will. 

When it was time for the descendants messangers to leave Planet Earth from every society that they developed, it has been decided to live behind, for a certain period of time, a representative in each of the most developed dynasties and that is how a representative both with its descendants remained in the culture we call Maya and the dynasty called Pharaohs, Israel, Greece, Vikings, Australia south-center of Africa etc. 

In many places they let their posterity which was less influenced by birth cycling, wander together without any further guidance so they could watch the development of the human race on the planet. To all the cultures they gave advices and promised they would return. There was not one place on earth in which they did not leave their descendants which were aware of the culture of the human animals so could communicate with other races. 

During few generations the 'guest father' remained with the Maya and helped them learning how to use the power of minerals and learn the wisdom of healing of nature, he also started the process which would turn them into a pure and high level race with no blood on their hands, guided to act only by wisdom. At a certain stage “the guest father” gathered his descendants and told them ,he had to go back to where he came from and if they wanted to keep their good life, that had to follow some rules. 

In order to pass on to them the required knowledge he invited all members of the family, woman, men, babies and elders with no exemption to an underground hall under one of the temples. In this hall the guests prepared a library for their children which they could use in due time but did not reveal it to them until then. The entrance was situated in a cave in the woods and a passage which led to the temple which had a huge stone door keeping the entrance. When the door opened, people came into a big cave from which there were many tunnels leading to various destinations but only one was the right one in order to find it the one holding the fire torch had to stand in the center of the cave under “the diagonal air hole” the air which came in diverted the flame to the right direction. When they came to the end of the tunnel there was no door at sight, the father started teaching the presents to open the aperture by the power of mind exercises. This way could come in each time one person who had succeeded to perform it. 

Babies also had to go through the same process although the father would touch their forehead and pass on to them the knowledge in a different way. When all of them were inside the day was over, and anyway every person who entered ate from the huge choice of fruits on the tables. Additional doors led people to bathrooms in which there were hot and cold source waters well as rest rooms in which they could find mats and covers. 

On the walls there were fire torches and fresh air was flowing from an unknown source as well as the spring water. Everybody was sleeping while the father was touring for the last time and looking at them with pleasure, he had a filling of fulfillment, the generation he and his colleagues had procreated and the ones born within the family were well done and the level of their body vibration was high and pure. He came into the “library” and watched the infinity of the crystals which had various shapes and structures. Within these crystals was all his and his colleagues' secrets destiny for this generation and the ones to come. 

In each generation the only ones who could get the knowledge were the ones who had a certain level of vibration of the body and mind. In addition to the crystals the walls were covered with paintings which would remind associatively what they had learnt, also one of the walls was covered with writings, which all the presents would learn the following day. 

During two weeks they all stayed in the underground structure and learnt the new language, reading, writing rituals and the use of crystals so they could create and change things, they also learnt the secrets and use of the 4 temples and their energy channels. 

They were especially warned against eating anything that has been alive, no fish, fowl or animals. Otherwise the vibrations of their bodies would slow down and any experience to cross the energy paths, they would bring to their death. 

The crystals placed in the energy centers of the temples were planed to self destruction if certain ceremonies were not performed there during one full astral year and after this, there would not remain any memory of either the library nor the energy treatment rooms, as they were all tied to the main crystals and their loss would cause the physical destruction of all. 

They were introduced to three future possibilities of development of the Maya: 

1. wedding within the families and keeping a similar way of life the connections with other tribes would be kept to the level of getting products from them for which in return they would treat them or advise them, but these advises had to look like something very special and this is why they had to create mysterious ceremonies and dress with animal’s and astral masks, so the truth could not be traced. 

This way the Maya will keep on existing infinitely and with the power they would get from their wisdom and ability to cure they could demand and get additional living areas which would supply enough space for them and all new families born. When time will come and the elders would have taught all their knowledge and would see that their pupils know everything they were taught. (the elders will teach everybody and make sure that no more than one tenth do not know everything i.e. only the babies),they could at that stage go through a special purification ceremony, go on one of the fourth energy path to their choice and get to where they chose and this forever. 

One path of energy was the channel transition to planet mars the second path was the channel transition to the 'hidden planet Cyrus' the third one was the transit by energy to one of the planets of the snake galaxy and the fourth one was the path of transition to a higher dimension and be reassigned to go back to Planet Earth many generations later. 

In order to make the right choice, it had to be made intuitively and that is why the father did not tell them which channel was leading where. If at a certain stage all the Maya will decide to free themselves from planet earth they could but they had to let everyone choose independently where they wanted to go and this including children, meaning they should not try to transfer families as doing so those who were not fit for the specific new place would be destroyed during the transition. 

The father did not tell them if he would be at the edge of one of the channels. 

He added and advised them to build at a certain distance, on the additional territory which they will annex, additional temples using the crystal utensil for transferring huge wooden logs and rocks and for chiseling. Those temples would be destined for the connection with other tribes, but they should always remember to visit the four original temples for anything connected with the tribe itself for their current life or in order to keep the crystal from self destruction due to long period without people visiting them. 

2. Part of the families will dedicate themselves to priesthood and purification and will marry only within them while other families could choose to marry also with strangers. Those who would marry a stranger i.e. under developed, their children will not learn the wisdom and tradition of the Maya and will not be able to transit through the energy paths as the other parents could, hence they will build new settlements specially for them in which they will build some temples so they will be able to maintain part of the tradition and from there they will work in order to get their living from other tribes. 

A person who will marry somebody who is not Maya, will stop receiving his share of food and clothing or any other need, but the Maya will provide him a “job” so he can provide himself in abundance when time will come he will be able to leave his body only if he had not eaten any meat otherwise he will burn as soon as he will get to the energy path. The families who dedicated themselves to priesthood will teach the whole wisdom only to those people and their descendants which have not mixed from that moment and on with people which are not Maya. A child born to one Maya parent even though he will officially be considered as part of the Maya tribe, “pure Maya's” will not marry him. This way all the privileges of purity and abundance will be kept regarding  those of the first possibility, for the others, part of the honor will be kept and influence the families not entirely pure and maybe will succeed to protect them in case of attacks from other tribes, as those who are not living within the limit of the energy protection lines are not protected from attacks and Maya's are not allowed to fight and kill for any reason whatsoever ,and any one who will do so will be excluded from the tribe. 

During time the mixed tribe will grow and live as any other tribe only more developed when the right time will come they will wander due to geographic reasons to another place and after few centuries their descendants who will carry a different name will return, and will develop a culture which will be based on some of the wisdom left in them and childhood stories, but will have additional motives of cruelty they will get from other tribes. 

This culture was called the Aztecs. 

One day a guest from the sky will appear to the Aztecs and check their did and the level of humanity and if they deserve to be developed as the Maya’s or they should be left to be developed by themselves and let them be exterminated by their own or even exterminate them from the sky. 

3. The Maya’s will decide to mix immediately between other tribes, and become the leaders of these tribes ,acting to develop and approve the quality of the tribe’s existence in order to diminish the animal character in them and open for them wider possibilities of thinking and internal light. 

Such a decision had to be taken only if everybody accepted it, and they had to know if some priesthood families would stay or decide that they had received enough and prefer to leave without any link to be left when they will exit their bodies instead of dying, doing so the temples also will be abandoned and the culture will cease to exist. 

At a certain stage of development, the identity of the Maya’s will be forgotten. 

The Maya’s within the tribe and their entire culture will be forgotten forever. 

After a period of time when they managed to overcome the state of chock, the Maya’s started to speak in favor of the first alternative, but the father raised his hand and told them it was not up to them to chose but it was the choice of many generations to come, the generations who will not remember him nor his words so their choice will rely on their ability to transfer exactly from generation to generation these words. 

All people present continued to learn how to use the underground water for agriculture purposes and how to keep food for long period they also learned new methods of building and transfer from one place to another without the use of their hands. 

After two weeks they all went back to their site and the father told them that on the following full moon he will be taken back to where he came from and everybody who was interested to separate from him should come to the designed place the following day. 

The entire tribe came to escort the father on his way to his world. People who could not walk and babies were carried on back of mules so additional mules were taken along for the ones who would have problem walking.It was a fast walk of one day, sleeping in the open with full moon and an addition full walking day. 

At night fall the father blessed us farewell and told us that we had many brothers in distant continents, he hopes that we and our brothers will do all good deeds for our world and by doing so will develop the human race. 

While he was speaking there was an immense noise and a great wind flew anything that was tied well as well as some babies, immediately after an immense peculiar object appeared in the sky, stood still in the sky then after a while descended straight towards the earth. At two or three meter from the ground it stopped and from it’s lower part a yellow bright wide shining beam came out. 

Out of the beam, suddenly appeared three figures, whose heads were covered with peculiar hats, maybe it was their heads, nobody asked. 

The father walked towards them, met them and stood there for awhile they looked happy even though no sound was heard. After a while, the four figures turned around into the beam. Another moment passed, the beam disappeared and under it, nothing. 

The huge object elevated straight up, suddenly there was a great roar strong wind, and the object turned around and disappeared in the sky as if it never existed. 

All people present were astonished and the feeling of lost began, here and there one could hear babies crying and mothers trying to comfort them. 

It has been decided to abandon the place and find another place for the night, the following day to start the journey back home. 


Epilogue: When the 'guest father' disappeared, many human tribes tried to control the living space of the Maya but inside the temples they were some guardian structures made of crystals with very powerful channels connecting between the temples. Every man whose blood had not been purified being carnivore (eating animal's meat) was burn while crossing these unknown channels. The Mayan people could travel from/to their land according their wish; for as long as they continued the tradition of being vegetarians, and during all this period, these death phenomena, the wisdom and wellbeing of the Maya and their ability to make miracles led to the fact that many groups gathered and asked them for protection. 

This is how from a small family of some hundreds the Maya culture developed into a kingdom with tens and hundred thousands people. 

The following generations of the Maya’s used the wisdom left to them in order to increase their power. 

They build many temples, and if at first they exalted the acts of their ancestors later on they turned them into idols and started to sanctify the power of nature, first to crease their work and after few generations they forgot who received the gift to bring prosperity to earth out of harmony with all existing, hence any inhuman phenomenon was idolized. 

During hundreds of years they developed agriculture based on both under the sod waters and on irrigation terraced ditches. Their agriculture system was famous. 

From the mountains they dig minerals and turned them into gold, silver copper tools which they used both for decorative and holy work. 

The women of the tribe never coupled with men from other tribes and kept the purity of the tribe but the men connected with women from outside and also moved to live amongst other tribes as they were honored and worshipped and very often nominated as chiefs or sorcerer of the tribe. 

During the years from time to time other tribes tried to enter and conquer the developed territory of the Maya’s, but the border created by the energy channels crossing between the four temples, prevented people from getting inside the territory and every man who tried to cross the border died when he reached one meter and a half from the mid path of the energy flow. 

The Maya’s tribe lived peacefully, happy and in harmony with abundance, their culture changed especially because the change of time and people’s laziness. 

More and more there were people who did not learn enough the ancient wisdom, relying on the fact that only few people had the knowledge, and this why a few families became priests, and only members of these families learned and teach the full wisdom, while other families just learned some of the wisdom so they could increase their power and be honored. 

Then more men started to couple with women from other tribes, a problem of too many free women was created, so they invented fertility feasts for human, agriculture and so on. 

During these feasts, men would find women who were not their wives and coupled with them in order to increase the fertility. 

At a later stage some of the virgins were destined to work in the temples and to various ceremonies, this was the solution that the enlightened families have chosen to face the negative situation due to the lack of birth rate. 

All of those remaining with the original area continued being vegetarians but some of the men who lived in other tribes began eating meat and fish and could not come to visit their families. 

In order to keep contact with them the Inca’s build temples outside their living aeries, each temple was destined to a member of the family who’s left the tradition allowing his family to visit him on holidays and religious rituals occasions. 

This is how the foreign population surrounding the living aerie of the Maya’s grew, but during many years they all lived in peace and harmony and their authority was unquestionable. 

Many generations after, their actions were not in harmony or for the benefit of the land they lived in. They increased the digging of metals, not for personal needs anymore but for commerce and higher social status. 

The agriculture was not balanced with the seasons of the year, trees were unnecessary cut off and the task of the light and spirituality almost ceased, and was carried on by few. 

Since there were no ancient graves to visit, since every elder or very sick person would transfer himself to another dimension or planet on one of the energy paths, they could not ask for the advice of the shrewd as it was the tradition of other tribes, hence the original tradition almost stopped. 

During this period, nature changed, springs dried, underground water disappeared and the weather changed and became dry. 

Situation was so bad that they had to search for an alternative living aerie. 

The tribe’s priests gathered all Maya’s who could still enter the limits of the living aerie, and presented them with two basic options:

First option was to leave and look for a new place to live, learn how to fight as until then they were protected and did not have to fight for their lives. 

Second option was to decide to end their lives in this world and be transferred together or by intuition to another world as it has been said to them when the dynasty has begun. 

The decision was neither a fast one nor easy one as the temptation to remain amongst their relatives living in other tribes was very high. Finally it has been decided that within the limit of time from present full moon to the next one, every one will make up his own decision, those interested to farewell from their families will do so, those who decide to remain with their families will take whatever they wish with them, dividing properties equally between themselves, but they should remember that when all other will disappear and after one year the power of the energy paths which allowed protection and transition to other worlds will vanish. 

So anyone who will not change his mind before the end of the year could never do it.  At the day they chose there were about 150.000 Maya’s families standing there in the four temples the universe window opened and transferred them to the destined places. The few remaining saw how the walls and ceilings of the temples opened and a bright light that could not be watched came out of them, in the sky one could clearly see four light channels, at first human being could be seen then nothing. After few hours the walls and the ceilings of temples were back in their place and the light vanished. The remaining people run into the temples but no one was there.

The following day, they gathered properties, food and mules, departed from each other and left to the temples of their families, not to meet each other anymore. During the following year, some of them returned to the temple’s aerie and moved to another place. When the first year passed big explosion was heard and an immense earthquake shocks the land causing the destruction of houses and trees within a wide range. Afterwards the earth was quite except for time to time additional earthquakes until this stopped and life came back to normal. Few years later, some of the original Maya’s tribe remembered that after one year the magic of protection had vanished, so every one could enter the tribe aerie, and they decided to go back and see what could be done. 

The aerie was still almost unchanged except for bushes covering the houses and the temples. Many animals were living there but no human beings. Four tribes who decided to call themselves “sons of the Maya’s” (based on the original head of the tribe) decided to stay in the aerie, and each one controlled one of the four temples. They started digging the Maya’s mines and some of them lived where there was still water, but their main occupation was trade. 

Many years passed and because most of the foreign tribes had heard of the protection the Maya’s had, they did not attack the tribes that called themselves “sons of Maya”. Since they neglected their ability to fight and protect themselves, when the other tribes started to invade their land they could not protect themselves and were taken captives and became slaves, their properties and gold were taken from them. After many years, other tribes would take their place, tribes that their leaders were the origin Maya’s sons, these tribes were called the Inca’s, who were the closest to the original tradition of the Maya’s. Later on came the Aztec’s who were the cruelest tribe that extremely castrated the original Maya’s tradition and culture. 


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