Sage Wisdom by Chef JeM .....

Words of Wisdom for Today!

Date:   4/4/2022 1:41:47 AM ( 30 mon ago)

July 11, 2024 - The harmony that is integral to the notion of organization -

"From an anatomical and physiological point of view, the human brain represents the pinnacle of organization. However, this does not mean that everybody is well organized psychologically: it is obvious that people’s thoughts and feelings are constantly muddled, contradictory and colliding.

And is society well organized? On the face of it, yes, everything works well – water, electricity, gas, cars, trains, the postal service, the police, hospitals, and so on. But this organization is merely mechanical, because the harmony that is integral to the notion of organization is still missing.

In reality, the word ‘organization’ can apply only to the divine world, where everything functions smoothly and without discord. On earth, when we talk about ‘perfect organization’, ‘an organized mind’ or a ‘well-organized society’, we refer only to physical, material organization: in fact, disorder still reigns in the psychic or spiritual realm. - Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
See also A New Dawn: Society and Politics in the Light of Initiatic Science (2), chapter IV:

June 14, 2024 - Misfortune Built The Great Sages -

“… Misfortune is what builds a strong personality. Do not let material comforts and superficial glory destroy you. The virtuous strength of your personality should not be traded for such unworthy things.

Misfortune has built all the great sages. It was through great difficulties that they were enlightened.

Do not depend on good fortune. Depend on your own virtuous personality and normal life to make you the final winner. This is the key to reaching the Tao, the great path of life.”[52]*

June 11, 2024 -

"Do not allow division within yourself by entertaining several different thoughts or contradictory desires at the same time, but rather work to create unity by trusting in the Lord.

‘Unity’ means that all the parts at the periphery converge towards the center. Only then is it possible to act effectively.

No living creature – whether a single atom or a human being – can subsist unless all its elements, even those on the farthest fringe, are organized round a single center.

Observe what goes on in life, and you will see that division, dichotomy, leads to much suffering and failure, whereas unity leads to success. Your happiness and success, even your health, will always depend on your efforts to attain unity."[51]

April 28, 2024 - A sage -

"A sage knows that men and women are all children of God, and he approaches every being with this thought foremost in mind. In this way, he works as a creator, developing the divine side in everybody he meets, which makes him happy too. This is the best way to deal with people: ... discover their qualities, virtues and all their inner riches, focus on these, and you will help them develop their gifts."[50]

April 25, 2024 - The Necessity Now for Authentic Self-Awareness -

AKA “Truth-of Self” ~
to evolve what we think of as our ‘knowledge’
(as just knowing information alone is incomplete knowledge[*])
and to transform 'knowledge' into a greater, living, and possibly life-giving wisdom ~
most especially with love!


December 25, 2023 -

Whenever I realize that a deluded allusion is truly an illusion
that gives no solution
then I prefer disillusion over any dilution.

December 13, 2023 - Busy Being Born? ...

"...From the fool’s gold mouthpiece the hollow horn

Plays wasted words, proves to warn

That he not busy being born is busy dying"[49]

December 11, 2023 - Miracles! -

Expect Miracles: "Thought Corrections", "Thought Reversals" (see A Course In Miracles) Because:
"The eternal wisdom of the primal will-to-good which eternally crates and sustains the whole entire U-n-I-verse takes form in thought and word through You as a center of its expression! (see: "The Pattern on the Trestleboard"[48]

November 7th - evening -

"She was able to end a handful of disputes by simply asking: Who is your superior?"[46]
"Sark remained 'the last bastion of feudalism', as she proudly put it, until 2008, when universal suffrage and a democratic leadership were established."[47]
Comment: A most remarkable woman of the highest integrity especially in harmony with her Human Design on top of which her first Birth Card was The Ace of Spades!

November 7, 2023 - Henry David Thoreau - (Spoke respectfully regarding "fantasies") -

"If you have built castles in the air, ("fantasies") your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them." - Henry David Thoreau Early American Author (1817 - 1862)[43]

fan·ta·sy "the faculty or activity of imagining things, especially things that are impossible or improbable."

New Living Translation:
"He replied, 'What is impossible for people is possible with God.'”[44]

"Is this the real life? ......
Is this just fantasy? .......
Caught in a landslide, no escape from reality -
Open your eyes, look up to the skies and see ........."[45]

October 23, 2023 -

יהוה. These four letters correspond to the four principles within a human being: Yod, the spirit; He, the soul; Vav, the intellect; and the second He, the heart. But for these four principles to manifest themselves and incarnate, a fifth is needed: Shin שׁ, symbol of the union between spirit and matter, which is interposed between them at the centre. יהוה becomes יהשׁוה, that is, Yeshua, which is Jesus’ name in Hebrew. ..."[42]

October, 20 2023 - When you discover truth -

"... it would be true to say that it is when you discover truth, when you love the truth, that your difficulties really begin. ..."[41]

October 19, 2023 -

"...Unfortunately, human beings do not necessarily discover the truth by being shaken up, because life explains nothing. It delivers knocks, strikes them down and pummels them without giving an explanation. If they want explanations, they must seek out a Master. Together, the Master and life will educate them. ..."[39]

October 12, 2023 - Satisfy the needs of the soul and the spirit -

"...if people strive to satisfy the needs of the soul and the spirit, which are not bound by the laws of time and space, everything they do will bear the mark of light and immortality. This will be the coming of the kingdom of God. ..."[38]

October 7, 2023 - The Tree of Life "Rabbit Hole" -

"YESOD, or 'Foundation,' is the next sphere up from MALCHUT (the beginning of personality); It is where repressed energies are channeled up into the next appropriate sephirot, either HOD (thoughts) or NETZACH (feelings). TIPHARET is the personality's first foray into the realm of Soul."[35]

Inspired to search: "where repressed energies are channeled up" as a partial quote from: "Human Design Revealed."[36] The full quote is found in Chapter 10: Kabbalah/The Tree of Life (page 117 in Human Design v.2): "Hod is where repressed energies are channeled up from the subconscious coming from Malkuth ..." however in "The Interactive Qabala"[37] begins to elaborate on what was briefly stated by Zeno and is appreciated by this blog-writer!

Continuing October 19, 2023 -
"...Human beings possess within themselves the archives of the universe, archives that are also represented symbolically in the Tree of Life by the sephirah Daath, Knowledge. Daath is original matter, the primordial matter over which God breathed in the beginning of the world in order to fertilize it. Since matter is the substance of Creation, it is able to hold memory. And the Spirit awakens this memory by moving lightly over matter just as the wind makes the strings of an Aeolian harp vibrate. ..."[40]

Comment: The above Omraam quote points to: "the Tree of Life" (AKA Qabala/Kabbalah) as a map of our being as it truly is part of the whole or all that is and therefore contains all that is and ever was "the archives of the universe." The mention of "Daath (a)s original matter" also corresponds to The Human Design System in the cosmology presented by Ra in his "Black Book." Our knowledge about "Human Design" was made possible via the "Revelation" received by Ra and Ra was also the first teacher of Human Design however Ra is no longer with us. Who is there among us today who knows: "the Tree of Life" (AKA Qabala/Kabbalah) well enough as well as Human Design to be able to correlate the two systems? ......... I wish I knew!

October 5, 2023 - "Eliphas Levi’s Baphomet: Understanding Ancient Knowledge & Symbology"[34]

October 3, 2023 - Tarot -

"A Beginner’s Guide To Tarot"[33]

September 16, 2023 -

"...When a kingdom is powerful and prosperous, its enemies keep a low profile, but when, through the neglect of its rulers or its citizens, the same kingdom starts to weaken, its enemies quickly make their presence felt and eventually destroy it. The same phenomenon also occurs inside us, for hostile forces are always threatening to weaken us by sapping our inspiration and our courage; we must be conscious of this in order to resist it. We have come to earth to carry out some work, and must not let negative forces win. ..."[32]

Comment: Can "the United States" (incorporated) be considered as "a kingdom"? ......... It apparently has its own "citizens" - are you one of them? ......... What about "The United States of America" - is this also a "kingdom"? .........

August 6, 2023 - That the world above, the world of the spirit, can descend and incarnate in matter" -

"...the function of an artist is to make visible on the physical plane what the intelligence conceives as true and the heart feels as good, so that the world above, the world of the spirit, can descend and incarnate in matter."[31]

July 20, 2023 -

"Having been lost for so long, you are holding judgements that you deeply believe to be reality, including the ones that say your higher self cannot be fully integrated with your lower self ..."[30]

July 12, 2023 -

I think -
therefore I laugh! ; ~ )

Can you relate at all to the wisdom of this statement? .........

June 1, 2023 - Immediate Results? -

" is very poor reasoning to rely on immediate results."[29]

May 30, 2023 -

“In the entire history of mankind, there has never been a political elite concerned about the well-being of regular people,
And it isn’t any different now,”![28]

Comment: This Blog-writer wishes he had a transcript of this video clip!

May 29, 2023 - "Cash Karma" Now![27]

April 26, 2023 - "...why do some people claim that creation, this magnificent, sublime work of art, has no author? ..."

Continuing: "If they prefer, they could say that he is anonymous, but to deny that he exists is the worst possible aberration."[25]

Comment: The use of the term aberration here refers to: "mental aberration - a pathological deviation from normal thinking, particularly as a symptom of a mental or emotional disorder."[26]

April 22, 2023 -

"...if only you could see through the fraud"![24]

February 20, 2023 - The Ability to Pray -

"Each of us has the ability to wish fervently, to ask insistently, and that is what prayer is. You do not have to be very intelligent or educated to call out to heaven; you simply need to have an intense feeling. ..."[23]

February 19, 2023 - "The Bicarbonate (Baking Soda) Rescue of Ohio" -

"Should probably include Pennsylvania and W. Virginia in the title and perhaps points further east. The government and medical organizations have nothing to suggest in terms of treatments for exposure to the high level of dioxins. However, they should be recommending and rushing to the scene tons of baking soda because bicarbonates neutralize heavy metals, dioxins, and furans in the body.

Simple old baking soda detoxifies and cleanses the body and the environment. There is nothing better for emergency medicine and in this case, dioxin exposure from the highly toxic dioxins released from the deliberate ignition of the Ohio train wreck. This does not mean bicarbonates will cure a person if their exposure is too high, but it does mean it will help the body detoxify and remain stable when exposed.

Dioxins are environmental pollutants present in pesticides, paints, varnishes, electrical equipment, and flame retardants, which seep into our water systems and soil and can end up in the food we eat. Dioxins are found in the highest quantities in fat-rich foods and can interfere with hormones and even trigger cancers but this disaster in Ohio threatens a level of contamination never experienced before. How widespread of a disaster this is going to be remains to be seen but some are calling it the Chornobyl of Ohio or the new 9-11.

Dioxins are a class of chemicals—over 150 chemicals—that are created from manufacturing processes: polyvinyl chloride (PVC) production, paper bleaching, manufacturing of pesticides, and chemicals with chlorine. ..."[22]

February 16, 2023 - Mission - reconciling our inner life and our life in the world

"You must learn to live in the world, have a relationship with it, while putting what is most important first: the soul and the spirit. An individual’s intelligence, love and willpower are revealed by the way in which they reconcile their inner life and their life in the world, and nothing is more difficult than this. ...[21]

February 14, 2023 -

"...the worse things get, the more you must shine the light."[20]*

February 10, 2023 -

"Someone comes to you and says, ‘Oh, what a beautiful violin you have there, please give it to me!’ If you are wise, you will say, ‘No, I will not give you my violin, it is mine, but come every day and I will play it for you.’ But are you wise? ..."[19]

February 7, 2023 - the greatest foe of the toxic darkness -

"Once we have withdrawn it’s fuel, the greatest foe of the toxic darkness is time."[18]

January 10, 2023 -

"Only the Absolute, God Himself, can fulfill you, and it is only if you persevere in your quest for God that you can obtain all that you desire – and more besides. ..."[17]

January 1, 2023 - Zen -

"Zen is
being a modest part of the totality and the marvel of this earth,
the awed,
the fragile,
the vulnerable,
the honest you,
your face before your parents were born, as the koan goes,
your face before it became distorted by your own and others’ wishes and judgments,
before you put on the mask hiding your true face from others and yourself."[16]*

December 20, 2022 - "The next two weeks hold the potential for you to suddenly realize entirely new perspectives about your direction."[15]

October 24, 2022 - Win/Win Interactions -

"A win/win interaction is an expression of peace, dignity, love, unity-harmony, mutual good faith, absence of malice and deceit, and all of the other ingredients in contract law required for a valid contract enforceable at law. Free consent of all contracting parties is essential."

"All truth is subjective. -
The nature, depth, structure, and complexity of each man and woman is unfathomable, and each man and woman experiences life in a unique manner. In addition, manifest existence is process in pattern—flows, interactions, and transformations of inscrutable energy moving at astronomical speeds in the vastness of empty space, emerging from and re-merging back into the absolute, unmanifest. The eternal, unbounded, absolute is unmanifest and possesses no properties ascertainable and definable by and in terms of the relative manifest it begets. Both source and manifestation are thereby infinite and unfathomable, and each man and woman is a unique aspect/expression of both. The manifest is unique in exact configuration at each precise moment anew, with each configuration unrepeatable, i.e. never the same as it ever was at any time, neither into the unlimited past nor as it ever will again be throughout the unendingness of time. Inasmuch as each man and woman is a unique expression of both the unbounded/unfathomable absolute and the ever-changing/non-repeating manifest, the particular perspective and experience of each man and woman, i.e. his/her truth, will likewise be unique for each conscious unit of experience and perceived and understood in a manner and perspective that is unique, and subjective, for each."

“All law is contract.” or “Contract makes the law.”[14]

Comment - in other words - "No contract" = "No law" = potential lawlessness - depending on the nature of the members of any particular social unit. (IMO) - Unrestrained lawlessness leaves the door to psychopathy open.

"Perhaps the foundational presumption (and possibly the only valid one) is that every individual free-will being is the unit of responsibility, accountability, and sovereignty. Were this premise not regarded as axiomatic, no basis for any law could exist in society, as no one could be held liable for anything."[14]*

October 21, 2022 - Rhythm As a Factor In Thought -

"We are indebted to the ethics of Lao-tse for our most notable concept of the theory and practice of rhythm. To a certain degree, rhythm is the natural flow of things from their own source; rhythm is therefore the natural and irresistible expression of a causal agency. Opposed to natural rhythm as exemplified in the breaking of the waves upon the shore, the sighing of the wind through the tree tops, or that endless song which is the voice of nature, there is a false standard of rhythm created by man which is all too often devoid of aesthetic sense.

It has been said that nature thinks and moves in curves, while man thinks and moves in angles. Angles are abrupt; curves are gradual. In this respect, man thus differs from nature. The Greeks and Orientals attempted to express the rhythm of nature through the medium of the dance; for as Havelock Ellis so well realized, the ancients considered life itself as comparable to a dance. Compare the rhythm and flow of Greek aesthetics with the antics of the modern devotees of Terpsichore, and you will see in the dance an expression of the most profound sensibilities of our race, a very key to the rhythm of our soul. While the rhythm of antiquity is best expressed by the curve because of the grace and dignity attendant upon its expression, every action of modern dancing is angular. Consider likewise the rhythm of thought. In the simple, graceful dignity of true intelligence can be seen what may be termed the aesthetics of the curve, while in the disorganization characteristic of the modern mind we find the false and angular culture we have substituted for ancient ideals. – (P 19)

Several eminent Greek thinkers considered the dance as indispensable to philosophy. There are many accounts of Pythagoras leading his disciples in rhythmic dancing. He did not teach certain arbitrary steps, but rather that when some ennobling harmony was played upon the lyre, there was a natural impulse of the body to follow the rhythm suggested by the music. This was a form of bodily expression which signified that the soul was not only capable of receiving that which was beautiful and true, but was also capable of expressing, through the medium of the body, those rhythmic and harmonious impulses which the agency of music had raised from a latent state to conscious expression.

Mere training of the intellect will no more produce a philosopher than a box of paints will make an artist. A philosopher is one whose life is so thoroughly in harmony with natural rhythm—so permeated with the realization and understanding of that natural order of which he is a part—that involuntarily his thoughts are true and his logic sound.

It is very difficult to picture a modern scientist dancing on some hill-top in the early morning hours. Yet if he would try the experiment, he might possibly discover that one of the surest and quickest ways of understanding nature is to permit it to flow through himself.

An ancient philosopher once said that there are some things which can be known only by going into their presence and remaining silent. After a time, the thing you desire to know will flow into you and become a part of you. When you and the thing you desire to know are thus blended into one, then—and then only—is its real nature revealed. ​- (P 20)"[13]

October 15, 2022 - Fear not regarding the phrase: "Domestic Terrorist" -

"...In order to be a 'Domestic Terrorist' you have to be 'domestic' with respect to the Federal Government. Neither I nor anyone I teach is 'domestic' with respect to the Federal Government. ... US Citizens are 'domestic' with respect to the Federal Government. American State Citizens are not."[12]

October 10, 2022 - Continuing "Science" -

"Until man duplicates a blade of grass, Nature can laugh at his so-called scientific is obvious that we don’t understand one millionth of one percent about anything. “ – Thomas Alva Edison

"Nobody can pretend to know the complete life cycle and all the varieties of even a single bacterial species. It would be a presumption to think so.” – Ernst Almquist (after 21 years of pleomorphism research)[11]

October 9, 2022 - Science -

"...The motive of science was the extension of man, on all sides, into Nature, till his hands should touch the stars, his eyes see through the earth, his ears understand the language of beast and bird, and the sense of the wind; and, through his sympathy, heaven and earth should talk with him. But that is not our science. ..."[10] - Ralph Waldo Emerson. (1803–1882).

September 14, 2022 - Embryology -

“… we now have eight million little beings on this planet who've (been) made by fertilization in vitro. We do not know the long-term consequences of this. This is a live experiment going on and we do not know the consequences. I’m not going to go more into that but I feel all of us must question how far we're allowing scientific technology to go with something they know very little about.”[9]

July 6, 2022 - Jung and Wholeness -

"...As a doctor of the soul, Jung found therapeutic value in exploring the spiritual identity of Jesus Christ as a mythological model of wholeness. Jung said his aim in Aion was to investigate 'relations between the traditional Christ-figure and the natural symbols of wholeness, … considering how certain things could be understood from the standpoint of our modern consciousness, to remedy our philosophic disorientation by shedding light on the psychic background and the secret chambers of the soul.' This theme of wholeness in psychology opens issues in healing, therapy and recovery from trauma. Wholeness is linked to ethical values such as integrity, truth, disclosure, identity, authenticity, forgiveness, love and reconciliation. Jungian psychology in general examines barriers and constraints to wholeness, in the effort to improve personal and social cohesion and coherence."[8]

Comment: Underscoring the need for wholeness (that "is linked to ethical values such as integrity, truth, disclosure, identity, authenticity, forgiveness, love and reconciliation") in both the current world and personal/"not self" crisis.

June 13, 2022 -

"... nothing is as it appears"[7]*

This Blog-writer was thinking along the same lines (as the above quote here) earlier today with realizing that he is living in a kind of "wonderland" (i.e. Alice in Wonderland) and the need to pass "Through the Looking Glass".

May 22, 2022 - This is the Truth about the Self

0. All the Power that ever was or will be is here now.

1. I am a center of expression for the Primal Will-to-Good which eternally creates and sustains the Universe.

2. Through me its unfailing Wisdom takes form in thought and word.

3. Filled with Understanding of its perfect law, I am guided moment by moment, along the path of liberation.

4. From the exhaustless riches of its Limitless Substance, I draw all things needful, both spiritual and material.

5. I recognize the manifestation of undeviating Justice in all the circumstances of my life.

6. In all things great and small, I see the Beauty of the Divine expression.

7. Living from that Will, supported by its unfailing Wisdom and Understanding, mine is the Victorious Life.

8. I look forward with confidence to the perfect realization of the Eternal Splendor of the Limitless Light.

9. In thought and word and deed I rest my life from day to day upon the sure Foundation of Eternal Being.

10. The Kingdom of Spirit is embodied in my flesh.[6]

From the above this Blog-writer listed 14 Keywords and matched 12 of these with 12 Gene Keys plus 2 with The Declaration of Independence.

May 10, 2022 -

"Be careful of the siren call of modern culture."[5]

May 2, 2022 - Jupiter in Human Design -

"Jupiter has been wallowing around in the Solar Plexus for a while, making our emotions seem like a big deal. On 1st May he shifts into the G Center, to the Gate of Innocence (Hexagram/Gate 25). On 11 May Jupiter shifts out of Pisces and into Aries. We are playing with endings and beginnings, expect the unexpected! But in the end Jupiter is a planet who brings new opportunities. We just have to know how to look for them.

Thunder and Heaven -

Each channel in your Human Design chart has 4 elements. This one - the Channel of Initiation - is made up of gate 25 and gate 51 and carries the elements of thunder and heaven. Why only 2 elements? Because thunder appears 3 times!

Thunder is energy moving, arousing. Heaven is creative action, dynamic.


There are two powerful messages in gate 25. The first is that we shouldn’t be ‘going with the flow’. I know, all that New Age wisdom! But it doesn’t work anymore.

We should always have a direction, even if we don’t have much clarity about what it is. Our imagination is being called into play. Our capacity for strategic brilliance is awakening. This week's question is - Who are you becoming and how can you face in the correct direction to align with that new version of yourself? Anything that doesn't align will feel dense, almost unbearable.

The second message from gate 25 is that things happen, big important things that have an impact on our lives not because we caused those things, but because we are part of something bigger than ourselves.

... Let’s go back to the first idea - we should always turn up as our truthful selves, facing aligned with the direction of truth. Our response is more important than the event itself.

The emergent strategy of the Gate of Innocent is recognizing what is NOT yours and disengaging from it. Jupiter brings trust and faith to this process.

Jupiter will be in gate 25 until January 2023."[4]

April 6, 2022 -

"...There are four major spiritual elements that defy measure, yet are recognized as real, just not quantifiable.

Will to Live,
and how the Wisdom of the Body (which we lamely call the immune system) heals us through trials of 'illness', such as the flu."[3]

April 4, 2022 - "Can you be self-governing if you lose your mind?" -

"... Interfering with your ability to keep your own mind is a trillion dollar business.
That's what all the TV and Radio and Computer and Media Cartels are all about --- wresting your mind and your attention away from your control.

The only people truly empowered on this entire planet are those who still have their own minds, and those who go back to some point in the past, realize that they were snookered, and retrieve the power of their own minds.

I will tell you right now that self-governance of the kind that our Forefathers envisioned is not possible if you don't have and keep your own mind, because your mind is your control center. It's where decisions are made. Your mind is where you 'live' intellectually ----and what you think and believe is what drives the actions that you take.

So, can you be self-governing if you lose your mind to someone or something else's direction? ..."[2]

April 3, 2022 -

"Reading the News is like watching and waiting for the waters of life to boil over."[1]

This blog-writer gave up "Reading the News" of MSM. There is more good news with potentially life-enhancing impact!






Also - directly quoted from: " The Pulse - Gene Key 23 - The Alchemy of Simplicity" sent by subscription: "From Gene Keys on 2022-05-09 14:07"



[8] "Aion - Toward a Gnostic Reformation" By: Robert Tulip,
Canberra Jung Society, 5 May 2017


[10] In: "Essays and English Traits" - The Harvard Classics. 1909–14 - Essays - XVIII. Beauty - 1860 -

"Unbundling The Enderlein Legacy Copyright © 2001 Stuart Grace, Natural Philosophy Research Group"



















[30] ORIGINAL CAUSE The Unseen Role of Denial, pg. 69 (1986 by Ceanne DeRohan):

[31] “Creation: Artistic and Spiritual” A lecture By; Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov
















with footnote: "'Lost world: the last days of feudal Sark'. The Independent. 26 October 2006."





[52] In a commentary by: Hua-Ching Ni after “Line: 6” of the 12th hexagram in: “I Ching The Book Of Changes and the Unchanging Truth” Revised Edition.


Sage, wisdom, Stress, Sensitivity, Will to Live, immune system, fertilization in vitro, Nature, knowledge, scientific knowledge, life cycle, pleomorphism, Science, toxic darkness, prayer, negative forces, spirit, soul, intellect, heart, Self-Awareness


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