"Creme de la Creme" - November 2017 by Chef JeM .....

These are most interesting times in this world as we presently know it with so many changes afoot. The purpose of this blog is to present highlights from my other CureZone blogs and most largely regarding "Truth(s) of Self" and "Chef-Doctor" topics.

Date:   11/1/2017 3:04:34 PM ( 7 y ago)

1st -
Added: "From Anna Von Reitz - Memo to General Kelly".

To: "Re-writting History".

Here: http://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=2328557

Added: "Why Most Published Research Findings Are False".

To: What is Healing? What is German New Medicine?

Here: http://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=1872660

Added: Heart Disease -
"People who have been newly diagnosed with heart disease are told to lay off the cholesterol-laden sandwiches and steer clear of full-fat dairy items loaded with saturated fat. But new research shows this advice may be misguided. ..."

To: "The Heart Is Not A Pump".

Here: http://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=1940980

Added: "...all of the functions of magnesium, why everyone needs more magnesium ...".

In: New Post: "The Magnesium Miracle".

Here: http://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=2389650

2nd -

Added: Neale Donald Walsch - His Human Design BodyGraph

To: "My Human Design"

Here: https://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=2389683

Added: "Comment at 'The Soaked Bean'" re: the social dimension of traditional foods.

To: "At Your Leisure".

Here: https://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=2269545

3rd -

Added: "...discovered a 'Nutritional Heretic' with a straight-shooting blog: 'Are Food Cults Getting Out of Hand?'"

To: "There Is No Ancestral Wisdom To Support Vegans!"

Here: https://www.curezone.org/Blogs/fm.asp?i=1845884

4th -

Added: "More Re: Calcium in 'Fibromyalgia muscle spasms and calcification'".

To: "Fibromyalgia - Causative Factors & Possible Solution".

Here: https://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=1506565

Added: "Barbara Marx Hubbard (and associate/s) presents '52 Codes'".

To: "A Code For Communication = A Code For Truth, Love & Life!"

Here: https://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=1712016

5th -

Added: "Guidlines for Open Dialogue".

To: "The Spoken and Unspoken Word".

Here: https://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=2387956

Added: "How to Dialogue".

To: "The Necessity for 'Inner Work'".

Here: https://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=2365549

Added: "The Current Sun Hexagram Transit".

To: "Introductions to Your Human Design By Chef-Doctor Jemichel".

Here: https://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=2295321

Added: "More Deepak Chopra".

To: "Welcome to 'Psyche & Health'!"

Here: https://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=2191296

6th -

Added: Private email message with several links re: the Santa Rosa fires and Agenda 21.

To: "Executive Orders and the Federal Government".

Here: https://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=1830952

Added: "Five Reasons Not to Take SSRIs".

To: "Got 'Natural High'?"

Here: https://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=2219314

Added: "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God."

To: "The Spoken and Unspoken Word".

Here: https://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=2387956

Added: "Psychic life - its effects on the physical body - 'Sometimes people die because of an emotion'!"

To: "Meditations for Psyche & Health".

Here: https://www.curezone.org/Blogs/fm.asp?i=2247165

7th -

Added: couple paragraphs regarding dialogue.

To: "Creme de la Creme: Chef-Doctor Jemichel".

Here: https://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=2267181

Added: "...planetary shifts presented by Carol Barbeau".

To: "Languages of Light ...".

Here: https://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=2210956

8th -

Added: "...to research ... planets ... that enter Hexagrams that are correlated with the '1st and 2nd and 3rd Chakra energy' ..."

To: "To Research".

Here: https://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=2316083

Added: "Beets have been rediscovered and are now touted as the 'new' superfood."

To: "Loosing Weight Made Easy - Plus additional health benefits from beets."

Here: https://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=2377706

Added: "When you feel anxious or distressed ...".

To: "'Thought for the day' Posts - In support of the teachings of Omraam with a 'High Ideal' of encouraging awareness of the truth that these messages convey and especially in ways that might possibly be applied in the 'Enchanted Garden Onion' (E.G.O)."

Here: https://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=2319268

Added: "... Somewhere along the line we’ve gotten our X’s and O’s mixed up and made diseases out of nutritional deficiencies."

To: "The Magnesium Miracle".

Here: https://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=2389650

Added: "...pre-'Church history' of the Essenes".

To: "Christ And "The Church" vs Ecclesia".

Here: https://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=2082855

Added: Steps I'm taking toward "tree culture"/tree nursery.

To: "Got Life Forces In Food?"

Here: https://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=2108924

10th -

Added: "One Ticked-Off American - By Anna Von Reitz" that begins with: "Most Beloved Francis".

To: "To Research".

Here: https://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=2316083

Added: "Divine Will - attune one’s projects to it".

To: "Transformations With Omraam Mikhael".

Here: https://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=2330281

11th -

Added: "1st (hopefully) Annual Update" - regarding:

To: "Donald Trump's Human Design".

Here: https://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=2342640

13th -

Added: Quote from "The 24th Shadow - Addiction" as a footnote to "Holy Instant".

To: "Questions of Willingness (Will Be Resolved With Divine Will)".

Here: https://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=2319168

14th -

Added: "Gate 43: Breakthrough - The Gate of Insight - Listen to Your Own Inner Voice" plus a comment.

To: "Human Design Inside 'The Onion'".

Here: https://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=2387483

Added: "Vaccine industry in panic as scientific study solves the riddle of why flu shots don’t work."

To: "The Truth About Flu Vaccines".

Here: https://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=2211294

Added: Link to: "Questions about Michael Schmidt’s recent conviction and sentencing…"

To: "Raw Milk Farmer Michael Schmidt & The Ontario Prosecution".

Here: https://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=1302620

Added: "Work on yourself ... which will allow you to better understand and accept others."

To: "What's Your Card?"

Here: https://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=2163040

16th -

Added: "Daily tensions - an exercise to overcome them".

To: "Maps of The Psyche" at "Psyche & Health".

Here: https://www.curezone.org/Blogs/fm.asp?i=2321002

Added: "...every power this foreign entity exercises ... they have violated and breached via semantic deceit, secrecy, and fraud."

To: "Free Yourself From All Semantic Deceptions of Government!"

Here: https://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=2298826

Added: Matthew 5:48

To: "Welcome to 'Transformations with Chef Jemichel'!"

Here: https://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=2251895

17th -

Added: quote re: Government bureaucrats, ignorance of the written law, the proprietary limits of Congress, your required consent for governmental jurisdiction, what the United States of America owns, and the organic laws.

To: "Getting Clear About Federal Proprietary Jurisdiction Limits!".

Here: https://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=2292529

18th -

Added: 6 quotes of Plato that began with: "The greatest mistake in the treatment of diseases is that there are physicians for the body and physicians for the soul, although the two cannot be separated."

To: "Welcome to 'Transformations with Chef Jemichel'!"

Here: https://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=2251895

Added: "Face the fear to transform fear/F.E.A.R. into a F.A.C.E./face that you can relate to!"

To: "What is Healing? What is German New Medicine?"

Here: https://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=1872660

Added: "...the Illegal takeover and surrender of the 50 Sovereign Nation States of North America, known as The United States of America".

To: "'The People Are Sovereign' - They Have Unalienable Rights!"

Here: https://www.curezone.org/Blogs/fm.asp?i=1858558

Added: "...understand the first frauds committed against us, for it is in the beginning that we most clearly see the ends. 1. March 27, 1861, ..." and continuing.

To: "Free Yourself From All Semantic Deceptions of Government!"

Here: https://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=2298826

Added: "Law is contract, universally and in the U.S., so we must follow the progression of contractual agreements which constitute the underlying U.S. Law. ..."

To: "The Truth About Courts and 'Money'".

Here: https://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=2386358

19th -

Added: "A complete 'dyad' communication cycle needs five to ten minutes. Due to their time restraints it appears that 'one million doctors' in the U.S. of A. do not have time for the kind of communication that could 'also care for the soul'. How do you feel about that?"

To: "What is Healing? What is German New Medicine?"

Here: https://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=1872660

Added: "Rather than running straight to the doctor’s office at the first sign something might be off" ... "take a moment to tell the truth regarding recent shocks you experienced to someone whom you can be totally honest with."

To: "Iatrogenic (Doctor-Originated) Shock Conflict Diseases".

Here: https://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=1940961

Added: "Fascism in the United States".

To: "Son of Truth of Self".

Here: https://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=2391990

Added: "Washington refers to 'the People of the United States twice in his Inaugural speech however he was elected 'President of the United States of America' which did not require an oath of office. He declared an oath for the office of 'President of the United States' - an office distinct from the former. The former is 'Head of State'. The later is 'Head of Government'. Washington combined these two into one person referred to as 'President of the United States'. Possibly the first time this was revealed was in the Nuremberg Trial.

In the Nuremberg Trial 'Stahmer cued Goring to explain where the idea had come from to combine the ceremonial head of state and the head of government in one person, Adolf Hitler. That was simple, Goring explained. They had taken their example from the similar dual roles of the president of the United States.'[i].

[i] Re-writting History:

To: The Ludington Torch

Here: search: "The Ludington Torch"

Added: "Pythagoras".

To: "Welcome to 'Transformations with Chef Jemichel'"!

Here: https://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=2251895

20th -

Added: "From now to at least late December is a most excellent time to have genuine dialogue with others (if they are willing ; ~ ) In dialogue (as opposed to debate-based communications) you are most interested in understanding 'the perspective of others'. Having the Sun's energy in Sagittarius will support that."

To: "Welcome to 'Transformations with Chef Jemichel'!"

Here: https://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=2251895

Added: my comment re: "...the work we can accomplish by rising to the causal plane has repercussions on our thoughts, our feelings, our daily behaviour, and even on our health, as if orders were given from on high to bring order and harmony to our entire being."

To: "Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov".

Here: https://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=2251110

Added: "Comment at The Bovine" on a certain presentation re: the "Bill of Rights".

To: "Canadian Raw Milk Farmer Michael Schmidt & The Prosecution".

Here: https://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=1302620

Added: "The Pathway of Breakthrough ...".

To: "What is Healing? What is German New Medicine?"

Here: https://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=1872660

Added: "... understanding and embracing the Shadow aspects of ... four Gene Keys in your own life it is possible to activate their higher frequencies and bring about a subtle change deep inside yourself."

To: "Welcome to 'Transformations with Chef Jemichel'!"

Here: https://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=2251895

Added: "...my notes for the 33rd Gene Key how Pete has both his Pluto activations ... corresponding to Throat Gate 33..."

To: "TOMMY & Transformations Of My Mythological Youth".

Here: https://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=2124302

Added: "Why oppose a nominated candidate within a Federal government office when the reach of that office falls far short of where you live?"

To: "Blog: Chef Jemichel ~ The Chef-Doctor".

Here: https://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=2392174

Added: "My Law Professor Dr. Ed Rivera mentioned ... that his dictionary of choice is: 'The Random House Unabridged Dictionary'".

To: "To Research".

Here: https://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=2316083

Added: "Stop A Court Case With One Question - Subrogation" on YouTube:

To: "The Truth About Courts and 'Money'".

Here: https://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=2386358

21 -

Added: "Sun is transiting in Line 6 of the 14th Hexagram - Humility - Activating 'Wealth and power at its most exalted.'"

To: "Thank You Ra Uru Hu!"

Here: https://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=2359781

Added: 3 "Jung Quotes".

To: "Maps of The Psyche?"

Here: https://www.curezone.org/Blogs/fm.asp?i=2321002

Added: "Carl Jung, on 'The Resurrection of the Christ Within'".

To: "The Necessity for 'Inner Work'".

Here: https://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=2365549

Added: Link to "The (I Ching) Gnostic Book Of Changes".

To: "Closing 'The Gap' Between Cosmos & Psyche!"

Here: https://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=2182635

22nd -

Added: "Just received an initial inquiry from a fellow in my greater area regarding the Gene Keys."

To: "Introductions to Your Human Design By Chef-Doctor Jemichel".

Here: https://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=2295321

Added: "Transits Re: A Direct Experience of Pluto & More!"

To: "Blog: The U-n-I-Verse".

Here: https://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=2392421

Added: "...in this way, we will be able to make good triumph while maintaining our strength and peace."

To: "You are the light of the world."

Here: https://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=2320551

Added: "The Psyche is Real: Materialism, Scientism and Jung’s Empiricism".

To: "Blog: Psyche & Health".

Here: https://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=2392469

23rd -

Added: Your "attitude toward the divine world determines (your) destiny".

To: "Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov".

Here: https://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=2251110

Added: "The current Sun Transit in the 34th Hexagram" plus commentary.

To: "Languages of Light ...".

Here: https://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=2210956

24th -

Added: "your PURPLE FRIDAY playlist"

To: "The Magnesium Miracle".

Here: https://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=2389650

Added: "'Come Together' ... 'On The Threshold of a Dream'".

Re: "the October interview with Barbara Marx Hubbard" at: "Creme de la Creme: Chef-Doctor Jemichel".

Here: https://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=2267181

25th -

Added: "... low magnesium levels and heart disease".

To: "The Heart Is Not A Pump - The Cells Do The 'Pumping'!"

Here: https://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=1940980

Added: The use of "Therapeutic Dyads" to "face the fears of death".

To: "In-Home Self-Healing Support".

Here: https://www.curezone.org/Blogs/fm.asp?i=2378498

Added: "Understanding the word: 'define' and the necessity to know your definitions".

To: "Free Yourself From All Semantic Deceptions of Government!"

Here: https://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=2298826

26th -

Added: "... I have eternal gratitude for 'the brotherhood'".

To: "Creme de la Creme: Chef-Doctor Jemichel".

Here: https://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=2267181

Added: "...the four main bodies that we mostly operate with nowadays".

To: "Psyche & Environment".

Here: https://www.curezone.org/Blogs/fm.asp?i=2261558

Added: a couple quotes including: "What others say and do is a projection of their own reality their own dream."

To: "Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov".

Here: https://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=2251110

27th -

Added: "Defining 'Constitution' in contrast with the 'Articles of Confederation'".

To: "Free Yourself From All Semantic Deceptions of Government!".

Here: https://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=2298826

28th -

Added: "A Nation of Hypertensives!"

To: "The Magnesium Miracle".

Here: https://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=2389650

Added: "Carol on the upcoming Mercury retrograde".

To: "The Astrological Perspective".

Here: https://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=2336251

29th -

Added: "The

To: "Psyche & Environment".

Here: https://www.curezone.org/Blogs/fm.asp?i=2261558

Added: "Super Full Moon".

To: "Astrological Perspectives".

Here: https://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=2336251

Added: Footnote re: breast milk[14].

To: "Your Gut = Your Health!".

Here: https://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=2046160

Added: "3 Ways to Dissolve the Despair of Chronic Disease".

To: "Fibromyalgia - Causative Factors & Possible Solutions".

Here: https://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=1506565

Added: "... dwarf planet Eris in my 6th natal house."

To: "Astrological Perspectives".

Here: https://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=2336251

Last (day) but not least -
30th -

Added: "the Entrapment Game".

To: "Free Yourself From All Semantic Deceptions of Government!".

Here: https://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=2298826

Added: "Prepare For "Winters" In Your Soul".

To: "Welcome to 'Transformations with Chef Jemichel'!"

Here: https://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=2251895

Added: "...Thomas Jefferson to James Monroe, 24 October 1823".

To: "To Research".

Here: https://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=2316083

Added: "Silence is the essential condition that allows us to hear the true word, true revelations."

To: "The Spoken and Unspoken Word".

Here: https://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=2387956


Anna Von Reitz, Re-writting History, Calcium, Fibromyalgia, muscle spasms, calcification, Dialogue, SSRIs, psyche, health, auto-biography, Government Deception, Semantic Deception, dialogue, causal plane, the church, heaven, the brotherhood, new jerusalem, Entrapment Game


Popularity:   message viewed 1939 times
URL:   http://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=2389600

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