Conspiracy Theories - Fact or Fiction? by Chef JeM .....

"Government Leadership has been engaged in a Nefarious. wicked or criminal monstrous conspiracy for decades, going back to the beginning of the United States." "Scientific research, and in turn our regulatory system, has become infected by corporate influence."

Date:   4/10/2017 11:28:07 PM ( 7 y ago)

December 8, 2022 - "A Conspiracy of Silence"[12]*

April 10, 2017 -

Just starting a new read that came to me the day before in response to my email signature:

"Without the 'United States' yet most certainly within the 'United States of America'. Do you know the difference?"

However, I do not yet know whether or not the individual that gifted me with their "book" actually knows the difference as he refers to the "United States" as where he (and the rest of Americans) lives.

In any case I am inspired by the content I'm reading now including the following:

"I’m certain that right out of the starting gate, there will be those spouting Conspiracy Theory, and that is intended to give them an excuse not to think and to turn your mind off, to block you from thinking or investigating any further. We don’t want to allow this, if for no other reason than it puts others in control of us. We need to be open and willing to consider points of view other than the points of view that come from mainstream sources or our authorities. Some-times it is easy to see the criminal behavior of Leadership, but most of the time it is well hidden because the Wizard’s curtain is pulled closed, blocking us from seeing clearly. However, criminal behavior can sometimes be discovered by logical analysis, sometimes by deductive reasoning and sometimes by inductive reasoning.
As far as conspiracies go, Government Leadership has been engaged in a Nefarious. wicked or criminal monstrous conspiracy for decades, going back to the beginning of the United States."[2]

I was inspired to quote this upon reading the last line. The history of "the conspiracy" by government goes back to George Washington as revealed by Dr. Ed Rivera based on his extensive research and findings throughout the Organic Laws.

April 11, 2017 -

I offer the following quote as a kind of counter-balance to the last line of the above quote:

"sit back for a moment and know that absolutely everything that you ever do or think or feel----is known----to the entire universe.

Does this change your assumptions? Does lying about anything make sense anymore?
Once you know that there are no secrets--- your life will change. Your world will change. Your heart will open up. Your mind will clear.

Instead of fear, you will know peace and you will be enabled to live a free and upright life again."[1]

I find it serendipitous that another message came to me within the past 24 hours that relates to the quote immediately above here:

"Because the consequences of their thinking and behaviour are not immediate, human beings rarely notice what has caused their misfortune. When they succumb to inner disorder or behave disgracefully, it is rare that a catastrophe befalls them at once; they feel no different, and sometimes they even feel better than before. Why has Cosmic Intelligence arranged things in this way? In order to give human beings the time and the opportunity to become aware of their errors and to correct them. Instead of allowing the law of cause and effect to come into play immediately, Cosmic Intelligence in its wisdom and love grants us credit; it gives us time to reflect and rectify our behaviour. ..."[3]

I was inspired to post the first quote when I read "Your heart will open up. Your mind will clear." I count this heart-opening and mind-clearing as a good thing!

Continuing on this amazing day -

Just discovered the following and rather than start a new post I thought it might relate to the subject matter here. What do you think?:


"The Holy See is the universal government of the Catholic Church and operates from Vatican City State, a sovereign, independent territory. The Pope is the ruler of both Vatican City State and the Holy See. The Holy See, as the supreme body of government of the Catholic Church, is a sovereign juridical entity under international law. The United States and the Holy See consult and cooperate on international issues of mutual interest, including human rights, peace and conflict prevention, poverty eradication and development, environmental protection, and inter-religious understanding. ..."[4]

Another discovery (with the help of "Government 1a"[2]):

Extract from the 1916 Congressional Record Senate -

"Senator Owen: I wish to put in the Record the secret treaty of Verona of November 22, 1822, showing what this ancient conflict is between the rule of the few and the rule of the many. I wish to call the attention of the Senate to this treaty because it is the threat of this treaty which was the basis of the Monroe doctrine. It throws a powerful white light upon the conflict between monarchical government and government by the people. The Holy Alliance under the influence of Metternich, the Premier of Austria, in 1822, issued this remarkable secret document:

AMERICAN DIPLOMATIC CODE, 1778-1884, vol. 2; Elliott, p. 179."[5]

The subject matter here is not limited to "government" alone. -

I have a professor friend who depends upon and who's work is supported by science. On a left-to-right spectrum of "regard for science" with left toward total skepticism and right toward unquestioning whatever any scientific pronouncement is made I'd rank this professor on the far right side. I wonder to what extent the professor could hear the following words of caution spoken by President Eisenhower in his farewell address:

"... in holding scientific discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite".[6]

That was delivered in a television broadcast on January 17, 1961. Now fifty-six years later we have a virtually endless list of all-inclusive environmental issues (major categories include: soil contamination, water pollution, air pollution, food contamination, pharmaceutical poisoning, etc.) with the most serious ones "endorsed" by science in the form of toxic products that science developed and claimed safe levels that have proven to be untrue. That's on what I call the double negative side of the list. Then there is what I call the negative-posiive side where science claims good food is detrimental to our health. Foods like animal products, especially animal fats like butter. Science had demonized butter over the last couple decades and only recently in the last year of so reversed their position and admitted they were wrong! In the meanwhile a large part of the unquestioning public had swallowed what turned out to be a lie and substituted non-food items like whipped canola oil for butter and consequently did not improve their health or well being at all.

September 1, 2018 - Good News Regarding the "Water Pollution" -

It's called "Ocean Cleanup"[11]

April 12, 2017 -

From The International Monsanto Tribunal Update -

"Moms exposed to Monsanto weed killer means bad outcomes for babies

Concerns about Roundup, the world’s most widely used herbicide are taking a new twist as researchers unveil data that indicates pervasive use of Monsanto's weed killer could be linked to pregnancy problems."[7] "documents discovered indicate the company may have manipulated scientific research to hide evidence of harm".

"Roundup and cancer: Monsanto knew much more than they told us

A new court filing in the US made on behalf of dozens of people claiming Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide gave them cancer has led to the publication of interesting and shocking documents. It started with correspondence by longtime EPA toxicologist Marion Copley who died of cancer in 2014. She cites evidence from animal studies and writes: “It is essentially certain that glyphosate causes cancer.”[8] The documents released by the judge show that Monsanto knew much more about the dangers of Roundup and glyphosate and worked closely together with the EPA, the agency that should protect public health. It shows that Monsanto manufactured scientific studies and used those studies to influence regulators."[9]
January 24, 2018 -

Added the following comment at a "controversial" site:

The article carries substantial weight, (and emotional punch — enough to engage my interest) and I would love to see at least one reference citation for AHA funding regarding “Ag Canada and Canola Oil Council” (as well as any other food manufacturing industry or the pharmaceuticla industry for that matter).

I had just inquired the other day with AHA as to the canola oil funding and they (naturally) flatly denied any. This appears to be a hurdle that I wish to surrmont so that I may publish it as far and wide as I possibly can.

Thank You Kevin Michael![10]


[1] By Anna Von Reitz:

[2] GOVERNMENT 1a (Version: 09-170305) by michael - herbert: keehn
That may possibly be available at:
The above was found in the single search result listed as:
"putting it together - Tripod ..." -
from my search terms: "Within the City of London you will find".






"Monsanto is being sued by hundreds of people who claim they or their loved ones developed non-Hodgkin lymphoma because of exposure to glyphosate-based Roundup. Monsanto, the EPA and other regulatory bodies, say evidence of carcinogenicity is lacking and the chemical is among the safest of all pesticides used in food production. But documents discovered in the course of the litigation indicate the company may have manipulated scientific research to hide evidence of harm."


"A new court filing made on behalf of dozens of people claiming Monsanto Co.’s Roundup herbicide gave them cancer includes information about alleged efforts within the Environmental Protection Agency to protect Monsanto’s interests and unfairly aid the agrichemical industry."


Title: "Monsanto Manufactured Scientific Studies And Then Used Those Studies To Influence EPA, Other Regulators"





Government, conspiracy, United States, heart, The Holy See, Catholic Church, Vatican City State, sovereign, The Pope, The United States, TREATY OF VERONA, Monsanto, Manufactured Scientific Studies, EPA, Scientific research, regulatory system, corporate influence, ocean cleanup


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