The Essential Need For A Spiritual Ideal by Chef JeM .....

The New Harmonic Convergence

Date:   4/26/2016 10:49:03 PM ( 8 y ago)

April 26, 2016 -

I'm amazed at the many synchronicities that appear in my life! I'm so grateful for the synchronistic messages that I very often receive from the Omraam community including the following current one.

"People accumulate so much that is useless and even harmful in their head and heart. Why? Because they don’t know how to sort things. They accumulate everything indiscriminately, whether it be good, bad, useful, useless, essential or superfluous. And then they complain, ‘I am trying hard, so why am I not progressing? Why am I not getting anywhere?’ Well, the reason is very simple: they have not yet understood that they must first work at clearing out. Yes, sort out and get rid of all that runs contrary to their spiritual ideal.[1] For it is no use to have an ideal half-forgotten somewhere at the back of one’s mind;[2] one’s entire life must be in harmony with that ideal.[3] People consider it normal to have diverse tastes, needs, projects, points of view and activities. But if they take stock, and analyze them carefully, they will find that many of them restrict them to lower realms of consciousness which, until they abandon them, will prevent them from progressing."

April 27, 2016 -

"Nowadays, contemplative practices are needed to clarify our values, so that we may communicate them effectively. Compassion for all life, human and non-human, is the only thing left that can make a human future possible. Such love is not a mere luxury. It is fundamental to the continued survival of our species."

I can not agree to having a limitation placed upon the thinking for a shared vision and especially when the vision is to embrace the future as well as be the high ideal for how we can all live together in peace and harmony. Knowing that our values will become the foundation stones upon which new community can be built such above mentioned "contemplative practices" will certainly be needed for clarification. Are we able to allow for practices that may appear to be beyond the scope of a "business" focus?

May 1, 2016 - Happy May Day! -

The spirit of "Vision" requires mass/matter/form/structure. - "Pluto is retrograde in Capricorn asking us to look at our structures and our organizations"[4]

May 5, 2016 - Happy Cinco de Mayo! -

Rudolf Steiner had the right attitude about doing the right thing whether or not others can "appreciate" it. Omraam was of the same ilk. The "Enchanted Garden Onion" needs to see the following.:

"The totality must have a spiritual mission, and each individual must want to contribute to fulfilling that mission. [...] Right into the details, the spirit of the totality must be alive."[5]

"Human life has recently entered a stage that repeatedly allows the antisocial element to emerge from social arrangements and establishments, and this antisocial element will always have to be tackled anew."[6]

May 6, 2016 -

"Our capacity to create happiness is infinite. The challenge lies in bringing forth our greatest possible selves in the face of daily reality. This continual progression of self-renewal and transformation is the journey of human revolution."

When I first read this instead of reading the last word as it is printed I projected "evolution". I find the difference in terms enhances the meaning here!

May 21, 2016 -

Yesterday's "Thought for the day" from the Omraam community:

"In themselves, the forces of nature are neither good nor bad: they become one or the other according to how we use them. And the same is true for the spirits of the four elements: the gnomes, sylphs, nymphs and salamanders. All these entities that inhabit the earth, water, air and fire are in themselves neither good nor bad. They accept to be at the service of humans, and are pleased to be given work, but they are never concerned about its goal, whether good or bad. And whoever sets the task, these spirits of nature obey. They submit to the human will which is able to dominate them and this is why so many sorcerers or black magicians engage them for their criminal enterprises. We cannot blame these spirits for obeying because they are like that, they have no moral sense. So it is up to humans to be vigilant and put them to work only in the cause of good."[8]


All the more reason to have a high (spiritual) ideal and especially as the overarching Vision for Self, Life and in every "community" endeavor. This message came to me yesterday during a short "time out" during a meeting with my fellow gardeners as we were focused on the co-creaton of our new vision! The outstanding point of this fact is that our vision will inevitably embrace our relationship with nature at our location. My hope is that the "embrace" will be one that truly lifts our relationship to one where we are ready, willing, able and vigilant to put "these entities" to work only in the cause of good. To achieve that I believe we must have spiritual ideal/s, a shared vision/mission that articulates these and ongoing dialogue aligned with all of these. Biodynamic Agriculture may be a good reference to support this orientation.

May 25, 2016 -

A day or so ago I watched an astrological presentation on YouTube regarding the four primary natal points (Ascendant, Descendant, Midhaven and IC) that brought these points alive for me! I was so inspired to focus on the IC point to identify the greatest area of "conditioning" and use that in support of one's de-conditioning process. I applied this IC quest to my own chart and upon identifying the exact zodiac placement this idea immediately fit my history. Then I began applying it to the charts of clients. This part appears to require additional research as I don't have compete knowledge of the client's history as I do my own. So I turned to both Human Design and The Gene Keys. To make a longer story short for now I'm now finding the "fit" with my client by way of the Gene Keys. My client has the 55th Gene Key activated and the programming partner for the55th is the 59th which corresponds to my client's IC! These two Gene Keys are the active leads in the genetic transmutation process that is currently underway within the entire human genome! I have the 59th but not the 55th and so it is a most awesome relationship for me to work with my client in this way.

The 59th underscores the need for radical honesty especially in our close and co-habitating relationships. That's because "behind the 59h Shadow hides a deep distrust of others and a core fear of relationships" and consequently "we rarely communicate with others in real depth". This Shadow is called the "Shadow of Dishonesty". This is where the sacred dyads can be called in to create the kind of safe space required for us to open up to one another at deeper and ever deeper levels. This is why I have submitted: "Adopting dialogue as the new community", "Learning Communication Dyads" and "Sharing Relating Exercises" as my top three ideas for consideration in the new visioning process begun at "The Onion".[10]

"As long as we keep something of ourselves hidden from the other there is always something left for them to fear"[9] and in light of this genetic truth we can not live in peace with one another unless we open up the pathways that make communication "with others in real depth" truly possible.Fessential

June 6, 2016 -

Omraam's message (quoted in the second paragraph above) is all-inclusive and on a physical level the individual who accumulates so much stuff is known as a pack rat! We had a pack rat who used to live here in the E.G.O. and we finally gave the individual a notice to clear our the stuff or it will be considered abandoned and dealt with accordingly. This is not really anything "shocking" as the individual admitted a couple years ago that they have a "disease". What hasn't been tolerable about that is that even though they knew they had this "disease" they did nothing at all about clearing/healing their disease. So now it appears that the rest of the "fellow gardeners" have to deal with the aftermath of this one's pack rat disease.

October 17, 2016 -

In the Enchanted Garden Onion (E.G.O.) one can hear talk about "seeds", planting seed dreams and the like. The following message from Omraam takes the seed idea to the pinnacle of "High Ideals" beyond what I've ever heard at E.G.O.

Human beings are like seeds cast into the world by the creator, each imprinted with the image of divine perfection. This is the meaning of the verse in Genesis which says that God created man in his image. And what is the destiny of a seed? To germinate and grow until it becomes a tree.

We are all seeds produced by the creator, meaning that we are potential divinities. And by ceaselessly striving each day to improve the various expressions of ourselves, we will one day become divinities.

To be a seed is magnificent in itself, but it is even better to become a tree with roots, a trunk, branches, leaves, flowers and fruits. Keep this image of the tree within you, for if you work to come closer and closer to divine perfection – to this perfection already imprinted somewhere within you, as it is in the seed – you will, one day, become a tree of life.[11]


[1] The key here is to have a "spiritual ideal"! I believe this can also be stated as "Vision". Something that I wish to see our fellow gardeners commence with next!

[2] Not only is it essential for a group to have a shared vision/ideal they need to review that as often as they can. (If the group were functioning as a business it could be reviewed at least weekly.)

[3] Although this is most certainly true I really do not know whether my fellow gardeners are capable of living in harmony with a "shared vision/ideal" (and I am unwilling to make any assumptions about that at all)! As I write this now I think of the fundamental values from which a shared vision can emerge and that this process could be in three stages. In the first stage each individual writes out their own personal values that they wish to at least have acknowledged by the group. They all present these values one by one. Second step is that each individual takes those personal values and bundles them together into a personal vision that expresses their "High Ideal" and then presents their "new vision" to the group. Then the third step consists of the group working together to converge these separate High Ideals into one whole shared Vision statement.


[5] - quoting Rudolf Steiner in
"The Fundamental Social Law - Rudolf Steiner on the Work of the Individual and the Spirit of Community" (2001) by Peter Selg

[6] Ibid - pg. 7



[9] p 474 Gene Keys




shared vision, high ideal, shared values, community, Biodynamic Agriculture, forces of nature, four elements, gnomes, sylphs, nymphs, salamanders, nature spirits, spiritual ideal, high ideal, tree of life, consciousness, clearing, contemplation, values, Compassion, spiritual mission, antisocial, self-renewal


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