Of Crimes and Perpetrators - NATIONS are not Perps by Karlin .....

Think about how easily we accepted "going after Iraq" for 9-11. Why was that? Who did it died, isn't that enough considering Islamic extremists only commit 6% of attacks?

Date:   1/17/2014 3:03:37 PM ( 10 y ago)

                        Of Crimes and Perpetrators - Not NATIONS

     It is time we started asking how it was that it seemed so "okay" to attack an entire NATION for the crimes of a few INDIVIDUALS.

    Normally when a crime is committed we go after the perpetrators, and if they were killed during the crime they committed we say "we would have executed them if we put them on trial and found them guilty, but since they died doing their dastardly deed it is a done deal".

     Perhaps the President felt cheated out of hosting a worthwhile execution for the nation to see. Perhaps we all felt threatened since the perpetrators were willing to die doing the dirty deed they did - but the logistics of bringing America to it's knees by crashing planes into buildings that were slated for demolition, where 20 of "the enemy" dies along with the few dozen American citizens who were in the towers that day.

   What? - The "few dozen American citizens who were in the towers" ?? - A long search of the online information of 9-11 in the year 2014 does not show the number of American citizens who were killed in the 9-11 attacks. What is known is that people from 115 nations were in the WORLD Trade Centre "Twin Towers" buildings on that day, and since 2753 people were killed in the attacks, divided by 115 nations, comes to 24. We have to guess if they won't tell us.

    The firefighters, police, people on the streets, and heart attack victims were just American incompetence - if 9-11 were a battle, those others were "collateral damage" - isn't that what America calls the innocent bystanders who are killed in their attacks in other nations?

  President George W. Bush promised Americans that America will "hunt down and find those folks who committed this act" - maybe he didn't hear the news that they died in the planes.. but I guess nobody really knows that for sure because their bodies were not found, they might have been the ones jumping out the windows and maybe they had parachutes and ran away.

   In any case, "Islamic terrorists" were not the main threat - from 1980 to 2005, including 9/11, Islamic extremists carried out only 6% of the attacks that occurred on American soils. {Those stats are linked below... but read a few more paragraphs first, please.}

    So why were we so willing to agree that invading Iraq and ousting Saddam and killing 50,000 to 100,000 Iraqi citizens, plus invading Afghanistan and taking over that nation's government and running it's daily affairs ever since, was THE RIGHT THING TO DO AFTER 9/11?

   I don't think we really know why. You don't know why. You don't mind. It doesn't matter. Sleep now.

   By golly, I think we were brainwashed. They had some big beam that put ideas in our heads - is it called television? Or is the idea of a Tin Foil Hat a seriously good one?

   Perhaps it is only clear to ME now because I have not watched TV for the past three years. The subliminal messages are still rolling - and anyone who watches any network programming or ads is getting it, even now in 2014, about terrorism.

   It is difficult to give up TV. All humans are prone to addictions. The wealthy are so prone to addiction to wealth and power that they cannot stop using oil even though Global Warming is threatening to undermine our economy - oil [and nuclear] gives the Elites their big money, whereas the renewable forms of energy are "democratic" in that any of us can produce them with solar panels and wind turbines.

  Those of us with chemical addictions are doing much less damage to society than those with wealth an power addictions - because they are our leaders. Every one of our leaders has a wealth an power addiction.

    The events of 9-11 are not yet clear. Many people believe Bush arranged for it to happen so he could have an excuse to invade Iraq and Afghanistan. In the future, this connection will be denied - it is already starting to look pretty flimsy....

   After all - don't we usually just go after the perpetrators, and leave their neighbourhoods alone? When has "American Justice" ever gone after an entire nation for one crime? It makes no sense. We were brainwashed.


-------------------------------------------- Suggested Readings, Stats:

Search on Google:
  how many Americans died in 9 11

{it is hard to find the answer, isn't it}


Terrorism Is a Real Threat … But the Threat to the U.S. from Muslim Terrorists Has Been Exaggerated

Link:  http://www.globalresearch.ca/non-muslims-carried-out-more-than-90-of-all-terrorist-attacks-in-america/5333619

Quote:  "An FBI report shows that only a small percentage of terrorist attacks carried out on U.S. soil between 1980 and 2005 were perpetrated by Muslims."

See those stats here:

First and last on that list above

When           Where                      How                Who
1/7/1980     San Juan, PR       Pipe Bombing     Anti-Communist Alliance

11/20/2005     Hagerstown, MD     Arson                  Earth Liberation Front


Final Thought -

   I have heard that we can write things about America on Cure Zone that cannot be written on other websites because Cure Zone is beyond the reach of their censors, because the servor is in Norway or offshore or something - is that right? Who knows? 

   Mods - can you tell us about why Cure Zone offers us this unique freedom?

 . My article today would be one they might like to take down, or change. I apologise if it offends anyone, but it is the truth.


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