Sabian Symbols Oracle Reading – January 2, 2014 – New Moon by #29621 .....

The Knowledge which keeps burning the fires of the collective psyche "as it contributes to the all-round unfolding of the whole nature of man" in freedom!

Date:   1/16/2014 7:48:34 AM ( 10 y ago)

My deepest gratitude and appreciation to Dr. Christopher Lowthert (DC), in Virginia, for his transcription of our conference call that was devoted to this reading!

Venus Retrograde until the end of January. A most excellent opportunity
now for your:
Reconsideration of all contracts signed or unsigned. All agreements with others. Time for all your "course corrections". They are necessary disruptions to allow for healthier relationships and more satisfying and holistic life directions. This could be the beginning of a major turning point. It certainly feels that way to me!

The Reading -
(From "An Astrological Mandala: The Cycle of transformations And Its 360 Symbolic Phases" by Dane Rudhyar.)

Capricorn 12 Degrees:
"Illustrated Lecture on Natural Science reveals little known aspects of life.
Keynote: The ability to explore unfamiliar realms and discover the laws underlying complex process of Nature."

Just that scene description and the keynote alone was wonderful to read! But, after re-reading it, I saw what stood out the most for me: the "discover(y) (of) the laws underlying complex process of Nature". That speaks to both Dr. Chris and myself as a New Medicine (NM) corollary. So that, and the rest of the symbols kept building a certain momentum that followed right along the lines of this kind of thinking in reference to NM. That's just the start and what a start it is! It's a "What" position, the first of four points on this particular astrological cross for this new moon cycle and also in the moon's relationship as the start-up for the whole year. "What" we are working with is summarized in the above keynote.

So, where does this go to? It goes 180 degrees staright across to Cancer 12 degrees. The scene is...

"A Chinese woman nursing a baby whose aura feels him to be the reincarnation of a great teacher.
Keynote: The revelation of latent worth in an experience once its seen in deeper meaning."

I underscored "deeper meaning" which links me back again to NM and the significant biological survival programs that are meaningful. They are indeed meaningful! There's deep meaning in the biological programs and because there's deep meaning in the biological programs there's the potential for people to extract the deep meaning from their experience, possibly even a revelation of "latent worth" as this keynote brings out. That's where this “goes to” (or I'd say "is leading to").

Then, a little more quoting from the discourse from Dane Rydhyar:

"We now have a symbol which demands that we look beyond common appearances and discover the occult or hidden character of every person and every experience."

That to me is such an affirmative, powerful and empowering voice that is once again validating my personal destiny of "Extension" here on the
core message of NM and the “Five Biological Laws”. This picture is validating the latent worth within each individual and their experiences with the potential for them to extract deeper meaning from their experiences. That's the gift that NM is pointing to! This is the hidden gift in NM and it is also the hidden gift in “Gene Keys”. Plus, it's the hidden gift in the “Human Design System”! All these systems work together and can support each other, as well as the Astrological Mandala. I see a potential synthesis with all of these. (I am now noting here that I see a need to begin sketching out the correlation between these different systems.)

The correlating of these different systems is a destiny function in my "Design"; to “extend” the metaphysical, to translate it, to make it accessible to just about anybody. This reading is helping me realize that! If this reading doesn't help someone else directly, I will accept that.
That's not a problem. If that's the case then this reading is just a matter of underscoring, validating, confirming for me my relationships, my relationship with NM, my relationship with the development of the “Psyche and Health” programs plus the Vision/Mission with Dr. Chris as well as my work in consulting with individuals. The understanding is all about extracting those hidden gifts and finding the deeper meaning in our experiences in life. All the systems that I have referred to have been given to us to support this and this reading happens to illustrate this in a most beautiful way!

Then we move on to the third position: "HOW". It is the vision on "how" the most previous point in this configuration can be obtained. The "how" is from Aries 12 Degrees.

"A Triangularily Shaped Fight of Wild Geese.
Keynote: An idealistic reliance upon a mental image of universal order."

Once again, this is the "how". How we proceed. How we apply the inspiration, the insights that the "what"and "where to" Sabian Symbol scenes are showing us. And the how is further explained by Rydnar's discourse:

"The flight of geese is seasonal, and therefore, attuned to planetary rhythms. Thus it symbolizes cosmic order in contrast with sociopolitical order with a nation represented by its ruler."

There's a contrast here with the previous symbol (at Aries 11 degrees), from a sociopolitical order to a direct attunement with planetary rhythms that offers an alignment with the cosmic order. In my opinion, that "cosmic order" transcends the sociopolitical order. The cosmic order has the trump on this! More under the

"The symbol, therefore, refers to the soul consciousness."

(Note added January 22nd "Soul Consciousness" is of the highest order of interest in all that is concerned with "Psyche and Health".)

This symbol is speaking to me of the purpose of NM and the mission of "Psyche & Health". (Note added January 22nd: The term psychology is derived from psyche (soul) and ology (study of), the knowledge of which must serve the consciouness of the individual in the direction of their freedom! (1.)

All biological programs that are launched from within an individual's psyche are potential "portals" of deep meaning for the individual regarding their experience. When the individual becomes willing to consciously participate, they can consciously choose to go through that portal and enter into the shadow of their experience with their awareness intact and begin to look right into the fear there. By entering into the shadow of their fear they begin allowing themselves to see the gift that is hidden there.

That process brings them into their own soul consciousness. It's activating their soul consciousness to more deeply realize themselves, to realize their soul capacity, the latent power of the soul, and to connect with that. To connect with that capacity and then through that have a more permanent, more lasting resolution, which NM says is what every “disease” is all about.

To go for the full resolution! To take resolution to the greater height and depth to the point where we've have recovered the soul consciousness
and we have a new integration going on with the individual. You can probably see that this goes beyond just the subsiding of symptoms. It goes back to soul-recovery and thereby to soul-flourishing. We have this soul consciousness pictured in this scene by the "heaven oriented mind". It continues on here...

"Because this is a second stage (that's within the five-stage sequence of each of these four individual positions) we have to consider what it pictures in contrast to the preceding symbol. A basic dualism of consciousness is thus suggested. We are seeing a potential conflict
between cosmic and social principles of order. The Principle of cosmic order polarizes the all-to-human reliance on the social concept of law
and order."

All of this is deeply meaningful and significant for me! It directly pertains to what I'm working with and the life path from where I'm coming from. I've been in the crux of that conflict between cosmic and social
principles of order all of my life. I recognize this most immediately. It's my “Book of Life”. My Book of Life was written in the crevice, in the crack that is between the conflict. The conflict between the cosmic and social principles of order. I'm terribly familiar with the all-to-human
reliance on social concept of law and order. All too familiar with it.

To the final scene. The "WHY". In Libra 12 Degrees.

“Miners are surfacing from a deep coal mine.
Keynote: The need to carry on at ever deeper levels. The quest for knowledge which keeps burning the fires of the collective mind of a society.”

That there is about the most awesome "WHY" I think I ever encountered in my whole life. And that is the "why" that I'm saying is not only for this
new moon that we are in right now, its the vibratory frequency that is being sounded for this entire year and probably for years to come! 2014 is all about the need to carry on at ever, ever deeper levels. The quest for knowledge which keeps burning the fires of "the collective mind of a society", which we would readily say is synonymous with the collective psyche. And we could consider that our contribution to the collective psyche will be this knowledge. It will be to support the quest for this "knowledge which keeps burning the fires of the collective (psyche) of (our) society.”

(1.) In Rudolf Steiner's book: The Philosophy of Freedom we can read:
"Knowledge has value only in so far as it contributes to the all-round unfolding of the whole nature of man.
This book, therefore, does not conceive the relation between science and life in such a way that man must bow down before the world of ideas and devote his powers to its service. On the contrary, it shows that he takes possession of the world of ideas in order to use them for his human aims, which transcend those of mere science.
Man must confront ideas as master; lest he become their slave. ":

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