In case of a Crisis by rudenski .....

My Grandparents lived on cornbread and beans through the mot so "Great Depression." If one can live simply enough, and love in spite of it all, we may have a means to extend our stay on this planet.

Date:   5/20/2008 6:37:23 AM ( 16 y ago)

IIn case of a Crisis

My Grandparents lived on cornbread and beans through the mot so "Great
Depression." If one can live simply enough, and love in spite of it
all, we may have a means to extend our stay on this planet.

Fear and Anger are the two great killers. It is time to prepare for
calamities but try to do so from a place of peace rather than fear.
Hate is not the opposite of love...fear is... But there nothing to
really fear as there is a new earth being formed from the very
substance of loving kindness... from the whole organism that is the
Earth. Each moment we have an opportunity to create a sphere around us
that is filled with light or darkness and we each influence those
around us in circles of influence and waves that move way beyond our
locality. We can live in a place of fear and make our sphere more gray
or we can with peace turn darkness into light.

It is we who decide the fate of the earth through the times that are
ahead but we do not have to respond in fear. If there is going to be a
serious crisis such as an "October Surprise," and it is still not too
late to prevent it, there are a few things that might help. Food,
Water, & Shelter are what every animal need to survive.

Food: The average American has 3 days of food in their home. If their
electricity goes down for more than a day, they have even less. The
average Mormon has seven years of food stored for their family for a
calamity they project will soon come to pass. It does not cost too
much yet to get dry bulk food but when diesel goes up a few more
dollars a gallon, there may be a shortage of these types of food
stock. If you do not have five pound bags of rice and beans, there is
no better time then now to make this very inexpensive purchase.
Squirrels, bears and other animals store up for potential times of
food shortage and so should we. Store the bulk food in a metal trash
can with a liner inside. This may seem like an irrelevant step but
this will help keep your food dry and keep the critters out.

Water: Without clean drinkable water, nothing else really matters. Do
you have a secondary source of water in case your water stops running
today? In case of any real local emergency, fill up your bathtub with
water and all of your sinks with water. If you have a couple of clean
unused plastic trash cans, this could extend your storage capacity
until you can get access to clean water. Do you have a water
distiller? This could be the most important purchase ever. I have one
but it depends on electricity. My next windfall, I will get one that
doesn't depend of on electricity. I an not a smoker but anyone without
a large box of matches and a few lighters should have these items in a
dry place for boiling water and rudimentary cooking.

Grow a garden. Start today.

Does everyone know how to make colloidal silver as a means to make a
non-toxic antibiotic for pennies? I could do a little workshop and
show everyone how to make this amazing suppressed substance that will
wipe out any bacteria there is. Let me know.

Our bodies are like a large chemical/electrical battery. We need to
keep our bodies in the right balance of water and minerals so it can
operate efficiently. Gut health is a great place to start.

An apple a day really will keep the doctor away and Apple Cider
Vinegar really is a food made from apples that is a whole medicine
cabinet. You can store Apple Cider Vinegar for a long time and it is
my favorite health supplement. Get a gallon of ACV for cleaning
purposes and get as much unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar for a daily
consumption as it really will keep the doctor away. You only need a
tablespoon a day of this stuff a day to keep your gut functioning
properly. Add it too a large clean glass of water. More is not better.
If you get too much of this stuff, you will not like the taste. Go
slow and live in health.

Table Salt has almost no nutritional value. Throw it out and get
Non-Iodized Sea Salt. Every animal eats all kinds of food to get its
minerals. In a food shortage, we may not have access to the wide range
of foods needed to properly mineralize our bodies. Non Iodized Sea
Salt has all the minerals one needs as it almost has the same mineral
content as human blood. Sea salt in a glass of water is a poor man's
blood transfusion. Add one tiny pinch of sea salt in two or three
glasses of clean water each day to keep your bodies battery from
getting the fuzzies or shorting out. This one inexpensive dietary
change may be the most important thing you will ever do for your health.

Iodine- For serious health crises, food grade iodine is a must. Find
some for internal and external use.

Hydrogen Peroxide. Get several containers of 35% food grade and dilute as

70% 90% Rubbing Alcohol

Miracle Mineral Solution(MMS) is a great way to attack serious health

Laughter is the best medicine. Laugh at least 25 items a day in case
of a crisis. It is contagious and may go a long way to healing the world.

Shelter: in an extended crisis may become a problem if you are not
able to keep the landlord or bank happy. In a crisis, if you don't
have a place to land with family and may be herded like
cattle by those trying to control the masses. This is a another great
reason to be nice to people you love and know your extended family.

In case of a crisis and you do find yourself without shelter, take
your food, water, and medicine with you and get as far away from the
cities as possible. Have planned routes out of town that are not the
main highways as these may quickly be jammed up. Keep your gas tank full.

If you have diesel, get a 50 gallon container and get set up to make
your own fuel.

Having a canoe or Johnny boat could be a good way to get out of a town
in a potential emergency.

Anyway, be good to people and do not add to the darkness others may
contribute to any crisis that may occur. We can make a difference and
change the world but a little preparation ahead of time may keep us
from acting from a place of fear. Give love... It is all that will
survive this world... so do your part and I will do mine and then no
matter what happens....everything will be just fine...

You can easily make your own colloidal silver generator
for just a small amount of money. All one needs is two pieces of solid
silver wire (about the thickness of the copper in Romex wire for your
house)about six inches long, 4 9volt batteries, and two copper wires
with alligator clips on both ends. I have not been to any of your
group meetings but if there is an interest in doing a workshop about
making CS, I would be willing. If you can make colloidal silver then
you may be able to barter this miracle substance for food and other
necessities in any type of prolonged crisis.

I have made most of the preparations for the list I have given you but
mice got into my dry bulk food so I am getting the metal trash can I
mentioned as soon as I am paid and re-stocking my dry food. The price
of food for many items has doubled over the last year and truckers are
beginning to park their trucks. They cannot afford to deliver our food
anymore. Hyper Inflation from our nation's warmongering and the cost
of gas will make food scarce in the near future if something does not
soon change. The men who control the oil are trying to break the back
of the American economy so they can take it's resources for pennies on
the devalued dollar. I suspect an "October Surprise" will be launched
by these same men to cover up the theft of property in America, as a
reason to secure additional world oil resources, and give Americans a
reason to give their remaining resources and will to the war machine.

If we are prepared with food stuffs and inexpensive home remedies for
a potential health crisis from a potential plague or super flu then we
might prevent being herded into concentration like camps. Forced
vaccinations will likely be the means of exterminating those who are
undesirables. Laying low and not causing negative attention toward you
and those you love while you migrate away from the cities is the best

If there is a nuclear attack on a city near you, consuming few drops
of food grade iodine is the best way to prevent cancers and thyroid
damage. If there is a biological attack or health conditions
deteriorate, amp up on mega doses of Vitamin C each day. If you do
become sick from a super flu or some unknown disease, make some
colloidal silver and take MMS to kick the tail out of serious
diseases. A good sense of humor is the other critical element in case
of any serious crisis. Without hope and a smile, the bad guys win.

In a worst case scenario, winning may be just surviving in the unsure
days ahead but if Americans will use their spirit and resources to
help one another out instead of breaking down into anarchy then we
might prevent or shorten the time of any serious threat to our nation
and for the rest of the world.

Most of us are good people but there are Americans running rough shod
over the whole world and while a loving God will not turn her back on
us, she will not be able to see us if we are not shining the light of
loving kindness. Id we allow ourselves to be consumed by darkness, a
lesser aspect of God will allow America to be utterly destroyed.
Rather than stealing food and medicine when it is too late to do
anything about it, preparing ahead of time for a crisis takes away the
fear. Love is the opposite of hate so give love in all circumstances
and love will be your legacy if the world explodes or the organism
that is earth's days are extended. There is no greater time then now
to be prepared.

Light, Love, & Joyful Laughter,


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