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by Aharleygyrl

How To Grow Hair

It's that age-old question, is there anything that really grows hair?

Date:   9/27/2007 5:19:05 PM   ( 17 y ) ... viewed 10150 times

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World's First In-Home Laser Treatment For Hair! 


 *I just added the videos above, just discovered this product, am buying one for my mother.

Back in the mid-1980s, I began to research health. Many people referred to the book Life Extension as their "Bible", and I, as well. I made it through college with A's, but I rarely ever read a text book. The only thing that ever interested me enough to read, was health-related information. For some reason, I found it fascinating. This info about hair is one of the many things I studied way back when.

Many products claimed to grow hair. They do not work. Remember, we are talking about actually "growing" hair not simply making it more healthy. Be careful of fancy wording of products, too. Hairprime writes a paragraph on their site that is very deceptive. I had to read it twice to decipher it; No, they cannot grow hair where there are no follicles, but their ad seems to suggest they can, or at least point out the flaws of drugs that are involved in hair growth. Can some products prevent hair loss (as opposed to growing it)? Yes, Propecia is one. It is for men only, as it is associated with testosterone. And, it Hairprime says it "establish[es] a healthier environment for hair to grow...." Yes, it won't hurt you and the nutritional aspect of it is beneficial and most contain nutrients that support hair health, just don't be fooled by carefully worded ads. There are at least 20 different products on the market today, which claim, either directly or indirectly, that they will grow hair or prevent baldness by "unclogging" hair follices. The effectiveness of virtually all of these products can be summed up in three simple words-they don't work!

NOTE* If you have any mercury amalgam fillings, nickel under crowns, or root canals, it can cause your hair to fall out. so, I recommend getting them out if you do.

The only thing proven to grow hair is high blood pressure medicines like Minoxidil (Rogaine), which, if you stop using it, the hair falls out.

Among the other hair-growth stimulators that appear to work in a manner similar to Rogaine are pyridine N-Oxides and their derivatives, Diazoxide, and Phenytoin (Dilantin), all of which probably also duplicate or enhance naturally occurring levels of endogenous hair growth stimulators such as EDRFs.

Diazoxide is one of several hypertensive (blood pressure lowering) agents that has a positive effect on hair loss (probably by opening Potassim channels). Unfortunately, it's expensive and difficult to get in topical form. Other treatments are probably more effective as well. Side effects say you can have either loss of hair or increased hair growth.

When Rogaine is combined with tretinoin (Retin A), the results are significantly better than with Rogaine alone. Retin-A increases the percutaneous absorption of Rogaine and also appears to promote epithelial and vascular proliferation.

In order to maintain a beneficial effect, Rogaine therapy must be continued forever. In many people, a tolerance effect develops after 2-3 years. As a result of this, the drug is often discontinued.

The exception to this are the compounds Polysorbate 60 and Polysorbate 80-which are found in a few hair products, including Life Extension Shampoo. Polysorbate 60 and 80 appear to be useful in slowing down hair loss when applied topically because of their ability to emulsify androgen-rich sebum deposits from the scalp. They are rarely able to generate any degree of hair regrowth, however, but may be useful in conjunction with other agents. It is not approved by the FDA for hair growth, but you can buy it. Click here for an example.

Polysorbate 60 and 80 work in at least 2 or 3 different ways. They remove dihydrotestosterone and cholesterol from the scalp. They release histamine (a growth factor). They also probably affect the control of genetic activities in the hair follicle cells since they are able to remove some of the early tissue disorganization which occurs are the start of some chemically induced cancers. To use it, coat the scalp in the bald or balding areas with a thin film 5 to 10 minutes before shampooing, vigously enough so the scalp feels warm. You can expect to see new hairs growing within 2 to 3 months of daily use if it is going to work for you. The results of a study was growth for 60% of men in their 50s and 60s who used it daily for a year. It is more effective than hormone treatments and has no significant side effects, but it is most effective when used in conjunction with topical hormones (for men) and nutritional supplements.

Pulling hairs just short of breaking them or plucking hairs can stimulate new hair growth, though the effects are not very impressive.

Skin irritants such as cayenne pepper or dinitrochlorobenzene or dinitrochlorophenol often cause hair regrowth when rubbed into the scalp. This is at least partlty due to histamine release, which stimulates cell divsion.

The amino acid l-cysteine will make you hair grow faster. Take 500 mg of L-cysteine 4 to 5 times a day. be sure to take 2 to 3 times as much vitamin C with it or you can get kidney stones.

Inositol (muscle sugar) is a B vitamin that protects hair follicles from membrane damage caused by oxidated cholesterol or by destruction from lysosomes (proteolytic enzymes).

PABA is a B vitamin. In some studies, it retards hair loss and premature graying.

A deficiency in Biotin leads to hair falling out.

For men, topical estrogens and androgens can control male pattern baldness, a mixture is best in the form of dipropionate and cypionate in a base of DMSO. Testosterone propionates are not as effective and have side effects. Follow the correct dosage as described in Life Extension.

The latest scientific model to explain baldness involves the action of dihydrotestosterone (DHT)-the major metabolite of the male hormone testosterone. Scientists have found that excessive secretion of DHT stimulates a localized immune reaction, which, in turn, generates an inflammatory response that damages hair follicles, resulting in their miniaturization and eventual loss.

Other Anti-Androgen Hair Growth Agents

Since the male hormone dihydrotestosterone is involved in premature hair loss, scientists have experimented with a wide variety of anti-androgens in an attempt to prevent or reverse the process. Among the anti-androgens that have been used to treat hair loss are: Progesterone, Spironolactone (Aldactone), Flutamide (Eulexin), Finasteride (Proscar), Cimetidine (Tagamet), Serenoa Repens (Permixon) and Cyproterone Acetate (Androcur/Diane). Of these anti-androgens the most effective have proved to be oral Finasteride (Proscar) and topical Spironolactone, both of which have been able to grow hair to some degree, with minimal side effects.


Proscar-which is already approved for the treatment of benign prostatic hypertrophy-is an inhibitor of 5-alpha reductase, the enzyme that converts testosterone into DHT. Proscar markedly reduces circulating levels of DHT, which inhibits the balding process.

Preliminary data indicate that 58% of men on 5 mg. per day of Proscar will experience a 10% or greater increase in the total number of hairs on their heads. In virtually all the subjects receiving Proscar, there was a halt in the hair loss process. However, about 3-5% of them experienced a reversible decrease in libido and/or penile impotence. Proscar will probably be approved by the FDA for the treatment of hair loss, perhaps in 1 mg doses, within the next two years.


Permixon, or saw palmetto extract, which also is used to treat benign prostatic hypertrophy, may also be of use in treating baldness. It is both a 5-alpha reductase inhibitor and blocks 50% of the uptake of DHT at its target tissue receptor sites. It has minimal side effects.

To date, there have been no studies published in the medical literature evaluating the effects of Permixon on balding, though it is reasonable to assume that its benefits would be roughly equivalent to Proscar.


Spironolactone, a diuretic anti-hypertensive drug, is currently being prescribed as an anti-androgen therapy for the treatment of female hirsutism (excessive hair growth on the body) (Note: Androgens make body hair grow. They make scalp hair thin). It is also used to treat acne and AGA. Spironolactone blocks the formation and activity of testostosterone metabolites (such as DHT) entering hair follicles and oil glands by binding to the receptor protein. Spironolactone reduces scalp hair shedding and initiates scalp hair regrowth.

Spironolactone is effective both topically and orally. Systemic use in men is precluded, however, because its anti-androgenic effect causes loss of libido and gynecomastia (larger-than-normal breasts). There are no side effects associated with the topical use of spironolactone, other than occasional contact dermatitis.

The use of anti-androgens by themselves generally produces a very limited degree of hair regrowth. However, they are necessary and useful as adjuvants to other therapies such as hair-growth stimulators and oxygen free radical scavengers.

Immunosuppression And Free Radical Scavengers

The immune response provoked by male hormones such as DHT probably plays the most significant role in balding. Stimulated by androgens, the immune system targets hair follicles in genetically susceptible areas to cause the premature loss of hair characteristic of male pattern baldness and other forms of accelerated hair loss.

Thus, a side effect of the immunosuppressive drug cyclosporine (which is used to prevent the rejection of transplanted organs) is scalp hair regrowth. It may be that cyclosporine is the most potent single hair regrowth agent known. But the drug causes potentially severe toxic side effects when used systemically, including kidney damage, hypertension (high blood pressure)-and even death-which precludes its use as a hair growth stimulant. However, other ways (with no potential for system toxicity) have been found to inhibit the localized immune response that leads to hair loss.

Topical Oxygen Radical Scavengers

Among the most potent hair growth stimulators are topical oxygen radical scavengers such as the superoxide dismutases (SODases)- enzymes that play a critically important role in countering excessive free radical activity throughout the body.

Among the SODases that have been shown to promote hair growth are Tricomin, a patented copper tripeptide from the Procyte Corporation, and "Copperbinding Peptides" from Proctor & Gamble. To give you some idea of how mature this technology is getting, Proctor & Gamble has even patented an SODase inhibitor (DDTC) to block hair growth.

SODases not only inhibit oxygen radicals, they also may inhibit the localized immune response responsible for so much of hair loss, and may offset some of the damage and inflammation already incurred. Unless the immunologic factors involved in the hair loss process are dealt with effectively in treatment, the potential for significant regrowth may be very limited.

A Multi-Modal Approach To Hair Treatment

There are many pharmaceutical agents (such as Rogaine) which can stimulate a degree of hair regrowth in some people. However, none of them alone can produce the kind of cosmetic benefits that balding people desire. What's needed is a multi-modal approach to hair treatment that combines anti-androgens with autoimmune protective agents, oxygen free radical inhibitors, and other hair growth stimulators to halt hair loss and generate hair regrowth to a degree well beyond the abilities of single compounds.

Dr. Peter Proctor, M.D., Ph.D.
The World's Foremost Authority On Hair Loss And Baldness

Dr. Peter Proctor is the only hair treatment practitioner in the world who has developed unique, patented multi-ingredient hair formulas that address all the known factors in the balding process. He is the author of over 30 scientific articles and book chapters, and holds several broad patents for hair loss treatment.

Dr. Proctor has a dermatology practice in Houston, Texas, where he specializes in the treatment of premature balding and age-related hair loss. Over the past 12 years, Dr.Proctor has successfully treated more than 3,500 people of all ages for hair loss and baldness.

To provide you with examples of the kind of success Dr.Proctor has had with his hair treatment formulas, we've represented in this article before-and-after photographs from several of his patients.

Why Dr.Proctor Is Number One!

Dr.Proctor has already patented for his hair formulas "copperbinding peptides" that are virtually identical to the compounds in both Tricomin from Procyte and Pileil from Life Medical Sciences. Industry insiders have been buzzing about "miraculous" upcoming "baldness cures" from these companies over the past year and, as a result, the stock of both companies has risen considerably. In Dr. Proctor's formulas, however, copperbinding peptides are only one component. His multi-modal approach has enabled him to achieve better hair growth results than anyone else.

In fact, Dr.Proctor is so far ahead in hair growth research that both the Upjohn Corporation and Unilever have had major European hair loss patents rejected because Dr.Proctor made the discoveries first.

How can a single physician be so far ahead of multi-billion dollar corporations?

One reason is that-in contrast to drug companies-private physicians can use any approved agent for any medically indicated purpose. As a result, they can easily explore, develop, and quickly refine new therapies. Many new therapies are developed by private physicians, scientists and laboratories, but usually they are sold to major pharmaceutical companies.

Another reason that Dr. Proctor has been able to singlehandily develop effective hair regrowth products is that in addition to being a physician, he is also a pharmacologist who has been active in skin drug research for more than 25 years.

Dr. Proctor's Hair Treatment Formulas

image Dr. Proctor offers both prescription and non-prescription hair treatment formulas, which vary both in potency and cost. However, even the least potent of Dr. Proctor's formulas has proven to be superior to Rogaine.

Dr.Proctor's Hair Regrowth Shampoo

The least expensive of Dr.Proctor's hair regrowth formulas is Dr.Proctor's Hair Regrowth Shampoo. This formula includes an abundant supply of the most potent hair growth stimulator available- NANO (3-carboxylic acid pyridine-N-oxide), which is known as "natural" Minoxidil.

image Dr.Proctor's Hair Regrowth Shampoo has been shown to work effectively in many people who have not responded to Rogaine. It may be all you need if you have only experienced small-to-moderate hair loss, or if your primary need is for a prophylactic program.

Dr.Proctor's Hair Regrowth Shampoo should be used whenever you wash your hair (at least 3 times a week). It should be used just like any other shampoo. Some people will feel a "tingling" sensation shortly after they use Dr. Proctor's Hair Regrowth Shampoo.

Dr.Proctor's Advanced Hair Regrowth Formula

The second hair growth formula developed by Dr. Proctor is the Advanced Hair Regrowth Formula. The formula contains a potent dose of a "natural" minoxidil (NANO) combined with EDRF enhancers, SODases, and free radical scavengers.

This multi-agent, natural formula is the most potent natural hair growth formula you can buy. It includes every type of natural hair treatment agent available to counter DHT, autoimmune, and inflammatory effects which cause baldness. Dr.Proctor's Advanced Hair Regrowth Formula is a liquid that is applied to the scalp. It can be used in conjunction with his Hair Regrowth Shampoo or with Rogaine to provide synergetic benefits that may be better than using these formulas alone.

Dr. Proctor's Advanced Hair Regrowth Formula should be used in the following manner: 8-10 drops should be applied to the thinning areas on the scalp once or twice a day. Its only side effect is:
Contact Dermatitis (an itchy, scaly rash at the site of application).

Dr. Proctor's European Hair Formula

If you have a really serious hair loss problem, you may need to try Dr.Proctor's most potent hair growth formula, which contains an array of natural hair growth protectors combined with several drugs compounded into a cream. Dr. Proctor's European Prescription Hair Regrowth Formula contains topical anti-androgens which increase EDRF levels and oxygen free radical scavengers. These agents are combined with the following drugs: Minoxidil, phenytoin (dilantin), tretinoin (Retin-A) and spironolactone.

The protocol for using Dr. Proctor's European Prescription Hair Regrowth Formula is as follows:
Apply 1/10 (one-tenth) of a teaspoon. (A dab on the end of your finger) once a day for 8-to-12 months, then every other day for maintenance.

Dr. Proctor Has Achieved an Unprecedented 80% Success Rate in Balding Patients with this Unique, Patented Hair Growth Formula!

Dandruff is caused by lipid (fat) autoxidation damage to scalp cells, resulting in their proliferation and then falling off. It can be controlled by selenium sulfide shampoos like Selsun Blue or zinc pyrithione (a zinc-sulfur compound) found in Head and Shoulders.

Some beta blockers are said to cause hair loss.

Male-pattern baldness is part of our aging clock, but it can be disrupted and set back in some cases.

Much of this info is taken from the book Life Extension by Durk Pearson and Sandy Shaw and the Life Extension Foundation website.

they also have a hair growth formula they made

Root Food

Healthy hair needs proper nutrient raw materials. Durk Pearson and Sandy Shaw have designed Root Food® to provide increased levels of nutrients that hair requires for looking and growing its best. Root Food contains high levels of taurine and its precursor L-Cysteine, in addition to 5 alpha reductase inhibitors.

Supplement Facts:
Serving Size 1 capsule
Servings Per Container 120
Amount Per Serving:
Vitamin A (100% as beta carotene) 1250 IU
Vitamin C (as calcium ascorbate, niacinamide ascorbate, ascorbyl
palmitate) 370 mg
Vitamin D3 (as cholecalciferol) 50 IU
Vitamin E (as DL-alpha tocopheryl acetate) 25 IU
Thiamine (vitamin B-1) (as thiamine hydrochloride) 1.2 mg
Riboflavin (vitamin B-2) 30 mg
Niacin (as niacinamide ascorbate, niacin) 38 mg
Vitamin B-6 (as pyridoxine hydrochloride) 1.3 mg
Folic acid 100 mcg
Vitamin B-12 (cyanocobalamin) 25 mcg
Biotin 250 mcg
Pantothenic acid (as D-calcium pantothenate) 20 mg
(as calcium ascorbate, D-calcium pantothenate) 30 mg
Zinc (as zinc gluconate) 3.3 mg
Copper (as copper gluconate) 190 mcg
Selenium (sodium selenite) 6.25 mcg
Manganese (as manganese gluconate) 230 mcg
Chromium (as chromium aspartate) 25 mcg
L-cysteine (as L-cysteine hydrochloride) 175 mg
Taurine 62.5 mg
Inositol 25 mg
Other ingredients: gelatin.
This product contains NO wheat or dairy. Contains NO artificial color, sweeteners, flavors or preservatives.
Dosage and Use:
As a dietary supplement, take one capsule with each meal and one at bedtime. (4 capsules daily)
If you have kidney disease or the genetic metabolic defect 6-GPD deficiency, consult your physician before use


Baltimore scientist has used a protein called Hairless in hair progenitor cells to restore follicle growth in genetically hairless mice.

Catherine Thompson and colleagues at Johns Hopkins University's Kennedy Krieger Institute explained the Hairless gene encodes a protein essential for hair follicle regeneration. In humans and mice with mutations in the Hairless gene, hair growth is initially normal, but once hair is shed, it does not grow back.

Thompson found the Hairless protein is normally present in cells that play a critical role during the rest and early re-growth phases of hair follicles. In those cells, Hairless protein represses the production of another protein called Wise, Thompson explained. Wise hinders a key signaling pathway promoting new hair growth.

Thus, in cells lacking Hairless, continual accumulation of Wise apparently prevents the hair cycle from switching from the rest to re-growth phase. The researchers found expressing Hairless in the appropriate progenitor cells restarted the cycle and the bald mice eventually grew thick fur.

The study appears in the early online edition of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

United Press International

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