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by bluepastry

Kerry Continues hateful attitude toward our troops

Kerry Once again caught in hate speak

Date:   11/2/2006 5:59:13 PM   ( 18 y ) ... viewed 3193 times


Hanoi/Al Qaeda Kerry a man who scored lower grades in college than president Bush, Scored lower entrance and iq marks than president bush claims he was mocking Bush?

what a liar!
this man hates the military, much as bill clitin said that he loathes the military. In a recent poll amongst democrats . Only 20% of democrats looked at military service favorably

CBS tried to use forged documents to help john kerry get elected. Dan Rather,. a horrible journalist who always finished in last place while giving us his propoganda news at CBS could not help Kerry. Donald Trump laughed when asked what he thought of kerry running a corporation...He also said that Dan Rather was the most lousy anchor he had ever seen...

now this political party that hates the military and has likened our troops behavior to that of the Nazis and of pol pot, I believe those hateful comments came from Democrat Dick Durbin and Democrat John Murtha

The US Troops in Iraq have responded to this stumblebum of a Senator who in my opinion did not really apologize. His remarks go back to 1972 and do not forget Kerry threw away his military medals

Kerry was also proven to be a liar by Swift boat vets who served with the billionaire husband of an apartheid priviliaged caucasian wife.


FLASHBACK: In 1972, Kerry Said A Volunteer Army "Would Be An Army Of The Poor And The Black And The Brown" And More Likely To Perform War Crimes:

"During A Vietnam-Era Run For Congress Three Decades Ago, John Kerry Said He Opposed A Volunteer Army Because It Would Be Dominated By The Underprivileged, Be Less Accountable And Be More Prone To 'The Perpetuation Of War Crimes.'" (John Solomon, "Kerry's '72 Campaign Comments On Army Mirror Latest Flap," The Associated Press, 11/2/06)

"In 1972, As He Ran For The House, He Was Less Apologetic In His Comments About The Merits Of A Volunteer Army. He Declared In The Questionnaire That He Opposed The Draft But Considered A Volunteer Army 'A Greater Anathema.'" (John Solomon, "Kerry's '72 Campaign Comments On Army Mirror Latest Flap," The Associated Press, 11/2/06)
Kerry: "I am convinced a volunteer army would be an army of the poor and the black and the brown ... We must not repeat the travesty of the inequities present during Vietnam. I also fear having a professional army that views the perpetuation of war crimes as simply 'doing its job.'" (John Solomon, "Kerry's '72 Campaign Comments On Army Mirror Latest Flap," The Associated Press, 11/2/06)

John Kerry Implied U.S. Troops Were Uneducated:

Sen. Kerry: "You know education, if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework, and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don't you get stuck in Iraq." (NBC 4's Website,, Accessed 10/31/06)

Click Here To Watch Sen. John Kerry (D-MA) Belittle American Troops.

NOW: Sen. John Kerry Accused U.S. Troops Of Terrorizing Children:

Sen. Kerry: "[T]here is no reason, Bob, that young American soldiers need to be going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children ..." (CBS' "Face The Nation," 12/4/05)

Click Here To Watch Sen. Kerry Claim U.S. Troops Are Terrorizing Children.

NOW: Sen. Kerry Said He "Apologize[s] To No One":

Sen. Kerry: "Let me make it crystal clear, as crystal clear as I know how: I apologize to no one for my criticism of the President and of his broken policy." (Sen. John Kerry, Press Conference, 10/31/06)


Sen. Kerry Was Forced Into Written "Faux" Apology:

"Under Pressure From Many Democrats, Kerry Issued An Apology ..." (Peter Wallsten, "Kerry's Fighting Words Give Way To Apology," Los Angeles Times, 11/2/06)

"Mr. Kerry's Apology, Delivered In A Written Statement Yesterday Afternoon, Seemed To Be Grudging." (Josh Gerstein, "Senator Kerry Apologizes For Comments On American Troops In Iraq," The New York Sun, 11/2/06)

Time's Mike Allen: "When you listen to the words of the apology that you played, that is not a complete or sweeping apology. He is apologizing for the fact his words are misinterpreted. That's like saying to your girlfriend, I'm sorry you are mad." (MSNBC's "Tucker," 11/1/06)

ABC's Jack Tapper: "But for Senator Kerry to say that anybody who interpreted it the way that the Republicans are now saying is, quote, unquote, 'crazy,' says a lot about why this faux apology isn't gonna work." (ABC's "'Countdown To Vote 2006," 11/1/06)

Dems Worried Sen. Kerry May Have Hurt Dems' Election Chances:

"Democrats Worry Kerry's Words Have Made Party Candidates Vulnerable To Accusations Of Insensitivity Toward Troops In The Final Week Of A Campaign In Which Democrats Seemed To Be Benefiting From Voters' Unhappiness With The Iraq War." (Peter Wallsten, "Kerry's Fighting Words Give Way To Apology," Los Angeles Times, 11/2/06)

"[S]en. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., Said He Thinks Kerry's Comments Could Hurt Democrats On Tuesday If The Story Continues To Thrive In The Media." (Ashley M. Heher, "Howard Dean Addresses Kerry's Remarks," The Associated Press, 11/2/06)

Democrat Strategist Joe Trippi: "[T]he big winner really is Howard Dean, because frankly, if we lose a couple of these close Senate seats and don't take the Senate back the establishment was all going to gang up and blame it on him. And now if we miss on a couple of these races, they are all going to blame it on Kerry." (Fox News' "O'Reilly Factor," 11/1/06)

Sen. Kerry's Presidential Ambitions Are Ruined:

"[F]or A Politician Striving To Prove That He Had Become A Better Candidate Than He Was When GOP Attacks Helped To Derail His White House Campaign In 2004, The Damage Was Done." (Peter Wallsten, "Kerry's Fighting Words Give Way To Apology," Los Angeles Times, 11/2/06)

"Burton Cohen, Former New Hampshire State Senate Majority Leader And A Key Kerry Backer In 2004, Said The Botched Joke Could Rival Former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean's Famous Iowa Scream In Terms Of Media Exposure And Political Damage." (Peter Wallsten, "Kerry's Fighting Words Give Way To Apology," Los Angeles Times, 11/2/06)

o Cohen: "It's getting played over and over again ... You just need one instance that can define a campaign. This may be one of those things, and if that's the case, I hope John Kerry likes staying in the Senate." (Peter Wallsten, "Kerry's Fighting Words Give Way To Apology," Los Angeles Times, 11/2/06)


If Dems Win House, Rep. McDermott Could Chair Ways And Means Subcommittee On Human Resources:

Rep. Jim McDermott (D-WA) Is Currently Ranking Member Of The House Ways And Means Subcommittee On Human Resources. (Rep. Jim McDermott,, Accessed 10/30/06)

Jurisdiction Of Subcommittee Includes Bills Related To "Temporary Assistance For Needy Families, Child Care, Child And Family Services, Child Support, Foster Care, Adoption, Supplemental Security Income, Social Services, Eligibility Of Welfare Recipients For Food Stamps, And Low-Income Energy Assistance." (House Committee On Ways And Means Website,, Accessed 10/30/06)



Rep. McDermott Said To Be One Of Most Controversial Members Of Congress:

"McDermott Is One Of The Most Liberal, Least Tactful Members Of Congress; This Is The Man Who Called Saddam Hussein More Credible Than George Bush." ("Esquire Endorses America," Esquire, 11/1/06)

In September 2002, Rep. McDermott Traveled To Baghdad And Defended Saddam Hussein's Regime:

Reps. McDermott Visited Baghdad To Support Saddam's Regime. (Laura Meckler, "Division Over Iraq Despite Bush Hopes For Unity," The Associated Press, 9/29/02)

Rep. McDermott: "I think you have to take the Iraqis on their face value. They did not take -- they did not drive the inspectors out. We took them out. So they should be given a chance. Otherwise, you just are trying to provoke them into war." (ABC News' "This Week," 9/29/02)

The Washington Post's George Will: "Not since Jane Fonda posed for photographers at a Hanoi antiaircraft gun has there been anything like Rep. Jim McDermott, speaking to ABC's 'This Week' from Baghdad, saying Americans should take Saddam Hussein at his word, but should not take President Bush at his." (George F. Will, "Innocents Abroad," The Washington Post, 10/1/02)

In April 2004, Rep. McDermott Traveled To Iraq Thanks To An Oil-For-Food Recipient, Who Picked Up Tab For Trip:

"Congressman Jim McDermott This Week Returned A $5,000 Contribution Made To His Legal Defense Fund By An Iraqi-American Businessman Who Has Admitted To Financial Ties With Saddam Hussein's Regime." (Jim Brunner, "Aide Says McDermott Wasn't Aware Of Saddam Link," The Seattle Times, 4/17/04)

"Shakir Al-Khafaji, A Detroit-Area Businessman ... Accompanied McDermott ... On His Highly Publicized Trip To Iraq In 2002 ... Acknowledged To The Financial Times Of London ... That He Received Lucrative Vouchers For Iraqi Oil From Saddam's Government." (Jim Brunner, "Aide Says McDermott Wasn't Aware Of Saddam Link," The Seattle Times, 4/17/04)

"A Nonprofit Organization, Life For Relief And Development, Paid McDermott's $5,510 Travel Expenses For The Iraq Trip, According To A Disclosure Form Filed With The House Clerk. Al-Khafaji Has Been Named As A Financial Supporter Of The Organization, Though The Extent Of His Support Is Not Known." (Jim Brunner, "Aide Says McDermott Wasn't Aware Of Saddam Link," The Seattle Times, 4/17/04)< o:p>

Al-Khafaji Also Donated To Rep. McDermott's Legal Defense Fund:

"[In 2002], Mr. Al-Khafaji Also Donated $5,000 To The Legal Defense Fund Of Rep. Jim McDermott, Washington Democrat, To Defend Mr. McDermott Against A Lawsuit Filed By Ohio Republican Rep. John Boehner." (Steve Miller, "Iraqi-Born American Has Funded Democrats," The Washington Times, 5/6/03)


Rep. McDermott Refused To Thank U.S. Troops In Iraq:

In 2003, Rep. McDermott Was One Of Only 11 Members Of Congress Who Voted Against Expressing Support And Thanks To U.S. Military Personnel Serving In Operation Iraqi Freedom. (H.Con.Res. 104, CQ Vote #83: R 392-11: D 167-11; I 1-0, 3/21/03, McDermott Voted Nay)

Rep. McDermott Would Cut Off Funds To U.S. Troops:

In 2005, McDermott Co-Sponsored Legislation "To Prohibit The Use Of Funds To Deploy United States Armed Forces To Iraq ." (H.R. 4232, Introduced 11/4/05)

In 2006, Rep. McDermott Was One Of Only 22 House Members Who Voted Against Allocating $70 Billion Funding For Troops In Iraq And Afghanistan And A 2.2 Percent Pay Increase For Military And Pentagon Civilian Personnel. (H.R. 5631, CQ Vote #486: Adopted 394-22: R 221-2; D 172-20; I 1-0, 9/26/06, McDermott Voted Nay)

In 2003, Rep. McDermott Voted Against $87 Billion For Military Operations And Reconstruction In Iraq And Afghanistan . (H.R. 3289, CQ Vote #601: Adopted 298-121: R 216-5; D 82-115; I 0-1; 10/31/03, McDermott Voted Nay)


Rep. McDermott Has Steadfastly Opposed Tax Relief:

"McDermott Would Repeal The Tax Cuts Of 2001 And 2003 Because They Were Too Large And Disproportionately Benefited The Wealthy." ("U.S. Representatives - Federal Office," The Seattle Times, 10/19/04)

Failing To Extend The Tax Cuts Would Result In A Nearly $2.4 Trillion Tax Increase On American Taxpayers Over 10 Years. (Office Of The Press Secretary, The White House, "Growing Our Economy: Keeping Taxes Low And Restraining Spending," Press Release, 5/3/06)

A Family Of Four Earning $50,000 Would Owe $2,092 More A Year - A 132 Percent Increase In Their Tax Bill;

26 Million Small Businesses Would Owe An Average Of $3,637 More A Year;
5 Million Low-Income Individuals And Couples Would Again Be Subject To The Individual Income Tax. (U.S. Department Of Treasury, "Without Permanent Tax Relief, Millions Of Americans Will See Their Taxes Go Up By Billions Of Dollars In 2011," Fact Sheet)

Rep. McDermott Missed The Voted On The 2001 Tax Cuts And Voted Against The 2003 Cuts. (H.R. 1836, CQ Vote #149: Adopted 240-154: R 211-0; D 28-153; I 1-1, 5/26/01, McDermott Did Not Vote; H.R. 2, CQ Vote #225: Adopted 231-200: R 224-1; D 7-198; I 0-1, 5/23/03, McDermott Voted Nay)

Rep. McDermott Voted Against A Stand-Alone Bill To Double The Marriage Deduction And The Child Tax Credit. (H.R. 6, CQ Vote #75: Passed 282-144: R 217-0; D 64-143; I 1-1, 3/29/01, McDermott Voted Nay)
Rep. McDermott Voted Against A Stand-Alone Bill That Established A New, Low 10 Percent Income Tax Bracket. (H.R. 3, CQ Vote #45: Passed 230-198: R 219-0; D 10-197; I 1-1, 3/8/01, McDermott Voted Nay)

Rep. McDermott's Proposed Health Care Plan Calls For Tax Increases:

In 2005, Rep. McDermott Introduced Bill Calling For Universal Health Care. (H.R. 1200, Introduced 3/9/05)

H.R. 1200 Calls For 8.7 Percent Payroll Tax On Employers. (National Health Care For The Homeless Council Website,, Accessed 10/31/06)

H.R. 1200 Calls For 2.2 Percent "Health Care" Income Tax. (National Health Care For The Homeless Council Website,, Accessed 10/31/06)

"McDermott Fantasizes About A Canadian-Style Single-Payer System." (David Gratzer, "Miller's Centrist Tale," National Review, 9/29/03)


Rep. McDermott Broke The Law By Leaking Private Conversation Of Republican Representatives:

"A Three-Judge Panel Of The Appeals Court Ruled ... McDermott Violated Federal Law By Turning Over The Recording Of A 1996 Call Involving Then-House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.)." ("Washington In Brief," The Washington Post, 6/27/06)

"In 1996, A Pair Of Democratic Activists Illegally Taped A Phone Call Between [Rep. John] Boehner [R-OH], Former Speaker Newt Gingrich, And Other Congressional Republicans. McDermott Obtained A Copy Of The Recording And Passed It On To Reporters For The Atlanta Journal-Constitution And The New York Times." ("Window On The Week," National Review, 3/31/06)

"[T]he Appeals Court Agreed With A Lower-Court Order That McDermott Pay Boehner About $700,000 For Leaking The Taped Conversation." ("Washington In Brief," The Washington Post, 6/27/06)

Rep. McDermott Appealed The Ruling:

"In An Announcement ... The U.S. Court Of Appeals For The D.C. Circuit Said All Nine Judges Will Hear McDermott's Appeal Of The Case, Which Dates Back Nearly A Decade." ("Washington In Brief," The Washington Post, 6/27/06)

"In Granting McDermott's Request For A New Hearing, The Appeals Court Vacated The Earlier Judgment." ("Washington In Brief," The Washington Post, 6/27/06)

The Appeal Was Heard In Late October. (Matthew Daly, "Full Appeals Court Hears Taped-Call Dispute," The Associated Press, 10/31/06)


Third Parties Ranked Rep. McDermott As One Of The Most Extreme Members Of Congress:

In 2005, The Nonpartisan National Journal Rated Rep. McDermott As The 9th Most Liberal House Member. (The National Journal Website,, Accessed 11/1/06)

Rep. McDermott Has A 91 Percent Lifetime Rating From Americans For Democratic Action. (Congressional Quarterly Website,, Accessed 10/30/06)

Rep. McDermott Has A 2.2 Percent Lifetime Rating From The American Conservative Union. (Congressional Quarterly Website,, Accessed 10/30/06)

Rep. McDermott Has A 92 Percent Lifetime Rating From The AFL-CIO. (Congressional Quarterly Website,, Accessed 10/30/06)

Rep. McDermott Only Has A 25 Percent Lifetime Rating From The U.S. Chamber Of Commerce. (Congressional Quarterly Website,, Accessed 10/30/06)

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