Blog: Raw Foods is it for Everybody
by bluepastry

Abortion and the KKK?

From robes to abortion clinic supporters

Date:   10/15/2006 5:41:25 PM   ( 18 y ) ... viewed 2431 times

The democarts dirty little secret is that West Virginia Senaror Robert Byrd, who is a democrat and a former recruiter for the KKK will tell you he is pro choice. as a matter of fact he and other kkk members have been strong supporters of white democrats opening abortion clinics in black neighborhoods.

I interviewed a klan member in Pasadena Texas who with a wink and a nod told me that he thought Robert Byrd was shrewd. he said "hey we got to take off the robes and put put our money into abortion clinics in black neighborhoods and the liberals support it and heck, they run it".

lest examine the black holocaust and how NOW, NARAL and white democrats, and liberal doctors have made millions terminating the pregnancies of black women.

In New York state, for every 1,000 black babies born, there are 967 black babies aborted.

That's more than three times the rate for white babies.

It's 50 percent above the Latino abortion rate. It means abortion effectively cuts New York's black birth rate in half.

A white baby has a 1-in-4 chance of being aborted, while a black baby is looking at even money.

Think about that.

Forget, for a moment, why it's happening. Think, instead, about its impact.

What is the demographic and sociological consequence of cutting the black birth rate in half?

By the third generation, by the time this generation's great-grandchildren are born, the black population would be just one-sixteenth of what it naturally would have been.


That means fifteen-sixteenths of the black people who should have been alive 60 years from now will never have been born.

That means they won't be voting. They won't be taking jobs. They won't be exercising political power or cultural influence in the American system.

It also means that whites could remain a majority in this country for some 150 years longer than they might otherwise have been.

And whites, by the way, are overwhelmingly the ones performing the abortions and – through groups like the Democratic Party and Planned Parenthood and their impact on government policy – facilitating and promoting these abortions.

I don't know why it's happening, but I do know what its impact is.


Natural birth rate would make America a black nation in the not-too-distant future. Abortion, however, will keep that from happening.

It will also, by artificially and geometrically reducing the black population, perpetuate and assure black minority status, with all the difficulties and inequities inherent in that status.

Put another way: It keeps the black race down.

And it is done in the name of freedom and convenience.

And the liberal activists who insist on abortion rights and on government funding of abortion for the poor, who often speak so powerfully for minority rights, are themselves the greatest threat to black prosperity and power.

One reason for the high rate of black abortion is the dissolution of the black family, as evidenced by the fact that fully two-thirds of all the black children born in America are born to single women. Just a third of black American kids have a hope of being raised by their mom and dad.

What a curse that is upon those children.

And it is due in large part to a social welfare system which has made the black father and wage earner unnecessary. The welfare check has taken the place of daddy. The welfare system has been an incentive for "problem pregnancies." And the people pushing welfare programs are the same people pushing abortion programs.

And in a society where we are taught to evaluate the potential racism of a program not on its intent but on its impact, this situation is the most racist condition to exist since slavery. And, given that the number of lives theoretically impacted is far greater than the number that lived in slavery, it may even be bigger.

Abortion in America – just like prison, welfare and bad schools – is disproportionately a black problem. And, inasmuch as it has a clearly demonstrable negative impact, it is a problem.

And yet it goes on.

In New York, for every black baby born, there is a black baby aborted.

Whether you're pro-choice or pro-life, sociologically, that is a holocaust. That is the slaughter of a people, the extinguishing of a race.

During America's commemoration of Black History Month, some pro-life activists are charging that legalized abortion has led to a "black genocide" of more than 14 million unborn African-American babies. They condemn, in particular, the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, whose president Gloria Feldt announced last week that she's resigning.

"For every five African-American women who get pregnant, three have an abortion," Clenard Childress Jr., director of the Northeast Chapter of the Life Education And Resource Network, told the Cybercast News Service. "This is a horrific injustice to women, and it's decimating our communities."

Childress runs the website, which quotes a number of disturbing statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:

-- Since 1973, more than twice as many blacks have died from abortion than from heart disease, cancer, accidents, violent crimes and AIDS combined;

-- Blacks make up about 12 percent of the population in the United States but account for 32 percent of the abortions; and

-- About 1,450 black infants are aborted every day in this country.

Childress, who also serves as senior pastor of the New Calvary Baptist Church in Montclair, N.J., said he started the site "to tell the truth about what abortion is, to expose the lies of the abortion industry and their targeting of unsuspecting young women -- especially African-Americans -- and to let others know the horrifying statistics of the abortion rate for blacks in this nation."

The website got its name in part from a speech delivered in 1977 by the Rev. Jesse Jackson, who now states that he supports abortion rights.

"Abortion is black genocide," Jackson said in 1977. "What happens to the mind of a person and the moral fabric of a nation that accepts the aborting of the life of a baby without a pang of conscience?" he asked.

Later in that speech, Jackson wondered how America might be affected 20 or 30 years down the road. Childress said we now know the answer to Jackson's question. "You can see for yourself. We have a genocidal mindset. There's no sanctity of life; there's no reverence for life itself," Childress said.

'Death culture'

Another reason for Childress' use of the term "black genocide" stems from what he sees as the sociological impact of abortion.

"Many poor children see their mothers, often in a single-parent situation, begin to have their stomachs rise and talk happily about having a child," Childress said. "But at some point, there's no more talk of a baby. And the children hear the mother say: 'I got rid of it.' These children, often at a very young age, hear or see or understand that this life, which was once being celebrated, has been terminated."

Childress said this has long-term consequences for the surviving children. "The child says: 'Well, there was a problem, and Mom got rid of it.' So later on in life, when the suggestion is made to 'get rid' of another problem such as an unintended pregnancy, it's not as repulsive to them as it would be for me at that age," according to Childress.

Today's entertainment reflects this culture, he stated. "Usher, who is number one on the music charts, talks about how he was upset with his woman because she wouldn't have an abortion," Childress said. "There are other songs about making her have one or punching her so she would have one. And these songs sell. That's scary to me."

Another part of the website deals with "the targeting of black women by the abortion industry." According to the Alan Guttmacher Institute, the research arm of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, 94 percent of all abortion providers are located in metropolitan areas, which generally have high black populations.

Childress said that this targeting occurs for two reasons.

The first is "unquestionably the love of money," he said. "The abortion business is quite lucrative. If it was not lucrative, it would not be legal."

Since about one-third of all abortions are performed on black women, the abortion industry has received over $4 billion from the African-American community, he noted.

Childress was particularly critical of Planned Parenthood, not just as the nation's top abortion provider, but also because the organization operates a disproportionately high number of facilities in areas with large minority populations.

Mark Crutcher, founder and president of the Texas-based pro-life group, Life Dynamics, agreed with Childress' criticism of Planned Parenthood.

"Think about it from the standpoint of any service or good or product that you might sell," Crutcher said. "I don't care what the product is. If most of the ice cream companies were in minority neighborhoods, then they'd probably buy a disproportionate percentage of ice cream cones."

An analysis by the Cybercast News Service compared the location of Planned Parenthood abortion clinics with population data from the U.S. Census in 2000. The results appear to bolster the charge that the organization targets black communities.

Planned Parenthood does not provide a comprehensive list of the organization's clinics that perform abortions. However, the locations of 160 Planned Parenthood abortion facilities are available from the website of Stop Planned Parenthood (STOPP) International, a subdivision of the aggressively pro-life American Life League.

Using the Census information, the percentage of the black population in each community where a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic existed was compared to the percentage of the black population statewide. In nearly two-thirds (62.5 percent) of the comparisons, the communities with a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic had a higher percentage of blacks than the state did as a whole.

In Delaware, Florida, Massachusetts and Ohio, the communities containing all of the Planned Parenthood abortion clinics had much higher black populations than their respective states, while Idaho, Kentucky, North Dakota, Utah, West Virginia and Wyoming -- all of which have low black populations -- have none of the organization's abortion facilities.

Two states with high black populations -- Louisiana (32.5 percent) and Mississippi (36.3 percent) -- also have no Planned Parenthood abortion clinics, due in large part to the strength of pro-life forces in that part of the nation and state laws that restrict access to abortion, according to Jim Sedlak, executive director of STOPP International.

For the full analysis on Planned Parenthood abortion clinics and black population percentages, click here.

'Racist in effect, not intent'

Childress added that the abortion business targets blacks for another reason besides financial returns. Whether intentional or not, he said, the abortion industry is following in the footsteps of Planned Parenthood's "founding mother," Margaret Sanger, a leader in the eugenics movement who in 1939 created the so-called "Negro Project" to promote birth control to black women.

Crutcher's organization has its own website criticizing Sanger's philosophy and the disproportionate number of black abortions. It's called and features the sarcastic motto, "We Are the Hood in Parenthood."

Nevertheless, Crutcher said he believes abortionists' motives are not as much racial as they are economic and elitist.

"I'm not convinced that any of the people who have run Planned Parenthood over the years have said, 'Let's wipe out all the black people,' but that's been the effect of it," he stated. "Their attitude toward poor whites is basically the same as their attitude toward poor blacks."

Marjorie Signer, communications director for the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice (RCRC) with a similar-sounding name to the Planned Parenthood founder, agreed, telling the Cybercast News Service that higher abortion rates among black women are more due to financial factors than race.

"We're talking about low-income women here, some of whom are minority, some of whom are not," Signer said. "I prefer to talk in terms of income level because it really is much more a matter of individuals who have access to resources and health care than it is race."

Signer added: "If better, comprehensive, medically accurate, realistic, honest sex education were available at an earlier age, this would make a difference in terms of what people do, what women at all income levels do."

Childress said Signer's perception is "somewhat jaded because anyone can say, 'I'm not ready to have a baby because of money.' Anyone can say that. Their excuse is the economy.

"If you really want to tell the truth, most women have abortions because they don't want the change in lifestyle," he added. "Abortion has now become just a means of contraception."

Nearly all abortions, Childress said, are the result of a woman not wanting to go through pregnancy and motherhood. "Of course, we admonish women to have their children with their married spouse, but to say that we cannot afford and therefore we then kill is unconscionable and immoral to me," he said.

Education is the answer

While Childress, Crutcher and Signer offer different reasons for the high rate of abortion among blacks, they agree on the best solution to the problem: education.

"Pro-life organizations have to do a better job of getting our message out," said Crutcher of Life Dynamics, who's hopeful for the future. "Polls show people are becoming increasingly pro-life, with the highest percentage of those individuals among the young."

Crutcher referred to a poll conducted last year by Zogby International that showed similar sentiments among African-Americans. Of the blacks who took part in the survey, 62 percent said abortion should never be legal or be legal only when the mother's life is in danger or in cases of rape and incest. Only 38 percent of the African-Americans in the poll favored abortion for any reason at any time during pregnancy.

Meanwhile, Signer at the RCRC pointed to a number of programs operated by that group, including the Black Church Initiative, the teen-oriented Keeping It Real and Breaking the Silence.

"We work with African-American churches throughout the country regarding faith-based sexuality education," she said. "In those programs, we work with churches, clergy and educators -- with the permission of the pastor -- to help youth and adults think about sexuality within the context of their faith and become spiritually and sexually responsible human beings.

"We also try to help individuals and families break the silence," Signer stated. "In African-American communities, sexuality and abortion often have not been discussed. Even sexua| orientation is not a very comfortable topic. We try to help people begin to discuss these things so they're better able to deal with them in a way they feel is appropriate.

"Of course, we always stress abstinence, but we recognize that many people are already sexually active," Signer added.

Childress agreed with Signer on the importance of education, but he differed with her regarding what should be taught.

"If most women knew what an abortion was, they would not do it," he said. "Ninety percent of women who see a sonogram choose not to abort, but it's sold to them. It's deceptively, subliminally sold to them, and they are deceived.

"If Roe v. Wade were to end tomorrow, that would be all well and good because the laws of the land should reflect the God it was founded upon," Childress stated. "But has the conscience of America changed? Would it mean that women then would say, 'Oh, abortion is wrong'? No. There needs to be massive education.

"Most women don't know that at 21 days, there's a heartbeat," he said. "Most women don't know that at 48 days, there are brain waves. If I was to get in an accident in my car and was unconscious, the first thing they would check is if I have a pulse. They would then rush me to the hospital to check if I still have brain waves.

"Well, that doesn't mean a hill of beans in the womb," Childress noted. "You can have a pulse, you can have a heartbeat, you can have brain waves, and you can still be killed. That is, to me, extremely hypocritical. It's an outrageous injustice that goes beyond bigotry."

Inflammatory imagery

Signer told the Cybercast News Service that abortion among blacks "is a very complicated topic that has drawn perhaps the most disturbing kind of rhetoric from some groups that oppose abortion. They have said that there is a holocaust. They have really gone far beyond a discussion of issues into a very dangerous and demeaning place.

"I'm not African-American, but I work with a lot of people who are," she said, "and I know that there is a feeling in this community that goes way back to how women feel that they need to have control of their bodies because, for so long in this country, they did not.

"The use of this really disturbing and -- well, inflammatory is not a strong enough word -- imagery having to do with abortion as a holocaust and killing black babies and so on is very unfortunate," Signer stated.

"It does not help anything, really, and demeans people. It suggests that African-American women who choose to have an abortion or use birth control methods and so on, don't know what they're doing and are being taken advantage of," she said.

"We in the RCRC would not say that. We would say that women who have information are really very capable of deciding what's best for themselves and their own needs on their own terms," Signer said.

"Those who use this kind of language -- holocaust and so on -- really, really should give it more thought and really are not being fair and certainly are not being moral."

Childress strongly disagreed.

"That's what they said about the holocaust. That's what they said about slavery," Childress said. "It scares me when people worry about other people hearing the truth, because the truth has been suppressed for so long.

"A hairdresser at a barber shop has more regulation and scrutiny than a clinic that performs abortions," Childress added. "That's not state-regulated, and abortion is the most practiced operation on women in America today.

"If you stop a heart, to my understanding, you just took a life," Childress added. "Under what conditions is that not taking a life? Just because it's legal doesn't mean it's right. Slavery was legal. Imprisoning Jews was legal. But that didn't make it right."

Abortion is destroying the black community


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13:24 - Ned Lamont's campaign against Joe Lieberman has been one of the most negative
Category: News and Politics

Ned Lamont's campaign against Joe Lieberman has been one of the most negative and dishonest campaigns in modern history, full of distortions and lies. He's lying about Joe's position on the Iraq War, lying about his record on Social Security, and misleading the people of Connecticut about Joe's attendance in the Senate.

..The Lamont campaign's latest attack on Joe Lieberman's civil rights record represents a new low. They actually paid for a letter that accuses Senator Lieberman of making up his attendance at the March on Washington and his work in Mississippi helping to register African-American voters. Well, Joe was there and no amount of deceit by a super-partisan candidate like Ned Lamont will change the facts.

But Ned Lamont's lies and misleading attacks don't stop here. His latest attack ad focuses on Joe's attendance in the Senate. They're accusing him of abandoning Connecticut, without mentioning the fact that most of the votes he missed came while he was running for Vice President in 2000 and President in 2004. They're even attacking him for missing votes after the death of his mother!

You can make a difference by helping us to counter these lies with the truth.

The Lamont campaign's hypocrisy is unnerving. Lamont criticizes Joe for not standing up to George W. Bush -- and then turns around and attacks him for missing votes while standing up to George W. Bush. Lamont attacks Joe's voting attendance, but he'll campaign with John Kerry who missed even more votes than Joe while running for president and standing up to Bush. ..> --> --> --> D(["mb","

How are Connecticut..'s families supposed to trust Ned Lamont when he..ncontinues to talk out both sides of his mouth about Joe Lieberman and..ndistort his record?..n..t

..nThis is why it is so important that we re-elect Senator Lieberman to..ncontinue fighting for you, your friends and family members -- you can count..non him to do what..'s right, take a clear position, and stick with it...n..t

..nWe need to turn out every pro-Lieberman voter in the state to defeat Ned..nLamont. Your support is greatly needed to fund our GOTV efforts during the..nlast month of the election. Please make your generous contribution of $50,..n$100, $300, $500 or more to help us fund GOTV efforts all over Connecticut...n..t

..nInstead of lies from the Lamont campaign, you..'ll get results with the..nLieberman campaign. We..'re in the final stretch of the campaign and the Joe..n2006 team is gearing up for a massive statewide get-out-the-vote effort...n..t

..nWhile Ned Lamont can count on the Democrat party to fund and staff his GOTV..neffort, we..'re relying on Joe..'s supporters as an independent candidate. You..ncan make all the difference in this campaign by taking a few minutes to..ncontribute to this effort...n..t

..nGOTV is costly in campaigns, especially since our campaign is not able to..nrely on party resources. We need each and every one of you to support our..nGOTV effort by not only voting for Joe, but by generously contributing to..noffset the costs...n..t

..nYour contribution, not matter how big or small will help our campaign put..nyard signs across Connecticut lawns, pay for voter calls, voter contact..nliterature and television ads spreading Joe..'s message about accomplishments..nfor Connecticut. We need your help now more than ever. Please support us..ntoday with the most generous contribution you can make. Thank you!..n..t",1] ); //-->..>

How are Connecticut's families supposed to trust Ned Lamont when he continues to talk out both sides of his mouth about Joe Lieberman and distort his record?

This is why it is so important that we re-elect Senator Lieberman to continue fighting for you, your friends and family members -- you can count on him to do what's right, take a clear position, and stick with it.

We need to turn out every pro-Lieberman voter in the state to defeat Ned Lamont. Your support is greatly needed to fund our GOTV efforts during the last month of the election. Please make your generous contribution of $50, $100, $300, $500 or more to help us fund GOTV efforts all over Connecticut.

Instead of lies from the Lamont campaign, you'll get results with the Lieberman campaign. We're in the final stretch of the campaign and the Joe 2006 team is gearing up for a massive statewide get-out-the-vote effort.

While Ned Lamont can count on the Democrat party to fund and staff his GOTV effort, we're relying on Joe's supporters as an independent candidate. You can make all the difference in this campaign by taking a few minutes to contribute to this effort.

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[12 Oct 2006 | Thursday]

Current mood: determined



Improperly Hid Multi-Million Dollar Land Deal

Latest Black Eye For Leader Of The Abramoff Dems


Dem Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) Reaped Multi-Million Dollar Windfall On Property He No Longer Owned:

"Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid Collected A $1.1 Million Windfall On A Las Vegas Land Sale Even Though He Hadn't Personally Owned The Property For Three Years ..." (John Solomon and Kathleen Hennessey, "Reid Got $1 Million For Land He Hadn't Owned For 3 Years," The Associated Press, 10/11/06)

"[Reid's] Deal Was Engineered By Jay Brown, A Longtime Friend And Former Casino Lawyer Whose Name Surfaced In A Major Political Bribery Trial This Summer And In Other Prior Organized Crime Investigations." (John Solomon and Kathleen Hennessey, "Reid Got $1 Million For Land He Hadn't Owned For 3 Years," The Associated Press, 10/11/06)
"Reid Hung Up The Phone When Questioned About The Deal During An AP Interview ..." (John Solomon and Kathleen Hennessey, "Reid Got $1 Million For Land He Hadn't Owned For 3 Years," The Associated Press, 10/11/06)

"The Complex Dealings Allowed Reid To Transfer Ownership, Legal Liability And Some Tax Consequences To Brown's Company Without Public Knowledge, But Still Collect A Seven-Figure Payoff Nearly Three Years Later." (John Solomon and Kathleen Hennessey, "Reid Got $1 Million For Land He Hadn't Owned For 3 Years," The Associated Press, 10/11/06)

"After Getting Local Officials To Rezone The Property For A Shopping Center, Brown's Company Sold The Land In 2004 To Other Developers And Reid Took $1.1 Million Of The Proceeds, Nearly Tripling The Senator's Investment." (John Solomon and Kathleen Hennessey, "Reid Got $1 Million For Land He Hadn't Owned For 3 Years," The Associated Press, 10/11/06)

Sen. Reid Improperly Hid Land Swap From Congress, Violated Ethics Rules:

"Senate Ethics Rules Require Lawmakers To Disclose On Their Annual Ethics Report All Transactions Involving Investment Properties - Regardless Of Profit Or Loss - And To Report Any Ownership Stake In Companies." (John Solomon and Kathleen Hennessey, "Reid Got $1 Million For Land He Hadn't Owned For 3 Years," The Associated Press, 10/11/06)

"[R]eid Did Not Disclose To Congress An Earlier Sale In Which He Transferred His Land To A Company Created By A Friend And Took A Financial Stake In That Company ..." (John Solomon and Kathleen Hennessey, "Reid Got $1 Million For Land He Hadn't Owned For 3 Years," The Associated Press, 10/11/06)
"Other Parts Of The Deal - Such As The Informal Handling Of Property Taxes - Raise Questions About Possible Gifts Or Income Reportable To Congress And The IRS, Ethics Experts Said." (John Solomon and Kathleen Hennessey, "Reid Got $1 Million For Land He Hadn't Owned For 3 Years," The Associated Press, 10/11/06)

"In 2001, Reid Sold The Land For The Same Price To A Limited Liability Corporation Created By Brown. The Senator Didn't Disclose The Sale On His Annual Public Ethics Report Or Tell Congress He Had Any Stake In Brown's Company." (John Solomon and Kathleen Hennessey, "Reid Got $1 Million For Land He Hadn't Owned For 3 Years," The Associated Press, 10/11/06)

"Despite The Sale, Reid Continued To Report On His Public Ethics Reports That He Personally Owned The Land Until It Was Sold Again In 2004. His Disclosure Forms To Congress Do Not Mention An Interest In Patrick Lane Or The Company's Role In The 2004 Sale." (John Solomon and Kathleen Hennessey, "Reid Got $1 Million For Land He Hadn't Owned For 3 Years," The Associated Press, 10/11/06)

Third Party Experts Agree Reid Violated Senate Ethics Rules:

"Kent Cooper, Who Oversaw Government Disclosure Reports For Federal Candidates For Two Decades In The Federal Election Commission, Said Reid's Failure To Report The 2001 Sale And His Ties To Brown's Company Violated Senate Rules." (John Solomon and Kathleen Hennessey, "Reid Got $1 Million For Land He Hadn't Owned For 3 Years," The Associated Press, 10/11/06)

Cooper: "This is very, very clear ... Whether you make a profit or a loss you've got to put that transaction down so the public, voters, can see exactly what kind of money is moving to or from a member of Congress. ... It is especially disconcerting when you have a member of the leadership, of either party, not putting in the effort to make sure this is a complete and accurate report ... That says something to other members. It says something to the Ethics Committee." (John Solomon and Kathleen Hennessey, "Reid Got $1 Million For Land He Hadn't Owned For 3 Years," The Associated Press, 10/11/06)
"Ethics Experts Said Such Informality Raises Questions About Whether Any Of Brown's Tax Payments Amounted To A Benefit For Reid. 'It Might Be A Gift,' Cooper Said." (John Solomon and Kathleen Hennessey, "Reid Got $1 Million For Land He Hadn't Owned For 3 Years," The Associated Press, 10/11/06)

"Stanley Brand, Former Democratic Chief Counsel Of The House, Said Reid Should Have Disclosed The 2001 Sale And That His Omission Fits A Larger Culture In Congress Where Lawmakers Aren't Following Or Enforcing Their Own Rules." (John Solomon and Kathleen Hennessey, "Reid Got $1 Million For Land He Hadn't Owned For 3 Years," The Associated Press, 10/11/06)

Brand: "It's like everything else we've seen in last two years. If it is not enforced, people think it's not enforced and they get lax and sloppy." (John Solomon and Kathleen Hennessey, "Reid Got $1 Million For Land He Hadn't Owned For 3 Years," The Associated Press, 10/11/06)

"Brand Said The IRS Might View The Handling Of The Land Taxes As Undisclosed Income To Reid ..." (John Solomon and Kathleen Hennessey, "Reid Got $1 Million For Land He Hadn't Owned For 3 Years," The Associated Press, 10/11/06)


FLASHBACK: Sen. Reid Is Leader Of The Abramoff Democrats:

"Reid Had Separate Meetings ... With Two Abramoff Tribal Clients And Edward Ayoob, A Former Staffer Who Went To Work Lobbying With Abramoff." (John Solomon, "AP: Sen. Reid Accepted Free Boxing Tickets," The Associated Press, 5/31/06)

"Ayoob Also Threw A Fundraiser For Reid At The Firm Where Ayoob And Abramoff Worked That Netted Numerous Donations From Abramoff's Partners, Firm And Clients." (John Solomon, "AP: Sen. Reid Accepted Free Boxing Tickets," The Associated Press, 5/31/06)

"[R]eid Did Sponsor A Spending Bill That Targeted $100,000 To ... The Chitimacha Of Louisiana [An Abramoff Client] ... Ayoob Was Lobbying For." (John Solomon, "AP: Sen. Reid Accepted Free Boxing Tickets," The Associated Press, 5/31/06)

"Reid ... Wrote At Least Four Letters Favorable To Abramoff's Tribal Clients Around The Time Reid Collected Donations From Those Clients And Abramoff's Partners. Reid Has Declined To Return The Donations, Unlike Other Lawmakers ..." (John Solomon, "AP: Sen. Reid Accepted Free Boxing Tickets," The Associated Press, 5/31/06)

FLASHBACK: Sen. Reid Left With Black Eyes After Improperly Accepting Free Boxing Tickets:

"Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid ... Accepted Free Ringside Tickets To Three Professional Boxing Matches From Nevada Officials Who Were Trying To Influence His Federal Legislation Regulating The Sport." (John Solomon, "AP: Sen. Reid Accepted Free Boxing Tickets," The Associated Press, 5/31/06)

"Reid ... Took The Free Seats For Las Vegas Fights Between 2003 And 2005 From The Nevada Athletic Commission As He Pressed Legislation To Increase Federal Oversight Of Boxing, Including The Creation Of A Government Commission." (John Solomon, "AP: Sen. Reid Accepted Free Boxing Tickets," The Associated Press, 5/31/06)
"Several Ethics Experts Said Reid Should Have Paid For The Tickets, Which Were Close To The Ring And Worth Between Several Hundred And Several Thousand Dollars Each, To Avoid The Appearance He Was Being Influenced By Gifts." (John Solomon, "AP: Sen. Reid Accepted Free Boxing Tickets," The Associated Press, 5/31/06)

FLASHBACK: Reid Kept Train Project Alive And Took Contributions From Its Backers:

Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) Has Earmarked $54 Million For A Magnetic Levitation Train (MagLev), Despite Opposition From The Department Of Transportation Because It "[E]clipses The Cost Of Current High-Speed Rail By 'Fourfold To Ninefold.'" (Eamon Javers, "This Train Is Really Defying Gravity," Business Week, 4/7/06)

"[R]eid's Faith In MagLev Has Been A Plus For Him: Companies And Individuals Tied To The Project Have Given [Reid] $28,749 In Campaign Funds Since 1999, According To The Center For Responsive Politics." (Eamon Javers, "This Train Is Really Defying Gravity," Business Week, 4/7/06)
Keith Ashdown, Vice-President Of Taxpayers For Common Sense: "[MagLev is] a train to nowhere ... We're wasting tens of millions of dollars on a project that nobody believes will be built except Harry Reid." (Eamon Javers, "This Train Is Really Defying Gravity," Business Week, 4/7/06)

FLASHBACK: Sen. Reid Helped Land Developer Harvey Whittemore, Accepted His Campaign Contributions:

"Over The Last Four Years, Reid Has Used His Influence In Washington To Help The Developer, Nevada Super-Lobbyist [Harvey] Whittemore, Clear Obstacles From Coyote Springs' Path." (Chuck Neubauer and Richard T. Cooper, "Desert Connections," Los Angeles Times, 8/20/06)

"At One Point, Reid Proposed Opening The Way For Whittemore To Develop Part Of The Site For Free - Something For Which The Developer Later Agreed To Pay The Government $10 Million." (Chuck Neubauer and Richard T. Cooper, "Desert Connections," Los Angeles Times, 8/20/06)

"As The Project Advanced, Reid Received Tens Of Thousands Of Dollars In Campaign Contributions From Whittemore. The Contributions Not Only Went To Reid's Senate Campaigns, But Also To His Leadership Fund, Which He Used To Help Bankroll The Campaigns Of Democratic Colleagues."Los Angeles Times, 8/20/06)

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Re: application to… BLUEP… 15 y
Re: Your idea has … BLUEP… 15 y
Re: application to… sjp32… 15 y
Re: ron paul presi… MDC29… 15 y
Re: Pot Sales Bull… zless… 15 y
Re: is obama the n… Indep… 16 y
Re: Greens: Obama'… #9051… 16 y
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