Blog: Raw Foods is it for Everybody
by bluepastry

Rape Is A Sport in The USA

Many still refuse to see the epidemic of sexual abuse in the USA and the world

Date:   9/16/2006 3:06:51 PM   ( 18 y ) ... viewed 2187 times

I have compiled some of the articles I ahve written on sexua| abuse and will present them in this story. One has to be very disturbed by the interview Matt Lauer of NBC did with a female teacher who had sexua| relations with her 14 year old student. It looked like Matt was drooling over her and interviewed her as if he were interviewing a star rather than a sexua| predator.

Why does this not surprise me? When we hear stories every day of athletes, politicians and entertainers who have gotten away with sexually abusing young boys and girls.

The aminstrem media and politicians have been too busy attacking our troops and our president to even acknowledge the abominable job being done by the United Nations and it's so called peacekeeping forces in Africa. The United Nations led by Kofe Anin
who himself has avoided criticism despite the fact that many African women in Darfur have accused the UN peacekeeping forces of rape and sexua| abuse. Why
even the employees in the UN have accused the UN bigs of sexua| harassment and worse, even sexua| abuse. Yet, the NY Times, Boston Globe, CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN ahve refused to put pressure on the UN or follow up on the allegations

Sick Twisted Story of sexua| Abuse slc, Utah
Donald Iarussi MFA , Mar 24, 2006
A sick and twisted story comes out of a city that has been nicknamed Salt Rape City and the Granite School District. Young female JHS Students were raped, beaten, kicked, burned , a mocked by male sexua| predators. This story came as a surprise to the Granite School District Police Department who did not even know about the incident. Apparently this reporter was the first to report the incident to the Granite School District Police Department. The Granite School District and its staff in a show of arrogance against the press refused to take phone calls and turned off their answering machines. Nothing is mentioned on the Granite School District web page. I have listed the link
Salt Lake City, Utah ..a sick and twisted story came out of the city known as Salt Rape City, Utah.

Several teenage girls on the Churchill Junior High. school bus number 403 have been allegedly burned, beaten, raped, mocked and sexually abused by young boys .

I called the Granite School District in SLC, Utah .
They are unaware of the incident. Parents may have taken the complaint to the County Sheriff.

It is just the latest Black eye in a state that has been plagued by sexua| assault, polygamy, the Bizarre kidnapping of Elizabeth Smart

Thhe alleged rapists, sexua| abuser boys have been suspended. But listen to this, no charges have been filed against the boys. The Granite School District may have tried to actually cover up the incident.

The Granite School District made the usual, we will not tolerate this violent behavior. Yet, the Granite School District tolerated the burning, rape, violence, and sexua| abuse, of innocent young female victims. The Victims were also allegedly harassed on the phone while at home.

Yet, the School Bus Driver, the police and school district knew nothing about the incidents that started in December 2005?

Parents of the alleged female victims were horrified over the allegation made by their children. I was told by a source that the incidents were even worse than what I wrote and are too disgusting to even repeat.

I previously have written a story entitled Salt Rape City and produced a series of Rape Awareness PSA's while I was a resident of Salt Lake City, Utah

Many Victims of sexua| Assault in Salt Lake City, Souther Utah, Colorado City, Arizona, have had no where to turn to. The effect of sexua| abuse permanently scars their lives. The Salt Lake City Rape Crisis Center is small, under staffed and has become more of a mouthpiece for the left than an advocate for victims of sexua| Assault in the last few years.

This one of hundreds of assaults that take place every day across the USA in a liberal public school system that has hired teachers that are sexua| predators .

We have lost control of our public schools while the media, politicians have defended the sexua| predator.

There is more to come on this story. Below is a past story written by this reporter on sexua| Abuse.

Rape Becomes A Sport In USA! /Jessica Lunsford/Sarah Lunde latest victims
by Donald Iarussi MFA Tuesday, Apr. 19, 2005 at 1:18 AM

We have to face facts, I said it before and I will say it again, Rape has become a sport in the USA.

I wrote the article below about awhile ago. Since that time we have added another young girl in Florida has been raped and murdered.

The New York Times, The Boston Globe,
CNN and Dan Rather/CBS are too busy promoting phony anti Conservative stories than caring about the abominable record Democrats have in the arena of sexua| abuse.

Why convicted Child molester Peter Yarrow of Peter, Paul and Mary remains a hero with Democratic Party Head Howard Dean and with PBS/NPR.

The convicted rapist accused of killing 13-year-old Sarah Lunde was held without bond Monday, (too little too late.

You are talking about a person who would murder a child. Who knows what's in his mind?" said Hillsborough County Sheriff David Gee, adding that Onstott "went to great effort to keep her body from being discovered."

Onstott, who spent 5 years in prison after he was convicted in the 1995 raping an adult acquaintance, has been held without bail since Tuesday on unrelated charges.

The truth is that nothing really is being done in the USA. Some of the Liberal Rape Crisis Centers have even chosen not to attack Democrat politicians .

I spoke to one Rape Crisis Center Leader in Utah and she told me that she
had to be careful not to offend their Democratic Party Mayor. Even though in this Western City, Rape is out of control and all the liberal/ anti Bush ilk at Rape Crisis centers do is try to find an issue that a Republican can be attacked for.

The National Organization of Women has chosen not to attack any Democrats who have been accused of sexua| abuse or mistreatment of their female employees.

How can one believe that politician’s acre about sexua| abuse when they allow Teddy Kennedy to stay in office as Senator, despite his causing the death of the young women he was having an affair with. Ted Kennedy left Mary Jo Kopechnie to die in the bottom of a lake.

N.O.W. and Democrats refused to even acknowledge the crimes of President Bill Clinton, Ted Kennedy and the oregon Democrat GOvernor who was having sexua| relations with an 8th grader.

The American People are buying the music of Rappers who talk about putting women in cars, tying them up, slapping them, beating them and raping them,

While Americans in the 90's shouted "whoop they it is" in songs.

They have ignored the fact that the slogan came from the chant of gang rappers who would say "Whoop, they it is" when they pulled a girls panties off.

MTV, Viacom/CBS have sold out women for money. The agenda of rap songs that preach violence against women. Meanwhile CBS/Viacom ignores the sexua| violence against women and chooses to focus on doing 60 minutes shows that use forged documents to create a phony case against President GW Bush

Fox Commentator and talk show host Bill O' Reilly, The host of the O'Reilly Factor is one of the few in the mainstrem media who has challenged the status quo. While others including Shaun Hannity is still defending Utah and it's polygamists

My previous Comments
here we go again, another young girl is raped and murdered. It will be a top story in the news for a few days and then once again it will go away. Much like most of the rape stories, there will be some outrage.

But the truth is, nothing will really change. Hopefully, parents will be more aware of the whereabouts of their children. Media sluts like mainstream media will do some sensational stories.
Greta Van Sustern of Fox will exploit all involved in a way she does so well.

I was sort of a consultant to Fox News during the Elizabeth Smart kidnapping. They wanted to interview my client about Elizabeth smart and his brief encounter with the kidnappers.

Fox did not want the root cause of the problems with sexua| assault in Utah. The Fundamentalist Mormon Church with its large population of Mormon Fundamentalist Polygamists who marry many wives, beat them, horsewhip them and have sexua| relations with girls as young as 14 years of age. This very common behavior in Colorado City, Arizona and in Hildale, Utah. The abuse continues.

National Talk show host and radio personality Sean Hannity has attacked Bill Clinton’s choices. But, at the same time has made numerous appearances ay Brigham Young University in Orem, Utah. Brigham Young, believed to be a god by many Mormons was a spiritual leader of the LDS, Mormon Church . he was also a polygamist who had sexua| relations with his many wives including very young girls.

"Those were days when they lived this principle because they believed it to be a spiritual principle, they believed it was important to bring as many children into the world as they could, among other things." Orin Hatch's grandfather married two of his three wives after the Morrill Act was passed, in 1863 and 1865.

Do not make a mistake, Orin hatch loves polygamy and has tried to deflect the issues of his relatives and his religions history of men having multiple underage wives and having sexua| relations with young girls.

The History of sexua| assault, rape, and sexua| abuse is filled with injustice
committed against women in the name of religion and God.

While the mainstream Mormon Church claims that polygamy is a thing of the past. Many leaders of the Mormon Church continued to have sexua| relations with young girls after polygamy was made illegal, including the grandparents of former Utah Governor Mike Leavitt, now the Republican is the EPA head he called his polygamist relatives role models for him. Utah Republican Senators
Orin Hatch and Bob Bennett also came from roots of illegal polygamist men married to young girls.

The media is still not ready to deal with the problems of sexua| assault, Rape, and sexua| Abuse.

In previous articles I pointed out the entourage of sexua| abusers who were active in the Kerry for President Campaign. The mainstream media was so anti Bush that they ignored the fact that John Kerry was surrounded by sexua| abusers including Former Oregon Governor and leading Oregon Democrat Goldschmidt who as Mayor of Portland carried on a sexua| relationship with a 14 year old girl, singer songwriter Peter Yarrow of Peter, Paul & Mary.

A man who tried to viciously rapes a young woman in his hotel room. He was convicted, served a short sentence before being pardoned by Democrat President Jimmy Carter. Let us not forget the beloved former President of the USA Bill Clinton, whom seven different women accused him of sexua| abuse to sexua| assault.

In those cases, a political agenda was much more important than young women being sexually abused.

In my own reality, I attended Theodore Roosevelt High School in Bronx, NY. While there, my own High School principal would take me out of class. Try to molest me and literally get on his knees and beg me for sex.

I have reported this for 30 years and nothing was ever done to anyone. All city administrations ignored me.

My own Alma mater Brooklyn College covered up its share of sexua| abuse and corruption. I have told this story many times about sexua| abuse, corruption and sexua| abuse of a young woman who taught in NYC public schools. A middle aged Caucasian man who admitted to me that he paid his underage students for sex. He also paid a graduate student at Brooklyn College $500 to write his thesis. All this was ignored and covered up by the faculty of the TV Radio Dept of Brooklyn College.

Rape has reached epidemic proportions in the USA. I could not begin to guess how many people out there are aware of their children being sexually abused but do nothing about it in fear of losing their husband or boyfriend.

I spent my summers in a then sleepy Long Island town Selden, NY, living on Magnolia Drive next to a Pierson family.
Cathy Pierson was a best friend of my sister Alberta Kosser.

Cathy had two young daughters and a very abusive, angry husband named Jim Pierson. Cathy became ill with a kidney disease and soon passed away.

Cathy Piersons daughter, A High School Cheerleader Cheryl Pierson had often fantasized about having her father killed.

Her anger came to fruition one day in November 1985 when Pierson and Classmate Sean Pica, both then 16, planned the murder of her father.
Three months later, as Jim Pierson, a 42-year-old electrician, was murder by Sean Pica at the request of his daughter Cheryl Pierson?

Jim Pierson had apparently been sexually abusing Cheryl Pierson for a number of years and now had his sights on his younger daughter.

Pierson said she made the deal to protect herself and her sister from sexua| assault by their father. She was sentenced to six months in jail.

The stories are similar, the names are different. But the truth is that sexua| abuse has, as sick as it sounds become a sport in the USA. One can fill a college stadium of a top ten college with all the women who are being sexually abused on college campuses.

One can fill Saint Patrick’s Cathedral
with the number of young people that have been sexually abused by priests in the USA

Victims of sexua| abuse who may accuse a superstar, politician, or an athlete, college or pro are immediately put under a microscope.

For many, it was more important that the Los Angeles Lakers win the Championship then protect that background or identity of the woman who accused Kobe Bryant of sexua| Assault.

For the Democratic Party, winning an election was more important than the story of seven, count em, seven Democrat Women who accused President William (Bill) Jefferson Clinton of sexua| assault.

This problem is getting worse all over the world. Women and girls in war-ravaged Darfur are continuing to suffer a high incidence of rape and sexua| violence, according to a report issued today by Doctors without Borders/Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF). Stories of rape survivors told to MSF are a horrific illustration of the daily reality of the ongoing violence that has displaced almost two million people in Darfur.

In the US, a woman is raped every 6 minutes; a woman is battered every 15 seconds. In North Africa, 6,000 women are genitally mutilated each day. This year, more than 15,000 women will be sold into sexua| slavery in China.

200 women in Bangladesh will be horribly disfigured when their spurned husbands or suitors burn them with acid. Their families and in-laws in disputes will murder more than 7,000 women in India over dowries. Violence against women is rooted in a global culture of discrimination which denies women equal rights with men and which legitimizes the appropriation of women's bodies for individual gratification or political ends.

Every year, violence in the home and the community devastates the lives of millions of women. (Broken Bodies, Shattered Minds: Torture and Ill Treatment of Women, Says Amnesty International, 2001)

The average female victim in the United States of America is young (often a child), poor, and a passing acquaintance of the attacker.

The perpetrator is most likely an older male of the same race, with a past history of violence toward others. Women are not the most common victims of violence, men on other males commit most violence.

If you asked the average person to describe the "typical" victim of violent crime, they would most likely describe a woman in mid-life pulled down an alley way off a busy city street who is robbed and raped by a group of attackers of a different race. However, the most recent USA Bureau of Justice Statistics Reports indicates a much different picture.

The average victim of violent acts is a male attacked by another male (Ringel, 1997). The only type of violence where women are more frequently victimized than males is sexua| assault (Greenfield, 1997). The women who are most commonly victimized are young, poor, and an acquaintance of the perpetrator, who generally is an older male of the same race (Craven, 1996).

The race of the typical sex offender is white, at a rate of 73.9 per cent (Greenfield, 1997). This is quite different from the popular image of a black male lurking in the alley. The average sex offender is most likely a single (never married) white male in his thirties.

I am not pointing the finger at any ethnicity. There is a serious problem of rape and sexua| abuse in the USA and around the world

I as a graduate student at Brooklyn College produced award winning rape awareness public service announcements.
they got little airtime. I found that the media shied away form any PSA's about sexua| abuse or rape. WNEW, WPIX, WOR, ABC, NBC, NBC all turned down the PSA's. They did get limited time on cable.

With the increase in sexua| assault charges on the college campus and related to athletics.

I contacted pro teams in Salt Lake city, Utah, nicknamed Salt Rape City because of the large incidence of sexua| abuse in SLC, Utah

The NBA team, the Utah Jazz would not even entertain a message such as.
"A woman is rape every 6 minutes in the USA. Your rape crisis center offers counseling and support for victims of rape, please call them they want to help.

The Minor League Baseball team, The SLC Stingers also turned my PSA offer down. As did the Hockey Team the Utah Grizzlies.

the truth is that pro teams, college team, etc do not want to promote rape awareness. It is a taboo in sports to consider this problem.

Is it because they are not educated? They know too many men who have sexually a assaulted women and men? There is no money to be made promoting rape awareness.

So the disease continues to grow and bodies of young women continue to be buried by their sick predators.

Many dreams are smothered by men who are protected because of their ability to score a touchdown, score a basket of hit a home run.

The crime of is one that violates the other person and in many cases strips them of their dignity, self esteem and fills them with fear, humiliation and guilt.

While in America many keep their head in the sand. The cycle continues

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