Blog: Raw Foods is it for Everybody
by bluepastry

Losing 20 pounds is easy, very easy

The sun comes up, the sun goes down everything else is up to you. Truths and untruths about weight loss

Date:   5/13/2006 6:50:47 AM   ( 18 y ) ... viewed 1921 times

Losing 20 pounds is easy, very easy
The sun comes up, the sun goes down everything else is up to you.

Truths and untruths about weight loss

i have experimented with being at different weights and have tried differant diets, and different regimens. The best diet is no diet at all

I have added that this article is not about anyone in particular. I already have had emails from 2 friends saying "is this about me?" Very unhealthy!

A fast and common fact. Humans like plants, and everything else are part of a life cycle. You are going to die! Do not listen to this crap about living to 150, etc. This generation seems to think everything is harder, storms are bigger, world is hotter, crime is worse, murder more rampant, whatever. A storm these days is immediately called "the storm of the Century"

People look for support for their misery, does hating a politician or loving a theory make your life happier? NO, probably not. Go out and experience people, life, concerts, the park, go camping
hiking, skip your local negative sounding political meeting. I turned off cbs, cnn,abc,ny times,nbc,ap, a long time ago.

For a moment, imagine you have 5 minutes to live.
Did you do all you want to do?

Weight loss and proper health has become a mystery to many people because of all the food warnings and all the others who make money off scaring people

I buy organic if its cheap. The truth is that as a guy in his 50's who is vegetarian. I am not a big fan of organic, I love coffee, (you can get a great cup of coffee at McDonald's in the morning for under 50 cents, in my opinion better than starbucks)(An even better cup at Sun Harvest for 75 cents) canolis, eat tons of brown rice, love pizza, i am 6"3 209 lbs and still enjoy long hikes for sometimes weeks at a time.

I am aware of politics and world events, more than most people. I know where Iraq, Kwajalein, Botswana are on a map. I avoid the mainstream media and avoid conspiracy theorists. I know there is good and evil in the world and believe that God has a plan for all of us. My point? Many people get upset over the day to day stuff that they have no control over. Being upset will not make you healthier or pay your rent

Do not get upset bout things you have no control over. Most weight loss lecturers, whole foods type stores, conspiracy theorists, new and exotic type food lecturers have one thing in common, will it make them a profit, will it make them rich.

Example: I think GW Bush is a good President and has a tough job. There was war before GWBush and there will be war after GW Bush is dead 1000 years. This upsets people and why?

If I say the Yankees will upset people, they will not change my opinion, I care not to change theirs and what you believe is not the issue.

There are times we are approached with unpleasant things that cause one not to be happy but you must let go of the past. Forgiveness does not mean condoning bad behavior. It frees one from resentment and causes one to look beyond the deed. Small acts of kindness can be done. A simple thing one can do is speak or smile to those you know. Frowns cause wrinkles and your attitude is unacceptable.

All those vitamin bills, and supplements are a waste of money. The money for these expensive products could be used to take a vacation.

Today's dietary supplements are not only vitamins and minerals. They also include other less familiar substances, such as herbals, botanicals, amino acids, and enzymes. Dietary supplements come in a variety of forms, such as tablets, capsules, powders, energy bars, or drinks.

If you do not consume a variety of foods, as recommended in the Food Guide Pyramid and Dietary Guidelines for Americans, some supplements may help ensure that you get adequate amounts of essential nutrients or help promote optimal health and performance. However, dietary supplements are not intended to treat, diagnose, mitigate, prevent, or cure diseases; therefore, manufacturers may not make such claims. In some cases, dietary supplements may have unwanted effects, especially if taken before surgery or with other dietary supplements or medicines, or if you have certain health conditions.

Unlike drugs, but like conventional foods, dietary supplements are not approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for safety and effectiveness. It is the responsibility of dietary supplement manufacturers/distributors to ensure that their products are safe and that their label claims are accurate and truthful. Once a product enters the marketplace, FDA has the authority to take action against any dietary supplement product that presents a significant or unreasonable risk of illness or injury.

Organic does not have to be expensive in 2006
wal mart will prove that! Also, accept it or not, there is not much difference between good washed inorganic food and organic food, almost same pesticide levels
yes Martha, organic food has pesticides, sometimes more that you 69 cent on sale lettuce at whatever mart

Better yet, grow your own Victory Garden:

many people are getting busy planting flowers for beauty and moving all debris from their surroundings. There are those who begin to till the soil for early vegetables such as onion bulbs, lettuce, spinach and radishes and mustard seed.

A tip planting various seeds: when planting vegetables or flowers be sure to use gloves to prevent infection as you work in the soil. If flower space is limited in the yard, small containers can be used on the porch. Take a boot, loosen the strings, pull out the tongue, fill the boot with sand and soil about two to three inches. Put in a bunch of annuals, water regularly and watch them grow and enjoy them.

Tip #1
Wash Your Veggies:
Most people know to wash their hands and carefully clean after handling raw chicken to avoid salmonella poisoning. But should you go the same pains when handling raw carrots or apples?


The Center for Science in the Public Interest has found that more people are now contracting salmonella and other foodborne illnesses from fruits and vegetables than raw meat or eggs, in part because people aren't properly washing their produce.

Most of the produce in U-S grocery stores comes from Latin America, where animal manure is commonly used as fertilizer. Bacteria like E. coli and salmonella can spread from the manure to the produce and then to your home.

Nearly thirty-thousand people got sick after eating or handling contaminated produce between 1990 and 2003. Chicken caused half that number of illnesses.

The center's report says the rough texture of most fruits and veggies makes a comfortable home for bacteria, which can stick to the surface. That's why officials say it's important to wash produce under running water before eating it.

Cooking kills bacteria too, but unlike chicken, fruits and vegetables aren't always cooked before they're eaten. Melons, lettuce and green onions have all caused salmonella outbreaks in recent years.

But center officials urge people not to avoid fruits and vegetables, which are needed to maintain a healthy diet. They are also asking the government to better protect farm-grown food.

Until then remember, just because something is good for you doesn't mean you shouldn't wash it.

2- Your metabolism is slower at night. Contrary to popular belief, your metabolism doesn't slow down after a certain time. This legend probably stems from the fact that many of us eat a larger proportion of calories in the evening, for example, snacking in front of the TV. If that's you, making a general rule about not eating after a certain time may be effective. Just be clear about one thing: the bag of crisps you eat at 3pm will do the same amount of damage as the one you have at 9pm. It's the calories, not the time of day, that matters.
3. Grapefruit has negative calories. If you've tried many of the fad diets that have been around for decades, you're likely to have run across terms like fat-burning foods or negative-calorie foods. The idea is that you burn more calories to digest them than they actually provide. But the fact is, there is no such thing as a negative calorie food. While some fruits and vegetables are extremely low in calories, none actually burn fat. Eat them to fill up on fewer calories, but make no mistake: they will not reverse the calories from the chocolate cake you eat in the same day.

4. Carbohydrates cause weight gain. This is perhaps the most common diet misconception out there, thanks to several high-protein fad diets on the market. But talk to just about any nutritionist, and he or she will tell you carbohydrates are your body's first source of fuel. The key is the type of carbs you eat. In other words, replace sugary foods (simple carbs) like biscuits and sweets with complex carbs, such as fruits, vegetables and whole-grain breads and cereals. There's no reason to ban this very important food group from your healthy diet.

5. Cold water burns calories. A popular diet myth of recent years is that drinking iced water speeds weight loss because the body has to raise its own temperature to warm the water up, thereby promoting burning. There is no evidence to show that this actually works. However, drinking plenty of water, no matter how cold it is, will keep your metabolism on track.

6- Hot and spicy speeds up fat burning. The rumour going around about hot foods, like chillies, is that they raise your metabolism, helping you burn fat faster. But most researchers think the difference is too minuscule to matter, so if you don't enjoy the spice, don't bother. One idea behind chili does make sense: when food is more tasty, it tends to be more satisfying, which means you'll feel satiated and stop eating sooner. If that's true for you, go ahead and pile on those peppers.

7. Your metabolism is slower at night. Contrary to popular belief, your metabolism doesn't slow down after a certain time. This legend probably stems from the fact that many of us eat a larger proportion of calories in the evening, for example, snacking in front of the TV. If that's you, making a general rule about not eating after a certain time may be effective. Just be clear about one thing: the bag of crisps you eat at 3pm will do the same amount of damage as the one you have at 9pm. It's the calories, not the time of day, that matters.

8. Grapefruit has negative calories. If you've tried many of the fad diets that have been around for decades, you're likely to have run across terms like fat-burning foods or negative-calorie foods. The idea is that you burn more calories to digest them than they actually provide. But the fact is, there is no such thing as a negative calorie food. While some fruits and vegetables are extremely low in calories, none actually burn fat. Eat them to fill up on fewer calories, but make no mistake: they will not reverse the calories from the chocolate cake you eat in the same day.

9. Carbohydrates cause weight gain. This is perhaps the most common diet misconception out there, thanks to several high-protein fad diets on the market. But talk to just about any nutritionist, and he or she will tell you carbohydrates are your body's first source of fuel. The key is the type of carbs you eat. In other words, replace sugary foods (simple carbs) like biscuits and sweets with complex carbs, such as fruits, vegetables and whole-grain breads and cereals. There's no reason to ban this very important food group from your healthy diet.

10. Cold water burns calories. A popular diet myth of recent years is that drinking iced water speeds weight loss because the body has to raise its own temperature to warm the water up, thereby promoting burning. There is no evidence to show that this actually works. However, drinking plenty of water, no matter how cold it is, will keep your metabolism on track.

11. You have to suffer to lose weight. If you think it's not a diet unless you're hungry or eating bland, boring food, think again. It is possible to enjoy your food and lose weight. It's just a matter of picking a plan that focuses on balance and portion sizes, rather than the elimination of everything you enjoy.

12. Fat free = calorie free. That low-fat label is by no means a license to eat all you want. Many low-fat products are loaded with extra sugar to make up for the missing fat, which means they can be just as high in calories as their full-fat counterparts. The bottom line is that keeping portion sizes in perspective is essential, even when there is no fat involved.
13. It's best not to eat between meals. The no-snacking approach may seem like a good idea, but while it may keep you from eating a lot of extra calories early in the day, it can leave you feeling so hungry that you end up overeating later. On the other hand, eating smaller, more frequent meals and snacks can actually be a good strategy for keeping your appetite in check, your blood sugar stable and your portion sizes down.

14- If you stick to a diet, you don't have to exercise. It's a popular way to justify the couch potato lifestyle, but while dieting alone may help you lose the weight, if you want to keep it off, exercise is essential. In fact, it's the one thing successful weight-losers have in common. Aim for at least 30 minutes of cardio exercise five to six times per week, with weight training for each major muscle group at least twice a week, and you'll be well on your way to reaching and maintaining your goal.

15. Cabbage soup is a diet miracle. There are no special fat-burning powers in this concoction. It works because it's low in calories and doesn't taste good enough to tempt you to eat extra servings. The problem with a fad diet like this is that you end up getting so sick of that one food, you crash off the diet, then go back to your old eating habits and regain the weight. The simple truth is that if an eating plan isn't satisfying enough to stay with long-term, it's ultimately going to fail.

Some Free Tools for Weight Loss
Everybody likes free stuff. If you know where to look, theres a bunch of free weight loss tools on-line. Weight loss tools are perfect for people who like numbers, and like keeping track of things. or you can "wing it".


FitDay - An extremely popular on-line diet tracker.
NutriDiary - Tracks food, calories, and weight.
ExRx - Animations of hundreds of exercises (by muscle group)
SparkPeople - Diet and exercise program that has now removed its fees.
PeerTrainer - Diet and exercise program - where you become part of a group.
Weight Loss Calculators ( - BMR, BMI, RMR, etc.
Weight Loss Calculators ( - macro-nutrient ratios, body fat %, etc.
Nutrition info:

NutritionData - Has comprehensive information on most foods.
DietFacts - As well as the standard foods, has manually-entered data from many restaurants
CalorieKing - Has comprehensive nutritional info, but their Portion Watch tool is unique - it has photos of different portion sizes of many popular foods. (Note that CalorieKing's diet program is fee-based).

So there you go.

Things are really quite simple
The sun comes up, the sun goes down everything else is up to you.

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