Blog: Seawater fasting and purification
by pila

My Fruits are Good Fruits

These Testimonys are my Fruits.

Date:   12/30/2005 5:34:25 PM   ( 19 y ) ... viewed 4149 times

My name is Pila.
On the internet I have a group site on Yahoo groups called (thelightandsoundwithin) and a Blog on CureZone; (Seawater fasting and purification by pila.) If you would like to check it out you are welcome to, with my blessings. I am putting all the information I can get on seawater, Sea salt healing in the FILES in the group. And I have LINKS to other web sites on Seawater, Sea salt healing.

A part of My Testimony;

I am now able to physically see the Light or image of God whenever I like, and I hear the vibration or word of God 24/7. I’m now able to share this LOVE, JOY, and HAPPINESS with others.

The Kingdom of God on earth is real. It is not a myth, pretense, or make believe. It’s like all the great spiritual leaders have said: only through fasting, cleansing, and purification can you achieve this great task. But they don’t tell you exactly how and where. That’s why it has taken me almost thirty-five years of repeated trials, research, and devotion.

In the last 16 years I am in the Kingdom on Earth physically. What I mean is that I can see the image of God whenever I like and I can hear the word or the vibration of God 24/7.

Here are some parts and full testimonies of some of the people that I have been able to help on their journey into the light of life. A diseased Free life.

By Jennifer Lynn
“ I became interested in the program when I saw (Pila) transform from a nervous gray-haired man to an articulate glowing brown haired man who looked 20 years younger. The cleanse brought me vibrant health and spiritual awakening.”

By Pat Robbins
I’ve known pila for about 10 years and I have seen many changes in his appurtenances, health and well-being. When I first saw him he had the appurtenances of a tired gray haired man of about 60 years of age, At that time, I was surprise when I found out he was only 48. As my next-door neighbor on Kauai for 3 years I got to see these change up close and daily. When I would talk to him I noticed his eyes getting sparkly and clear, and his hair was going from gray to brown. And his skin was soft like a young mans. In time he looked 20 years younger. He seamed to have more energy than when I first saw him. And he was calm and more at peace. When he told me how he did all this it was way over my head and understanding. I’ve never worked his program. But after seeing what he has done with himself I’m thinking real hard about the program. Old age is a killer. If I could do what he has done with his body that would be a true blessing in my life.

Paul Genova testimony

This is the testimony of Paul Genova who I am helping to become a Diseases Free life style.
I would like to introduce myself, my name is Paul Genova, and I have struggled with my weight for the past 23 years.
But first I would like to thank and introduce you to my Brother Pila.

This latter is to thank my brother Pila for helping me to lose 50 lb. Of dead weight and saving my life.
I’ve learned more from Pila than all the nutritional specialists that I’ve ever met in my entire life.
I trust his more than anyone I know in my life.

I moved to Maui from N.Y.C. on January 6, 1998. After only having lived here for 18 months, my weight jumped to 243 pounds. I had type 2 diabetes and was on diabetes medicine. I also had high blood and was on blood pressure medicine. To help with this, I started juicing and taking metabolic supplements. After 2 years I dropped down to 137 pounds. Afterwards, again I started gaining weight and I now am at 185 pounds. My blood was122 over 82. I was extremely desperate and wanted to regain my health, and of course lose 30 to 40 pounds.
I was introduced to Pila and he started explaining to me that the reason why I have arthritis and also why my method of dieting doesn’t work.
When I first met Pila, he noticed that I had what he calls Death breath.
He told me to start drinking one 12 oz glass of his purified seawater ever night before I go to bed. Once the seawater started to taste like fresh water with a dash of salt added, then he had me drink it in the mornings.
At first I thought he was crazy. I started debating the idea of drinking sea water with him. He demonstrated his health to me, which encouraged me to give it a try. So, for the past 6 months I have been drinking the purified seawater. My bowel movements that I’ve experienced have been quite interesting. It seems whenever I eat food at an extreme level, the seawater neutralizes all the acidic food that I have consumed. Ever time I would over eat or get a stomachache, I would drink the seawater, and all the pain would disappear. So, Pila asked me if I would like to change my life style for the better and I said why not give it a try. So on Sept. 6, 2005, I started my salt water cleanses and purification. At first when I knew what the procedure was actually going to be, I was extremely horrified.
At that time I weighed 185 pounds a 38 waist, and extreme pains in most of my joints. My left knee was so painful I could barely walk. Lots of pain in my right leg, and shoulders, etc.
The first few day was not as difficult as I had first thought it would be.
By day 11, my knee started to improve. My daily routine consists of just drinking distilled water lemon, cayenne or chili peppers and honey. This I drink 3 to 4 times a day. I started getting that most sound sleep that I’ve ever had in my life. I am never hungry and I have energy far more than when I started cleanse.
It’s hard for me to believe, but I am not taking any supplements of any kind. My headaches and hemorrhoids are gone completely.
Day 13
I am starting to hold in ¾ gallon of seawater. Sometimes, I get tired, but I know I am healing. The one thing that is absolutely vital is to have faith in power of God and patience that will head you and feed you just with his seawater.
Day 16
I am fitting into my 36 pants. My knee is getting better slowly. While doing the colonic seawater implant, I have extreme pain in my stomach, no mercy at all to the discomfort that is felt. I never want to ever go through this again for the rest of my life. Steal, I am not hungry at all.
Day 17
The pain in my knee is raging and then will subside; it’s going through a healing process, so again patience is the essence. I now weigh 173 pounds so I have lost 12 pounds in 17 days. My teacher, Pila is very patient and has taught me that whatever pain I have, I should massage it thoroughly and often as possible. By squeezing the pain right out of the body.
Day 18
I have tried Pila’s instructions and started pressing with my fingers as hard as I can to break up the arthritis and even though it hurts so badly I am continuing to do it.
Day 19
Today I followed my teachers method, and I was blessed beyond belief when closing my eyes I could see the light as plan as day. It was as bright as a shining star, I was overjoyed and thrilled, and it stayed with me for 2 to 3 minutes.
Day 20
This is the first day which I felt a little hunger. I did drink 5 glasses of lemon, honey and cayenne pepper. I was tempted by an orange but said a prayer and the temptation left me. This time Pila took me to the ocean to look at the light. Again I brought forth the light and this time it was an extremely bright orange glow. When I opened my eyes. I saw white glowing rays shooting out of Pila’s arms and hands. At first I thought I was dreaming, but then I turned to my right and saw the rays coming off the trees. Pila told me to look at the ocean and again white sparkling rays surrounded the waves. But the biggest amazement came when the water that I knew to be murky was sparkling clear right in front of my eyes and I knew there was something going on that only Pila understands.
Pila calls this phenomenon, the kingdom of God on Earth. Because you cannot see death as in the world, only life as in God’s kingdom.
Day 22
I was playing softball like usual but something was about to happen. I started throwing the softball harder than I’ve ever had since I was in my late 20’s. I stopped for a few seconds to try and analyze what was happening and then I knew why this occurred. Then I paid attention to my shoulder and realized it was healing and my friends glove popping confirmed my belief.
Day 23
I had another mud discharges in the morning and woke up with a sty in the eye. I also for the first time noticed that my face was looking younger and thinner. I squeezed the sty and it was gone by that evening. I also weighed myself today and I was 169.
Day 25
Today I am having small hunger discomfort but not to serious. However, last night at the fair, my left knee decided to retire before I was ready to retire.
The pain was so serious with pain that I could not walk. After about 30 minutes of sitting, the knee recovered nicely. I am beginning to have a different outlook about thing that usually upset me before. It seems I am not worrying so much any more.
Day 26
After meditating for a few minutes, I was again able to see the light. This time however, there were three different shades to the light. The first one was a beautiful bluish green color. The second one was bright orange with a black border. The last one was a bright unique shade of yellow; it reminded me of the star of Bethlehem.
Day 27
I now weigh 167 and feel ok. I worked in the fair all weekend and felt more energy than I had in the past 3 years prier.
I noticed that the gray hairs on my chest have turned to brown. Also I see brown hairs sprouting out of my baldhead.
In the late afternoon, I felt gas coming on, so I proceeded to let the gas come out. However, this was not gas, a long wormlike strand approximately 36 inches came out of me. The smell was nauseating and I saved it in a glass jar. Later on I presented it to Pila, who informed me that it was part of my mucoid plaque. Before returning for the evening, I discharged more mucoid plaque.
Day 28
I begin the morning with nice energy and I now fit in my medium shorts and shirts. I am happy I did not throw them away. The pain in the left knee is inconsistent and I know its getting better by each day I fast and purify.
Day 29
I am starting to be more aware of my body parts, like just finding a small bone chip near the right knee. I have begun to massage it intensely and the pain subsides. Later on around 5: pm. I discharged a lot of brown mud, it appeared to resemble a cluster of dead worms. Of course tonight I was unable to fall asleep until around 3: am.
Day 30
During the colonic today, I released some old fecal matter ( the bottomless pit )
At night around 3 to 4 am. I practiced bringing the light on. It was mush easier this time, took only one minute. The light stayed with me longer and it was brighter. I find myself not concerned with worldly issues and not very interested either but I do take care of all my responsibilities. While in the pool, I started doing the breaststroke with little pain and I was extremely pleased.
I feel no hunger so I know God almighty is feeding me. I had 2 mud discharges in the morning after drinking 6 oz. of purified seawater. One thing I am certain of which, that is my left knee was being eaten alive by the disease in my leg. I shudder to think what would have of my knee.
Day 35 and I’m steal alive.
Today I discharged mud in the morning and some leafy type substance in the afternoon. I checked my blood pressure today and it was 114 over 73 which is the lowest its ever been in my life.

On this day Pila took me to the ocean to look at the light. Again I brought forth the light and this time it was an extremely bright orange glow like fire. When I opened my eyes. I saw white glowing rays shooting out of Pila’s arms and hands. At first I thought I was dreaming, but then I turned to my right and saw the rays coming off the trees. Pila told me to look at the ocean and again white sparkling rays surrounded the waves. But the biggest amazement came when the water that I knew to be murky was sparkling clear right in front of my eyes and I knew there was something going on that only Pila understands.
Pila calls this phenomenon, the kingdom of God on Earth. Because you cannot see death as in the world, only life as in God’s kingdom.

Other Fruits from the tree of life;

I have been a Chiropractor and health practitioner for over 25 years.
But it was only in the past 3 yrs. did I witness and finally
experience a profound therapeutic regimen involving:


2)Colonics (using ocean water)


Fasting and colonics have been known for a long time as being highly
beneficial for healing. But what got my attention was the way Pila
took these ancient tools and uniquely combined them like a new recipe
from some old fashion ingredients.

I met Pila 3yrs. ago; he had just been in a car accident and could
hardly walk. I noticed his hair was gray and his health was
comprimised due to the stress of his life's situation. Pila told me
he knew how to heal himself and was about to undertake a fast for 40
days. I was quite curious as to how this regimen would affect his
injuries to his joints as well as his overall health.(Pila at the
time was 57 yrs. Old.) His results were astonishing. Not only did he
recover from his low back, hip, neck, arm, and leg injuries, his hair
had gone from gray to brown. Pila was walking and working pain free
in 2 month's time. None of my patients (including much younger
patients) ever demonstrated such a remarkable recovery. In fact the
great majority never recover from such injuries. Typically they
continue needing alternative care indefinitely. These patients suffer
from relapses, osteoarthritis, residual inflammatory responses etc.

It wasn't until fairly recently was I able to make arrangements to
attempt a 15 day fast. Previously I had only been able to fast for 2
to 3 days each year. I am 57 yrs. old and was never particularly fond
of fasting although the health benefits make it worth the effort ---
its just not fun! Usually by the 3rd day I found myself rather weak
and listless. Pila assured me that my fatigue and mental dullness
could be overcome with Thalassotherapy and colonics. I refused
colonics(more about that later) but I did agree with Thalassotherapy
(soaking in the ocean 2 to 4 hrs. per day.)

On the third day of my fast I was depressed with mental and physical
malaise and I was ready to soak in ocean in one of Pila's water
tents. These little ocean tents keep you warm by protecting you from
the wind and simultaneously let the heat from the sun penetrate the
tent's roof. After 3 hrs. of soaking I was astonished at how much
better I felt. I repeated this process with consistent results. By
the 10th day of my fast I was able to swim 40 min. in the ocean with
the same results. The ocean made a huge difference in rejuvenating my
spirits and made it possible to complete the 15 day fast.

The actual fast consisted of drinking distilled water with fresh
squeezed lemon and cayenne.("The Master Cleanser")

In addition to this Pila had me drink 1 glass of filtered ocean water
to cleanse the intestines, colon, and provide minerals and
electrolytes to the body.

It wasn't until the12th day of my fast did I allow Pila to administer
Colonics. I had stubbornly resisted doing colonics for a number of
reasons(I just didn't do well with them in the past) These colonics
were a lot different in the way they were administrated. With the
help of Pila's expertise we were able to dislodge a great deal more
waste than I thought possible. Pila has the technique down to a
science, drawing from years of experience he apples various implants
to insure successful results.

I broke the fast on the 15th day and continued the colonics for a
week afterwards. I regret not having done the colonics from day one.
Nevertheless the results were outstanding. Previous to the fast I was
relatively healthy or so I thought. After the fasting,

Thalassotherapy and the colonics I was INSPIRED. I had more energy,
clarity, vitality and overall exuberance for life than ever before.
Last but not least - I was privileged to experience THE LIGHT AND THE
SOUND WITHIN IN that Pila talks so fondly about.(an event I will
never forget)

Such a inner peace -such bliss - so that's what health is all about!
Pila is a very simple man, a very humble man, he is a well kept
secret. His program however comes with a price to pay (other than
time and money) and that price is commitment and discipline.

I recommend this program for those who want to be healthier and more
at peace with themselves. I would also recommend this program to
those patients who have been given no hope for their condition.
Patients with chronic diseases should read Paul Bragg's book titled-
THE MIRACLE OF FASTING this book is a must!

The key to remember is the body is capable of healing itself. By
detoxifying the body and the healing energy will increase "10 fold"
and it is this "energy" that heals.

Colonics have been used for eons. Naturopathic physicians are taught
that DEATH begins in the colon. The build up of waste in the large
intestine leads to disease.

Thalassotherapy is more than just soaking in the ocean. The ocean has
healing properties that science is yet to discover. You have to
experience the ocean the way Pila has set it up with his "ocean
tents." The skin is the largest organ of the body. The ocean will
draw out toxins through the skin and the skin will absorb healing
energy that defies measurement.

I wish everyone could experience the sound and the light and the
profound health changes that are inherent with this program. Good
luck and God bless you all.

George Thompson
Santa Barbara, CA.

To Whom it May Concern:

In July of 2005, I developed the symptoms of yellow jaundice. After seeking Medical attention I was diagnosed with a fatty tumor on my pancreas which was Blocking my bile duck and hence causing the jaundice. The medical doctor that Diagnosed me suggested an immediate surgical consultation. My choice was to take an Alternative direction. Learning of this, my chiropractor introduced me to a man he called “ Pila.” It was at this time that Pila started telling me of the healing powers of purified seawater. His knowledge of the subject really peaked my interest and within a few days I was deep into his treatment plan. The plan included the drinking of purified seawater, Soaking in the ocean for long periods of time in a thalassotherapy pool, and seawater Colonics. For years I had heard of the cleansing available from colonics, but had opted to Avoid what could be an
awkward situation.
In my treatments with Pila I was able to Receive all of the healing without any of the awkwardness. As a result, my symptoms of Jaundice disappeared after tin weeks of treatment which lead me to believe that the tumor Was gone, much to the amazement of the medical doctor who had first diagnosed me.
It has been one month since I concluded my treatment and I am still symptom free. On a Personal level, I found Pila to be a healer who genuinely cared about me. This was Evident from the ongoing loving support that he showed me, and for this I am forever grateful. I consider him to be not only a great healer but a great friend as well. I would highly recommend Pila to anyone in need of either.

Sincerely, George Thompson

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Comments (14 of 14):
You are so right t… kermi… 18 y
Ocean Plasma Lovey 18 y
Re: fantastic! quinton 19 y
SUPER Article.. … kermi… 19 y
Re: Sounds like th… kermi… 19 y
Re: Sounds like th… pila 19 y
Re: You have an in… pila 19 y
Detoxing in the De… oztin 19 y
Sounds like there … kermi… 19 y
You have an intere… kermi… 19 y
Re: fantastic! JeSuisButt… 19 y
remarkable... i re… drofi… 19 y
Re: fantastic! pila 19 y
fantastic! JeSuisButterfl… 19 y
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