Blog: Plant Your Dream!
by YourEnchantedGardener

The romance of seeds continues @SDseedswap

The romance of seeds continues @SDseedswap

The romance of seeds the story of the San Diego seed swap
Will you help with keeping the dream alive?
See you March 20 at 11 AM to 11:30 AM. Arrive early others will be registering for the San Diego seed swap and will not be aware that opening ceremony is happening. If you want to attend and participate please read the story

Date:   2/28/2016 11:28:38 AM   ( 8 y ) ... viewed 1281 times


@SDSeedSwap Main Event Page:
Help make it happen!
Go fund me event asks your support!

MARCH 18, 2016:

"I am your Mother Earth.
You are my pride and joy.
I am touched by your gathering."
--from The Rebirth of Mother Earth
By Leslie Goldman

Baker Creek heirloom seed company contributed a boxful of Bean Ojo de Cabra "Eye of the Goat" original landrace foods of the Tarahumara indigenous people of northern Mexico who are renowned for their ability to run long distance is through mountainous terrain.

Impacted by modernity may the planting of the seed, and the shaking of the packets, Signal a return to our own indigenous roots and to the restoration of indigenous people everywhere as we plant and share original heirloom seeds this weekend at our first annual San Diego seat swap.

See you at the opening ceremony at 11 AM on the grass between the Centro Cultura de las Raza and the world beat cultural center, anyone hundred Park Ave., Balboa Park.
The closing ceremony will be from 6:30 PM – 7 PM inside the worldbeat WorldBeat Center6:30 PM – 7 PM inside the worldbeat Center a magnificent closing celebration that begins following our seed swap scheduled for 3 PM to 5 PM in the Centro.

Please check out the full program on our website and be sure to make a contribution to fund our event.


Berenice Rodriguez: Please invite! Spread the word. Por favor compartan. Se hacerca el primer intercambio tradicional de semilla en San Diego. No se lo pierdan este 20 de marzo en Centro Cultural de la Raza y en el jardin de WorldBeat Center.


Arrive early to help gather the energy with spontaneous Yoga, Acro-Yoga, and the unexpected!

CEREMONY BEGINS AT 11-11:30 am on the Sunshine Stage of the Grassy Area between the World Beat Center and Centro Cultura de la Raza

Opening 11:00 -11:30 am pray with us
To Win Back Our Sacred Seeds
on the Spring Equinox 2016 San Diego Balboa Park
Centro Cultura de la Raza and Worldbeat center

The Romance of Seeds. The Story of the @SDSeedSwap Unfolds in this the International Year of the Pulses

The Right to Know and the Know How to Grow Our Own Food takes a stand in San Diego where Our Grassroots movement is growing to Win Back Our Lives as Sacred Seeds and come into intimacy with the Indigenous Heirloom Seeds of the world.

The Romance of Seeds Continues at the @SDSeedSwap.



Please support our volunteer effort to Win Back Our Sacred Seeds March 20, WorldBeat Center and Centro Cultural de la Raza

Arrive early--around 10 am--to set the tone for the Opening Ceremonys that begin at 11 am-11:30 am on the grassy area between these two powerful buildings expressing Indigenous roots in San Diego. Closing Ceremony will include a Community Council where we share our dreams, 6:30 pm-to Sunset inside the WorldBeat Cultural Center. Come Plant Your Dream.

Grass Area where the Opening Ceremony will take place. Registration is all day and begins concurrently with Opening Ceremony.

The Pure Food Revolution Launches Now! The Baker Creek Enchanted Garden Winning Back Sacred Seed Starter Kit, a seed packet containing organic non-Gmo ancient wheat, will consecrate a restart for our earth through what we can each do now,so plant your dream to the next level. Join us through saying the Sacred seed prayer together.

Join the Enchanted Garden Club here C so it is important to set the tone beginning around 10 am on Sunday March 20.


Special Guests including Raz from Jamaica on his Food War Tour. Spend time with Jamaica Seed Swap Teacher and musician.


The Closing Ceremony is scheduled for 30 minutes before Sunset, 6:30 pm inside the World Beat Center.


i've been growing an indigenous bean plant since the first meeting that has been coming together to create the San Diego heirloom seed swap that is scheduled for the spring equinox March 20 in the area balboa park where the worldbeat Center and the centro Cultura de La Raza Both add very special energy to build community.

The seed I'm growing that symbolizes the international Year of the Pulses that we are in now Is called Oja de Cabra, Eye of the Goat. It is from the 1800 variety @rareseeds Baker Creek collection and came from the Tarahumara Indian Landrace type. These ancient grounded native people who can run many miles and have great endurance eating simple foods from the earth.

The seed was first blessed by my friend Dr. Mimi Guarneri who has founded the Academy of health and medicine. Hundreds of doctors and practitioners from many traditions are all coming together through her courage, passion and resolve to bring in healthy Medicine to America. This seed attended numbers of days at the Scripps natural supplement conference held in January in San Diego. On my friend Dr.Tierona Low Dog was giving her keynote address on life fortified, the name of her book, I left the conference to attend a meeting of the San Diego heirloom seed swap leadership at the worldbeat Center, a very special that is growing through one of my dearest and oldest friends work . Her Name is Makeda Dread. She is a devoted public servant and the founder of the Priohet restaurant, A vegetarian landmark that fed global celebrities including Dick Gregory and members of the Beatles group .

At this time when contamination of our sacred seed nature is a appparent to members of The National heirloom seed family Important to remember that the founding premises of this land was to welcome those who had no home and were running away from oppression overseas. The first native Americans welcomed these immigrants who came from a foreign country.

The seed swap of San Diego on the spring equinox 2016 will have opening and closing ceremonies that have already begun by intention. Anticipate personal purification if you are involved and committed to be part of the seed swap. I'm taking my signals for how these ceremonies will look . I have done powerful ceremony work simply alone or with a few people so the ceremonies success are not a question of how many people show up but rather the sacred spirit that we each bring to the Journey being asked of us. We are each sacred seeds. We are all intended to come back home to loving our mother Earth. Many of us look different and pray differently. This is part of the power of ceremony that we can be from many tribes as the indigenous seeds who are calling to us now to be replanted in our lives. We do not need modern technology of the laboratory to produce drought tolerant seeds for faraway places like Africa. We simply need to support wisdom that has already been working for thousands of years in harmony with the seeds. Swapping seeds is part of human evolution. When we swap seeds as humans we create babies many times are we become pregnant with cell growth whenever love is exchanged. Humility and forgiveness and constantly seeking to understand what each person brings to the table and to the circle is important. We do not know what it has taken for each person to come to this place of being here now. We think we understand. We think we know. The Native Americans had beads on their moccasins that are living prayers in case they stepped on little lifeforms or hurt one another without knowing it. Tears often come to release judgments and previous hurts. To stand in the sacred circle takes sensitivity and doing our best to slow down to the speed of nature. We are all going to fast. Misunderstanding and what we call mistakes can easily occur. But the question is how do we accept and continue to be kind. Standing in the circle asks that we see each other in innocence and do what we can to have the courage to make sure we understand. I want to approach the San Diego heirloom seed swap in this spirit. Something good is already coming from a handful of people attempting to create an event in time and space. As our dear friend Haji says a purpose of this event is to become family and share food. Let us continue with each step to go the extra distance knowing that what we do here is profoundly appreciated by the seeds themselves.

The first of these beans seeds were planted in a glass jar and it had to be transplanted at a meeting of the seed swap leadership. I did not have the confidence to make this transplanting myself and needed the whole group involved to lend their healing energy. The original two beans were in Glass and I wanted them to grow in a bigger container. The next couple days were a bit frightening and the plant looked like it was being challenged and might not recover. I took time on Saturday, February 27 to nurture the plant with rainwater and extra ancient soil that was millions of years old. I also fed to plant some very special biodynamic compost from my man who said the Lords prayer every day of his adult life and made compost for more than 50 years I followed the instructions Santi Lou said and added more soil. It's good to have enough soil around us to really grow.

Sunday report as I prepare to go to the farmers market to visit with my beloved farming family February 28 or so 9:24 AM

FEB 27, 2016

Leslie Goldman that’s me, at Mille Meditation, a dream of Edmond Szekely to have a sanctuary honoring 1000 meditations from different traditions over the course of 8000 years of nature reverence. Mille Meditation had a mountainous trail and along the trail were stations dedicated to the great teachers and teachings.
You are invited to help co-create an Opening Ceremony on the Spring Equinox 2016 March 20 on the grassy area between the WorldBeat Cultural Center and the Cultura El Centro in Balboa Park, San Diego.
Be sure to arrive by 10 am to begin getting your spirit present. We want to begin at 11am for 30 minutes. Our honoring of nature, ourselves as RareSeeds, and an honoring of the indigenous Heirloom Seeds of the world calls you present to sing, dance, say sacred words, and to plant Your Dream. Circle up with us! acro-yogists, circus devotees, drum. People from many walsk of life and religions have revered nature. All expressions to the Divine are welcomed as we share prayer in our common tongue of love. Message me so that I know you are coming, and let us know on the San Diego Heirloom Seed Swap FB Page. site. Photo from the 80’s or early 90’s by Vivian Blackstone
The Closing Ceremony will begin toward the close of the San Diego Heirloom Seed Swap near the sunset time inside the WorldBeat Center. We will again Plant Your Dream and consecrate Sacred Seeds to grow our dreams that we will harvest in the Spring, Summer, and Fall.
We will re-enact a Wedding between Uncle Sam and Auntie GMO (Anti-GMO, get it?) as we remember the words of Neil Young to End @TheMonsantoYears as we know them now. Come shake your seeds and get ready for miracles. How fast can a dream grow? ~As Fast as a Blade of Grass!

Jessica Sanchez Bring the cabbages.
I would also like foods we can share in the circle as we build Food Presence brought from my other local organic farming friends, Amado Rodriguez Lucila De Alejandro, Adrian Adams We will bless our local food growers.
We will say the Sacred seed prayer together.
and the Enchanted Garden Enchanted Garden Club Pledge
Thanks for joining the Enchanted Garden Club '
FYI Makeda Makossa Dale Eblacas Santi Lou Lisa Russell Stephanie McCoy Johanna Ketherr Berenice Rodriguez Tom Newmark Jon D. Jensen Donald Fournier Nadine Dominguez

Morning notes February 29, 2016

Seeing life through the eyes of love. Adrian Adams gives her blessing on the opening and closing ceremony and events of the San Diego heirloom seeds walk March 20. Photo taken at the Hillcrest Farmer's market Sunday, February 28, 2016. The following is my morning notes from February 29. Let's leap together into reverence for the spring. Feedback welcome on these ideas....


Spring equinox March 20 event notes from your enchanted Gardner 5:36 AM report February 29, 2016;

Garden management journal:

Spent some lovely hours yesterday healing myself through contact with my favorite farming vendors at the Hillcrest Farmer's market. Makeda Makossa and Bernice Rodriguez arrived earlier than usual at the market and we had a delightful time gathering with friends. Took a little nap at Morea and Moriah's massage booth before heading over to the worldbeat Center to spend some quality time with my beloved Makeda and her family.

After serving and meeting and greeting so many friends, Makeda Took her post at the salad making table in the kitchen. This was a healing experience for me. It reminded me of my early days at Harpo's health house by the sea in the early 70s, where I lived communally with Harpo and the family on Ventura place across from the roller coaster.

It was here I first met Makedaand her family from the Prophet restaurant.

Somewhere after seven Bernice returned from a little run to get some Patricia Bragg liquid amino's and olive oil and then we all sat down in the quiet and occasional squawking and barking from the parrots and family dogs to a most delightful vegetarian meal of rice, and special greens from our friends at the Hillcrest Farmer's market.

Dale Eblacas A.k.a. Haji asked me a few months ago to create an opening and closing ceremony for the March 20 Spring equinox event that is now expanded to include both the Centro Cultura de las Raza as well as the garden areas where workshops will be held at the worldbeat Center.

A Concurring private event will be taking place inside the worldbeat Center for parts of the day until around 3 o'clock when that facility will be made available for spring equinox festivity.

I'm envisioning the closing ceremony on stage somewhere before sunset specific time yet to be decided.

Whenever I am the ceremonial orchestrator, a role I've played in this life for decades I always am on the lookout for what The soul of an event is looking out for. This is basically keeping eyes open for unexpected gifts and contributors beyond what we imagined. I always have a little chuckle for event planners that imagine what they imagining them on paper is what is going to show up. As a ceremonialist i've had the personal experience I'm showing up unexpectedly at major events and quite often finding myself on stage right before the keynote presenters.

The year 1993 comes to mind when this happened three times within a month and included being in charge of the fellowship for intentional community gathering at Evergreen College where about 300 participated in a closing that was not preplanned.

I was also on stage right before George Leonard at a large-scale highly preplanned conference at SDSU Where I read the declaration of interdependence that I had written years before.
A sign of a good program planner in my opinion is that they leave space and are flexible enough for the unexpected arrival.

The romance of the seed and the sacredness of the moment are the primary qualities that I will be up holdings for the March 20 spring equinox activities of 2016 at the worldbeat Center , The grassy area where we will have the opening ceremony, and the next-door centro Cultura de las Raza.

The musicianship inside the worldbeat Center has not yet been determined. Makeda has named the group or two but as yet this is not been confirmed so if you have some musicianship or thoughts on this please let me know.

I do see the closing ceremony happening about a half hour before sunset.

My latest vision:
(Saving for next event...not enough time for's a difficult winter to come out of and lots to do to prep for #ExpoWest trip March 9-14)

This new idea came to me this morning of Feb 29.,,and i got internal feedback to hold off...)

I conceived a Kawannza type food feast with volunteers supporting Makeda Makossa and staff. I can imagine and see Alex Whyte in the kitchen. Alex prepared food at Casa Deluz.

This is the international year of the pulse. It's the year for more people to eat lower on the food chain for many reasons including supporting climate rebalancing. Unless we rebalance how can we expect the outer Climate to rebalance?

I loved the Whole Being Weekend original spirit where everybody helped cleanup and contribute. That's the spirit I'd like to see demonstrated at the spring equinox 2016 event March 20.

I would also like to see a food truck from one of my favorite farmers at the Hillcrest Farmer's market show up following teardown to provide leftover delicious organic greens for our salad.

I'm going to put a calling to my sponsor Patricia Bragg to send down some of her wonderful salad dressings, a couple gallons of apple cider vinegar her, and some other delightful products for this celebration feast. (Next time)

If we end up with one bag of sunflower seeds to share that will be plenty because the spirit of love will feed us as in the days of old when we circled up at the old healing waters. The secret to eating successfully on a raw food diet from my experience is love. In the olden days of the late 70s we would gather for three days for spring equinox celebrations. We would circle up and saying family songs. We were already fed by the time we ate. Of course we were full and could eat lower on the food chain.

Most of us today are so starved and hungry for love and community that we are a bottomless pit. No amount of food can really fill us.

If we are to have more vegetarians and people living lower on the food chain restoring sacred moments together is essential.


New vision! I'll incorporate this this in the closing ceremony.
(March 1 note)

I see coming together for a community Council.

I see us passing a Talking stick.
I see each person respectfully listening to others. What is your vision for winning back our sacred seeds?

That's all for now. What I see is in my minds eye this early morning. That means it already exists. The question is can we createenough peace, Harmony and understanding as well as forgiveness and forgiveness of each other, to bring down to earth what seeds imagine for each of us.

6:25 AM February 29 San Diego California international year of the pulses, Leslie Goldman Your enchanted Gardener

Previous writing:

The romance of seeds the story of the San Diego seed swap

Will you help with keeping the dream alive?
See you March 20 at 11 AM to 11:30 AM. Arrive early others will be registering for the San Diego seed swap and will not be aware that opening ceremony is happening. If you want to attend and participate please read the story



Our Being in the World is Growing as we Grow Beans, Pulses and Rare seeds in this #IYP2016 International Year of the Pulses.¬if_t=like


Thanks again to Eva Roufe for this wonderful photo that has the words that ask that we March in the Direction of our Dreams. We will do that through a series of activities at the @SDSeed Swap. The official Spring Equinox in San Diego begins at 9:30 PM March 19, and we will be having expanded opportunities for you to express your Sacred Seed Nature through our San Diego Gathering.

Get the Baker Creek Enchanted Garden Winning Back Sacred Seed Starter Kit & join the Enchanted Garden Club here

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