Blog: Plant Your Dream!
by YourEnchantedGardener

Winning Back my Sacred Seed--Planting our future

Winning Back my Sacred Seed--Planting Seeds for Humanity's Future--reflections, gratitude and making amends by Leslie Goldman

Date:   1/22/2015 10:20:59 AM   ( 9 y ) ... viewed 1057 times


Some of what I am writing here correlates with this Facebook album,
Wining Back My Sacred Seed.

For other related Plant Your Dream Blog Links inspired by the 12th Annual Scripps Supplement Conference, see links below at the end of the writing.

Winning Back my Sacred Seed--Planting Seeds for Humanity's Future



I set out in 2015 to Win Back Our Sacred Seeds with the dream that I will Return Again to The National Heirloom Exposition. September 8-9-10 2015 in Santa Rosa, CA. I have successfully completed three journeys there in 2012-2013-2014. That is part of my story, but what of 2015? I have major health concerns now as I write this on January 26, 2015. My 68 VW Van, the hero of my 2015 Campaign, " The Enchanted Garden Mobile's Journey To Win Back Our Sacred Seeds" is teaching me some very difficult lessons. I will get deeper in that trauma later.

This is a time when my medal is being tested, and it is for this reason I have adopted the seed of Job's Tears, as one of my primary seeds to begin this year.

You are welcome to join me on the Journey that is part of the "Campaign to Grow a Healthier Pizza. Win Back Our Sacred Seeds." That page is on Facebook.
FYI…The Plant Your Dream Blog has two locations…one is on Curezone, where I have close to 12 million page views. The other site is on Wordpress at Here I honor various companies that support my journey's through the years, and especially the founders of these companies that all have humanitarian impulses at heart. I encourage everyone who reads my blog to support my work in the world through joining The Enchanted Garden Club on the Word Press Site.

For an expanded Bio Note, see this page on the Word Press Plant Your Dream Blog.-- --Leslie Goldman, Your Enchanted Gardener
Plant Your Dream Blog

Robert Muller, former Assistant Under Secretary for the U.N. enjoys the first Enchanted Garden Installation at the Mandala Holistic Health Conference. May have been 1983 or 1982. Inhaling aromatic live fresh herbs, with sounds of harp music and a bird in the exhibit, he feel asleep, then he woke up and asked where he was. I said "The Enchanted Garden." Then, he said, from a deep place in his lungs. "Let Us Make Our Entire, Miraculous Planet into an Enchanted Garden!" I have been doing that work, in many forms ever since.

Dictating on my iphone--typos and incorrect word may be possible. Dr. Bernard Jensen was a man who put out many books that had many typos at times. I was one of his ghost writers for a number of his books. He moved often by inspiration and did his best to meet the cosmic timing as well as timelines for approaching events. He believed there would be time later to make corrections or at least hope for the best. He released writing with errors; yet he told the truth as best he knew. His friend, Edmond Bordeaux Szekely, co-founder of Rancho La Puerta, the #1 destination spa in the world, often said "Always Better." .And so it is. I hope to do the best with my life today.

8:05 am
January 22, 2015



I am beginning the day putting drops of thousand-year-old Himalayan pink salt in the BPA free metal water Eco-useable container given me by a friend* who believed in me. I am taking drinks of the water from a dropper, another gift from FES, the Flower Essence Society. I believe in what they do, and have received great benefit from knowing Richard Katz and his partner, Patricia Kaminski.

8:42 AM

I am going outside into my backyard, the gift of a backyard where plants are growing.

I am gathering with me a few items for a ritual altar, and so I can photograph them. I am preparing to see dreams i have now in the shapes of seed packets, sacred objects, and meaningful paraphernalia. I have placed these on the sacred altar cloth that I have had since the early 70s. It has tears and holes. So do I.


Seed Dream #1

Baker Creek rare seeds @rareseeds, honored by God and nature will find their way into Whole Foods Markets, especially my local store, the Hillcrest WFM.

If I had no health concerns right now I'd be putting most of my energy into preparing for the upcoming National Heirloom Expo September 8, 9, 10 in Santa Rosa, CA. I would also be preparing for The Natural Product Expo West March 3-10, my dates of involvement.

I'd be pursuing having a banner placed on the side of the enchanted Garden Mobile, my 68 VW van, The sign would say follow me to the National Heirloom Expo. The best I can do, in light of my health concerns, is create a graphic for my blog that will say, "Follow me to the National Heirloom Expo on the Plant Your Dream Blog."

In Good health, I'd travel this August from San Diego to Santa Rosa in a leisurely manner.

I would stop at numbers of Whole Food Markets and other special places where I would plant dreams. I would drop off special seeds at special places.

I'd love to visit the Gill Track community farm outside Oakland. That's the community farm that was the subject of Todd Darling's film "Occupy the Farm." I really feel the students of Berkeley accomplish something important that's that's recorded in this historic film.

see link
Occupy The Farm Film

I apologize for putting in print the things I see and seed before they happen,but that my friend, is one of the things I do on the Plant Your Dteam Blog. I hope that I'll be forgiven for the way I live my life. Maybe it's a form of ADHD. I frequently do not remember what I do. Each time I go to another URL I can often forget almost instantly where I was. In Blogging, I am noting something I do not want to forget. In recent days, I put out an idea that was alive in my head, but had no time to mature or be run through the correct channels. I had grief this early morning because I did that. I hurt my chances of the dream coming true.


I will continue to imagine a possible future where everyone becomes again a gardener and grows some of their own food. Growing even one pot of something can make you an Enchanted Gardener.

We are, so many of us, suffering because we have lost our beat with nature. To regain your beat, grow a beet in a pot. Keep the Beet. Eat the greens. Grow what you do with intention. As the plant grows, so does your dream.
This, I call, Enchanted Gardening.


Today I ask amends as the Indians did when they wore moccasins. The bead work were prayers for any lifeforms they hurt, maimed or killed through their own missteps that were not organically grown. I aspire to live organically, and yet I know I am one with the a technology that is far from Nature's Original Technology. Today I will live more in balance.

Forgive me for my indiscretions. I'm a dreamer. I sometimes put in print what truly needs time to develop. Sometimes, I imagine no one reads my blog. Sometimes, I put things here just so I would not lose them or forget them too soon. I have been busted for this. I am sorry.


Some of what I see will never happen. Some of what I see will happen in a thousand years or more when people will return to the earth and the earth is made clear from the indiscretions we have done. Some of what I see already exists and has happened in some level of existence; and yet some of what I see and seed, may never show itself in the physical. All this is good. All this is part of coming alive.

I am a person possessed. I do my best to live my life in innocence. I mean no harm.

Let me rave on. May this be a day to write, a day to hope for the best, a day to recognize the condition of my body and the condition of the world. May I live this day in Grace. I have lived many days in Grace, and thank God, my friends, and my life experiences for this.

8:52 am-12:14 pm
January 22, 2015


This is a photo of Robert Muller, former Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations. This was circa 1982. Those were fragrant herb plants donated by Kent Taylor of Taylors Herb Garden. The event was the Mandala Conference, a formative gathering place into what has become Integrative Medicine today. We called it Holistic back then. He came in exhausted from New York. I asked him to rest on a Larry Jacob's Body Slant. He feel asleep in the atmosphere of aromas, Linda Hill's harp playing in the background, and bird sounds from a live bird. When he woke up he did not know where he was. He said, "Where am I? I said, "The Enchanted Garden." Then, he said, from a deep place in his lungs. "Let Us Make Our Entire, Miraculous Planet into an Enchanted Garden!" He came to that conference to give a U.N. Peace Medal to David Harris, creator of that conference. The Enchanted Garden Installation was an array of live plants and sacred space that rose up from the cement of a Mission Valley Resort & Hotel that lived during the days of this very special formative event in the history of peace on earth. Before he left the event, he came again into the garden. He was followed by the press who wanted a story, but Robert did not have time for them. As he was leaving he pressed something in my hand without saying anything. He told the press, "if you want a story, talk to Leslie. He had pressed a U.N. Peace Medal into my hand. I did not understand. A year later, he returned to the that Mandala Conference. I had an opportunity to ask him about that medal. Do you give them away a lot?, I asked. He said rarely. Why did you give it to me, I wanted to know? He said, He gave it to be not for what I had done in my life, but for what I would do in my life. What am I doing with my life now? I am working to Win Back My Sacred Seed.

I am writing about that here:

On Facebook

Friday morning
January 23, 2015
8:18 am

I have a date to go visit the Trees For Health Arboretum in Balboa Park. I have a mild burning sensation in my kidney area. I am now schedules to do another kidney procedure for Feb 25. This would interfere with my going to the National Product Expo West. I am concerned with how I feel now and where I may be headed.


11:10 am

I'm sitting at the side of the enchanted Garden mobile. I just spent about an hour and a half at the trees for health garden in Balboa Park. Spend time with the milkweed plant and Monarch butterflies that we're having a wild time. I left one of the cofounders of the garden gave me a tour and introduced me to one of her working partners.

I knew that if I were patient one of them would likely land very close. I didn't get the shot I was looking for exactly, but I got some other pictures of Monarch butterflies not far away from my lens.

I'm a bit conservative this morning questioning my own judgment about the repercussions of writing prematurely about visions I have.

I received to difficult feedback a few days ago and it was shocking.

I hurt myself through blogging and a vision I had and they have harm the relationship.

I took a gamble last Friday.

I had an opportunity to go in for a kidney stone procedure that seemed too invasive. The surgery would've happened Wednesday, January 21.

Then on Monday I had another date that could've been set up for a lesson vase of procedure for February 21.

I was feeling in good shape then and starting to make progress with some of the new natural remedies that I learned about at the Scripps natural supplement conference.

There were a number of voices advising me to not do the surgery at this time until I handled my persistent diarrhea.

There are other voices who said do the surgery.

I took a gamble. On Wednesday, January 21 my physical reality shifted.
I got in an intense conversation over the phone and I began to feel extreme or considerable pulsation in my kidney area both on the side where the surgery was intended as well is on the left side.

The surgeon had advised me to be cautious about not getting in an emergency situation where I needed surgery after pain showed up.

Pain has not showed up, however the post Seshan's and the discomfort in my lower back tell me it could arrive quickly.

I took my life in my own hands.

The soonest I could get surgery now would be February 25.

If I were to do surgery February 25 that only leaves me close to a week to go to the natural products Expo West.

Each year that show has been highly meaningful as a spring event kicking off my yearly campaign.

I had thoughts yesterday that I was living moment by moment.

I very much wanted to keep this appointment with the trees and this health garden.

I'm not sure how all this will come out.

I can hope for the best

My life is out often worked out in wondrous ways.

There's a range of emotion now from disappointment, sadness that I hired and a potential powerful relationship and opportunity for the natural products Expo West.

I want to make the most of my time now not really certain how all this will come out.

I have one mundane shopping need down the street at whole foods market.

Then I'd like to go to City Farmers nursery and pick up some bags of topsoil for an area I'd like to plant.

I'd like to do things toward leaving a good legacy now.

Planting some more heirloom seeds would be precious and meaningful.

I'm glad I took some photos today and I hope they bring joy.

I recognize that many things I do are to be in a feedback positive loop with giving and receiving.

With my emotions cloud it I have to remember to do what I can to take care of myself now.

Need to explore what allies I have and friends who still believe in me.

As well I don't want to burden my friends with the situation that I now find myself in.

I hope others like some of the photos I took this morning.

I hope life gets me more opportunities to give as well as the joy of receiving.

As the butterflies were flying I remembered one of the few pomes I know. It's called to a butterfly in flight.

I made a video of that hopefully I'll be able to put it up.

11:38 am


"Why I lived and what I lived for," These words dropped into my mind as I arrived home. I made a stop at WFM at came home for lunch.

I need to get my Pedometer going. I have not been keeping tract for a couple days.

The last count was 23847. This was for a couple of days.

Today, if I had time to refresh, I would have included steps at the Trees for Health Garden in Balboa Park.

Leaving a trail of my Steps has meaning for me. It gives my life meaning.

I received a call from Karen, the nurse for my kidney specialist. The dr approved another ultra sound. I reported yesterday I was having stress on the left side. This was not the side where the procedure was to happen.

I want to eat.

It is 1:25 pm
Friday January 23. 2015

I also reminded her to put me on the top of the list if there is a cancellation for surgery.

No one is to blame for the course I have taken.

I also have an appointment with Ellen on the phone for 2 pm next Thursday for a consultation.


3:16 pm
January 23

Woke up from a nap. My lower back does not feel right. I do not think I can make it one month to a surgery on the kidney stone area.

I likely will not be able to make it to the Natural Product Expo West. I cannot take a chance. This is my main focus each year for coming out.

How to make the most of this time? What is possible?

3:18 pm


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