Blog: "Vaccines as a primary CAUSE of food allergies"
by llasidog

Rough draft- final write up of findings: Vaccines Cause Food Allergies

I've written a rough draft putting most of my findings in one article. I welcome your comments and constructive criticism.

Date:   4/9/2009 4:31:16 PM   ( 16 y ) ... viewed 18438 times

A Study of the Association of Vaccinations with Food Allergies
Barbara Feick Gregory
Columbus, Ohio

Objective: To see if the cause of the food allergy "epidemic" is due to vaccinations.

Methods: I did a major search of Internet sources: patents, medical studies, allergy sites, allergy discussions, vaccination information sites both pro and con, animal studies, veterinary websites, vaccine package inserts, etc. and correlated the information.

Results: Vaccinations are given to create an immune response in the individual. Any protein in the vaccine, especially if given with an aluminum adjuvant, can create an immune response in some people. Many vaccine ingredients are protected by trade secret and are not listed on the package insert. But many of these ingredients can be found listed in patents for vaccine adjuvants and culture mediums. For every food allergy but one (I would need to read Japanese patents to find that one), I have found that food listed in a patent. I found that animals who are vaccinated also suffer from food allergies and that food allergies are nearly unknown in unvaccinated people and animals. There are so many factors that correlate with vaccines as the main cause of food allergies that the question now isn't if food allergies are caused by vaccines but why some people don't develop food allergies from vaccines. It is quite possible given the large number of types of foods used in vaccine production, that the vaccinated public has many undiagnosed food allergies.

Conclusions: Vaccines are the main cause of food allergies. The first allergy in children is casein (milk) allergy due to the casein and aluminum adjuvant in the DTaP – Diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis (whooping cough) shot which is often given at 2-3 months of age. Since all babies are fed milk in some form immediately, this is the first allergy to be recognized. The next allergy to usually show up at about 3 months of age is soy allergy due to the soy peptone broth and aluminum adjuvant in the Pneumococcal Conjugate vaccine given at approximately 2 months of age. Since soy formula is frequently fed to infants, this allergy also shows up early. Peanut and nut allergies have shown up as early as 6 months of age in children. Peanut oil is a common trade secret ingredient in vaccine adjuvants. Some manufacturers rely more predominantly on other oils in the vaccines - sesame oil in the vaccines used in Israel and parts of Europe or fish oil which is used in the Scandinavian countries. At 6 months of age, children can have had as many as 16 vaccinations several of which can contain mixed oils in the vaccine adjuvant. Many different food oils can be used in the vaccine adjuvant and even more foods used in the culture medium. These ingredients do not have to appear on the package insert because they are considered "inactive" and are a protected trade secret. Most physicians do not know that all of the ingredients do not appear on the package insert. Vaccines are not identical from batch to batch or even from dose to dose. The food protein remaining from the oils in the adjuvant or the culture medium varies which is why all the children getting vaccinated from a particular batch of vaccine may not all get the same food allergies.

Background: I read in the book Healing the New Childhood Epidemics, Autism, ADHD, Asthma, and Allergies, by Kenneth Bock, M.D. and Cameron Stauth [1]about his theories about allergies and how he is actually healing the children. The puzzle of why peanuts should be a major allergy, I found interesting. What if peanut products are used in childhood immunizations? If that was the case, then the source of the allergy was in the shot that was injected into the child’s body and directly caused the allergy. As I investigated peanut allergies, my study expanded to include all food allergies.

Food allergies have become a major problem in "industrialized countries":
         Australia: "1 in 20 Australian children suffers from a potentially fatal food allergy..."
         Canada: "...nearly 6 % of children suffer from food allergies..."
[3]"...the Anaphylaxis Canada’s Summer 2001 newsletter states that “approximately 4% of children and 2% of adults have developed a potentially lethal allergy to food.”[4]
         France: 4 to 8.5% of preschool children have food allergies
         Greece: 6% -8% of infants and young children have food allergies
         Italy: "An estimated 6 to 8% of the Italian population has food allergies."
         Japan: "about 10% of Japan’s population suffers from food allergies"
         Malaysia: "about 30% of young children are likely to develop allergic disorders in the first five years of life"
         Netherlands: about 4.8% of the population has food allergies
         South Africa: up to 6% of young children have food allergies
         Sweden: approximately 10% of children have food allergies
         USA: 6 to 8 percent of children 4 years of age or under have food allergies
         UK: 5-7% of infants have food allergies

In populations with low vaccination rates, food allergies statistics are much lower or non-existent.
"...developing countries have almost no allergy..."
[15] The Hispanic population of the United States has a lower vaccination rate and a lower food allergy rate. [16] [17]

The fact that vaccinations can cause allergies seems to have been forgotten recently. It has been known since 1839 that injections of food protein cause "allergy-like" symptoms in animals. [18] Gelatin when injected along with an alum adjuvant has been known to cause gelatin allergy. [19] Jones-Mote Hypersensitivity Protein-Adjuvant Reactions says that "any pure protein mixed with adjuvant could induce an immune response." [20] Injections of food protein are used to induce allergies in animals. [21] [22] It has been known that the egg protein in vaccines can cause egg allergy in children. [23] Any ingredient in a vaccine can cause an allergy. [24]

The known ingredients cause allergies. The first allergy in children is casein (milk) allergy due to the casein and aluminum adjuvant in the DTaP – Diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis (whooping cough) shot which is often given at 2-3 months of age. [25] [26] Since all babies are fed milk in some form immediately, this is the first allergy to be recognized. The next allergy to usually show up at about 3 months of age is soy allergy [27] due to the soy peptone broth and aluminum adjuvant [28] in the Pneumococcal Conjugate vaccine given at approximately 2 months of age. Since soy formula is frequently fed to infants, this allergy also shows up early. The aluminum adjuvant can cause aluminum allergy. [29] Calf serum [30] causes beef allergy. [31] Yeast [32] allergy is a problem for some people. [33] Chick embryo cell culture in the MMR [34] has been known to cause egg allergy. [35] Hydrolyzed gelatin from pork is an ingredient in the Varicella vaccine. [36] "Poorly hydrolyzed bovine gelatin was immunogenic when administered with alum adjuvant." Even though the "well" hydrolyzed bovine gelatin is less immunogenic, it can still cause allergies. [37] It is also possible that the monkey kidney cells in the Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis (DTP) [38] is responsible for the monkey fur allergy in some race car drivers. [39] Chinese Restaurant Syndrome has all the same symptoms as monosodium glutamate allergy which could be due to the MSG in the MMR vaccine. [40] [41] The MMR has neomycin as an ingredient that causes allergies. [42] [43] Thimerosal which is still used in Fluval causes allergies, too. [44] [45]

Many of the ingredients in vaccines are not listed on the package insert because they are considered "inactive". They are considered a trade secret and by law cannot be revealed by the government nor do they appear on the package insert. [46] [47] [48]

Even though the only way we could find out the exact ingredients used in vaccines is by paying to have them analyzed, we can find out what foods are likely to be used in vaccines by reading patents for vaccine adjuvants and culture mediums. For every food allergy that I could find mentioned on the Internet (with the only exception of squid which causes allergy in Japan) I have found that food listed as an ingredient in a vaccine adjuvant or culture medium.

This is a list of the oils that I have found listed as an ingredient in vaccine adjuvants: almond oil, animal oils, apricot oil, avocado oil, babassu oil, black currant seed oil, borage oil, canola oil, castor oil, castor oil hydrogenated, chicken fat oil, coconut oil, cod liver oil, corn oil, cottonseed oil, cottonseed oil hydrogenated, cottonseed oil partially hydrogenated, emu oil, evening primrose oil, fish oils, flax seed oil, grapeseed oil, groundnut oil, hazelnut oil, jojoba oil, lard oil, linseed oil, lupin oil, Menhaden oil, mineral oil, mink oil, mustard seed oil, oat oil, olive oil, orange roughy oil, palm kernel oil, palm oil, palm oil hydrogenated, peanut oil, rapeseed oil, rice oil, rye oil, safflower oil, sesame oil, shark liver oil, soybean oil, soybean oil partially hydrogenated, squalane, sunflower oil, teff oil, terpene oils [derived from pine trees (turpentine) and oil contained in the peels of citrus fruits (orange oil)], triticale oil, walnut oil, wheat germ oil. [49] [50] [51] [52] These oils can be mixed in any combination.

Any foods missed in the vaccine adjuvant seems to have been covered in the list of foods in culture mediums. The growth medium can have agar, gelatin, fruit and vegetable wastes, left-over animal parts (cow brains and hearts), yeast (from brewing) or digests of plants or animal slurries (peptones are one example of this category). [53] This patent for fermented hydrolyzed medium [54] lists enough variety of ingredients to show that even hay fever allergies can be due to vaccines: "Vegetables preferably used are of leaf and root types e.g. various cabbages, beets, rutabaga, carrot, pumpkin, spinach, beet, watermelon, melon, peanut, artichoke, eggplant, pepper sweet, asparagus, and tomato. Fruits to be preferably used are apples, pears, kiwi, plums, citrus, apricots, grapes/raisins, mango, guava, bananas, biwa, cornel, fig, cherry plum, quince, peach, pomegranate, avocado, pineapple, date, papaya. Berries preferably include raspberry, bilberry, guelder rose, dog rose, ash berry (red and black), currant (red, black, and white), sea-buckthorn berries, gooseberry, schizandra, blackberry, cowberry, bird cherry, cranberry, sweet cherry, cherry, and strawberry. Preferred herbs and their roots are ginseng, celery, parsley, dill, dandelion, nettle, ginseng, and spinach. Preferred high protein products are offals including spleen, kidney, heart, liver, brains, maw, and stomach as well as mushrooms, sea products (fish, mussel, plankton for example), eggs or nuts. Preferred products of beekeeping are propolis, honey, royal jelly, and pollen of flower."

The next question is can't these food proteins be eliminated from the vaccines? No, there will always be a small residue. Let's look at peanut oil, for instance. I had thought that vaccine manufacturers would be using "pharmaceutical grade" oil but there is no such thing. [55] Even the most highly refined oil contains a small amount of protein. [56] And even if the vaccine manufacturer could eliminate all of the food protein from the culture medium, I would assume that since the bacteria were feeding off that protein, there would still be undigested food protein in the bacteria which could cause a problem.

There are a number of countries that manufacture vaccines. The oils used in the vaccine adjuvant vary which accounts for the lack of peanut allergy in Israel. [57] The Israeli people consume peanuts in their diet. Their children are highly vaccinated. [58] Jewish children in London get peanut allergies. [59] Fewer children in Britain eat peanuts at an early age than the children in Israel. [60] This would indicate that the consumption of foods along with being vaccinated is not the cause of food allergy. They do have a problem with sesame allergy. [61] My conclusion is that the vaccines used in Israel use sesame oil and do not use peanut oil. One woman emailed me to tell me that I was wrong because Israel uses the same source of vaccines that are used in Europe. But France also has a problem with sesame allergy. [62] This would indicate that both countries use vaccines containing sesame oil. I don't have enough information about what country uses which vaccines to match the food allergies to the vaccines manufactured by specific companies.

The study that is frequently cited saying that Indonesia and Thailand people do not suffer from peanut allergies [63] was erroneous. Children dismissed from the study were "sick young children and those with atopic tendency" which may have eliminated children with peanut allergy. Many children in the study reacted to peanuts in the skin prick test. The study also relied on parents to report food reactions. When I searched the Internet, I found a Thai parent quoted on the Internet saying that her child had a peanut allergy. [64] I also found a physician from Singapore stating that peanut allergy is a major problem there. [65]

Our vaccinated animals are getting food allergies. Animals normally are not allergic to food. [66] Dogs are becoming allergic to peanuts, milk, and wheat. [67] Food allergy is common among dogs and cats and usually develops before the animal reaches 12 months old. [68] Searching the Internet - I found a wild elephant allergic to wheat; the elephant had been immunized. (Wheat germ oil is used as a carrier of vaccines. Wheat protein is used to manufacture vaccines/medicines.) [69]

The history of food allergies follows the history of vaccines. "The first case report of food allergy (cows' milk allergy) was published by Hamburger in 1901." [70] By that time we already had these vaccines: 1879 cholera, 1890 tetanus, 1896 typhoid fever, and 1897 bubonic plague. [71] In 1919 oil started to be used in vaccines instead of saline. [72] At Google books, the “Peanut Allergy Answer” book says 1920 was the first reference of a nut allergy. [73] Peanut oil was common in the U.S. long before this time (1840's). [74] More vaccines were developed: 1917 another Cholera vaccine, 1917 Typhoid vaccine (parenteral), 1921 diphtheria, 1926 pertussis (whooping cough), 1927 tuberculosis. [75] In 1934 Dr. Vaughan studied an entire village of 508 people who lived in and around Clover, Virginia. He found that 37% of the population suffered from some form of food allergy. [76] 1935 Yellow Fever vaccine, 1945 First vaccine for influenza [77] When the first case of sesame allergy was reported in 1950, the allergen was considered very unusual. [78]

In 1960 children received on average one or two vaccines.
[79] The “Peanut Allergy Answer” book says that there was no research in the field of peanut allergy until 1976. [80] In 1980 children were up to 8-9 vaccines. [81] The first case of Brazil nut anaphylaxis in the UK occurred in 1983. [82] In 1988 four people died of peanut allergy. [83] The first known case of lupin allergy was 1994. [84] In 1997, the incidence of food allergy in children was approximately 1.3% [85] and 1 in 250 young children had peanut allergy in the US. [86] Using combination vaccines in 1999 a minimum of 13 separate injections were needed to immunize a child from birth to age six. [87] In 2002, 1 in 125 young children had peanut allergy in the US. [88] 2003, the first case of allergy to lingonberry. [89] 2008 one in every 17 children under the age of 3 has food allergy. [90]


NO Copyright 2009 Barbara Feick Gregory. NO Rights Reserved. This content may be copied in full or in part, without specific permission. It would be nice if you acknowledged that I did the research, but it is more important to get the information out. Thanks.


[1]  “Healing the New Childhood Epidemics, Autism, ADHD, Asthma, and Allergies”, by Kenneth Bock, M.D. and Cameron Stauth, Copyright © 2007

[3]  AllergiCare Relief Center

[4] Anaphylaxis Action, C/o Rita Hoffman, R. R. #2, Stirling, Ontario K0K 3E0, Canada

[5]  ALLERGIE ALIMENTAIRE, Source : Journées Parisiennes d'Allergie Janvier 1999, Drs F. Rancé, S. Ahlstedt, C. Duponu et H. Sampson

[6]  Τροφική αλλεργία, Ημερομηνία δημοσίευσης: 20 Αυγούστου 2008, Πηγή: Ελληνική Εταιρεία Παιδιατρικής Γαστρεντερολογίας, Ηπατολογίας και Διατροφής

[7]  Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Alliance, 2002

Manufacturers Rush to Develop "Allergy-Free" Foods, September 16, 1997, Trends in Japan

[9] , Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Allergic babies, By Dr M. YADAV

[10] , Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Alliance, 2002

[11] , Allergy Society of South Africa, ALLSA, P.O. Box 88, Observatory, 7935, Cape Town, R.S.A.

[12] , Sidan finns inte, Sidan du sökte (/templates/pressinfo____221911.asp) har tagits bort eller flyttats. Välj något av alternativen nedan för att ta dig vidare på Statistiska centralbyråns webbplats

[14] , Allergy, From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

[15] , CNN, Peanut allergy can be deadly, Even trace amounts can trigger severe reaction, Thursday, May 19, 2005 Posted: 5:22 AM EDT (0922 GMT)

[16] , National School Boards Association, from a report released in October 2008 by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS)

[17] , Am J Public Health. 1997 December; 87(12): 2018–2021. PMCID: PMC1381248, Maternal acculturation and childhood immunization levels among children in Latino families in Los Angeles, L M Anderson, D L Wood, and C D Sherbourne, Urban Research Centers Program, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Seattle, Wash 98110, USA.

[18] The Complete Idiot's Guide to Food Allergies by Lee H. Freude, M.D., and Jeanne Rejaunier, Penguin Group, 2003, pg 14, "In 1839, the French physiologist Francois Magendie (1783-1855), while investigating the effects of substances on living organisms, created allergylike symptoms in animals, and found that animals sensitized to egg white by injection died after a subsequent injection."

[19] , PEDIATRICS Vol. 113 No. 1 January 2004, pp. 170-171, Gelatin Allergy, Tetsuo Nakayama, MD and Takuji Kumagai, MD

[20] , Delayed Type Hypersensitivity: Current Theories with an Historic Perspective, C. Allen Black, Ph.D., Dermatology Online Journal 5(1): 7 Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences Magee-Womens Research Institute Pittsburgh

[21]  , Aktion=ShowFulltext&ArtikelNr=112498&Ausgabe=234225&ProduktNr=224161, A Neonatal Swine Model of Allergy Induced by the Major Food Allergen Chicken Ovomucoid (Gal d 1), "Methods: In order to induce Ovm sensitivity, piglets at days 14, 21 and 35 of age were sensitized by intraperitoneal injection of 100 µg of crude Ovm and cholera toxin (50, 25 or 10 µg). Controls received 50 µg of cholera toxin in phosphate-buffered saline."

[22] , Immune cells rush to gut in food allergy, BNET, Science News, April 7, 2001, by N. Seppa, "Brandt and his colleagues induced an allergy to chicken eggs in a group of mice by injecting them with ovalbumin, an egg protein. Then they fed the mice ovalbumin, placed within coated pill-like beads to prevent the protein’s destruction in the stomach. The mice became unable to digest food, a sign that they were suffering a severe allergic reaction. A control group of mice that weren’t allergic to ovalbumin showed no signs of distress when fed the beads."

[23] , eMJA, The Medical Journal of Australia, Vaccine components and constituents: responding to consumer concerns,  Barbara E Eldred, Angela J Dean, Treasure M McGuire and Allan L Nash, MJA 2006; 184 (4): 170-175, "Egg-related allergy is common, particularly in children with asthma or general allergies, and may be as high as 40% in children with moderate to severe atopic dermatitis. The risk of egg-related allergy after vaccination depends on the presence of egg protein in the final product."

[24] , Texas Childrens Hospital, Center for Vaccine Awareness and Research, Vaccine side effects and allergies, "Just as drugs and certain foods can cause allergies, any individual can be allergic to a particular vaccine. In most cases, the allergy is some other vaccine component that is needed to stabilize or preserve the vaccine. "

[25] , ENGERIX-B®, [Hepatitis B Vaccine (Recombinant)], package insert

[26] , Parents, Q & A on Children's Allergies, By Paul Ehrlich, MD, "Allergy symptoms can appear from the first few weeks to the first two months, depending on how sensitive your child is to the milk protein casein -- usually the cause of an allergy to cow's-milk formula."

[27] , Children's Physician Network, Written by Terri Murphy, RD, CDE for RelayHealth, Published by RelayHealth, Last modified: 2008-01-14, "A soy allergy is most common in infants and is usually noticed by 3 months of age. Most children outgrow this allergy by 2 or 3 years of age."

[28] , Pneumococcal 7-valent Conjugate Vaccine
(Diphtheria CRM197 Protein), Prevnar®, Wyeth Pharmaceuticals Inc., package insert

[29] , Dermatitis. 2005;16(3):115-120., "...Cox and colleagues reported on an 18-month-old female child with dermatitis, characterized by acute weeping vesiculation at the vaccination site, that developed 6 months after she received diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and pertussis (DTP) triple vaccine. A patch-test result for aluminum was positive despite no known exposures to aluminum-containing products."

[30] , ENGERIX-B®, [Hepatitis B Vaccine (Recombinant)], package insert

[31] Beef allergy in children. Fiocchi A, Restani P, Riva E. Department of Pediatrics, San Paolo Biomedical Institute, University of Milan Medical School, Milan, Italy.

[32] , Pneumococcal 7-valent Conjugate Vaccine (Diphtheria CRM197 Protein), Prevnar®, Wyeth Pharmaceuticals Inc., package insert

[33]  Food Allergy Help, 2008

[34] , Merck, M-M-R® II (MEASLES, MUMPS, and RUBELLA VIRUS VACCINE LIVE), package insert

[35]  KidsHealth®, The Nemours Foundation, 2009, All About Allergies

[36] , Merck, ProQuad®
Measles, Mumps, Rubella and Varicella Virus Vaccine Live, package insert

[37] , PEDIATRICS Vol. 113 No. 1 January 2004, pp. 170-171, Gelatin Allergy, Tetsuo Nakayama, MD and Takuji Kumagai, MD
Laboratory of Viral Infection Control Kitasato Institutes for Life Sciences Tokyo 108-8641, Japan
Pediatric Allergy and Infectious Diseases Society of Sapporo Sapporo 004-0013, Japan

[38] , GlaxoSmithKline , PEDIARIX®
[Diphtheria and Tetanus Toxoids and Acellular Pertussis Adsorbed, Hepatitis B (Recombinant) and Inactivated Poliovirus Vaccine Combined], package insert

[39] , Grid Motorsports, The fur is flying at the HLR tracks..., by Dennis Loyer [posted 2008-11-11 19:20] Seattle, WA November 11, 2008 - SDL team members have been hampered in their recent attempts to attain the top spots in the GMWC's Hot Lap Rankings by severe allergic reactions resulting in watery eyes, sneezing, and in some cases, severe hives.

[40] , Merck, ProQuad®
Measles, Mumps, Rubella and Varicella Virus Vaccine Live, package insert

[41] , Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) Reaction Samples

[42] , Merck, ProQuad®
Measles, Mumps, Rubella and Varicella Virus Vaccine Live, package insert

[43]  , Archives of Dermatology, Vol. 144 No. 10, October 2008, Contact Allergy in Children Referred for Patch Testing, North American Contact Dermatitis Group Data, 2001-2004, Kathryn A. Zug, MD; Daniel McGinley-Smith, MD; Erin M. Warshaw, MD; James S. Taylor, MD; Robert L. Rietschel, MD; Howard I. Maibach, MD; Donald V. Belsito, MD; Joseph F. Fowler Jr, MD; Frances J. Storrs, MD; Vincent A. DeLeo, MD; James G. Marks Jr, MD; C. G. Toby Mathias, MD; Melanie D. Pratt, MD; Denis Sasseville, MD, Arch Dermatol. 2008;144(10):1329-1336

[44] , GlaxoSmithKline, FLULAVAL® (Influenza Virus Vaccine), Suspension for Intramuscular Injection, 2008-2009 Formula, Initial U.S. Approval: 2006

[45] , Cox NH, Forsyth A. Thimerosal allergy and vaccination reactions. Contact Dermatitis 1988;18:229-233

[46] , Vaccination Risk Awareness Network, "What is being injected into our children? Why can't we find out? What adjuvants are used in the vaccines? An Access to Information request to Health Canada for the 100% composition of vaccines given to infants received the response, "I regret to inform you that the exact composition of these vaccines cannot be disclosed to you as the information is protected under ATIA (Access to Information Act) Section 20(1)(a)(b)(c). This is a mandatory exemption which protects confidential business information." "The Act, under Third Party Information, states, 20. (1) Subject to this section, the head of a government institution shall refuse to disclose any record requested under this Act that contains a) trade secrets of a third party; b) financial, commercial, scientific or technical information that is confidential information supplied to a government institution by a third party and is treated consistently in a confidential manner by the third party; c) information the disclosure of which could reasonably be expected to result in material financial loss or gain to, or could reasonably be expected to prejudice the competitive position of, a third party; or d) information the disclosure of which could reasonably be expected to interfere with contractual or other negotiations of a third party." "

[47] , "VLP. Drug delivery vehicles, adjuvants, and excipients shall not be deemed to be "active ingredients", except in the case where such delivery vehicle, adjuvant, or excipient is recognized as an active ingredient in accordance with 21 C.F.R. 210.3(b)(7)."

[48] , New York Times, Maker Calls New Bird Flu Vaccine More Effective, By DENISE GRADY, Published: July 27, 2006, "The nature of GlaxoSmithKline's adjuvant is a trade secret, but David Stout, president for worldwide pharmaceuticals at the company, said the ingredients had already been given to people in other products, though not in this particular combination."

[49] , US Patent 6720001 - Emulsion compositions for polyfunctional active ingredients, US Patent Issued on April 13, 2004, Estimated Patent Expiration Date: October 18, 2019

[50] , Vaccine compositions containing liposomes Document Type and Number:United States Patent 5709879, Abstract:A vaccine composition, comprising an antigenic substance in association with a liposome and an oil-in-water emulsion comprising a muramyl peptide, a metabolizable oil, and optionally an additional emulsifying agent. The two components of the adjuvant (i.e., the liposome/antigen component and the emulsion component) act together to produce high levels of immune response.

[51] , Patent title: Sustained Release Vaccine Composition, Inventors: Malcolm Brandon Serge Martinod, Agents: COOLEY GODWARD KRONISH LLP;ATTN: Patent Group, Origin: WASHINGTON, DC US, IPC8 Class: AA61K3912FI, USPC Class: 4242041

[52] , TUBERCULOSIS VACCINE FORMULATION COMPRISING MONOGLYCERIDES OR FATTY ACIDS AS ADJUVANT Document Type and Number:Kind Code:B1, Abstract of corresponding document: WO0047225

[53] , Transgalactic Ltd, Helsinki, Finland, May 25, 2005

[54]  , US Patent 6953574 - Method for producing a fermented hydrolyzed medium containing microorganisms

[55] , 2009 Ocean Nutrition

[56] , FDA, Approaches to Establish Thresholds
for Major Food Allergens and for Gluten in Food, DRAFT REPORT, Prepared by The Threshold Working Group, June 2005

[57] , American Medical News, Allergic reaction: Food allergies increasing, especially among children, Treatment and management present a challenge for physicians. By Kathleen Phalen Tomaselli, AMNews correspondent. Posted Dec. 29, 2008

[58]  ,MD Consult, Study: Low prevalence of peanut allergy is associated with early introduction in infancy, November 5, 2008, By Jonathan Gardner

[59]  "Jewish children in London are significantly more likely than those in Israel to develop a peanut allergy, even though they are introduced to peanut products at a later age, which suggests that current prevention guidelines may need to be revised, according to a study published Oct. 30."

[60] , Science News, December 6th, 2008; Vol.174 #12, Food allergy advice may be peanuts
Early exposure to peanuts in a baby’s diet seems to lessen the risk of developing a peanut allergy laterBy Nathan Seppa December 6th, 2008; Vol.174 #12 (p. 8)

[61] , NCBI, PubMed, Allergy. 2002 Apr;57(4):362-5, Food allergy is a matter of geography after all: sesame as a major cause of severe IgE-mediated food allergic reactions among infants and young children in Israel., Dalal I, Binson I, Reifen R, Amitai Z, Shohat T, Rahmani S, Levine A, Ballin A, Somekh E., Pediatric Allergy and Clinical Immunology Unit, Department of Pediatrics, E. Wolfson Medical Center, Israel.

[62] , Allergienet 2008, Sesame seed allergy, PSE Agne a, F. PSE Agnes, F. Rancé b, E. Rancé b, E. Bidat a,* Bidat a, *a Assistance publique–hôpitaux de Paris, hôpital Ambroise-Paré, 92104 Boulogne cedex, France, b Hôpital des enfants, Toulouse, France b Children's Hospital, Toulouse, France, Reçu le 21 juillet 2003 ; accepté le 29 août 2003 Received 21 July 2003, accepted 29 August 2003

[63] , Prevalence of Adverse Food Reactions and Food Allergy among Thai Children, Sathit Santadusit MD*, Saranya Atthapaisalsarudee MD*, Pakit Vichyanond MD*

[64] , January 09, 2008 8:59 am, .."My son was born in Thailand to Thai parents–as are many kids here who have food allergies....— Chotiya Ahuja, Thailand

[65]  , SingHealth, Food Allergy in Singapore: Is there a problem? Dr Chiang Wen Chin, Associate Consultant, Paediatric Allergy, Immunology and Rheumatology, Department of Paediatrics, KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital

[66] , Of Mice And Peanuts: A New Mouse Model For Peanut Allergy, ScienceDaily (Jan. 14, 2009) , "The most significant obstacle to developing an animal model of food allergy is that animals are not normally allergic to food."

[67] , Innovations Report, Millions who suffer from nut and milk allergies could benefit from Stanford researcher’s test, nächste Meldung 12.11.2004

[68] , Merck Veterinary Manual, "Food allergy is ~10% as common as atopy in dogs and about as common as atopy in cats. The history is that of a nonseasonal pruritus, with little variation in the intensity of pruritus from one season to another in most cases. Most reports do not suggest a breed predilection; however, one report indicated an increased relative risk in Labrador Retrievers, West Highland White Terriers, and Cocker Spaniels. Food hypersensitivities have been reported in Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers in association with protein-losing enteropathy and nephropathy. The age of onset is variable, from 2 mo to 14 yr old. One report indicated that most food allergies begin at <12 mo of age."

[69] , Elephant Care International, 2006, "Elephant 30 has recently had clinical bouts of anterior enteritis and is suspected of having a dietary hypersensitivity to wheat. ..Since then we have vaccinated another 107 elephant cows in eight game reserves."

[70] Diseases of the small intestine in childhood By John A. Walker-Smith, Simon Murch, page 206

[72] , PRESENT STATUS OF PNEUMOCOCCUS VACCINE. Russell L. Cecil. Am J Public Health (N Y). 1919 August; 9(8): 589–592. "In this experiment we decided to substitute a pneumococcus lipovaccine for the saline vaccine which we had used at Camp Upton. This vaccine was prepared for us by Col. E.’ R. Whitmore of the Army Medical School, and the dose finally adopted after some preliminary experiments was 30 billion pneumococci (10 billion of each of the fixed types in one cc. of oil)."

[73] The Peanut Allergy Answer Book, by Michael C Young (Author), M.D. , Fair Winds Press (May 1, 2001)

[74] Peanuts By Andrew F. Smith, Published by University of Illinois Press, 2002

[76] , "Dr. Vaughan studied an entire village of 508 people who lived in and around Clover, Virginia ..which meant that 60 percent of the population studied, had some degree of allergy....Out of the 60 percent of people who had major and minor allergies who where were able to attribute symptoms to definite causes…”62.6 percent reacted to foods..”

[78] , Kids with Food Allergies, March 2008, Sesame Allergy: A growing food allergy

[79] , The Sting of Thimerosal in Autism, By James Ottar Grundvig, The Epoch Times, Apr 01, 2006

[80] The Peanut Allergy Answer Book, by Michael C Young (Author), M.D. , Fair Winds Press (May 1, 2001)

[81] , The Sting of Thimerosal in Autism, By James Ottar Grundvig, The Epoch Times, Apr 01, 2006

[82] , Surrey Allergy Clinic, Food Allergy and Additive Intolerance, An Overview for Health workers, by Dr Adrian Morris, January 2006

[83] The Peanut Allergy Answer Book, by Michael C Young (Author), M.D. , Fair Winds Press (May 1, 2001)

[84] , Review of the food safety issues relating to the human consumption of lupins. Prepared by Joanne Bradbury, Stephen Myers and Ken Quail for the Grain Foods CRC

[85] , Peanut allergy: where do we stand? by John Weisnagel, M.D. Oct 2nd, 1998

[86] The Complete Peanut Allergy Handbook, Everything You Need to Know to Protect Yourself and Your Child from the Most Deadly Food Allergy, by Scott H. Sicherer, M.D., and Terry Malloy, Berkley Books, New York, 2005


[88]  The Complete Peanut Allergy Handbook, Everything You Need to Know to Protect Yourself and Your Child from the Most Deadly Food Allergy, by Scott H. Sicherer, M.D., and Terry Malloy, Berkley Books, New York, 2005

[89] , Clinical and Molecular Allergy
Volume 2, Allergy to lingonberry: A case report, Victor Matheu, Maria L Baeza, Jose M Zubeldia and Yvelise Barrios, Medical Inflammation Research (MIR), Lund University, Sweden, Allergy Service, Hospital Gregorio Maranon, Madrid, Spain, Immunology Section, Hospital Universitario de Canarias, Spain, Clinical and Molecular Allergy 2004, 2:2doi:10.1186/1476-7961-2-2

[90]  , American Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology, referenced: The Food Allergy And Anap. "What You Should Know About Living with Food Allergy."

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