40 days in the juicing wilderness
by rubyvroom

Day 23   18 y  
phoenix from the flame
Sorry I haven’t updated for a while......I think I was getting too frustrated and I didn’t want to be negative about my experience. As far as the fasting goes, I suppose you could say that I have blown it....I have fallen off the wagon and I have eaten food. It happened at a shower for a dear friend and she had made a raw food dish and was so delighted because she knew that I would LOVE it and she couldn’t wait for me to taste it. I didn’t have the heart to turn it down. And that started my poor little palate hankering for the texture of real food again. So I proudly was on a liquid ...   read more

Day 13 - Fasting   18 y  
I need advise from the fasting gurus!!!
Checking in to update on my progress. I’ve been off food for 13 days and have been on the Master Cleanse for 4 days now. In the last week I haven’t lost one pound. My body looks a little different and I know I am shrinking, yet no change on the scales. I don’t have a tape measure, but I do know I have lost a few inches because of the way my clothes feel. I drink about 7 10 oz. glasses of lemonade daily and I have cut the maple syrup down to 2 tsp. per glass. Does anyone have any ideas for me? I have a very important health related event in New York City on August 17th and I really m ...   read more

Day 11 - Day 2 of MC   18 y  
have moved from juicing to the Master Cleanse
I don’t think I mentioned that I transitioned from my juice fast to the Master Cleanse yesterday. No earth shattering reason, I just have been reading about all the benefits and thought that no better time to try it than now while I’m already in fasting mode. One thing I will say is that it is sooooo much easier to just make the lemonade than to juice all those fruits and/or veggies and clean up the machine afterwards. I deeply believe in the benefits of juicing and I will switch back to it as I near the end of my 40 days. I just swigged my first quart of celtic sea salt water.....I fe ...   read more

Made it to Day 10   18 y  
Are my scales broken??
I have arrived at Day 10 of my 40 day fast. It has been really interesting to take on something like this. I feel like I am learning so much about myself and about the relationship I have had with food. It’s sort of like a bad reltionship with a man.....sometimes you don’t realize how messed up things were until that person is finally out of your life! I know that food will never actually be out of my life, but I have come to believe that I will never again be able to abuse rich, delicious, gourmet foods and alcohol as I once did. I had nearly gone 100% raw before this fast and I will ...   read more

It's Day 8 - Sailing through   18 y  
feelings of well-being and peace arrive
The only observation I have at this point is that I am occasionally experiencing feelings of clarity and a general overall feeling of well being that I don’t normally feel when I am ingesting food. Even during my walk this morning (still going about 4 miles), I have this sense of lightness and it feels like I can really get a deep breath like I don’t remember being able to do before. I just feel clear and open....does that make sense? I don’t think I lost any weight yesterday (my scales aren’t that great and they are hard to actually read), but it is that time of the month, so I am not ...   read more

One Week of Fasting!   18 y  
I am down 8 pounds in one week!
Good morning all! Today starts my Day 7 for this juice fast and I feel accomplished. Yesterday I shared that I had a yuck morning, but I soon realized the situation when I started my period just before lunchtime. That explained the scales not moving and even my other symptom (yeast infection). This morning I am back down on the scales and I have no symptoms of anything negative. I did end up sampling some non-fresh juice yesterday, out of nessicity at my father’s house, but I am not going to give that any concern. We all just have to do the very best we can as we go. Here are my sta ...   read more

New Symptom - Day 6   18 y  
things feel stagnant today
It is the morning of Day 6 and I did not lose a pound yesterday. I also have started getting the symptoms of a yeast infection (sorry for the details), which I have not had since the last time I was taking in a lot of freshly extracted juices. I am mainly focusing on heavily green based drinks, but I do fruit in the morning hours. Perhaps I should cut that out? I also think I sould try to just drink more water, instead of juicing for a couple of days and see if the symptoms clear at all. It also may be coming upon that time of the month, which could explain both symptoms. I will say ...   read more

Lost 7 pounds in 5 days!   18 y  
It's worth it...it's worth it....it's worth it
Good Morning all! As I start Day 5, I am newly motivated by yet another successful day of weight loss.....I am now down to 158 (I started at 165 on the morning of day 1), That’s 7 pounds! I haven’t been able to do that, no matter what I had been trying before. Don’t get me wrong, I have had my moments when I question what I am doing. Like last night when my husband was grilling bar-b-qued chicken for our girls in the backyard....I felt like Pavlov’s dog.....drooling at the aromas, but tucked in the kitchen with my little 10 oz. wine glass full of green slime. It looks hideous, but it ...   read more

Day 4 - on a roll   18 y  
needing advise on amount of juice to consume per day
I am wondering why I am feeling so good. That may sound strange, but I guess I was expecting more detoxing symptoms than I am experiencing. The only thing I have had so far is irritability on Day 2, a very slight headache on Day 3 and on all days I have felt drainage in the back of throat, which I try to expel. Other than that, I feel pretty great. I may be drinking more ounces of juice than I need, however. A question for some of you who have lots of juicing experience; I am 5’7 and I currently weigh 159, hoping to get back to my correct weight of around 128 by August 16th (that’s 31 ...   read more

Lost 4 LBS...it's only Day 3   18 y  
Good progress on juice fast. Weight loss of 4 lbs. in 2 days.
Yesterday was a bit rough. Not that I was hungry.....just that I was so cranky and easily aggitated. I have awakened feeling much better this morning and was instantly invigorated after stepping on my bathroom scales to see that I have already dropped 4 lbs. and I am only beginning day 3! I know that that is not unexpected for many people.....but I’m delighted because I have been almost completely raw and I have been walking 4 miles each day and the weight has hardly budged. So, HALLELUAH....I feel confident that this juice fast will really give me the added kick I have been needing. ...   read more

Today is Day 2   18 y  
plan of attack to drop 30 lbs.
So......for the past 2 weeks I have eaten a 95% raw food diet and I have been walking brisky for 1 hour each day. In 2 weeks, I have only lost 4 pounds. I wonder if it has had anything to do with the fact that I drank wine with dinner each evening and usually, more than one glass. My guess is, most likely. I am 40 years old. Approximately 5’7, small frame and I weight 164 pounds. This is the most I have ever weighed in my life. I think people would refer to me as a beautiful fat girl. Recently, an aquaintance that I had not seen in 10 years ran into my daughter and I at Old Navy an ...   read more


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Last Activity: 18 y ago
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34 Comments   Last comment 18 y ago

viewed 121,686 times
Created: 18 y   Jul 06 2006


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Comments (10 of 34):
Hey you. redheadedcurls19… 18 y
Remember! Finding Purpose 18 y
Re: Coffee Enemas rubyvro… 18 y
Coffee Enemas eureca 18 y
Re: Losing Pounds rubyvro… 18 y
My darling, peanut rawgir… 18 y
Re: Losing Pounds redhead… 18 y
Re: Losing Pounds peanut7… 18 y
Re: Losing Pounds rawgirl 18 y
Re: Losing Pounds rubyvro… 18 y
All Comments (34)

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