Dorn Method
by thomas zudrell
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Dorn Method Courses in the USA   11 y  
Dorn Method Courses with international instructor Thomas Zudrell coming to the USA in November 2013.
Finally the Dorn Method is becoming more popular in the USA. After years of try and error in setting up Dorn Method training in the USA courses are now offered in November 2013. There will be two seminars for everybody interested and for professionals. The seminars are planed in the beautiful state of Florida and students are welcome from all over the US. International Dorn Method instructor Thomas Zudrell will come over from germany to conduct these two exiting and professional seminars and is inviting professionals from different disciplines like osteopathy, chirotherapy, physiotherapy ...   read more

Dorn Method founder passed away   13 y  
Dieter Dorn the founder of the Dorn Method passed away this January 2011
Dieter Dorn a true healer passed away Last January 19th, 2011 a dear friend and true healer Dieter Dorn decided to make his final journey. After a period of suffering that started mid 2010 with a mild stroke his body finally could no longer stand against cancer that was discovered during his stroke treatment. He was put to rest in his hometown on the 22nd, January 2011 and the ceremony was attended by many relatives and friends. The reflections about his life presented by friends touched every present person deeply and made clear that the movement he started named after himself, the ...   read more

Dynamic Spinal Decompression   14 y  
Dynamic Spinal Decompression with the Spynamics Sacro Aligner and additional wedge is an effective back pain solution and rejuvenation for the spinal discs
Dynamic Spinal Decompression Spinal decompression therapy is trying to reposition and decompress the discs between the vertebrae using traction forces that aims to create a negative pressure within the disc that may allows the disc to regain volume by drawing in fluids. A socalled wear and tear which is actually a normal adjustment process due to uneven pressure onto the discs can lead to loss of fluid content, contribute to a rupture or herniation as a result of a more brittle and less shock absorbing „thinner“ disc. Spinal decompression therapy (spinal distraction) is used to help pati ...   read more

Study: Connection between slim legs and Heart problems   15 y  
People with slim legs die earlier
Summery of an article from Sept. 4 in AFP According to this article people with slim legs die earlier. Scientists of the University of Copenhagen found that the risk for Heart problems rised clearly with a thigh circumference of less than 60cm. As possible connection they indicated thin legs with a weak heart muscle but it requires more studies they say. The study was published in the British Medical Journal. My comments: Another confusing study which does not see a human as a wholistic functional unit and may cause fear and confusion in people that do not understand the real scope o ...   read more

Fever Cures Swine Flu!   15 y  
article by Fintan Dunne,, 27th April, 2009
Here is an interesting article about the recent swine flu craze: Fever Cures Swine Flu! by Fintan Dunne,, 27th April, 2009 The epidemic is reaching crisis proportions. But this epidemic is one of medical meddling tied to commercial gain. The leading cause of all flu mortality is treatments which actually encourage avoidable acute respiratory complications. Only a small minority of people develop serious flu complications, such as pneumonia -which is the actual cause of most Swine Flu deaths. The mortality arises because a small percentage influenza cases go badly ...   read more

Gold Medal for Back Pain Self-Therapy Tool   16 y  
awarded at the iENA International Trade Fair in Nuremberg, Germany
This 1. November 2008 the Spynamics Sacro Aligner™ (Thomas Zudrell and Dr Wayne Sibson) received a GOLD Medal award at the iENA, the world‘s leading fair for inventions, product innovations and problem solutions. ( The highly qualified international jury of the iENA presented the award during the evening ceremony on the 1. November 2008 and a Certificate and Medal was given to Thomas Zudrell by Kom. Rat. Volkwin Hoffelner, Chairman of the jury. Valuation of Inventions according to the following criteria: Inventive level and technical progress Economic usability Prac ...   read more

New science on Pain and Manual Therapy   16 y  
A new theory to solve back pain
Pain is not good one might think. This is true to some extend however we also need to understand that Pain is a natural way of our system to indicate that something is not right which again is good. Only if we recognize that something is out of balance, i.e. feeling pain, we are capable to react upon it and either prevent damage, avoid further damage or start a repair mechanism. Pain science is quite advanced but does not fully understand all factors involved and more important is that many Health Professionals do not understand even the more simple and basic principles of Pain. The resu ...   read more

What will happen?   16 y  
to a helium filled ballon in zero gravity part two - the answer
In the last post I asked that question because apparently not many people know an answer and actually nobody (not even science) can explain it. This experiment was done recently by Ranga Yogeshwar and featured at a TV show in Germany called „Die große Show der Naturwunder“. So here is the answer: The ballon is slowly sinking towards the floor. Why? I do not know and I have to admit that I did not expect that when I saw the experiment. They did another experiment with flies and that showed that flies can actually fly upside down in zero gravity. I find it interesting that there are st ...   read more

What will happen?   16 y  
in zero gravity with a helium filled balloon?
There are many experiments conducted in this world all the time and most are quite complicated. However most of the more simple experiments have been done already somewhen and somewhere and answers to simple questions are found. But how about this quite simple experiment? What happens to a helium filled small balloon in zero gravity? Possible answers: 1. It will float upwards (because it is lighter than air) 2. It will float randomly in all directions (because it is now without weight) 3. It will sink down (because ?) This experiement was done recently and I will reveal the answer ...   read more

The Breuss Massage   16 y  
The link between manual therapy and healing
In an earlier Blog I introduced the Breuss Massage already just look for it.. The Breuss Massage became clearly my favorite massage and the favorite of my clients because of the unique combination of manual therapy and healing. The spine seems to be a mirror of our inner self and often this connection is felt when one receives (and gives) a Breuss Massage. I wish that scientific studies could be made for this technique as they are done for very expensive computer controlled machines for spine therapy - spine stretching, because I had quite a few people achieving much more relief from t ...   read more

Scoliosis and Dorn Method   16 y  
A unique treatment approach for scoliosis
In an earlier post I already wrote about scoliosis just look it up in the Blog or Forum The great success I have in treating many cases of scoliosis is in fact very encouraging however without cooperation of the patient and people around the patient it is very limited what we can do. Our therory: Scoliosis is (at least in most cases) not inherited but a reaction of the body to a certain stress in different levels (body-mind-spirit)and an unbalanced structural system with misalignments in different areas along the spine. If this is not treated early then it may rapidly develop into a sev ...   read more

Advantages of the Dorn Method   16 y  
Advantages of the Dorn Method when treating painful ailments of the structural system.
What is new at the Dorn Method and ‘ingenious’ compared to the established Chiro- Therapy Methods? Treatment Methods The treatment through the spine for disturbances of the structural system or for functional diseases of inner organs has a more than 4000 years old tradition. The oldest reports in Medical history about treatments of the spine are from Mesopotamia from a time around 2000 B.C.. Also from India, Asia, and Egypt we have plenty of reports that date before our time calculations. From around 460 B.C. Hippocrates learned many techniques of treating the spine, which are broug ...   read more

Science of Subluxations   16 y  
Insights about an often misunderstood term: Subluxation
Science of Subluxations The term subluxation is often misunderstood and not always accepted due to the lack of knowledge in the field of applied physiology (not just physiology by the book) and the fact that school medicine does not regard the existing studies as valid and therefore is not regarding it as important enough when searching for causes or co-factors of pain and other health conditions. For people who are not medically trained or have had done studies in anatomy and physiology the explanations given are often very difficult to understand and even for professionals it seems ...   read more

Back Pain Self Therapy   17 y  
A simple tool for self therapy of Back pain following the simple priciples of the Dorn Method
Spynamics Back Pain Self Therapy Finally after a long period of try and error the Spynamics Sacro Aligner, a Back Pain Self Therapy Tool is ready. Working successfully with the Dorn Method, , I realized that the main reason why back pain sufferers do not improve long term and usually come back for therapy after some time is that they do not give their body enough time to re-organize and heal. Although the Dorn Method Self Help Exercises are easy to do, cost nothing and require no special equipment nor time, most people will still not do them because they ...   read more

why always compare ?   18 y  
What is the best Therapy? Some thoughts on this...
I am asked quite often what is the best therapy or method of treating back pain and other spinal disorders. This is very difficult and delicate to answer and there will always be opposing opinions when I do. When comparing a single treatment to another then we favor the one we have most success with and that is normal and in my case that is the Dorn Method. However when I compare a bit further then it is the combination of different treatment and therapy approaches I use after a careful selection made for the individual patient that proved to be most successful! So I can say: Instead o ...   read more

Nice Link   18 y  
to an interactive Spine Simulator
Just browsed the Back & Neck Support Forum and found a link posted by twll. Below is the direct link: Chiropractic, Osteopathy and the Dorn Method base their work on the same important theory: The Spine as the main highway of the nerves that connects the brain with the rest of the body is the key to good health. It is not my intention to judge any therapy or method as good or bad or better or worse but rather that people from different fields should be open minded enough to accept other possibilitie ...   read more

Ionic Detox Cleanse   18 y  
a Self Made Detoxification System
Detoxification using a Saltwater Foot-Bath and electrical current (positive and negative ions) becomes more and more popular and Units with different names (Ion-cleanse, ionic Energizer foot bath, Ion Detox Foot Spa Bath Ionic Bio Array Therapy, Dual Chi Ion Ionic Detox Foot Bath Aqua Spa Cleanse MP3 etc.) are offered from several hundred to several thousand of dollars. In our Center AWHAI (Academy for Wholistic Healing Arts, Inc.) in the Philippines we use and research many so-called wholistic (holistic) Healing Methods and beside the very effective Liver Flush and Coffee Enemas we als ...   read more

What a wonderful world..   18 y  
this would be...
Got this in an e-mail. Chicken in China I will go Bio when it comes to chicken or towards Vegetarian. Beware Of Eating Imported Chicken- Sick & Dead Chicken Processing In China !! Early Dawn, Starts The Day By Riding Around To Collect Dead Chicken Asking Around For Dead Chicken Total Of 5 Riders Are Hired By The Boss To Farms To Buy Dead Chicken A Dead Chicken Cost 1 RMB And Would Be Sold At 9 RMB After Processing Storage For The Dead Chicken In The Court Yard Carcasses Are Thrown Everywhere And On The Floor.... 4 Employees Start De-Fea ...   read more

Are you in Balance?   18 y  
Do a simple Test
This Test is done in many Chiropractic and Osteopathic Clinics and is also called bilateral weight scale distribution test. It was not invented by the Dorn Method, however it can be used by whoever wants to! The Test is done with two similar Weighing Scales. The Testperson stands on both scales equally and checks if they show the same. Then the Dorn-Therapy is applied or the Dorn-Method Self Help Exercises are done and the Test repeated. In most cases a change (improvement) can be noticed. To get more details and Photos please visit: ...   read more

It gets easier every time!   18 y  
My 6th Liver-Flush simplyfied!
I did my 6th Liver-Flush yesterday and it gets easier every time I do one. I started like most of the times with a Coffee Enema early afternoon and it always feels great to do one. I also like to do Variations to the original recipe of the Liver Flush and test if it feels the same and looks the same. This time I used 125ml of Sunflowerseed Oil instead of Olive Oil and Grapefruit Direct Juice out of the bottle. No other ingriedients that I used for Parasites etc. To cover the bitter taste of the Epson salts I added a little Applejuice to the solution and after drinking it flushe ...   read more

The Dorn Congress 2006   18 y  
First time outside of Germany
The first Dorn Congress outside of Germany was held this October 28 / 29, 2006 in the World Trade Center in Zurich, Switzerland. Two exiting days with Lectures, Workshops and around 60 Exhibitors all around the Dorn Method. The popularity of this fantastic therapy is steadily growing and attracting people from all over the world. To see a short Video-Review about the Dorn-Congress click the link: Blessings Thomas Zudrell   read more

New Therapy for Back Pain   18 y  
and Joint-Pain as well as many other Health Problems
To make the Dorn Method more accessible and transparent (there are no hidden secrets anyway)I added several new Videos to the website: I want to share this free yet incredible valuable information about this fantastic Therapy or better `Wholitic Healing Method´ and encourage everyone to try the Self Help Exercises also featured at the website. Watch the new Demonstration Videos at: The Dorn Method, a revolutionary new wholistic Manual Therapy and true Self Help Method. A final good bye ...   read more

Do we need negative experiences and sickness?   18 y  
A question everybody needs to answer for himself!
My answers here are actually my own limited way of seeing it only. Why we ‘need’ negative experiences and sickness to grow? And how long we need it? Life is constantly changing it is never in a stand still isn’t it? Therefore we have to go with the flow of life. Life is also keeping everything in a balance that is a universal law. Is there an end? I do not know and I do not waist my energy on trying to understand things I can’t understand (at least at this time of my life). The way is the goal, once we reach our goal we realize that it is only the end of a part of the way and new paths ar ...   read more

Holy smoke!   18 y  
The important role of the Spinal Column in the development of Organ Diseases - Shown with the ´bad´ example of smoking.
Although I am not smoking (anymore I admit) after I realized that it is not only unhealthy but that I do not need it anymore, I want to share this information with you. In the course of treating thousands of people with back pain and other ailments I always looked for possible connections between Spinal Misalignments and Ailments other than the Pain in the Back by interviewing my patients during their treatment. There are connection charts available that show these interactions between the spine and organs and even non-physical issues which I wanted to confirm or disproof in order to b ...   read more

Tinnitus and Dorn Method   18 y  
Clinical Research on Tinnitus Patients with the Dorn Method
Research and Clinical Trials with the Dorn Method There is very few serious Research done on The Dorn Method so far however the fast spread of the Dorn Method thanks to its efficiency on many health conditions will surely be noticed more widely soon and hopefully trigger the wish to do more clinical studies. In an earlier post I wrote already about one of these clinical research projects that I re-post below followed by some articles in Medical journals to demonstrate the increased interest and acceptance of the Dorn Method. The Effects of the Dorn Therapy seen on a Computer assi ...   read more

Are we dreaming?   18 y  
Are we dreaming? Are we awake? Are we dreaming that we are awake?
I am looking again for some answers by asking questions not so easy to answer. What is real in our life? What if we are just dreaming? Why do I judge things as good or bad? What I want to believe (and often it works): I am part of this Universe and not separated to it therefore the Creation Force is in me and I am in it. It is all part of one! Why then there seems to be duality in all? Is the Universe (and Nature) in a state of complete balance? If yes does this mean that if we create more positive energy (love, understanding, tolerance etc.) we also contribute to the existence ...   read more

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revolutionary new science about a gentle manual therapy to correct misalignments in the spinal column and other joints more...

Last Activity: 18 mon ago
94 Messages   Last message 11 y ago
62 Comments   Last comment 18 mon ago

viewed 720,958 times
Created: 19 y   Jul 03 2005


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Comments (10 of 62):
Re: Are we dreamin… fagot… 9 y
Re: Tinnitus and D… mike.… 13 y
Re: Tinnitus and D… mike.… 13 y
Re: Fever Cures Sw… Rando… 14 y
Doesn't work in my… Rando… 14 y
Re: Fever Cures Sw… hmank… 15 y
Re: Fever Cures Sw… thoma… 15 y
Re: Fever Cures Sw… #3878… 15 y
Re: Fever Cures Sw… #2705… 15 y
Re: Scoliosis and … Thoma… 16 y
All Comments (62)

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