Furious Fasting
by PraiseHisName

12 days after fast   11 y  
My experience after water fast
Today is the 12th day after my fast. I have been off my feet the entire time and am healing nicely. Probably another 5 days off my feet and all will be complete. Decided to put off consuming only water until I feel my body is ready again. I might start tomorrow. Thankfully, I have everything I need to make sure problem won’t reoccur. (I intend to make up those last 10 soup days!)My weight is constantly fluctuating so I am unsure how much total weight I have lost. Maybe 20. Will wait and see. I look very puffy and, wow, just the slightest bit of sodium goes straight to my face. I will chec ...   read more

Days 36-40 of fast   11 y  
My experiences during days 36-40 of fast
I had more relief (regarding my problem) on the 36th day however it quickly turned to hours of cramping and loose stools. The next 3 days, I had several movements throughout each day and each time it felt like I was passing glass. I developed very large and painful hemmies. Early in the morning on day 40, I got up to urinate when blood started to just drip from me. I knew I needed to stay off my feet so I did. The fact that I neglected to use enemas early in my fast was still causing me problems. As I write this, it is the 5th day after the 40 and I am in more pain than before. I still ble ...   read more

Day 35 of fast   11 y  
Day 35 of fast
I blended half a banana with a cup of apple juice for breakfast and last night I swallowed 3 tablespoons of mineral oil. Praise God, I had movement! (Really did not look forward to the alternative!) The human body is amazing and I knew that if I could just get something else into my colon, I would get relief. It isn’t total relief, there is still uncomfortable pressure but it is a start! Today I ate a can of organic, low-sodium, lentil soup throughout the day and took another short walk. The nausea is disappearing and so is the weakness. I chose low-sodium soup because the last broth I u ...   read more

Day 34 of fast   11 y  
My experience during day 34 of fast
Made more of the sweet potato broth but kept some soft lumps of potato and added a tomato. For dinner I added a squeeze of lime and a pinch of ginger. I had about half a cup of full strength apple juice (after having watered-down the day before) and a few ounces of grape juice before bed. My tummy handled the food better and I felt strong enough to take a 20 minute walk. I still felt the nausea but was glad to be moving forward. My cycle finally ended a few days earlier. I had cramps initially, and it was heavy for two days followed by 8 increasingly lighter ones. Very unusual for me bu ...   read more

Day 33 of fast   11 y  
Day 33 of fast
Day 33~I needed to make a decision. Do I continue with the water fast through day 40 and then spend the recommended 10 days in transition before going to solid food (19 more days) or do I change my fast to end with soups and juices now to facilitate the move to normal solid food on day 41 (9 more days) thus allowing my body enough sustainance to push out the impaction from my colon? I really wanted to complete 40 days of water although my initial goal was 21. I did make it through 30 days though and by day 33 I had not eaten solid food for 35 days. I had to listen to my body so alas I ch ...   read more

Days 31-32 of water fast   11 y  
My experiences during days 31 & 32 of water fast
Day 31 was pretty bad. My friend, the nurse, said that long term matter in the colon leaks toxins back into the blood stream which was probably making me really sick. Being unsure if it was just another sort of detox stage versus bm problems, I was confused as how to proceed. I was very sick, my intestines felt like shards of glass were in them and my bum was uncomfortable. I had many people praying for me who believed it was time to drink watered down broth for sustainance. My sister came over, took one look at me and was very upset. I guess I looked pretty bad. Plus I was very breathl ...   read more

Days 27-30 of water only fast   11 y  
My experiences during days 27-30 of water fast
Been taking mineral oil, orally, for the last 2 nights and will again tonight (day 30). Had a bit of breakthrough but not enough. Feeling extreme nausea and weakness, again, like I did in week 2. I know that a fast of this length can have several phases of discomfort but I am not sure if I can hold out for the next 10 days should it not lift. My friend, who is a nurse, will take my vitals tomorrow so I am eager to learn how I am faring.   visit the page

Day 26 of water only fast   11 y  
My experience on day 26 of water fast.
Yesterday was tough. I ran into a woman (last week) who has completed a 40 day water fast. She said that enemas are a must. I read that earlier but didn’t follow the recommendations~to use one before starting fast and periodically during fast. Well...haven’t had a movement in 28 days. Starting to get very uncomfortable! As a matter of fact, I have an impacted colon~very low so there is great pressure on my bum. Had 2 saline enemas (I should have only done 1 according to directions) in the morning. They didn’t work so I tried a couple water ones in the afternoon. Nothing. Used a glyc ...   read more

Days 23, 24, & 25 of water only fasting   11 y  
My experiences during days 23-25 of water only fasting
The last three days weren’t as wonderful as the previous ones. My thirst is minimal so I find myself getting dehydrated (dry mouth) before I remember to drink, drink, drink! Prior symptoms have returned (maybe as a result?) but are to a much lesser extent. Feeling nausea when I need water, dizzy, and a slight headache. I have periods of extreme weakness interspersed with crazy energy. I must rest more often and am still cold but overall, I am okay. I lost 4 more pounds for a total of 26. I look so different...very happy.   visit the page

Days 21 & 22 of water-only fast   11 y  
My experience during days 21-22 of water fast
Still feel great!   visit the page

Days 17, 18, 19, & 20 of water-only fast   11 y  
My experiences during days 17-20 of water fast
All good days! FMS is still here but the CFS (chronic fatigue) seems to have entirely disappeared. I had CFS for years before symptoms of FMS (fibromyalgia) started appearing in my life. I am hopeful that further fasting might eliminate the FMS. Today I am halfway through my fast and believe that I can finish it! My thirst is minimal now so I need to remember to drink water. My energy level is high but my sleep is erratic. I lost 3 pounds since my last weigh-in for a total of 22. I will weigh myself again in 6 more days since I have switched to weekly weigh-ins.   visit the page

Day 16 of water fast   11 y  
My experience on day 16 of water fast
Another good day. No complaints.   visit the page

my id picture was not chosen by me!   11 y  
My ID pic was not chosen by me!
SO... I don’t know who is responsible for the picture that goes along with my blog name but I would never choose something like that! I am a bit mortified. The picture in no way represents me or my values! I will try to replace it today. My apologies for offending anyone!   visit the page

Days 14 & 15 of water-only fast   11 y  
My experience during days 14 & 15 of a water-only fast
Wow! I am amazed how much easier this fast has become. I am engaging in my regular routine now, although I am not exercising yet, and spending good time with the LORD. Day 14~ I rested because I had been so active the day before. I gained 1 pound, which I learned is normal. I have much more energy. I still have hunger pangs but I don’t have to keep water in my tum at all times anymore and I can wait until I feel thirsty to drink. My mind is more alert, as a matter of fact I am ”thinking” so much during the night that I am having trouble sleeping. Day 15~ Another great day! Weight s ...   read more

Day 11, 12, & 13 of water-only fast   11 y  
My experiences during days 11-13 of water-only fast
The morning of day 11, I briefly thought about my fasting alternatives (juice vs ending it) because I felt sooo miserable but by 2 o’clock in the afternoon I felt much better. I was greatly encouraged to carry on. The thigh/hip/back pain completely disappeared and I had some extra energy to accomplish a few household chores. I lost 1 more pound for a total of 19. Day 12 was even better. The detoxing symptoms were incredibly reduced. I left the house and stayed out for hours. The nausea improved to the extent that, as long as I keep water in my stomach and don’t let my tum get empty, I ...   read more

Day 10 of water only fast   11 y  
My experience on day 10 of water fast
Day 10~ This was my best day since the early ones! I didn’t sleep again last night but today I had periods of energy. The constant nausea is still there and I am very weak after minimal activity but I feel good~praise God! More alert...no more curling up in a ball! I still have the hunger pangs and look forward to them leaving soon!! My daughter says I have become Julia Child. I used to cook out of the box (literally not figuratively) but now I am creating masterpiece cuisine! From homemade quiches to stuffed peppers~I am amazing myself! And my family says it all tastes delicious! Ha~ ...   read more

Day 9 of water fast   11 y  
My experience with water fasting on day 9
Last night I didn’t sleep a wink. Thigh/hip/back pain was too much to rest. My day went pretty well though! Decreasing hunger pangs and all over body pain. Nausea was not constant but intermittent. Took only one bath and only needed one because I wasn’t as cold. My headache was so faint that I had to think about it to know it was there. A white mucus was in the back of my throat upon waking which is an interesting new development. I was still quite weak today and took it easy but felt more alert. After about 8:30 pm the thigh/hip/back pain returned which feels much like flu aches and pai ...   read more

Day 8 of water only fast   11 y  
My experience on day 8 of water fasting
Yesterday was day 8 and it was a tough one. I couldn’t sleep and the restless calves turned into painful thighs and hips. Headache was a bit worse but certainly bearable and hunger pangs lessened. I took 3 baths which I will have to stop doing because I know I am just wasting water. The thigh-hip pain lasted all day and was accompanied by lower back pain from side to side. I lost 3 pounds over night for a total of 15 now. My face is a bit saggier around the mouth area as I have marionette lines so I hope it doesn’t get worse (for vanity’s sake) but dare I say that I look prettier? I have ...   read more

Day 7 of water fast   11 y  
Day 7 of water fast
Day 7~  had a rough night with restless legs.  It was so irritating that it became painful and I couldn’t sleep.  I checked out some info sites on fasting and learned that the toxins pool in the legs. I have been extremely nauseous all day, so much so that I wondered if I can really do this.  Apparently being 35 pounds overweight (now) with 48.5 years of toxic build-up is the reason for the nausea. I am living off of ”dirty fuel” and it is making me feel sick.  My breath is icky and although my gums used to hurt~they don’t anymore. My time of the mon ...   read more

Days 1-6 of water-only fast.   11 y  
My experience during the first 6 days of a water only fast.
Today is Day 7 of my water fast and I will attempt to recall the prior 6 days. Day 1~ I experienced stomach pain akin to mild ulcer pains (had an ulcer 20 yrs ago so I know) which surprised me and made me almost throw in the towel. Since I am fasting for spiritual, as well as physical breakthrough, I concluded it was the enemy trying to get me off track so I held my ground. The pain has not returned~just hunger pangs. Days 2~5 I found I was getting increasingly emotional with feelings of anger and self-pity. The mild headaches receded and I had periods of mild activity, such as basic house ...   read more

Days prior to water fast   11 y  
My days of preparation leading up to a 40 day water-only fast
I am currently on day 7 of a water only fast (goal is to hit 40 days but at the very least complete 21) and thought it might be a good idea to document it for others. This entry focuses on the days leading to my day 1. First, I am fasting for physical and spiritual breakthrough. I originally tried to fast starting New Year’s day but after nearly two more full days of water fasting, I could not handle the caffeine withdrawal headaches. I ate the evening of Jan. 3rd (for comfort) through the 5th and added coffee back into my diet (just enough to eliminate the withdrawal headaches~reduci ...   read more


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My journal of fasting. Goal~40 day water fast for spiritual and physical breakthrough. more...

Last Activity: 11 y ago
21 Messages   Last message 11 y ago
3 Comments   Last comment 11 y ago

viewed 122,420 times
Created: 11 y   Jan 15 2013


9 Day Juice Fast Kit
Juice fast without hunger.

Fast and Painless Constipation Relief
Oxygen Bowel Cleanser

Comments (3 of 3):
Re: Days 17, 18, 1… kermi… 11 y
Re: Day 11, 12, & … kermi… 11 y
Re: Day 7 of water… kermi… 11 y
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