Mother Earth Heals
by Liora Leah
Page 3 of 40

Saving Peruvian Amazon   19 y  
In the Peruvian Amazon, one of the largest combined protected areas and indigenous territories in the world was recently established--an unprecedented "win" for indigenous communities and a major step toward the vision of saving the rain forest.
Scarlet Macaw The Alto Purus Reserved Zone combines a traditional national park, a communal reserve for indigenous communities, and a territorial reserve that will increase protection of the land rights of an indigenous group, the Mashco-Piro. The announcement is the culmination of five years of work by the Peruvian government, representatives of Peru’s indigenous federation, and World Wildlife Fund (WWF). Some of the most pristine and biologically diverse forests on Earth have been protected, while respecting the rights of indigenous communities. ”The voices of th ...   read more

Save Rainforest for Free!   19 y  
Save 11.4 Square Feet of Rainforest Daily! With a simple click of the mouse, you can save endangered forestland -- for free! -- every day!
Almost two acres of rainforest disappear every second. You can help turn the tide by protecting some of Earth’s most precious natural treasures... Visit The Rainforest Site daily at: With a simple click of the mouse, you can save endangered forestland -- for free! -- every day. Just visit and click on the green button. It works! Since the site launched in May of 2000, clicks on the "Save Our Rainforests" button have preserved nearly 29,000 acres of endangered forestland. Funding ...   read more

Warrior Woman of the Shield   19 y  
Mother Earth responds to a frightening event that I experienced this afternoon. She told me to practice walking as a She-Warrior, a woman whose masculine/feminine energies are in balance within.
At the Nature Center today, where I go to do my barefoot walking, a man strode up beside me and attempted to engage me in a conversation with very inappropriate sexua| overtones.  He didn’t touch me but I felt a threat of being sexually assaulted.  I kept my cool outwardly and managed to distract him with conversation as I walked faster until I was able to break free of him and seek help from two people who were on the trail ahead of me. I reported the incident and gave a description to the park ranger, who questioned the man as I left the park. My heart still ...   read more

Liora Spouts Off   19 y  
We can get angry and discouraged about the degradation of the environment, and then we have to get up off our backsides and DO something about it!
Got a little miffed tonight. Climbed on my soapbox and then hoisted myself up onto my very high horse. Got my nose out of joint a bit, too, and felt that old feeling of righteous indignation. Thought I had done away with it, what with all of that sun gazing and barefoot walking and talking to the Earth and all. Feel a little tight in my gut. My heart hurts, too. Feel like I need a good cry. Ah, well, everyone gets tired and discouraged now and then. Every body needs an Earth hug. Think I’ll go out into my back yard and lay down on the Mother for awhile. Love, Liora Leah See blog c ...   read more

Environmental Successes!!   19 y  
Three successes of environmental campaigns: Giant paper co. agrees to stop clearcutting forests! U.S. Congress works to ban pesticide testing on humans! Congress approves measure to keep bomb-grade nuclear material from being exported!
NRDC NEGOTIATES PACT WITH LEADING PAPER PRODUCER ! Following intense pressure last year from BioGems Defenders, Bowater -- a giant paper company and the largest landowner on the Cumberland Plateau -- has signed a groundbreaking agreement with NRDC and our partner, the Dogwood Alliance, to stop clearcutting natural hardwood forests and converting them to biologically impoverished pine plantations! Each year, Bowater and its third-party timber suppliers log thousands of acres of native hardwood forestlands including the vast Cumberland Plateau -- which spans seven ...   read more

ECO-ALERT!Save Wilderness!   19 y  
Help save 4 Wilderness Areas from snowmobiling, airplanes, logging, road building, motorcycles and all-terrain vehicles! Sign e-letters and e-petitions TODAY!
  As pure symbol of remote, wild beauty, few places on the planet equal Denali National Park in Alaska. Here is our nation’s highest mountain. Here is safe haven for 38 mammal species, including wolves, moose, caribou, Dall sheep and grizzly bears. Here, simply, is magnificent wilderness enjoyed by climbers, hikers, berry pickers, wildlife watchers and birders.   The National Park Service is now drafting a management plan that will govern the Park’s backcountry for the next decade and beyond. The agency has proposed opening 4 million acres of the Park to snowmobiling and increased a ...   read more

ECO-Protection:WestNileVirus   19 y  
Using poisonous pesticides to kill mosquitos is ineffective to control West Nile Virus and is harmful to human and environmental health. Prevention and non-DEET insect repellants are recommended...
From ACTION NOW: "Although few people ever become infected with West Nile Virus and most don’t even know they have it, last year 830 human cases of West Nile Virus and 28 fatalities were confirmed in California. Attempting to kill adult mosquitoes by fogging the air with poisonous pyrethroid pesticides provides ineffective mosquito control, is harmful to humans and the environment, and is bad public heatlh policy. We advocate an even greater emphasis on prevention and public education. Please share the preventative measures listed below with your friends and neig ...   read more

Earth Speaks:Human Evolution   19 y  
Day 11 of my sun gazing practice. I continue to walk barefoot upon Mother Earth every other day. This day She spoke to me of Earth healers, humans who harm the planet, and the evolution of the human species into etheric BEings...
Q: Mother, what have you to tell me this day? A: Blessed One, the time has come for you to throw away your sorrow, anger, and pain and embrace yourself as the holy vessel you are! Feel the power of Brother Sun moving through you as you gaze upon him. Feel the power of my BEing coursing through you as you walk upon me! It is as you have written before, dear one, the power of the Mother and the power of the Father, feminine and masculine, yin and yang, joining together through your Holy body, healing the rift between yourself and your Self, your ego and your Ego ...   read more

Boycott ExxonMobil!   19 y  
Join environmental and public health communities in an unprecedented campaign to Exxpose Exxon! Send an e-letter to ExxonMobil--it’s time to reject the reckless energy policies of the past and move America toward a cleaner energy future!
* ExxonMobil actively supports drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. * ExxonMobil actively works to block meaningful action to cut global warming pollution and funds junk science to hide the real facts about global warming. * ExxonMobil consciously decided to forgo investment in clean energy solutions - despite its record profits at a time of rising gasoline prices. * ExxonMobil failed to pay all of the punitive damages awarded to fishermen and others injured by the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill. Pledge: I will boycott ExxonMobil by not ...   read more

G8 Summit:Global Warming   19 y  
TONY BLAIR MAKES STATEMENT TO PARLIAMENT ON THE G8 SUMMIT Regarding Global Warming (7/11/05) The United States did not ratify the Kyoto Protocal; Greenpeace asks President Bush: "What are you waiting for?"
Tony Blair: "There were two major issues on the agenda for this summit - Africa and Climate Change. Climate Change is perhaps the most long-term serious threat to our environment. Already sea ice in the Arctic has shrunk by one million square kilometres; the ten hottest years on record have all occurred since 1991; and sea levels are rising. Until now the international community has been divided, with no agreement on the nature or urgency of the problem, what to do about it, or how to start a discussion which would involve both the United States and the key emerging econ ...   read more

Sonar Kills Whales   19 y  
Protect Whales from Military Sonar! Sonar causes mass whale strandings, organ damage and internal bleeding. TAKE ECO-Action! Sign a petition sponsored by National Resources Defense Council!
Right Whale From the National Resources Defense Council (NRDC) website: Until a few centuries ago, whales dominated the world’s oceans. Some 30,000 gray whales navigated shallow coastal waters across the Atlantic and the Pacific. Right whales swam in abundance through much of the North Atlantic and hundreds of thousands of humpback and blue whales roamed the seas. Intensive whaling, though, later reduced many whale populations to a fraction of their former size. North Atlantic right whales are estimated to number only 300 today and 10 other whale species remain endanger ...   read more

End Global Poverty   19 y  
Make History: Protect the Environment by Ending Global Poverty--a message of hope, sponsored by Oxfam America
Dear All:   Last chance to let G8 leaders hear your voice! Help end poverty and preserve the environment. Make sure G8 leaders stay focused and find solutions to these global crises: "In 1977, Wangari Maathai, a Kenyan woman, set out to convince local women that planting trees and protecting the environment would improve their own economic well-being and health by improving farm land, water quality, and fuel supply. And in 2004 she convinced the world when she became the first woman, and the first environmentalist, to win the Nobel Peace Prize. Through the work of peo ...   read more

Aradia, the Redwood Tree   19 y  
After Jason "Shunka" Wilson witnessed the death of a fellow redwood activist, he dedicated his life to saving old-growth redwood trees marked for logging. One such redwood, named Aradia, became the focus for his activism.
In 1998, in Humbolt County, California, Jason ”Shunka” Wilson witnessed the death of fellow redwood activist David Nathan ”Gypsy” Chain, his head cracked open by a redwood tree felled by an enraged logger. The logger was never charged with a crime. The two were trying to use nonviolent civil disobedience to stop the logging of old-growth redwood trees on land owned by Pacific Lumber Co, the owner of the world’s largest private stands of old-growth redwoods. Since Chain’s death, Shunka, given his name by a Lakota elder, has continued to dedicate his life to saving old-growth redwood trees m ...   read more

Earth Day Founder Dies   19 y  
Gaylord Nelson, Earth Day Founder, Dies at 89. "As the father of Earth Day, he is the grandfather of all that grew out of that event."
"With those words and others reserved for the best and rarest among us, President Bill Clinton awarded Gaylord Nelson the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1995. Gaylord Nelson, former U.S. senator and counselor to The Wilderness Society, died early Sunday morning at his home in Kensington, MD, just a month past his 89th birthday. The "all" that President Clinton noted enfolds an astonishing range of environmental legislation: the Environmental Protection Act; the Clear Air Act, the Clean Water Act, the Safe Drinking Water Act. Sen. Nelson was instru ...   read more

Barefoot/Sungazing Practice   19 y  
Still practicing my barefoot walking. Also started sungazing, and am on day 4 of that. I again asked the Mother "what do you have to share with me this day?" She encourged me to continue both practices...
Dear One, I your Great Mother am pleased that you took the time to walk upon my flesh today. Long have I waited to speak with you my daughter and now the opportunity has come! We have been in partnership, you and I, for many eons of "time" although your loving Guides like to say, "time" is illusion. We have been partnered before I was formed when I was yet a "thought form" in you mind. You have been in existance longer than I, yet you are my daughter. It is time now to take back your power that you have lost over the eons through many many ...   read more

Mother Earth Speaks   19 y  
I practiced barefoot walking at the Nature Center today, and afterwards asked this question: "Mother, what will you share with me this day?" Mother Earth answered me, saying We are all deeply entwined and connected, ALL IS ONE...
The energy pulsing up your legs from your feet is my life-blood, dear One. Just as at one time you were connected by an umbilical cord to your mother’s womb, so you are connected to me through the soles of your feet and the energy patterns, the ley lines, that run from me to you and you to me. Yes, many think of the "ley lines" as running over my surface like a grid and that is for the most part so. Yet lines exist also that come up from my core through my crust and into living BEings be they human, animal, tree or stone. The grids continue on into my atmosphere, what you ...   read more

"Plastics" from Corn and Soy!   19 y  
Natural, or bio-plastics, are made from corn or soy and are being used in manufacturing textiles, food containers, and other products that traditionally utilize petroleum-based plastics. And it's biodegradable!!
The company Metabolix of Cambridge, Mass, was recently selected as a 2005 Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Awards winner for developing a fermentation process to produce ”natural plastics” from renewable feedstocks such as plant sugars or oils. Metabolix is set to start making its product on a large scale. It will join Cargill and Dupont--former Green Chemistry Award winners--as producers of ”natural”, or ”bio-plastics.” A June 26, 2005 article in The Los Angeles Times, titled ”To Replace Oil, U.S. Experts See Amber Waves of Plastic” explains what is meant by ”bio-plastics”. The ...   read more

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”Mother Earth Heals” focuses on everyday ways that we can help the Earth by using home products that are healthy for us and for the environment; easy ways that we can be involved in action campaigns directed towards government and industry to address environmental and health issues; and my own personal experiences in nature that are helping me to heal in mind-body, heart and soul.… more...

Last Activity: 18 mon ago
689 Messages   Last message 10 y ago
483 Comments   Last comment 18 mon ago

viewed 3,906,697 times
Created: 19 y   May 26 2005


Comments (10 of 483):
Re: Cockroach Tote… Tiger… 10 y
Re: Man Plants 3,0… Liora… 10 y
Re: Man Plants 3,0… albin… 10 y
Re: Organic Batter… Liora… 10 y
Re: Organic Batter… Desti… 10 y
Re: Chemicals Maki… Liora… 10 y
Re: Photos:Human C… Liora… 11 y
Re: Photos:Human C… Milla… 11 y
Re: Photos:Human C… Liora… 11 y
Re: Environmental … Liora… 12 y
All Comments (483)

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Spirit Speaks  12 y  (256)

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