Brain Boot Camp or Mindset Mastery
by kerminator
Page 5 of 13

How are you going to live your life??   17 y  
This earthly life is your one opportunity to get it right for the Eternity to come!!
Your life is too short to waste on stuff and things most people have on this earth!! Start thinking about your eternal future;  because one day you will look back and say why didn’t I listen to the guy on that blog!! Dear reader; how do you think you should live your life?? Well I have come to a point where I see some light at the end of the tunnel, so to speak... From what I see; this life is about how we interact with others while here and what we did to prepare for where we spend Eternity!!     "Only trials or tribulations complete w ...   read more

Math in 2007... HUH!!   17 y  
Where did we go wrong or who cares??
Something to think about... Last week someone I know; purchased a burger and fries at McDonald’s for $3.58. The counter girl took the $4.00 payment and then the guy  pulled 8 cents from his pocket and gave it to her; just to make the change even money (50c).   She stood there, holding the nickel and 3 pennies. While looking at the screen on her register, the man sensed her discomfort and tried to tell her to just give him two quarters change,  but she panicked and called the manager for help. While he tried to explain the transaction ...   read more

Fair Tax Nation   17 y  
Every now and then something comes along that will revolutionize your life... This is one that can!!
Read to set your thinking straight!! Picture this: FairTax in America! Show the world your FairTax colors! Take your best FairTax pictures--including those from major events like the Columbia, SC or Ames, IA "Dare To Be Fair" rallies--and post them on Flickr for all to see. ...   read more

Fire the Grid!   17 y  
Stop the web site there may be a message for you...
Mind on the '08 Election   17 y  
Some times there comes along a real good guy... This sure looks like one to me, see what you think... It sure clears my mind!!
I have not voted for a Democrat President since Jimmy Carter...   But one candidate looks great... the former Senator from Alaska, Mike Gravel....  Here is a recent post on " My Space"...  You may like this message!!  HUH!! Monday, June 25, 2007   Why Hilliary Scares Me During one of the debates I mentioned that my fellow Democratic candidat ...   read more

Mind over fat food??   17 y  
We fast, skip meals, have surgery, take all kind of stuff just to keep excess weigh off... A new idea you may want to try... HUH!!
This is a very good review...   Dr. Mercola Reviews: Enjoying Weight Loss   Enjoying Weight Loss -- A seven session audio hypnosis program designed to help you stick to a healthy eating and exercise routine. *First, for full disclosure, it has been almost a year since we received this program for review and in this time I h ...   read more

Wisdom you don't find everywhere...   17 y  
Most of this life is wasted on foolish things; while Eternity is just a heart beat away....
 Most of what we find in the news and other publications or the electronic media is more keep on doing what you have been...  They do not really offer change to help you / us...  DUH!!   It is sell, sell, sell or promise; so as to stay in power, thus controlling you / us... HUH!!  This is what i call being out front of the pack thinking...  Maybe it works if everyone thinks that they need to be in the pack...   I do not know about you but I do not think I need to be in any of the pack, clubs, parties, classes, or any other sy ...   read more

Why I write blogs   17 y  
Expression is the key to our survival on life...
Yes sir now you have the answer... The reason I write any blogs is to help you!! Yes, I have been around for a few years; and seen or heard many things that could help others.. So here I am posting messages that may just help you out... HUH!! Life is much more than just getting your needs met!! DUH!! In fact it is about helping others and using your talents to be a good neighbor... What does that mean?? Well, it starts with us learning to recognize the thoughts and needs of others... Once we get our eyes off of little Ole ME; you will be surprised how great life becomes ...   read more

Send this to friends & foes... US Codex & FDA!!   17 y  
Why you need to go to TO learn about the future of your health...
Here is another chance to change your future and help preserve the health of those you love...  Though this was printed for Georgia it applies to the entire USA. Territories & even the world!!  HUH!! BTW: You can go on line and find your Representatives; from your State or territory...  Those in other countries can contact my web site @  and we will see that your views are expressed also!!  Your action is needed tell friends and foes alike...  Get this stopped!! Sincerely ... Kermit   read more

A better brain allows better use of your mind!!   17 y  
If you do not have a balanced and well functing brain your mind will not be able to allow the body to make correct actions!!
What we do in life; is dependent on the health of our brain... GOD gave us a body and brain to use in living a life of service with an ablity to seek the truth on our pathway of life!!   If we contaminate our brain with chemicals from both Drugs and Dope; then we can expect a reaction that will hinder our life...  This may well be what we have seen in irrational, and destructive actions by mostly young people; killing or attempting to do harm to others in the world the last few years... HUH!! There has been some effort to make a link between these type of irrational ...   read more

Who are you anyway??   17 y  
You are a being who exist both as body and spirit!
What exactly or who are you??  The best answer is to look at your present being...  You are at present in a human body at this point in your eternal existance...  Yourself or being which is your spirit or mind; actually resides in your brain; while in your human body...   HUH!! It appears that we all come into our human body before birth; sometime after conseption...  Our being strives to learn how to use this body, and adapt to the environment of this earth, upon which we live...  We at first are almost totally helpless ...   read more

Train your brain to be better!! Rev 3.0   17 y  
Mental Exercise is necessary, if you are to have better control and enjoyment over your life... It is not just for old folks!!
Some new news on how to keep your brain trained...  A recent study found that people of all ages who did not really engage in any challenging actives seemed to be not only listless, but also were prone to be come victims of swindles and other crimes... This has been proved that many of the people in mental institutions tend to have poor self esteem and low cognizance reactions... Most of this is due their not having learned to use their brain in changeling actives...  So what are we talking about here?? Mental challenges come in a variety of actives and possibiliti ...   read more

De Mal en pis... Do what GOD wants you to do!! HUH!!   18 y  
Force Mal Jeure... Your mind is a terrible thing to allow others to waste... Read, think or weep; but at least try to do something original!!
Bon Jour      Sorry the copy from one of my other sites came out so small...  Just click on it and you will see the wisdom of the words....  Either we learn to cope in this life or you will forever be under the control of others...  I say is; " Do what GOD meant for you to do", that is think, and make decisions then learn to live with the consequences, rain or shine....  That is life dear friend.... Like it or not!! DUH!!     See YA... K    read more

Some times using your brain or mind helps you...   18 y  
There is generally a better way to do something, but you do have to think and then act!!
This is the case of better engineering...  This is an example of how to put your brain power to work for you or the situation at hand... I have had this chopper/shredder for some time, but to use it with leaves usually causes the feed chute to clog up after just a few minutes use...  The have to shut down and clear the mess, restart and run for a few minutes before another stopage...  Well I said; "Kermit there is a better way... Lets find it!" Well have used the high speed blower to move leaves, and thus it became apparently that this would work, if I ...   read more

Knowing the truth does not allow you to judge!!   18 y  
What we must learn to do is find the truth in life; and not learn to judge others who do not agree...
One of the worst habits we learn in life is to judge others... This is something every man, woman and child has to deal with!! I have found myself blaming and making down grading remarks about many or any who does not agree the way I do...  This is not productive; in fact it can and will in many cases lead you down a dead end street...  We must come to the realization that others have a GOD given right, to decide what they will...  Wither we agree with it or not!! HUH!! So lets get our brain tuned up to the point; where we can come to understand that other peopl ...   read more

To keep your mind / brain fresh try truth!!   18 y  
11 of Sept Conspiracy?? This is what the truth reveals, who are you going to believe?? I choose the truth in this article!!
What a waste;  most people in this life do not even get what it is all about!! This is some of the truth, read and decide comments welcome!!  If you can’t read this from the copy below; get on line and read the web edition... We hope this helps you see the truth; more clearly...  Debunking The 9/11 Myths - Mar. 2005 Cover Story PM examines the evidence and consults the experts to refute the most persistent conspiracy theories of September 11. Published in the March, 2005 issue.   Page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Next » ...   read more

You can train you brain and get you mind in better shape!!   18 y  
A mind is a terrible thing to waste, so start learning to use yours!!
Read some interesting things about improving your mind...  Most people seem to get into a rut and end up doing the same boring thing say after day, HUH!!  Well lets change that friend; lets start to improve our mind... Of course eating a proper diet will go a long way toward having a sharper mind... That is correct you do have to feed your mind some quality fuel (food) in order to get the best performance... Think of that!!  Man, woman or child; you must exercise your mind and allow it to grow and explore new things... Yes, this is the key to a bett ...   read more

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We discuss issues to get you brain into proper operating condition, since it is the seat of your {Soul - emotions and thought} mind!... In other words self improvement... GOT IT!… more...

Last Activity: 23 mon ago
224 Messages   Last message 28 mon ago
108 Comments   Last comment 23 mon ago

viewed 1,613,251 times
Created: 19 y   Apr 24 2005


Comments (10 of 108):
Re: Forgotten Word… karre… 3 y
Re: Are you balanc… kermi… 10 y
Re: How did this e… kermi… 10 y
Re: What is this r… kermi… 11 y
Re: What is this r… ren 11 y
Re: How they do it! kermi… 11 y
Re: How they do it! claud… 11 y
Re: How they do it! kermi… 11 y
Re: Women who unde… kermi… 11 y
Re: What God wants… kermi… 12 y
All Comments (108)

Blogs by kerminator (6):
My Unusual Road of Life....  27 mon  (1929)
My Quest for the Truth of Lif…  2 y  (310)
Absolute Truth Some Wisdom an…  3 y  (291)
Ya’ think??  3 y  (275)
Southern Etiquette or life in…  3 y  (212)
Forgotten Words!  29 mon  (120)

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