Juice Fasting 60days and 50lbs
by Trystan12

still in the 180's   15 y  
weight loss
Well I am glad I haven't gained weight. I am feeling a little depressed. I don't know why I'm just been sad lately. Maybe it is work, or life, or the juicing? But anyway I'm still doing ok i've ...   visit the page

Down to 189.9 YA   15 y  
I finally hit the 180's. I'm so excited that I reached this goal. And on a Saturday none the less, it will give me that extra incentive to not eat this weekend. :) So my next goal is 179.9 Whe...   visit the page

Back to where I started...   15 y  
day 10 I think. )
So I am back to 190.8. I guess that should teach me to stay on my fast and exercise. LOL I am still hoping to reach the 70's before the end of the month. ) So that is about 11 lbs. i hope it is ...   read more

A nice day for a fast   15 y  
Day 2 after my mess up
Today was a great day. My juice mixes were somehow devine and water tasted great! I forgot to weigh myself though so I will for sure tomorrow morning. I am still hoping to reach 175 by the end of t...   visit the page

Starting over...oopsS   15 y  
Day 1 again...
So I cracked and ate something. I think it was because i just started my period and during that time I couldn't resist anything if I tried. But I am starting over, right now this second. I am ba...   visit the page

Well I haven't lost any weight today   15 y  
another day
I am sad to say i haven't lost any weight today. So I am going to do a 24 hour water fast. Tomorrow i will replenish my body with juices and start working out 3 days next week. I hope i make my ...   visit the page

Day 6 still going strong   15 y  
One more day gone
So i am at 190.8 I think I am going to try and water fast this weekend so Monday I get to 188 for sure! So far so good.   visit the page

Day 5- Made It!   15 y  
Day 5 on my weight loss fasting journey
So i am at 191.2 or 191.5 I don't know, I got on the scale 2 times and it gave me 2 different numbers. Anyway I was hoping I would get to my goal of 189 by Saturday and after that lose an avg of 4-...   read more

Day 4, I made it. Only 56 more to go!   15 y  
Day 4 and I made it!
Hi, I am so happy I made it to day 4. I decided to add psyllium seeds to my Fast. Also I decided to have an occasional cup of soy milk. It fills me up and it makes me happy! So far it has be...   read more

Another 2 lbs lost   15 y  
My weight loss journey
Day 3 So I lost another 2 lbs. I decided to have set goals. My first is to reach 189. I haven't decided what i want to do for that goal, but I know when I reach 175 i'm going shopping!! Actu...   read more

Soy Milk?   15 y  
Diet, weightloss, fasting
I am wondering if adding some soy milk or rice milk will totally throw my fast off? I don't know. I am doing good so far, I just have this huge craving. I will research it this week and find out.   visit the page

59 more days to go   15 y  
diet, juicing, weight loss
I made it past day 1. I'm pretty excited. -2 lbs So I am on my way to my goal. Nothing is going to stop me! I was pretty tired and lazy yesterday so I didn't do my business plan, but I w...   read more

Day 1, more than just a Juice fast, a life change.   15 y  
Day one Juice Fast
Well today is day 1. For the past year I have gained 50lbs. I want it gone! I moved to NY and my diet just got away from me, with the stress of moving and living i was coping by eating, everyt...   read more


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Last Activity: 15 y ago
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3 Comments   Last comment 15 y ago

viewed 148,127 times
Created: 15 y   Jul 05 2009


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Comments (3 of 3):
Re: Well I haven't… Waffl… 15 y
Re: Day 6 still go… Tryst… 15 y
Re: Day 6 still go… wood 15 y
All Comments (3)

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