Oxy-Powder Cleanse
by Ocean

Women's health issues - very important link!   19 y  
Female imbalances: The fight with ongoing progesterone, estrogen, liver, pms, swollen breast and other monthy issues.
i am very excited cause i found an incredible link: http://www.mothernature.com/Library/Bookshelf/Books/15/57.cfm i am once again retaining water and even tho i’ve done 16 liver flushes feel the onset of pms! but the good news is i’m narrowing down my problem...it seems like a hormonal imbalance! too much estrogen! this also playes a factor in my low thyroid symptoms, cold extremities, sluggishness, dry skin, etc. i’ve also been drawn intuitively to vitex again, and that is exactly what i need. below is a cut and paste i extracted the most important into, for me, from the link ...   read more

Liver flush with oxy-powder   19 y  
liver flush with oxy-powder instead of epsom salts
last nite i did my 16? liver flush, this time around i used 6 caps of oxy-powder at 8pm and took my 1/2 oo and 1/2 grapefruit concoction. i almost tossed it but managed to lie down. horrible sleep, big headache...but i didn’t throw up second time in a row now through all these cleanses. i always wake up at around 4am to do so. not last nite. woke up and went a couple times before i installed the colander. some stones, most green, and something short and white...parasite? i did an enema to get rid of more stuff. i also woke up really sad, usually i wake up ecstatic. ate quite normal t ...   read more

Cilantro Salad and Vinegrette   19 y  
Yummy,healthy, easy snack to munch on throughout the day
this is very yummy and easy to make, it makes for an awesome snack during the day while i work at home - i make it first thing in the morning and keep it in the fridge. (use organic whenever possible, if you can’t then get a veggie wash and soak your veggies) chop up finely: small bunch of cilantro, leaves and stems 1 tomato big handful of spinach some red onion (your preference how much) one hard boiled egg sesame seeds (or nuts if you like) vinegrette: 1 part olive oil 1 part vinegar (i like mixing rice and balsamic) bit of black seseme oil for taste some lemon or li ...   read more

oxy-powder cleanse round 2!   19 y  
oxy powder die off - cleanse round 2!
thought i’d post again, afterall it’s hard to keep track of it all in my head and this just might help someone as well... i started up the cleanse again. this is day 3, first 3 days uneventful @ 5 caps per nite, but what made me post today is the horrible die off. i feel very acidic, woke up with incredible stinging eyes, nose, throat, coated tongue and the urge to pass more then oridinary. couple nites ago i woke up with a horrible pain/cramp/stabbing sensation in my intestines...i think i’m onto something here. even tho i’m not feeling all that great, my energy is pretty high and ...   read more

tasty olive oil and balsamic vinegar   19 y  
dip into olive oil and balsamic vinegar, mini flush?
so my daugher and i got an organic sourdough baguette today with some super fine olive oil and balsamic vinegar i’ve been sent from europe. we went through the whole baguette and plenty of oo and vinegar for lunch...i feel great and am thinking this is maybe why people in italy eat this for appetizer...to get the liver juices flowing of course! funny thing is we both have been craving it, she has never done a liver flush and i have done 14. i was also thinking it would be great to do this like a flush or mini flush....much tastier then mixing it with fruit juice (grapefruit) and i th ...   read more

days after oxy powder   19 y  
a few days after oxy powder cleanse
so i stopped the oxy-powder on the 9th day i think. for some reason my body said ENOUGH for now. so i listened. in the last 2 days my bm’s have returned...but the reason i’m writing is because yesterday there were quite weird. they were skinny and dark green/brown. i can assure you it’s nothing i’ve eaten. today i decided to see if things will go back to normal rather then resuming the cleanse. and lo and behold, i had a well formed normal bm this morning, but it was mixed with old pieces that looked cloudy and almost black...sorta greenish too. this was all mixed with a well formed ...   read more

Day 8 on oxy-powder   19 y  
oxy-powder cleanse day 8
took 6 caps last nite and more runny bm this morning. i’ve had a really horrible pain in my left shoulder for the past couple days, i think i took something out...and i’m thinking if it was due to my liver it would be on the right side...like it sometimes is. so, if all goes well today i’m gonna do my 15th flush. as much as i hate it i’m actually kind of craving it. i’m gonna continue with the oxy-powder even tho it’s still a lot of brown liquid poo 3-5x in the morning. we’ll see.   visit the page

Day 7 of oxy-powder   19 y  
Oxy powder 7th day
day 7 has arrived. last nite i cut my dose again down to 5 caps. this morning exactly same results as with the previous doses. allergies still here and i’m flushing in the next 48 hrs, time permits. besides the butt-pee and diarhea, and a few expected parasites here and there, this cleanse has been someowhat uneventful. i started it thinking i might pass some plaque, or see some plaque, because i’ve been feeling bloated and like i’ve loosened up stuff yet got it stuck with the last cleanses... i feel a lot less bloated, but that’s about it. for the price i don’t think it’s wort ...   read more

Day 6 of Oxy-Powder   19 y  
Day six on oxy powder
so last nite i again lowered my dose, down to 6 caps. same results this morning, diarhea and a bit of butt-pee. i don’t get it how i can have the same results with a dose of 3 and a dose of 10. how excactly does this stuff work? sometimes more is less sometimes more is better, but here i have varying doses and yet the results are the SAME! very strange indeed. also some strange looking very little black specks with what looks like tails? hmmmm. allergies still the same, headache gone tho and appetite ok. besides this being the gentlest and most effective constipation remedy so fa ...   read more

Day 5 of Oxy-Powder   19 y  
Oxy Powder cleanse day 5
good morning everyone, day 5 is here, and last nite i must say i was almost ready to quit. instead i took 8 caps, lowered my dose rather then bringing it up to 12, and decided not to take a higher dose since i’m getting exactly the same results starting from 3 caps. so less maybe is more? or at least it will last longer and doing things longer may produce better results...if not thorough resuts? so no rumbling or waking up at night or early morning. allergies still here (i need to do another liver flush sometime towards the end of this cleanse), skin nice and clear tho but not muc ...   read more

Day 4 of Oxy-Powder   19 y  
Oxy powder cleanse day four
i gotta say i’m getting really dissapointed with this cleanse because i’m not seeing any plaque... sorry folks...maybe others will have a better time. either way i will keep going. i have taken 10 caps last nite and for someone who is only 110lb that should work really well. instead of producing results i’ve been going to the bathroom less, and actually slept through the nite. this morning more butt pee - light brown in color and what looks like parts of my meals. yesterday i ate very little and very light to see if that would make a difference. i don’t think it did much. on top of that ...   read more

Day 3 of Oxy-Powder   19 y  
Oxy-Powder, bowel cleanse
well, day 3 is here and i don’t feel all to impressed with this cleanse at the moment. i’m sure i’m just getting anxious and wanting to see results like everyone else...and all i’m seeing is brown water and liquified dinners, lunches and breakfasts that are for some reason coming out btw. 2am and 5 am...rather then the day. so i can forget about restful sleep till at least my dose stabilizes. last nite i took 8 caps plus 2 caps paragone. this morning another 2 caps of paragone. last night i had some lower right hand side intestinal pain. a hot water bottle really helped. still no ...   read more

Day 2   19 y  
Day two on Oxy-Powder
day two is here! i don’t have much time to write so point form is gonna have to do this morning: - took 6 caps last nite. - i keept waking up and having to go; 3:45 am and 5ish - just brown watery stuff - restless sleep and not feeling tired at all, so that’s not too bad - i’m passing now mostly what we so endearly call on here ’butt pee’, but no cramps or gas - some rice like things, just a few so far. parasite eggs again. *groan* - i have no appettite, but besides that i don’t feel bad at all. - i feel a LOT lighter in body and mind. - my diet is pretty much the same, fruit, ve ...   read more

Quick cleansing history and first day on Oxy   19 y  
Quick cleansing history and first day on Oxy
So after 2 yrs of cleansing i’ve decided to try the wonderful and so talked about oxy-powder. after awaiting for 12 days it’s arrival from the us (i’m in canada) i took my first dose last nite...but first a little bit of history. i started cleansing 2 yrs ago; bowel, parasite and liver. all the cleanses except for the intestinal ones have been incredibly successfull. the colon clease i’ve had trouble with....altho i’ve stared cleansing when i’ve been regular. i tried the p/b shakes and altho i’ve gotten pretty good results in the beginning, towards the end, last 6 months, they’ve done n ...   read more


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First try of Oxy-Powder after 2 yrs of cleansing more...

Last Activity: 19 y ago
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viewed 100,680 times
Created: 19 y   Mar 09 2005


Lugol’s Iodine Free S&H
J.Crow’s® Lugol’s Iodine Solution. Restore lost reserves.

Dr. Clark Shop
Hulda Clark Cleanses

Fast and Painless Constipation Relief
Oxygen Bowel Cleanser

Cleanse the Colon
Organic colon cleanse kit. Complete!

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