Yoga Path
by munificent
Page 16 of 23

Mantra, Chant, Kirtan? II   19 y  
I always am smiling while I sing/chant at Sadhana...I am beat to shit and happy- I like the release of the physical and the joy of that release. Build it up and then flake out..listiening to gentle, beautiful men chant and sing...what could be better ladies? Sadhana, in my case, built the ancient muscle, then dissolved me. No two ways about it, the ancient muscle needed to be flexed before I could be demolished! Meanwhile my Car's warning lights are on and my alt is bad(I think) nothing like self demolishing and having the beast demolish itself at the same time! hahah perhaps we both need grounding!Or more beautiful men singing With us!
While I was organizing a concert for Snatam in Calgary, their publicist, gave me this write up to use in order to educate the public about kirtan. It’s a little more diverse, perhaps, then the traditional definition of kirtan? You can see it at the bottom of my message in quotations. I believe all forms of kirtan have a place and a purpose and what we ”call it”, probably isn’t anywhere near as important as.... giving ourselves the ”experience” of practicing it. That’s where the understanding of it flows from essentially. When I first began KY, my teacher never introduced music of a ...   read more

Mantra,Chant,or Kirtan?   19 y  
What are the differences in a Mantra- (energy vibration of soune-either head cavity or chest cavity) Chants..repetitive for trance-in-dental meditation (haha), Kirtan- musical devotional performance/sing along... I am sleep delirious I was with Guru and had a full break down, laugh attack- eyes watering, bent over, gasping and snorting..I couldn't even speak to tell him what I found so hilarious. He didn't care, he just giggled in enjoyment at my laughing. I told him I had to miss another Sadhana and I would be at Day 1 (For the 3rd time)again- just the thought seemed deliciously hysterically funny? I am losing my grip! My mind, my control...and my sleep- Sadhana is prime grounds for breaking down the old and transforming into...what this time? A pumpkin-
Mantras are sacred energy-based sounds. Chanting can be of mantras or songs, or verses or mystic formulas; such as, Gregorian Chants, Aboriginal Chants, Kabalistic Chants in Hebrew,etc. Kirtan is a devotional chant. Kirtan consists of a leader who sings a chant and then it is repeated by followers. Many traditions use Kirtan, and is part of Bhakti Yoga. This is my understanding. Blessings,   visit the page

KY Teacher Training   19 y  
Gurmukh, in Los Angeles, is offering teacher training. Now that Yogi Bhajan is gone, training is jumping out of the walls at us. But it just may be this is the time to have teacher training jumping out of the walls! Oh how I wish I could go...take off work? Or? Gurmukh is the trainer to the stars, she has "baby/prenatal" yoga that many big (??) name stars have subscribed to. Madonna, and others
Dearest Ones in Divine: Sat Nam and God bless you all. I have never felt so strongly in all my years on this earth that now is the time, and the time is now. In the 60’s we marched against Vietnam. I was jailed in San Francisco, along with Joan Baez, along with so many across the USA. We were willing to do whatever it took to stop the war in Vietnam, and we did! Now complacency has set in, so thick in America, that we have become numb, overwhelmed with ìwhat can little old me do to help move the tides of the times? Then along came the hurricane. Yes, Golden Bridge will have a benefi ...   read more

Inner Libra~Horoscope   19 y  
She's got it all! KY and expert astrology, and KY teacher. It is my birthday horrorscope!
INNER LIBRA - INNER AND OUTER RELATIONSHIPS Number 111 - September 22, 2005 By Guru Rattana, Ph.D. (A formatted version of this issue is available from SKY EVENTS Just at the Fall Equinox, the Sun enters the Libra Divine Love zone September 22 at 3:24 AM PDT (10:24 AM GMT) The Sun radiates its love in Libra through October 22. The Libra New Moon/Solar Eclipse is October 3 at 3:29 AM PDT (10:29 AM GMT) The Aires Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse is October 17th at 5:14 AM PDT (12:14 PM GMT) Mars goes retrograde at 23 de ...   read more

Kirtan in LA   19 y  
Kirtan in LA on love donation basis
An invitation from Travis to take an epic journey into the vast caverns of our souls through the devotional practice of Kirtan. This weekend we will celebrate the powerful seasonal shift of the ”Autumnal Equinox.” All you need is your beautiful soul and an open heart.....lots of love....... Jai Ma!!! Sunday, September 25th 7:00pm Donation Basis Jinenkan Sawtelle Place-3rd Floor-Above Nijiya Market 2130 Sawtelle Blvd. West of the 405 & North of Olympic Blvd. 9th~If you have never been to a KY Kirtan- Please go- If you live in L.A. the ...   read more

Embodiment of Yoga   19 y  
Christ, Buddha, Nanak presence in Yoga, Tuning in with the Adi Mantra
Swami Rama has written at least three books on subjects that derive from the Sikh tradition (Yogi Bhajan is a Sikh) including ”Celestial Song/Gobind Geet: The Dynamic Dialogue of Sri Guru Gobind Singh and Banda Singh Bahadur” and Japji: Meditation in Sikhism. The point is his path, at least, intersects that of Yogi Bhajan. I know nothing of the particular tools taught by Swami Rama except that he is in the Raja tradition. Well it just so happens that Guru Ram Das (born on September 24, 1534) sits on the throne of the Raja Yoga Tradition. Yogi Bhajan’s personal saint is Guru Ram Da ...   read more

UR Along 4The Ride, Babe!   19 y  
If We are One and One in God, as God's beloved Creators- Then there is no difference in our Will and the Will of God- They are one in the Same
Ahh, so many freak outs, so little time! (Or some such drivel.) Life happens and we’re along for the ride. The knowledge we experience is rarely forgotten, only put on hold. We’re still blessed but maya’s got us by the throat, (not by the heart) and so we proceed for a time along one path while casting sidelong glances at one we’ve only neglected, not denied. The time comes and we’re ready or not. God’s will, our will? Who’s to make the determination when there is NO difference between the two ... if only we’ll realize it. Sat Nam.   visit the page

Interrupting 40-day Sadhana   19 y  
So, Now, do I need to do a new forty days starting from last Monday, or am I in the home stretch? I guess it could be day 28-only 12 days to go! I don't mind doing the whole 40 days consecutively..
Karta Purkh is right: don’t get bogged down by numbers of consecutive days as everything is a process. On the other end then I understand anyone asking: well why do they say to do it for 40 consecutive days? And that’s important too! When you do something for a number of days in a row you slowly change your habit and master a different habit hopefully healthier. Missing a day in a sequence of consecutive days will have an effect on how soon your habits will start changing. The reason why you missed a day has an effect too. For instance: Did you fall back on old habits? There are s ...   read more

Senses & their Chakras   19 y  
I remember making love and I tasted sweetness on the back and sides of my tongue and then into my saliva,..I had never experienced this before this young man and the love I felt for him evoked this physical response. I never consciously realized it, but I spend time in the 3rd eye while making love! This instinct was true before I knew what the 3rd eye was...Instinct and Intuition aligned. Wha Laaa! Magic
my recollection smell corresponds to the 1st. chakra. Taste relates to the 2nd. chakra. Sight to the 3rd. chakra. Touch to the 4th chakra and hearing to the 5th chakra. (I hope I remembered this correctly) Different tastes and smells will be indicative of particular states of mind or of different emotions. I understand a metallic taste in the mouth would speak of a fear. Sweetness is, more or less, what we’re all after. It’s been called, poetically, ”Amrit”, ”Nectar” and indicates a level of Ojas. I am intrigued by this burning, sage like odor you are experiencing. Sage is kind of ...   read more

KY & Dizziness- Waz UP?   19 y  
There is much purification going on when we first begin the practice of kundalini yoga...Dizziness can signal the cleansing of the bodys filtering organs
Sat Nam ... still new to KY. You have so many wonderful answers to our questions. When I do the neck/chin lock, I experience a sensation of coldness in a triangular form across my chest and become slightly dizzy afterward. What does this mean? I want to be careful and not cause any harm. ”Course the Chi, Move the Blood”. In a nutshell this is what Chinese medicine, and many other systems of healing/wellness, is a about. Oftentimes when energy flows where it hasn’t freely done so in the past (stagnation), there will be some ”purification”. The chances are y ...   read more

warriors tension release   19 y  
This is One of MY Favorites. The Warriors who are unable to War can release aggression in more suitable ways...before this energy of emotion becomes stuck in the ether...
Become a warrior of great courage. Do each exercise in this series regularly and wholeheartedly, moving with great tension and power as in the practice of a martial art. This endeavor will strengthen the heart and release deep-seated stress. It is designed to ”give you the chance to relax and be you.” It builds within you a victorious personality with ”courage in you, no matter what!” 1. Sit in Easy Pose. Place the right palm on the ground about 6 inches from the body (lA). Extend the left arm to the side, parallel to the ground, and bend the elbow so the palm faces the head (lB). Fir ...   read more

The Turbaned One Speaks   19 y  
I love to Howl at The Moon! Roll my terrible eyes and knash my terrible teeth...And flash my toothy grin!(sic Maurice Sendack!)
INFINITY INSIDE MY SKIN September 15, 2005 By Guru Rattana, Ph.D. The PISCES FULL MOON is September 17 at 7:01 PM PDT and September 18 at 2:01 AM GMT. Full moons are about integrating energies that may appear as opposites, but which are in fact complements. Without Virgo earth energy, practical action and grounding, Pisces energy expresses as spaciness, escapism, illusions and fantasies. Without the Divine connection accessed by Pisces, Virgo obsesses, indulges in neurotic thoughts and creates frustration by attempting to control outcomes. This Full Moon gives us an opportunity t ...   read more

Addiction & spiritual seekers   19 y  
Are those who are addicted or searching for highs in life....Are they searching for God?
I can appreciate what you are saying. But even people who do drugs are searching for something... It’s alright with me. Try helping someone who is totally numb to everything and wants absolutely nothing! If they want drugs all of a sudden it feels like a blessing! You may not feel it now but desiring spiritual progress is like wanting drugs. You’ll always be left wanting, desiring, left unsatisfied... and eventually burned out... Just be with who you are in the moment. Be satisfied with who you are right now. Do yoga to learn more about you right now. Why escape yourself? That’s ...   read more

Osho   19 y  
That's all folks
”The mind can be thinking (flickering) or the mind can be feeling.” -- Osho   visit the page

Pineal Gland, LSD, and Seritonin   19 y  
One of my favorite subjects. I did have such transformative experiences in my Formative years...and such, well, "Out of Sight Man!"..Radical, Bitchen!
Serotonin, LSD, and the Epiphysis (Third Eye) In the last section we described some of the physiology of serotonin, the pineal gland and its synthesis of the hormones serotonin and melatonin. Serotonin is a normal, necessary chemical transmitter of electrical impulses across the synapses (the gaps between nerve cell bodies). It is intriguing to find that certain hallucinogens have the same chemical skeletons as serotonin. [29] This really doesn’t surprise neurologicians, for the fact of psychedelically induced psychosis has been known. As mentioned, serotonin is one of the four mai ...   read more

Yes, Day 1 again BUT   19 y  
Want kundalini rising or don't. ***If you are keeping sadhana it will all resolve itself.*** Here is the payoff..That and Guffawing Circle of Initiates...who tenderly tease the new One!
Sat nam This day 1 I am starting soooo much stronger! On Rising Kundalini (Life Force) Energy! How about wanting to feel the presence and consciousness in the spine? How about wanting to feel secure about advancing spiritually? How about wanting to feel spiritual bliss? If wanting to feel the kundalini rising is a motivation for spiritual practise, let it be. It doesn’t necessarily relate to the mundane aspects of ambition. It’s a process with both perks and diversions on the way. I desperately wanted to feel the kundalini rising and I learned a lot about advancing my medit ...   read more

Your Body and U   19 y  
Be in the body my friend, because it is your best friend....
AN INTIMATE RELATIONSHIP WITH YOUR BODY To achieve peace, we must be at peace in our body. To be at peace in our body, we must develop an intimate relationship with our body. An intimate relationship is based on a two-way communication. How do we develop this relationship with our body? First, we must care for and love our body. Second, we must listen to and pay attention to what our body is communicating to us. We can begin by noticing what type of relationship we currently have with our body. How do we feed it? With nourishing food and drink? Do we chew our food so that it ...   read more

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This site will address many of the types and benefits of yoga and to their practitioners more...

Last Activity: 27 mon ago
396 Messages   Last message 18 y ago
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Created: 19 y   Mar 07 2005


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Comments (10 of 126):
Re: I swear to God… nono 16 y
Re: Rescind Recomm… popoe 16 y
Re: Grandaddy of H… popoe 16 y
Edited naturehasallcures 17 y
Where are the Baba… jeleq… 18 y
As I always said- … 9thbo… 18 y
There is a lot of … Kermi… 18 y
This is so correct… kermi… 18 y
Cool! 9thbody 18 y
Thank you for bein… 9thbo… 18 y
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Quantum Intelligensia  18 y  (267)
Spirit of Money, Financial Fl…  18 y  (249)
Leadership  18 y  (67)
BaBaGee Blog  18 y  (16)
Breathwork  19 y  (16)
Desire  18 y  (5)
Sacred Sex  18 y  (4)
Apothegm  18 y  (3)
Breathwork for wholeness  19 y  (3)

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