Re: Hm...couple of weeks raw, now I NEED to do a liver flush! by Zoebess .....
Date: 7/20/2006 12:14:59 AM ( 19 y ago)
Popularity: message viewed 1432 times
Congratulations on your great liver flush! :)
My liver flush was successful too. Not many stones but a few. I got LOTS of something that resembled sunflower seeds. Will have to ask if anyone else knows what that could be. No flukes. I have been zapping VERY consistently so feel that contributed to the strange debris....will do another flush in 2 weeks just to make sure my progress is as good as I think it is. I am including lecithan in my diet and will take Stone Free when it comes as a precautionary measure. I had to order it since no where around where I live has it.
Hmmm...jealousy. My first reaction is to tell you to leave the jealous people to stew in their own juices...ggg. I like people who like me and generally do not run into this sort of behavior. It sounds like a boundary issue on some level and so if you integrate that this is not your problem but that those who are not resonating with you want you to change so THEY feel comfortable, and especially with the hard work you have done to raise your vibration and to improve your life, you know that will not happen. So, stand in your own integrity and plant seeds of compassion within yourself for them.
This can be accomplish in a few ways. One little mantra which my Reiki Master taught me, was/is, "Through me, not to me". This is a nice little protection thoughtform which protects your boundaries and still allows you to interact and be present for whatever comes up for you to learn from or perhaps even teach. You are mirroring/reflecting the benefits of a cleanse which is challenging and so stay in that comfort and allow the others to walk their path. By planting seeds of compassion I mean an active gesture of whenever you feel like you are being hurt by a comment or *feel* the discordance, just send a healing prayer or blessing their way with sincerity and that energy will negate or neutralize the negative thoughtform since the lower resonance will have nothing to combat. Love is very powerful and like many of the other Master Cleanse challenges, the challenge to love yourself enough to change can also include loving others and allowing them to shift as they are forced to face the changes in your relationship with them that your new choices and relationships with food represent. When my brother, who loves me, gets in my face about my choices with cleansing, or food, or lifestyle, I assure him that I am comfortable with my decisions and choices and as long as I stick to my own values, he eventually distills his frustration down to the love that I feel for him and show him.
In the end, you cannot change others, but you can change the way you perceive something or how you feel when others say or react in efforts to affect you or your behavior.
Stand by *your* side and keep the smile and confidence you earned close in hand...ggg.
I congratulate you again for sticking to your choice to go Raw. I am doing well enough here, making another pot of soup, enough to feed twenty! I plan to can or freeze half of it. I am struggling in the heat to keep hydrated so that is one of my main focuses. I have been busy enough that I have to pay SUPER attention to my water. I am not going to do my P&B shakes until after my trip specifically because my body is not acclimated to the shift in water yet.
My tongue is pink though!
I never heard of lasering the meridians....glad it released your HAPPY you!
I found a colon hyrdrotherapist here but seems in Texas you need a prescription to get a session so I will investigate that since I never go to an AMA doctor anymore.
Do check out food combining. There is a lot to it...simple yet like turning your gut into a chemistry lab. I sort of treat eating like making a composting pile. I pay attention to *layering* my food in my intestines so that everything keeps moving and does not put the hurts to me. So far, so good...gggg
One other thing I could recommend to initiate change in your shamanic work would be to do a ritual to *seal* the changes you have initiated. If I were doing it, I would take a purification bath. Sage everything, including you. Then I might write down on paper that which I want to release, and make a ceremonial fire, a small one, if necessary, like in an ashtray or bowl or flower pot. I would burn the paper and release the energy. I would then write on another paper the changes I wish to integrate into my life and put it under my pillow and sleep on it. It seems simple but can be very powerful.
Keep letting me know how it goes for you.
I wish you the best on your path!
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