Re: Ruling - Govt. Agencies & Officials Are “Private Entities”! by snoop4truth .....

Date:   9/15/2019 4:45:50 PM ( 6 y ago)
Popularity:   message viewed 2639 times



DOCUMENT REFLECTING THE HOAX: (This document was compiled by J.R. Butler of and is a transcript of the teachings of Carl Miller from his videos. This document amounts to a "check list" of every legal mistake that amateur legal theorists make about the law, ALL OF WHICH ARE PROVEN FAILURES IN COURT.).

Carl Miller claims to be a "constitutional scholar" who "delights in tying legal prosecutors in knots, often winning the praise and respect from judges" in the process. Miller also claims to be a "highly decorated hero of the Vietnam War" whose unit was the subject of "the famous movie, 'Apocalypse Now' and the best selling book, 'Apache Sunrise'." Further, Miller also claims to have been "inducted into the top secret project, ''Blue Book" and claims to have served under a famous General in "Operation 'Eagle Snatch'." But most importantly, Miller claims to have "studied law for 25 years" and claims to have "a win-loss rate of over 90%" in court". But, none of these claims are so.

Carl Miller's real name is Richard John Champion. "Carl Miller" is an alias which Champion uses to avoid arrest and to prevent his followers from ever learning the truth about him. Champion is actually a MULTI-CONVICTED, WEAPONS-RELATED FELON, a CAREER CRIMINAL and a THREE-TIME HABITUAL OFFENDER. Champion HAS BEEN REPEATEDLY DIAGNOSED WITH A SEVERE MENTAL ILLNESS and was TWICE INVOLUNTARILY-INCARCERATED IN THE YPSILANTI CENTER FOR FORENSIC PSYCHIATRY (a mental institution).

Champion is not a "highly decorated [war] hero". Instead, CHAMPION WAS ACTUALLY "SEPARATED" FROM THE ARMY BECAUSE HE WAS DIAGNOSED AS WITH A SEVERE MENTAL ILLNESS AND DEEMED UNFIT TO EVEN SERVE. (Some "highly decorated [war] hero"). (Champion's act of claiming to be a "highly decorated [war] hero" is itself a federal offense. Further, there is no record of a project "Blue Book" or an "Operation Eagle Snatch" in relation to the Vietnam War. (The REAL Project "Blue Book" actually relates UFOs. And, "Operation Eagle Snatch" is actually a game played with G.I. Joe action figures. BE SURE TO SCROLL DOWN).

Most importantly, Champion knows nothing of the constitution or the law and, therefore, HAS A 100% FAILURE RATE IN COURT WHEN REPRESENTING HIMSELF. (Some "constitutional scholar" who ties "prosecutors in knots" and who wins "praise and respect from judges".).

Carl Miller's real name is "Richard John Champion". The name, "Carl Miller" is his alias, as is "Carl Miller Jackson" and "Carl Michael Jackson", all of which he uses to avoid arrest and to prevent his followers from ever learning the truth about him.

Champion was born on 08-01-1947 in Boulder, Colorado. He is the oldest of seven Champion siblings, including Mary Ann, Thomas, Christopher, John, William and Paul Francis. In 1958, Champion's father passed away when Champion was approximately 11 years old. From 08-01-1962 until 01-15-1962, Champion was involuntarily-hospitalized in Ypsilanti, Michigan for a severe mental illness. That institution has since closed. At that time, Champion was approximately 14 years old. Champion was issued his Social Security card in 1963 in Michigan when he was approximately 15 years old. (Social Security number withheld.). As of 10-07-1969, when Champion was 22 years old, he had never been married. On the same date, military doctors diagnosed Champion with a "behavioral disorder" which they did not regard as severe enough to disqualify him from military service (a decision they would later reverse). It is unclear whether Champion was drafted or joined, but he served in the Army from late in 1969 to 1972 and re-entered the service in 1976. A year later, on 05-24-1977, doctors at the Tripler Army Military Medical Center diagnosed Champion with a SEVERE MENTAL ILLNESS "manifested by underlying hostility, anger, righteousness, rigidity and precipitating stress." On that same date, military doctors "highly advised" that Champion "be separated from the service" and he was. (Some "highly decorated [war] hero".).

At some point between 10-07-1969 and the end of 1973, Champion was married. During 1973, Champion's wife gave birth to a daughter, Sarah A. Champion. In 1975, Champion and his wife were legally divorced. Champion was then approximately 25 years old. Five years later in 1980, when Champion was approximately 33 years old, Champion began a life of crime that continues to this very day. See proof below.

During 1990, Champion was employed by The Chrysler Corporation for 10 months. Champion was then approximately 43 years old. At some point thereafter, Champion was also employed by Modern Engineering Company. Both jobs were located in southeastern Michigan.

At some point, Champion lost touch with his daughter, Sarah. As an young adult, Sarah spent a considerable amount of time and money trying to locate her estranged father. By 10-31-1997 when she was 24 years old, Sarah had actually hired a private investigative firm in Melbourne, Florida (likely where she lived) to locate her estranged father to no avail (likely because Champion was then using the alias, "Carl Miller"). Sarah had also written to the Veteran's Center in Grand Rapids, Michigan seeking his whereabouts to no avail (again likely because Champion was then using the alias "Carl Miller").

By 10-31-1997, Champion was 50 years old and effectively homeless. He often used a Post Office Box in the City Of Warren, Wacomb County, Michigan to receive mail and occasionally stayed with his brother, Paul, in Detroit, Michigan. (Address withheld.). But, Champion spent much of the time living in a "Scottie-type camper trailer" which he pulled behind his 20-year-old Chevy Suburban and which he parked overnight on rural properties owned by members of a "militia" group with whom he shared anti-government views and an interest in exotic firearms and weapons. (Address withheld.).

Champion is currently 72 years old and 5' 9" or 5' 10" tall. His weigh fluctuates between 204 and 230 pounds. Champion lives in (or recently lived in) the City Of Warren, Macomb County, Michigan in area codes 48089-4781, 48091-2043 and 48042-4039. (Addresses withheld.).

(1). 11-17-1980. Macomb Co. Case no. 1980-001432-FY. Champion was arrested and charged with CARRYING CONCEALED WEAPONS, consisting of a handgun, a knife and "karate sticks" (a FELONY). Champion asked to represent himself. Before ruling on that question, the judge sought to determine whether Champion was even legally competent to make the decision to represent himself. So, the judge ordered Champion to undergo a psychiatric examination. Champion apparently failed the examination, because the court nevertheless appointed an attorney to represent Champion and that attorney actually won the case at trial (likely on the grounds that Champion, being mentally ill, did not have the necessary "intent" to commit the crime). Note that Champion can in no way take credit for the victory of his court-appointed attorney (with whom Champion fought tooth and nail). On 06-30-1982, the case was closed.

(2). 04-03-1983. Macomb Co. Case no. 1983-000384-AR. This case is truly hard to believe. Despite that his court-appointed attorney "WON" the case for him at the trial court (the case directly above in #1), Champion was extremely dissatisfied and actually appealed his own acquittal and sought the reversal of his own attorney's "VICTORY" in that case (likely because his attorney used Champion's mental illness as a defense or because the attorney did not use amateur legal theories in winning the case, such as "strawman", "flesh and blood", "split personality", no "consent to jurisdiction", "capital letters", "admiralty", imaginary constitutional violations, etc.). On 9-27-1984, the appellate court dismissed Champion's appeal and remanded the "case" back to the trial court (threw it out of the appellate court). After this remand, nothing else occurred in the "case". The very fact that Champion would actually appeal his own acquittal and actually seek the reversal of a case that his own court-appointed attorney had already WON for him reflects that Champion was truly mentally ill indeed. A TOTAL LOSS.

(3). 08-04-1993. Federal Bureau Of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. Investigation No. 33612-93-3033-U. Federal authorities found Champion's Ford "Step Van" abandoned. When they searched the vehicle, they found : (1) a Ruger, Model 10-22, .22 caliber Carbine military rifle with scope and silencer; (2) a U.S. Carbine M-1, .30 caliber military rifle; (3) EIGHT (8) "Pine Cone" HAND GRENADES; and (4) TWO (2) M-80 Explosive Devices. As a result, the ATF Detroit Office (not the federal prosecutor's office) recommended that a federal warrant be issued for Champion's arrest. NOT YET A CASE. .

(4). 08-17-1993 (later re-filed on 12-20-1994). US v. Champion. Warrant no. 2:1993-mi-80834. Pursuant to the foregoing federal arrest warrant (#3 above), Champion was arrested for POSSESSION OF AN UNREGISTERED MACHINE GUN, POSSESSION OF A SILENCER and POSSESSION OF AN EXPLOSIVE DEVICE. NOT YET A CASE.

(5). 9-15-1994. Federal District Court For The Eastern District Of Michigan. In this case, Champion hired a lawyer and sued Burger King for a personal injury (ex: "slip-n-fall", "food poisoning", etc.). Champion's lawyer filed the case in federal court because of "diversity of citizenship" between Champion and Burger King (meaning that each party was a resident of a different state). But, on 11-01-1994, the federal judge remanded the case to state court (likely because there was no real "diversity of citizenship" between Champion and Burger King or because the amount in controversy did not meet the federal minimum requirements for federal "diversity" jurisdiction). The case was not litigated further and the state court judge "terminated" it on 10-26-1994. A TOTAL LOSS

(6). 11-20-1994. Fraser Police Department. Incident Report Nos. 409-8982-94. 949210. 9011-201994. The Fraser Police arrested Champion and charged him with FIVE (5) COUNTS OF CARRYING CONCEALED WEAPONS IN A MOTOR VEHICLE. At the time of his arrest, Fraser Police found handguns in Champion's car and one additional "COCKED, LOADED HANDGUN" WHICH CHAMPION HAD BEEN CARRYING AND CONCEALING "IN HIS CROTCH AREA". Police also found five (5) handcuff keys on Champion (meaning that elsewhere Champion possessed FIVE (5) HANDCUFFS, presumably for his PRISONERS or HOSTAGES). NOT YET A CASE.

(7). 12-08-1994. Macomb Co. Case no. 1994-002866-FH. Champion was charged with FIVE counts of CARRYING CONCEALED WEAPONS IN A MOTOR VEHICLE (four (4) firearms and one switchblade). Champion asked to represent himself. So, the court ordered Champion to undergo a psychiatric examination to determine whether he was competent enough to make the decision to represent himself. The psychiatrist determined Champion was at least competent enough to make the decision to represent himself (not competent enough to actually represent himself). So, the court allowed Champion to represent himself. On 12-06-1995, WHILE CHAMPION WAS REPRESENTING HIMSELF, A JURY FOUND CHAMPION "GUILTY" ON ALL FIVE COUNTS, A TOTAL LOSS. FOUR OF WHICH WERE FELONIES. On 01-10-1996, the court sentenced Champion to FIVE YEARS PROBATION, conditioned on him NOT POSSESSING WEAPONS DURING THAT ENTIRE PERIOD and paying the costs of his probation. A TOTAL LOSS.

Unfortunately by 12-26-1997, Champion had violated his probation (failure to pay) and the judge issued a bench warrant and had him arrested. But, then Champion paid what he owed and was released from jail. By 06-08-1999, Champion had again violated his probation (failure to pay) and again the judge issued a bench warrant and had him arrested. But again, Champion paid what he owed and was again released from jail. On 05-16-2005, Champion was arrested again. But this time, Champion was arrested for POSSESSION OF WEAPONS AS A CONVICTED FELON. Apparently, due to Champion's mental illness, the court appointed an attorney to represent him in the POSSESSION OF FIREARMS AS A CONVICTED FELON portion of the case. But, after discussing defense strategy with Champion, the attorney moved to withdraw as Champion's attorney (likely because the attorney sought to use Champion's mental illness as a defense or because the attorney refused to use amateur legal theories in his defense, "strawman", "flesh and blood", "split personality", no "consent to jurisdiction", "capital letters", "admiralty", imaginary constitutional violations, etc.). The court granted the attorney's motion to withdraw. On 07-07-2005, WHILE REPRESENTING HIMSELF, CHAMPION ACTUALLY PLEAD GUILTY to POSSESSION OF FIREARMS AS A CONVICTED FELON and WAS AGAIN SENTENCED TO FIVE [5] MORE YEARS PROBATION CONDITIONED ON HIM NOT POSSESSING ANY WEAPONS FOR THAT ENTIRE PERIOD. A TOTAL LOSS. Note that despite that VIOLATIONS OF PROBATION and POSSESSION OF WEAPONS AS A CONVICTED FELON are new and separate crimes, all three of these ADDITIONAL VIOLATIONS are FILED TOGETHER IN THIS SAME CASE. A TOTAL LOSS.

(8). 12-15-1995. US v. Champion. Case no. 2:1993-cr-80834. The underlying facts of this case are described in #2 and #3 above. The information in this paragraph was found on "Federal Criminal Docket Search", but this case does not appear on (the official federal government docket/case website). No further documents were found from any source. This strongly suggests that federal prosecutors never actually filed an indictment or information against Champion in this case. Regardless, this case was closed on 12-15-1995, eight (8) years after Champion's arrest. This "closing" is likely a reference to an act by the ATF itself and not an act by the federal courts. No other information is available about this case from any source. NOT A CASE FILED IN ANY COURT.

(9). 10-28-1997 Hillsdale Co. Hillsdale County issued an arrest warrant for Champion for OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE (a 5 year FELONY) and for RESISTING AND OBSTRUCTING AN OFFICER (a 2 year Misdemeanor). NOT YET A CASE.

Michigan State Police were searching for Paul David Darland, A FUGITIVE CHARGED WITH THE MURDER OF A FELLOW MILITIA MEMBER.;
Champion was a well-known associate of Darland who provided Darland with legal advice and legal assistance. But when police interviewed Champion about Darland, Champion denied knowing Darland and denied knowing his whereabouts. (These denials resulted in the OBSTRUCTION charges immediately above in #9.). Regardless, thereafter, police secretly followed Champion in the hopes that he would unwittingly lead them to Darland. NOT YET A CASE.

(10). 10-31-1997. On 10-31-1997, after several days of following Champion and after obtaining a search warrant, police raided the rural property of a militia member on whose property Champion lived in his "Scotty-Type Trailer". (Note that this was not Darland's property and Darland was not there at the time.). In Champion's trailer, police found: (1) a Chinese Norinco assault-type rifle, semi-automatic, 7.62 caliber; (2) an MKI long-branch, bolt-action rifle with scope, 7.62 caliber; (3) a Winchester 30-30 rifle, Ranger model; (4) a Mossberg Model 500A, 12 gauge shotgun, pump-action; (5) a Savage Arms, Model 67-E, 410 gauge, single-action shotgun with camouflaged fabric case; (6) a Dana Model 45 pellet rifle, caliber 5.05/20; (7) a Springfield 12 gauge double-barrel with sawed-off barrels and stock; (8) a Chinese made black nylon stock rifle, unknown manufacturer; (9) a Ruger .22 caliber rifle with scope, Model 10/22; (10) an Ejercito Argentine Colt .45 caliber handgun with black holster along with several large foot locker boxes of ammunition. NOT YET A CASE.

(11). 12-26-1997. Wacomb Co. 199712261601. Warrant no. 942866FH. NOTE THAT THIS IS NOT A DUPLICATE OF ANY OF THE CHARGES IN THE PROCEEDING CASES. A Wacomb County judge issued an arrest warrant for Champion's arrest for CARRYING A CONCEALED WEAPON. NOT YET A CASE.

(12). 12-26-1997. NOTE THAT THIS IS NOT A DUPLICATE OF ANY OF THE CHARGES IN THE PROCEEDING CASES. Pursuant to the warrant directly above (#11), the Mt. Clemons Police Department arrested Champion for CARRYING A CONCEALED WEAPON. For reasons that are not clear, this warrant and this arrest did not result in an actual case being filed in court. We have been unable to locate further records on this case. NOT YET A CASE.

(13). 01-09-1998. As a result weapons found inside Champion's "Scotty-Type" trailer during the raid above (# 10 above) . St. Clair County recommended that a FELONY warrant be issued for Champion's arrest for POSSESSION OF FIREARMS BY A CONVICTED FELON (a 5 year FELONY), POSSESSION OF AN ILLEGAL WEAPON (a 2 year FELONY) and COMMITTING A CRIME AS A HABITUAL OFFENDER - SECOND OFFENSE (a FELONY). NOT YET A CASE.

(14). 01-26-1998. Pursuant to the warrant issued directly above (#13), St. Clair County arrested Champion for POSSESSION OF FIREARMS BY A CONVICTED FELON (a 5 year FELONY) and POSSESSION OF AN ILLEGAL WEAPON (a 2 year FELONY). At the time of his arrest, Champion was in possession of (1) a Mossberg .12 gauge pump-action shotgun, Model 855; (2) a .30 caliber M-1 Carbine military rifle made by Inland manufacturing; (3) a Chinese bolt-action rifle; (4) an AKS 7.62 assault rifle manufactured by PolyTech; (5) a MAK90 Norinco Sporter 7.62 caliber rifle; (6) a .12 gauge New England single-shot shotgun, Pardner Model SB; (7) a Auto Ordinance Corporation, Model 1911A1 U.S. Army .45 caliber handgun, BSA; (8) S&W Model SW40C, BSA .40 caliber handgun; (9) a S7W Model 64-3m SSR, 6 shot handgun; (10) a Ruger .45 caliber, new Model Blackhawk handgun, BSR; (11) a S&W Model 14-3, 38 caliber, 6 shot handgun; (12) a Browning .22 caliber BSA rifle; and (13) a Remington Model 1100, .12 gauge automatic shotgun. NOT YET A CASE.

(15). 03-04-1998. On 03-04-1998, the underlying case (#10, #13 above) was filed against Champion in the Circuit Court For St. Clair Co. Case no. 98-00753-FH. On 05-28-1999. Champion was CONVICTED IN A JURY TRIAL FOR POSSESSION OF FIREARMS BY A CONVICTED FELON (a 5 year FELONY) and POSSESSION OF AN ILLEGAL WEAPON (a 2 year FELONY). Sentence unknown. I have been unable to locate more information on this case. A TOTAL LOSS.

(16). 08-11-2004. Monroe Co. NOTE THAT THIS IS NOT A DUPLICATE OF ANY OF THE CHARGES IN THE PROCEEDING CASES. On 08-11-2004, Monroe Sheriff arrested Champion and charged him with SEVEN (7) COUNTS, five counts of CARRYING CONCEALED WEAPONS, one count of POSSESSING WEAPONS AS A CONVICTED FELON and one count of POSSESSION OF AN ILLEGAL WEAPON. Champion's lawyer negotiated a plea deal whereby Champion would plead "NO CONTEST" (treated as a "GUILTY" PLEA) TO THE FIRST TWO COUNTS on the condition that the state would drop all remaining charges INCLUDING THE CHARGE HABITUAL OFFENDER THIRD OFFENSE CHARGE. On 11-10-2004, CHAMPION PLEAD "NO CONTEST" TO POSSESSION OF FIREARMS AS A CONVICTED FELON (TREATED AS A "GUILTY" PLEA), WAS CONVICTED AND WAS SENTENCED TO JAIL. A TOTAL LOSS.

(17). 11-15-2004. Macomb Co. 2004-182304-CA. While Champion was serving jail time for POSSESSION WEAPONS AS A CONVICTED FELON (#16 directly above), the State Of Michigan DIAGNOSED CHAMPION WITH A MENTAL ILLNESS AND (ACCORDING TO CHAMPION) INSTITUTIONALIZED HIM IN THE YPSILANTI CENTER FOR FORENSIC PSYCHIATRY. But, there is some indication that this particular institution was closed in 1991. Regardless, Champion was institutionalized in some mental institution in southern Michigan. While there, Champion would also be on powerful medication which would render him "incoherent". Further while there, Champion would have no access to mail, telephones, fax machines, computers or any other means of communication. As a result, Champion was, at least temporarily, unable to manage his own financial and legal affairs. So, the State Of Michigan sought to have a conservator appointed, at least temporarily, to handle Champions financial and legal affairs for him. The judge agreed and on 01-20-2005 appointed a conservator to handle Champion's financial and legal affairs. A TOTAL LOSS. A year and a half later on 6-19-2006, because such was apparently a temporary measure or because Champion had been discharged from the Center For Forensic Psychiatry (# 23 below), the judge discharged the conservator and closed the case. Further details are not available.

(18). 12-01-2004. Federal District Court For the Eastern District Of Michigan. Champion v. Meyer. 2:2004cv74693-VAR-MKM. WHILE CHAMPION WAS INVOLUNTARILY-INCARCERATED IN THE YPSILANTI CENTER FOR FORENSIC PSYCHIATRY FOR HIS MENTAL ILLNESS, Champion filed a frivolous, handwritten lawsuit in federal court against a government official who he blamed for his conviction and for the imaginary violations of his imaginary legal rights.
CHAMPION’S WRITINGS IN THIS CASE ARE A “MUST READ”! The judge dismissed the case (threw it out of court) on 12-21-2004, less than three weeks later. A TOTAL LOSS.

(19). 12-06-2004. Washtenaw County Court. Case no. 04-001263-AZ. Dean S. Hazel and Richard John Champion v. William Meyer (Gov't official). WHILE CHAMPION WAS INVOLUNTARILY-INCARCERATED IN THE YPSILANTI CENTER FOR FORENSIC PSYCHIATRY FOR HIS MENTAL ILLNESS, Champion and a fellow patient filed a frivolous, handwritten lawsuit in state court against the same government official who Champion had already sued in federal court for the imaginary violations of their imaginary legal rights.
On 04-27-2005, the judge unceremoniously dismissed the case (threw it out of court) without Champion even having effectuated service on the defendant. A TOTAL LOSS.

(20). 12-13-2004. Richard John Champion v. Center For Forensic Psychiatry, Case no. 259667. When the Washtenaw County judge dismissed (threw out) Champion's frivolous lawsuit against William Meyer above (#19), AND WHILE CHAMPION WAS INVOLUNTARILY-INCARCERATED IN THE YPSILANTI CENTER FOR FORENSIC PSYCHIATRY FOR HIS MENTAL ILLNESS,Champion filed an appeal of that TOTAL LOSS in the Michigan Court Of Appeals. But, instead of filing an appeal, Champion purported to file a lawsuit against the Ypsilanti Center For Forensic Psychiatry in the Michigan Court Or Appeals, which does not handle lawsuits (it only handles APPEALS, something entirely different from lawsuits). Champion styled his lawsuit a "complaint for habeas corpus" (means "show me the body [the elements] of the crime"). This type of action does not apply to patients suing mental institutions. It only applies as a defense in a criminal case before conviction. To make matters worse, Champion filed it in the wrong court. The Court Of Appeals dismissed the "appeal". A TOTAL LOSS.

(21). 12-22-2004. Federal District Court For the Eastern District Of Michigan. Champion v. Monroe County, et al. 2:04-cv-74694-GER-MKM. The day after the federal judge dismissed (threw out) Champion's federal court lawsuit against Meyer for the imaginary violations of his imaginary legal rights above (and WHILE CHAMPION WAS INVOLUNTARILY-INCARCERATED IN THE YPSILANTI CENTER FOR FORENSIC PSYCHIATRY FOR HIS MENTAL ILLNESS), Champion filed in federal court an identical lawsuit to the one that the federal court had just dismissed (thrown out of court). But this time, Champion named dozens of OTHER government officials for the same imaginary violations of the same imaginary legal rights. Not surprisingly, five weeks later on 01-31-2005, the judge also unceremoniously dismissed this case (threw it out of court). A TOTAL LOSS.

(22). 03-14-2005. Champion was released from the (Ypsilanti) Center For Forensic Psychiatry. Note that the “Center For Forensic Psychiatry” may be the successor to the Ypsilanti Center For Forensic Psychiatry”.,5885,7-339-71550_2941_4868_4896_92486-495570--,00.html. Note that the source for this information was an entry dated 03-14-2005 in the court file index in Richard John Champion v. Center For Forensic Psychiatry. Case no. 259667. Champion had been involuntarily incarcerated in the (Ypsilanti) Center For Forensic Psychiatry since 11-10-2004. Thus, Champion was incarcerated in the center for a little over 4 months this particular time. When released from the mental institution, Champion was 57 years of age. Champion may have been released from the mental institution only to go back to jail to finish the remainder of the sentence imposed on him in case # 16 above. The records I have do not say whether Champion was released to jail or released to civilian life. NOT A CASE.

(23). 04-27-2005. The Michigan Court of Appeals closed "Richard John Champion v. Center For Forensic Psychiatry" (because Champion had already been released from the mental institution in # 22 above). NOT A CASE.

(24). 05-13-2005. Macomb County Sheriff. 200505131747. NOTE THAT THIS IS NOT A DUPLICATE OF ANY OF THE CHARGES IN THE PROCEEDING CASES. Police arrested Champion in the City of Roseville and charged him with CARRYING CONCEALED WEAPONS. On 05-22-2005, Champion was CONVICTED AND SENTENCED. The sentence is unknown. Further, details are not available. A TOTAL LOSS.

(25) 2009. Beginning in 2009 when Champion was approximately 62 years old, Champion began producing a series of YouTube videos wherein he pretended to be "Carl Miller" and a "highly decorated hero of the Vietnam War". In his videos, Champion also pretended to be a "constitutional scholar" and claimed to have an in-court "win-loss rate of 92%". NOT A CASE.

Shortly thereafter, a follower of Champion assembled Champion's video teachings into a book. The book amounts to a collection of every mistake that amateur legal theorists get wrong about the law ALL OF WHICH ARE PROVEN FAILURES IN COURT. That book is posted at the top of this expose'. NOT A CASE.

Contrary to the claims of Richard John Champion, he is not really "Carl Miller", an alias he uses to avoid arrest and to prevent his followers from ever learning the truth about him. Contrary to the claims of Richard John Champion, he is not really a "highly decorated hero of the Vietnam War", his unit was not the subject of "the famous movie, Apocalypse Now" or the best-selling book "Apache Sunrise". Contrary to the claims of Richard John Champion, he was never "inducted into the top secret project, 'Blue Book'" and never served under a famous general in "Operation Eagle Snatch". Contrary to the claims of Richard John Champion, he is not a "constitutional scholar" who "delights in tying legal prosecutors in knots, often winning the praise and respect from judges" in the process. Most importantly, Richard John Champion never "studied law for 25 years" and never "ha[d] a win-loss rate of 92%".

Snoop4truth is a legal expert and whistle blower who exposes online hoaxes. Snoop4truth did not reveal this information to harm Richard John Champion. Instead, Snoop4truth revealed this information solely to reduce the CATASTROPHIC DAMAGE that such intentional fraud inflicts upon the American people every single day. Had it not been for Richard Champion's role in the "Carl Miller Hoax", Snoop4truth would not have revealed this information here.

The message to all charlatans and hoaxers? Just tell the truth. The truth does not fear investigation. Only lies fear investigation. The truth can be supported by using the truth. Only lies must be supported by using hoaxes (other lies). There is no such thing as a "good reason" to intentionally defraud the American people, not even to make a popular (and sensational) amateur legal theory appear to be true.

For the hoaxes of DEBORAH TAVARES, click here.

For the hoaxes of ROD CLASS, click here.

For the hoaxes of EDDIE CRAIG, click here.


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