Date: 10/7/2009 8:07:09 AM ( 16 y ago)
Popularity: message viewed 3316 times
I have used so many of those strategies to avoid being mugged... I would add avoid eye contact with strangers lurking about... Many people who are looking to mug someone, (who are not psychopaths)will often try to engage the person they are targeting to get a negative response from them that will make them feel like they deserve to be mugged. Keeping aware of a predator but not making eye contact will often make a predator choose another target...
Carrying a whistle and using it in case of an attack will also make an attacker feel that he is in danger of being noticed.
Screaming "Fire" is another way to attract help when one is being attacked. Many people will just ignore a call of help... because they don't want to get involved, but most everyone will respond to a fire... A primal instinct...
Sit with your back to a wall... or sit where there is no one behind you... so you can observe those who might be preparing to sneak up behind you...
Walk assertively... like you said... with deliberate steps...
If you ever are engaged in a conversation with a deranged, intoxicated, or high person, be nice but disengage as quickly as you can...
If someone is knocking on the door, make sure to check...
I know this seems contrary to popular belief but bad guys love lighted houses... it helps them to break into homes... I use exterior lights only when I am going out to my vehicle...
Check your back seat before you enter your car...
If someone tries to take your car from you and you can escape... don't stop...
If you are muugged... give the person your wallet quickly to avoid a potential serious injury... Is a lifetime of chronic pain or a serious injury worth money?
Havea cell phone in your hand while walking... call 9-11 and say outloud... "I have called 9-11."
If a home invader comes into your house, they wlll rarely genter a closed door for fear of what may be behind the door... If you are alone close and blockade the door... call the police... If the intruder tries to enter anyway... open a window and scream "Fire!" If you can exit a window and get help then you can go to other family members windows and help them escape as well... Breaking windows can also alarm neighbors... and get someone to call 9-11.
If you have family members who might be in danger... tell the intruder you have called 9-11 and please leave the house... in a firm clear voice... then close and lock the door behind you...
There are so many non-violent ways to avoid inuring or being injured... but you are right... The sooner you can make an escape attempt the more likey you are to survive...
If all else fails, act insane and say crazy unrelated things... This can distract a potential attacker and give you a chance to escape...
Good tips there kerminator... I drove a cab for several month when I was laid off... and being nice but firm was the key deterents that kept me from being attacked...
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