Re: FYI Electric Truck by kerminator .....

Date:   12/9/2007 4:10:13 PM ( 17 y ago)
Popularity:   message viewed 1816 times

Thanks for your reply;  I agree that California has been on the fore front of development on the energy front... 

As an Electrical Engineer, having worked with major power systems, for over thirty years; we must remember that there are always supposedly easy decisions and then those that are practical or affordable under the circumstances...   While I can not answer every situation, let me pass this energy wisdom along...  

First;  most of the easy Hydro-electric sites in the world have been developed, and they only amount to a few per cent of the worlds needs or useage...  Wind and solar can only be used in select geographical locations...  Calif has some good installations... Depending on who's numbers you use; we are now talking about 10 to 15% of the world power useage...   Again many of the easy sites have been used...  Now it becomes more of a challenge, in both time and money...

This still leaves us with the present situation majority of electrical energy is from Fossil fuels... The only bright spot is Nuclear; which by the way has proven the best over all source...  Having said all that; here is the main objection to the Electric cars... First battery plants are made mainly with lead, and acid or another dangerous elements...   Plus the actual battery plant is expensive, heavy and has limited time(range) for use...   Then even if you operate an electrical car, most times you are only transferring the pollution from your house or street to a fossil fuel power plant some where in the country...  So much of this argument is just where you want the  pollution; not really doing away with it altogether...  HUH!!

If you are confused or need further info on this google the net or get back so I can help you understand where the real truth is...   

I think if we were almost 90% Nuclear; and we had better cheaper battery plants then Electric Vehicles would be the total answer...  Maybe we can work toward that day, or some thing close which could help with the over all pollution picture... 

BTW: I think the the so called " Carbon Credits" are a farce and just an attempt to make some people feel better about waste and polution... 

So now we get back to the bulk of the Energy question...   Ask and we will help you understand the total truth... 


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