Re: I am not sure any of us here on this earth really understand !! by kerminator .....

Date:   8/10/2007 8:11:49 PM ( 18 y ago)
Popularity:   message viewed 2637 times

Lady: your Blog really rocks...

Sorry to be so late on this reply, but have been down on the coast; this past week... Maybe I can catch up on where we were...  Well we will get back to some of the how and Y's of life and GOD!!   This is not a know it all view; just some wisdom collected over the years...   

The obvious if you really think about it;  This that why we were all given "Free Will" to use; other wise if GOD intervened every time something did go a certain way  or other...  Then there would not be any free will or personal decisions made by us human mortals on this earth!!  DUH!!  

But since we have  the, i.e.: Devil, Satan, Boogie Man, or just the bad guys; which are the opposition in all things;  Then they would have  complete control and we humans would be Meir "Robots"....  HUH!!  You can see that folks??  

Now where does that leave us??  Well it is either total domination as directed by the 'Devil" or a life of "Free Agency" as allowed by " GOD" ; so we can decide who we would like to follow...  Believe me; we will follow one or the other!!  So as you can see the real problem is to try and not fall under the realm of the Opposition or Devil; who has many tricks or stuff to enslave people....  i.e. Gambling, Dope, uncontrolled sexua| behavior, meanness, murder, robbery, rape, on and on etc...  

Hopefully you can get the BIG PICTURE here; folks...   BTW: I could not have made this up; even if I wanted to folks... HUH!!   If you believe otherwise then stop reading this;  because you do not have a prayer of ever understanding what is going on in this world or the ETERNITY to come...  I feel sorry because you are truly mislead and/or lost...

Now I will continue to discuss what I have learned about this world and our part in it on my web site @   That way I will not cause too much discontent here on CZ blogs...   My book a novel; based on an adventure - mystery book { With some serious views on our pathway of Life.} should be out this fall...  ( Everyone should plan to get several copies to help my retirement fund! :-)  

It will contain the Quest of the "Spirit Warrior"....  Enough of the unpaid spots; really I will be getting down to the more elementary things of life!!   

Sorry that I can not make it more simple;  but this has been going on for ages...  

Thanks Lady:  Keep up the "Cool Blog" with all the diversity and variety of replies...   

See Ya... Kermit    


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