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Blog: Pharma Watch
by Lapis

38 blog entries; 17 entries per page; 1 pages; viewed 472,960 times
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  • Pharma Watch by Lapis
    • Cancer Cure Supressed by Lapis  15 y
      • Dr Kelley = focus and commitment   by  #21277     18 y     2,653
      • Is there More?   by  #42412     18 y     3,696
      • Re: Cancer Cure Supressed   by  #101178     16 y     2,685
      • Re: Cancer Cure Supressed   by  earthwriter     15 y     3,275
        Subject:   Re: Cancer Cure Supressed
        Username:   earthwriter     contact earthwriter
        Date:   5/15/2009 1:24:21 PM   ( 15 y ago )
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        Size: 4984 char.   URL:   http://www.curezone.org/blogs/c/fm.asp?i=1419686
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        This is NOT my avatar. This is just randomly assigned image, until I upload my own avatar. Click here to see my profile.

        There is little doubt that the establishment has it's own agenda call it what you will NWO Illuminati etc. Nevertheless there is an issue that needs our attention immediately, please see below.
        God Bless

        This is the most appalling yet! A MN county Judge has ruled that a 13 year old cancer patient whose parents want to treat him with "alternative medicine" must seek conventional medical treatment for their son. This has widespread repercussions for all of us who advocate natural healing over Big Pharma Poisons! This ruling can not stand it must be challenged, it must be appealed to the highest court. This is the final straw, if they succeed with this one they will kill all of us! This must be a call to arms, a rally cry for names like Dr. Lorraine Day "Cancer Doesn't Scare Me" Dr. Gary Null, Dr. Neal Barnard and the PCRM http://www.pcrm.org,
        Dr. Andrew Weil, Dr. Leonard Horowitz, Investigator Jon Rappaport "pharmaceutical cartel is a "greed machine," that in the name of profit seeks to manage rather than cure diseases", John Robbins Reclaiming Your Health, Dr. Richard DeAndrea, Dr. Mercola, Bernard Jensen, Bernie Siegel Doreen Virtue, Ph.D, George Noory Coast To Coast Talk show host. Talk show host Alex Jones, Suzy Cohen N.D., Deborah King. These and many more are our champions and we must summon our courage to contact them and ask them to rally around this cause, for if we don't not only will time run out for this young boy but for our choice to elect to not harm our bodies with these so-called cures!

        Daniel Hauser was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma and stopped chemotherapy in February after a single treatment. He and his parents opted instead for “alternative medicines” based on their religious beliefs. Colleen Hauser told the New Ulm Journal newspaper that the family's Catholicism and adherence to the Nemenhah Band are not in conflict, and that she has used natural remedies to treat illness.

        Daniel, one of eight children, has asserted that treatment would violate his religious beliefs. The teenager filed an affidavit saying that he is a medicine man and church elder in the Nemenhah, an American Indian religious organization that his parents joined 18 years ago (though they don't claim to be Indians).

        "I am opposed to chemotherapy because it is self-destructive and poisonous," he told the court. "I want to live a virtuous life, in the eyes of my creator, not just a long life." He also filed a "spiritual path declaration" that said: "I am a medicine man. Some times we teach, and some times we perform. Now, I am doing both. I will lead by example."

        Nemenhah was founded in the 1990s by Philip Cloudpiler Landis, who said Thursday he once served four months in prison in Idaho for fraud related to advocating natural remedies.

        Child protection workers accused Daniel's parents of medical neglect; but in court, his mother insisted the boy wouldn't submit to chemotherapy for religious reasons and she said she wouldn't comply if the court orders it.

        Doctors have said Daniel's cancer had up to a 90 percent chance of being cured with chemotherapy and radiation. Without those treatments, doctors said his chances of survival are 5 percent.

        Daniel's parents have been supporting what they say is their son's decision to treat the disease with nutritional supplements and other alternative treatments favored by the Nemenhah Band.

        The Missouri-based religious group believes in natural healing methods advocated by some American Indians.

        After the first chemotherapy treatment, the family said they wanted a second opinion, said Dr. Bruce Bostrom, a pediatric oncologist who recommended Daniel undergo chemotherapy and radiation.

        They later informed him that Daniel would not undergo any more chemotherapy. Bostrom said Daniel's tumor shrunk after the first chemotherapy session, but X-rays show it has grown since he stopped the chemotherapy.

        "My son is not in any medical danger at this point," Colleen Hauser testified at a court hearing last week. She also testified that Daniel is a medicine man and elder in the Nemenhah Band.

        The family's attorney, Calvin Johnson, said Daniel made the decision himself to refuse chemotherapy, but Brown County said he did not have an understanding of what it meant to be a medicine man or an elder.

        Landis said he founded the faith after facing his diagnosis of a cancer similar to Daniel Hauser. He said he treated it with diet choices, visits to a sweat lodge and other natural remedies.

        Make no mistake the powers that be are doing their darndest to make an example out of this young man and the rest of us who refuse their "treatments" they so desperately try to literally shove down our throats!

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