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The Master Cleanse Expression
by Zoebess

11 blog entries; 11 entries per page; 1 pages; viewed 87,644 times
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  • Day 5-6   by  Zoebess     17 y     2,955       3 Messages Shown       Blog: The Master Cleanse Expression

    Yesterday started with my neighbor coming
    to mow the yard at 7 in the morning. I was
    awake, waiting for my SWF to move the earth
    under my feet...ggg. Within a half hour, my
    neighbor was at the side door proudly dangling
    a dead copperhead for me, like a kid showing
    his mom a dead rat. Little did he realize how
    yuck that seemed to me while fasting. It made
    me a little nauseous but fortunately, the poo
    parade began and I quickly forgot the perils
    of life in the country and actually felt sorry
    for the snake. I have lived here for years and
    have never killed a snake yet. I usually call
    the dogs in, give the snake a shower and tell
    them to get moving.

    I listened to the sound of the mower all day.
    He finished at 3 in the afternoon, having
    taken a short lunch break, which he also took
    pleasure in reminding me, if you were eating,
    you could have some of....

    The fresh cut grass smelled good. Like I was
    swimming in a glass of wheatgrass~and the lawn
    really looked nice.

    Finally company came and the evening was full of
    catching up on gossip and me averting my eyes
    whenever I passed the kitchen counter where
    a roast chicken sat cooling and wafting a smell
    to live for. I almost drooled on myself and
    there was fresh broccoli, fruit and cold sweating
    beer. Next month, I murmured to myself, without
    much conviction...ggg.

    I tried to stay up late but a hot bath, a steaming
    cup of Smooth Move, a chapter in my book and I
    was out the door to dreamland...another successful
    day of MCing and more important, not succumbing
    to temptation.

    Today, was a up hill day. I avoided the kitchen
    while breakfast was being made. I did not feel
    strong enough to actually watch company eat. It
    was enough I had to smell the great smells of
    a morning kitchen. Fortunately they made mate and
    not coffee or I may have stumbled. I remember having
    these doubts last year too though. For me, its like
    a loss of self to deny myself what I consider self
    nourishment and nurturing. Of course, I will be fine
    in another week and under the cap of the self-empowered
    I will staunchly refuse all who come bearing food.
    There is no doubt I can do this, but at the moment,
    my willpower is unwillingly doing it...ggg.

    I had to go to town for lemons and was glad to get
    out, having been in the house for too long. I decided
    to get my oil changed and use the time to get a pedicure
    while I waited. That made me feel better that I was not
    taking myself out to lunch. A really nice guy named
    Andy rushed to help me and soon I was sitting in one
    of those fancy dancy chairs which massage you, knead
    you and roll your back as if you were a loaf of bread
    dough. It felt wonderful. Of course, he prettied my toes
    and painted them with "Coral Star" polish. Then he gave
    me an exquisite foot massage and moved up my legs. I
    had naughty thoughts for a moment but told him I hoped
    he did these things for his wife, it felt so good. His
    face lit up and he grinned and said, yes, he did.

    It was over too soon and I was off to the next town
    and the Sam's. My, oh my, how the smells hit my olfactory
    nerve the second I pushed my cart through the door.
    I never remember Sam's smelling so good. I did not look
    at anything but the faces of the women and men thrusting
    morsels of food my way like carnival hawkers. I declined
    politely and each time, kept mentally patting myself on
    the back. Good girl I told myself, feeling more like a
    reluctant puppy. I reminded myself I needed to wait a
    bit longer before I revisited a "museum of food" any
    time soon.

    I surprised myself by feeling so wiped on the way home.
    Finally, some real detox symptoms I could hang my hat on,
    I thought. It was a long drive but at last, I arrived home
    and put everything away. I was glad to see that I would
    have some quiet time and went to hide out in my room, with
    the intention of listening to the news. I woke up a couple
    of hours later, actually glad that I had slipped away since
    I had begun to feel like I was ready to fall into a deep
    hibernation at any moment, and the sleep refreshed me. to play catch up with my lemonades and
    water, visiting and enjoying the day winding down since
    I never really felt I woke up today. My brain fog never
    really lifted totally but I felt glad for a few things...
    that my detox had finally kicked in, and that most
    certainly, I had happy feet~~!

    Sweet dreams~~to those fasting~~


    Reply   FCK   TinyMCE  
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    • fasting and hair question   by  lilly1     17 y     2,623
      Hi Zoe
      I found an old post of yours while browsing fasting and hair loss. I'm on day 12 of my juice fast and I've done two fasts before this one. Each one about 3 months apart and one long one and one 18 day one. I noticed more hair loss after my last fast, then it stopped but my hair had lost a little bit of it's fullness. Now on this fast, I am experiencing hair loss again since a week and I'm worried because I don't want that to go on for the fast and for 1-2 months after. It would be too much hair loss. I mean, I have a good head of long hair but not tons to spare.
      So in your old post, i saw that you lost hair related to your fast. How did that go for you and how is it now? Does exercising and sweating help? Or taking MSM during the fast?
      Reply   FCK   TinyMCE  
      This is NOT me. This is just randomly assigned avatar, until I upload my own photo. Click here to see my profile.
      • Re: fasting and hair question   by  Zoebess     17 y     2,104
        Hi Lily,

        I was one of a few who have experienced
        this issue. Prior to fasting, I was not
        losing hair so it was not something I
        went into fasting with.

        It has happened both of my last fasts
        although the second time it was less
        than the first time.

        My hair loss I feel is due to detoxing
        heavy metals, in particular aluminum
        since I had aluminum poisoning previously
        *off the chart* according to my naturopath.
        I did do a designated detox for this
        previously, as well.

        I went to see someone about the loss which
        had started approximately 8 weeks after my
        fast. I was told that the hair falling out
        had died 8 weeks previous and so that did
        time precisely with the cleanse.

        The good news for me was that it did grow
        back and now my hair is returned to its
        fullness and texture.

        I also modified my second fast to include
        liquid minerals etc. and found that none
        of that made a difference and again, more
        detoxing, more hairloss. Again, I feel this
        is an issue which most do not have.

        I would ask you to consider looking at your
        timing and see what you were doing 7-8
        weeks ago, or what you might be detoxing

        My hair is still healthy and so far is not
        shedding. I almost expect it to do something
        in a few months but am more comfortable this
        time since I know it will grow back better
        and I am better off for having detoxed the

        One thing I did post cleanse last time, was
        to use clay for a month which also pulls out
        metals so I am hoping the work I did post
        cleanse will ensure that this time I have
        an experience more like everyone else has
        with no hairfall.

        Normally, I use the blackstrap molasses for
        added minerals and trace nutrients and also
        only use boar bristle brushes and cut my hair
        regularly. I have used emu oil, coconut oil,
        and castor oil as treatments for my hair and
        find that benefits it.

        Other than those things, I do not know what
        to suggest which may help. Juice fasting
        should not even be as strenuous as MCing
        so perhaps you may consider supplementing
        with the BSM??

        You might also check out some of the suggestions
        from the Earth Clinic site~~

        I wish you the best~~


        Reply   FCK   TinyMCE  
        This is my avatar. Click here to see my profile.
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