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    The Master Cleanse Expression

The Master Cleanse Expression
by Zoebess

11 blog entries; 11 entries per page; 1 pages; viewed 87,643 times
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  • Day 1-2   by  Zoebess     17 y     3,052       2 Messages Shown       Blog: The Master Cleanse Expression

    Yesterday was a good day for the most part.
    I really enjoyed getting back to my alchemy
    in the kitchen and then stowing my bottles
    of amber lemonade in the refrigerator.

    I have company coming though and so this
    necessitated my needing to put away some
    projects I was working on and chasing
    dust bunnies and such. Lots of washing
    of rugs after the week of muddy days and
    our dogs running in and out with wet bodies
    and muddy paws.

    Usually these preparations are nothing but
    doing them the first day of a cleanse and
    also doing chores like feeding the birds
    and telling myself NO as I dole out a nice
    variety of nuts to each of their bowls;
    almonds, pistachios, walnuts, pecans,
    sunflower seed. Then I cut up fruit for
    them, banana, apple, grapes. Each day they
    get peanut butter crackers, (one of my
    favorite), vanilla wafers, peanuts in the
    shell. On the first day of my deprivation,
    I could not quell the whining of my inner
    child, but firmly said no each time. By
    the end of the day when I was dicing up
    some string cheese for them, I was at a
    dangerous point where I was less enthused
    than I usually am. More lemonde I thought~!

    So, sipping more SPICY lemonade made me
    feel better. I had also not given up my
    daily painting of iodine on my body. One
    drop is my big number and I was hoping to
    see some progress since salt loading and
    vitamin C helps the process. I did notice
    that the cloudy dark urine was in the mix
    indicating that I was detoxing bromines
    and such. Still, for the first day, and
    not being sure if my nagging headache was
    not from the iodine, I decided to lay off
    it for a few days until I am over the hump
    of the first week MC symptoms. I will go
    back to it though since I had to get up
    a zillion times it seemed during the night
    to pee and I did not flush each time. In
    the morning the toilet water was the color
    of rust and very cloudy. Proof of iodine-
    inspired detoxing~!

    I ran a hot bath last night and it was the
    highlight of my evening. All the discomfort
    I was feeling melted away as I soaked and
    then lathered my body with my favorite
    Ayurvedic soap, Chandrika. A delicious cup
    of Chocolate Smooth Move and finally, I
    could feel satisfied that I had made it
    through my first Master Cleanse day.

    Before turning the light out, I delighted
    my inner child by placing a happy face sticker
    on the 1st of June, on my calendar.

    Today, day 2, progress continues with my
    preparations for company. More rugs to
    wash and the final vacuuming and washing
    down the floors and dusting. I am feeling
    good about my perseverance in spite of my
    desire to just lay in bed and stare at the
    ceiling or out the window.

    One thing I noticed right away this morning
    was the horrendous smell of the canned dog
    food I have been dishing out each morning
    to our dogs, mixed with kibble. How can they
    eat this stuff?, I thought. It was almost too
    much for my sensitive nose to handle and
    I stepped to the sink a few times with
    dry heaves. Tomorrow I will dose my nose
    with some essential oil first thing in the
    morning~! ;)

    I have upped my cayenne already. Also put
    getting a massage on my wish list...hee hee.
    All the windows are open and I have the CD
    player going, music blaring, playing disc
    jockey for me and the birds. My hand washing
    is hanging out on the line and I feel confident
    that I will get my chores done in time to lay
    out in the sun this afternoon for some healing
    rays. Then I am hoping to settle into a cool
    room for some real weekend R&R. I ordered
    a netflix movie, DREAMGIRLS, and with a
    glass of lemonade in hand, I hope to drift
    into day three hoping the worst may be
    behind me. As I type, I have taken this short
    break to soak my footsies in some epsom
    salt. For me a real headache buster~!

    I wish all those cleansing a healing day~!

    be happy, be well,

    Reply   FCK   TinyMCE  
    This is my avatar. Click here to see my profile.
    • Getting over the hump   by  seunim     17 y     1,808
      It sounds as if things are going well for you so far, despite the first day temptations. As you know, I too struggled the first few days of this cleanse. It's strange as I haven't had issue with this in the past. Hmmm...I wonder if it get more difficult the more cleanses you do. I certainly hope not. Anyway, just wanted to touch base and provide some support. I'm off to do my blog entry for today.

      Be well

      Reply   FCK   TinyMCE  
      This is NOT me. This is just randomly assigned avatar, until I upload my own photo. Click here to see my profile.
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