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Out My Face
by thatzwhytheydie

27 blog entries; 17 entries per page; 1 pages; viewed 139,462 times
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  • serious problems   by  thatzwhytheydie     18 y     3,153       3 Messages Shown       Blog: Out My Face
    People have stopped thinking and joined sides...this is a trend I see progressing and taking hold here in the US, it has been set in motion for some time. I don't talk to that many people over the internet, but I can't tell you how many people have forwarded propaganda emails to me... emails telling of the great things that the US is doing. They imply that while the other nations are turning their backs on the war effort...the good old US is out there to "get some work done." Getting work done though means creating global environmental disaster and conspiring in corporate greed schemes to "secure" the oil reserves. It means the government taking away rights from the citizens, who granted the government the right to even exist. It means sweeping problems caused by corporate greed under the rug, and covering them up with distractions like the need for "security" from some invisible enemy. I say invisible, because you are the enemy...the people. It is quite apparent that this is the case.

    The powerful elite have the loyal supporters of this criminal government chasing their own shadows. The real enemy is our own government officials, the corporate takers, and the bankers who finance it all with a fake currency. The federal reserve prints money out of nowhere, and the bankrupt US government keeps borrowing money to finance things like unjust war. How can we be getting any work done when we are over 8 trillion in debt? A few thousand lost their lives on 09-11-2001, a hundred thousand are killed annually by taking liver toxic medications that have no medicinal value whatsoever. Why waste time hunting down storybook enemies, when there are numerous enemies here at home pedaling garbage to unknowing citizens...for no other reason except that they get away with it.

    There has already been a nuclear war going on for the past 15 years...what is this criminal government trying to prevent in looking for weapons of mass destruction? Depleted uranium (DU) rounds have been used by the US since the first gulf war. These rounds release radioactive particles that will persist in the environment for billions of years, the use of such "weapons of mass destruction" is a war crime.

    It is obvious that the government and corporations are working together, not for the people, but to keep themselves going and in keep industry evolving at the expense of the people. The people granted government power, so the government created corporations to jump over the need for oversight from the people. The government is supposedly busy with the oversight of corporations, the corporations are busy poisoning and brainwashing the people. Oversight is useless when you are policing yourself. When people believe what they are told, or they are too sick to do anything...there is nothing left to do but sit back and collect. There is no need for oversight when nobody seems to know that it is needed. Imagine that.

    There are "patriotic" bumper stickers everywhere, the people that like flaunting such advertisements all too often seem to be driving SUV's or Cadillacs and are "living it up." They are most likely the takers in the corporate greed schemes. Maybe that's what makes people blindly support their government, the lack of need to question it...the lack of need to understand things, like disease. Why understand things, when you can pretend you know everything and refer to people who think differently as nuts.

    Because history does repeat itself, putting blind faith into your government is the last thing you could do that should be called "patriotic." I have lately come to the very chilling realization that, for the most part, only chronic pain sufferers seem to have an understanding of what is actually going on in this country. These are people who come to provide their selves with answers by asking a simple question to everything, why? Look for what motivates people, most of the time it is purely financial reasons. The blind followers are reading up on things to do with bin laden, and talking about the empty and meaningless "issues" like...gas prices, gay marriage, interest rates...or how to spot a terrorist. I feel sorry for these people's existence, and I'm actually embarassed how close I am with so many of them.
    Reply   FCK   TinyMCE  
    This is NOT me. This is just randomly assigned avatar, until I upload my own photo. Click here to see my profile.
    • You put it so well   by  #42412     18 y     2,727
      as depressing as it is, It's also so true. I read a poll on yahoo the other day - something like 67% of americans polled supported singling out "people who appeared to be of Middle Eastern descent" and interrogating them as terrorists.

      Where does that end? When we round them all up and gas them in concentration camps?

      I'm ashamed of the "American People", those people that are supposed to be so patriotic, so in favor of the good ole' constitution.

      It's good to know that at least a few people out there see the truth behind the propaganda,.
      Reply   FCK   TinyMCE  
      • Re: You put it so well   by  thatzwhytheydie     18 y     2,329
        Thanks, it is good to know the same by the way. Under a criminal government...I wouldn't doubt the concentration camp analogy even for a second. Rounding up muslims appears to just be the newly desired torture agenda...the rest is clean cut. The concentration camps are already in place, these are the very hospitals that we think are taking care of us. The labor camps in my view consist of those who believe they have signed up for service, and those already hired on the side by the government to avoid the need for a draft. All of the people in the labor camps, or most...motivated by blind patriotism and the need for uncle sam to pay their bills. All of those who are treated in the concentration camp/hospitals, or most...are those who can no longer work and then sadly buy into this scam. People are suffering at the hands of other people's ignorance. Everyone will ultimately suffer though at the hands of the global elite who fuel the drive for this empty currency. What is messed up to me is people go along with this, singling people out...and joining sides. History seems to repeat itself, but anyway...oh well.
        Reply   FCK   TinyMCE  
        This is NOT me. This is just randomly assigned avatar, until I upload my own photo. Click here to see my profile.
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