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Peacemonger-Peacenik-Refusenik: Conscientious Objector
by rudenski

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  • Christian Epiphany   by  rudenski     18 y     4,495       22 Messages Shown       Blog: Peacemonger-Peacenik-Refusenik: Conscientious Objector
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    • Thank you!   by  2dreem     18 y     2,949
      Thank god somebody else shares my belief's. Did you check out loose change at Earth shattering!
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    • To finish the story   by  #58095     18 y     2,544
      Hi rudi

      To finish the story.

      I saw the jewelled pillars, but I did not see the jewels. The pillars emitted flashes of colored sparkles like an energy, sort of like looking at a diamond that flashes different colors when it is moved under a light.

      After judgement, I was taken across the court yard of giant pillars, and to the right between two of the pillars, and taken to where I stood before a group of people, One of the people came closer to me and and moved to my left.
      I looked to my left and saw what looked like a hologram that flashed every thing I had done that was good and bad. I was ashamed of the bad, but even more ashamed that they were seeing it too. It was like the good was weighed against the bad.
      I saw what reminded me of a string of pearls lined up and jumping over a ledge. They looked like they were floating downward. I was told to do the same, and I was scared to do it, they assured me it would be safe and I would return to where I left.

      I was in the army, and I do not see anything wrong with being in the military.

      If America throws its weapons away and become passive and docile, America would be taken over by evil. 911 was a sample of evil.

      Let there be peace on earth?
      Muslims throughout the world; rioting, killing, bombings over cartoons
      Muslims in Jordan; blowing up hotels; killing foreigners.
      Muslims in Iraq; kidnapping journalists, aid workers, foreign contractors and beheading them
      Muslims in Delhi,India, blowing up markets, 100's dead and injured
      Muslims in Bali, blowing up night clubs, kill 400
      Muslims in England, blow up subway, 52 killed, 300 wounded
      Muslims in Spain, blow up trains, 200 killed
      Muslims in Russia; attack school in Beslan, 350 children killed, in Moscow, 118 hostages killed in theater takeover
      Muslims in USA; 9/11 attack kills 3000 people
      Muslims in Australia; gang rapes of australian girls, by Lebanese muslim immigrants
      Muslims in Sri Lanka; attacking Christians, Hindu and Chinese, causing riots and death
      Muslims in Singapore; attacking Christians and Hindus
      Muslims in France; burning synagogues; rioting, burning 1000's of cars
      Muslim in Netherlands; beheading writer Van Gogh for reporting on Islamic cruelty to women
      Muslims in Turkey; blowing up synagogues
      Muslims in Malaysia; attacking Christians and Hindus and chinese immigrants
      Muslims in Kashmir; burning hindu temples, constant attacks on innocent people and police
      Muslims in Egypt; killing tourists
      Muslims in Iraq; killing anybody they can, anytime for any reason
      Muslims in Iran; oppression and death of all who promote foreign influences
      Muslims in India; blowing up Hindu temples full of people, constant attacks on innocents
      Muslims in the Philipines; kidnapping, raping and killing civilians
      Muslims in Somalia; commiting genocide on christians; women and kids enslaved; killing UN aid workers
      Muslims in Sudan; commiting Genocide on christians; killing UN aid workers
      Muslims in Serbia; attacking christian serbs and churches
      Muslims in Bosnia and Herzegovina; Bombing churches, beating christians
      Muslims in Israel; suicide bombers killing jewish civilians and children.
      Muslims in Indonesia; murdering the infidels, teachers and destroying churches and ethnic homes and businesses. Raping and attacking Christians
      Muslims in Philippines; genocide of christians, kidnapping/murder, bus and church bombings
      Muslims in Bangladesh; kidnapping, enslavement, murders, bombings
      Muslims in Saudi Arabia; blowing up apartment buildings of foreigners; oppression of all other religions and killing opponents
      Muslims in Yemen; blowing up US ships and attacking foreign nationals
      Muslims in China; guerilla attacks on industry and usual threats and harassment
      Muslims in Pakistan; attacking and killing foreign civilians; blowing up Christian churches
      Muslims in Sierra Leone; slaugter of christians
      Muslims in Uganda;genocide of christians,
      Muslims in Rwanda;genocide of christians,
      Muslims in Zimbabwe;genocide of christians, deportations and harrasment
      Muslims in Congo;genocide of christians,
      Muslims in Nigeria; genocide of christians,
      Muslims in Namibia; genocide of christians,
      Muslims in South Africa; persecution of christians, muslims calling for separate state
      Muslims in Algeria; christians killed, priests beheaded, churches destroyed, entire families and towns beheaded for opposing Islam
      Muslims in Bangladesh; Churches destroyed, christian schools harassed and boarded up
      Muslims in England; Race riots 2001. Beating up old ladies and men and killing and raping teens
      Muslims in Azerbaijan; Christians harassed, jailed and deported or killed, churches burned or boarded up
      Muslims in Ivory Coast; genocide of christians
      Muslims in India; infiltrators attack capital, kill diplomats and innocents
      Muslims in Kashmir; wanton killing and bombing of Indian temples
      Muslims in Chechnya; blowing up police stations and churches, killing innocents
      Muslims in Afghanistan; Taliban killing foreigners and other Afghans.

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      • Re: To finish the story   by  rudenski     18 y     2,471
        First of all, I wanted to say I am amazed by the similarities in our Near Death Experiences. That is great. I would love to see you post your experience in the Near Death Experience Forum. It has ...
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        • Re: To finish the story   by  white tiger     18 y     2,483
          That song is way too long for any cadence in any military, and was never used in the army.

          That song was sung by the anti American and anti war Paul Speckman.

          Murder, Rape, Pillage And Burn lyrics are the property and copyright of Abomination.

          The Abomination band wrote and copyrighted the Rape, Pillage And Burn lyrics in 2003

          Abomination is another one of several of Paul Speckman's bands on Nuclear Blast.

          3And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?

          4And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.

          5For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.

          6And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.

          7For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.

          8All these are the beginning of sorrows.

          9Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake.

          10And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.

          11And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.

          12And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.

          13But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.

          14And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.

          15When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)

          16Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains:

          17Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take any thing out of his house:

          18Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes.

          19And woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days!

          20But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day:

          21For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.

          22And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.

          23Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not.

          24For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

          25Behold, I have told you before.

          26Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not.

          27For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

          28For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together.

          29Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:

          30And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.

          31And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.

          32Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh:

          33So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors.
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          white tiger
          • Re: To finish the story   by  rudenski     18 y     3,152
            "That song is way too long for any cadence in any military, and was never used in the army." by white tiger

            My response;

            You are way out of line, white tiger. I did sing that song and there were many versions of it over 20 years ago. When you call someone a liar you better have strong evidence to back it up. Especially when you give over a dozen Bible quotes to back up what you are saying.

            Here is a link to the
            "FREE U.S. Army Board Study Guide and resources for Army Soldier and NCO Boards and SGT / SSG Promotion Boards" version of that song we sang.

            Here are just a few of the versions:

            Through the woods we were walking
            Silently we were stalking
            It was a one shot kill
            From the top of a hill
            Walking in a sniper Wonderland

            See the kidos playin in the playground
            Lock and load a .50 CAL round
            And as I gently pull back on my trigger
            I see their skanky bodies hit the ground

            Through the woods we were walking
            Silently we were stalking
            It was a one shot kill
            From the top of a hill
            Walking in a sniper Wonderland

            See the soldier bathing in the river
            watch him rinse benith the falls
            and as i gently pull back on the trigger
            I see the skanky bastard clutch his balls

            Through the woods we were walking
            Silently we were stalking
            It was a one shot kill
            From the top of a hill
            Walking in a sniper Wonderland

            another site with different versions

            Thru the woods, we are wallkin’
            Silently we are stalkin’
            A Man for Palestine,
            In between my stadia lines…
            Hunting in a sniper wonderland

            On a ridge, we are waitin’
            With a trap, we are baitin’
            A first round kill
            From the top of our hill
            Huntin’ a Sniper Wonderland

            In the meadow there is a sniper,
            Patiently awaitin’ ‘crack a round
            In the village there sits a terrorist,
            Suddenly, explodin’ on the ground…

            Thru the woods, we are walkin’
            Silently, we are stalkin’
            They’re exploding like cans
            But I takes like a Man
            Hunting in a Sniper Wonderland.

            Notice how they took out the politically incorrect lyrics about the girl and put a terrorist in its place.

            Walking in a Snipers Wonderland

            Shot's a ring
            Are you listening?
            In the lane
            The bloods glistening
            A beautiful site
            We're happy tonight
            Walking in a snipers wonderland

            In the street a baby's crying'
            As you stop to set the bomb
            He lined up for the kill
            Then your brains spill
            Walking in a snipers wonderland

            In the field you can build a big bomb
            Then pretend you're really someone else
            He's say: Are you leaving?
            We'll say: No way
            But we can do the job
            When you're around

            Later on
            We'll conspire
            As we dream by the fire
            Of face’s so afraid
            Of the plans that we've made
            Walking in a snipers wonderland

            When we shoot
            It’s a thrilling
            Though our sights they get a chilling
            We chamber a round
            One shot and you are down
            Walking in a snipers wonderland

            Walking in a snipers wonderland
            Walking in a snipers wonderland

            Below is quote about that cadence song:

            "Gotta love that cadence, it is one of my favorites. Nothing quite like a little "Walking in a Snipers Wonderland" and "killing the babies seals" to put someone in good spirits. Although I think "Killing the Baby Seals" may have the edge between the two"

            Notice the denial of killing babies in this one. It is denial only but the reality of war is that 10 women and children die for every armed soldier who dies in combat.

            You can thump your Bible over my head and accuse me of lying but I am telling you that those words that I sang to were not written in 2003. They may be un-American and they were an abomonation to God but they were sung by thousands of soldiers. I am not proud of it.

            Here is a Bible qoutation you might have missed:

            "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God" Matthew 5:9

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            • I more than beleive you.   by  Lapis     18 y     3,985
              Check out this person's posts in the debate forums, etc. I have a strong intuiton about the purpose of these posts.

              Email me if you like.

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            • Re: To finish the story   by  white tiger     18 y     2,497
              If it was on the internet it must be true right?!?!

              My serial number was RA14685394. As you can see by my serial number I enlisted in the army, I was not drafted. I volunteered to serve, and I'm damn proud of it! I have been stationed many places and have never ever sang or heard any soldier sing any of that dumb crap you find on the internet about baby killing! And the internet is full of that wierdo stuff.

              You can run down this country and its people all you want, but "I'M PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN!!!".

              American soldiers have family and children, and no American soldier in the Army is stupid enough to sing songs about baby killing! Our American soldiers love children!

              Maybe you sang that crap in your marine corp rudy, but no Army soldier is stupid enough to sing that crap!

              How many times have we heard of Americans getting attacked in Iraq while handing out candy or toys to kids? Its because they spend so much time doing just those things.

              Now try this for size






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              white tiger
              • Calling me a liar with no evidence is slander   by  rudenski     18 y     4,264
                You are calling me a liar? You do not visit the links or you would not say I am a liar. If you did, you would know it is true. Look at the links first at least or what you are saying is slander. The truth is that you simply do not want to know the truth. Having learned the truth, you would have to change your opinion and your opinion must be right because? You might want to look at those links but what I am telling you will be useless truths, unless you desire freedom from ignorance and only then if you are willing to sacrifice closely held beliefs in fictions. Ignorance allows one to continue believing a false world view to support one's current perceptions of the world. The truth is out there. The truth will set you free. You attempt a bait and switch to avoid the topic when you accuse me of lying to avoid facing the truth of what I am saying. You are a human being first though. I understand your view. I lived it. I would like you to respect my humanity as well by at least looking at the links I have provide you and base your opinions on what I said and the information I provided. If you look and can prove that what I have said is a lie then your accusation is not slander. I have given you a rebuttle. You said my links may not be true because they are just on the internet. Where is your proof? Where is there anyything but slander? What do you think of this soldier who tells a different tale?

                Iraq War - Jeff Key - A Marine Against the War in Iraq, But Not a Pacifist?
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              • a recorded version of Sniper's Wonderland and more   by  rudenski     18 y     9,638
                You can't deny this is actually recorded

                This is me singing a song that gets me in trouble with my wife every holiday season.
                Especially when I taught the chorus to my 8 year old daughter and suggested she try
                it out at school.

                Walkin' in a Sniper Wonderland


                From the top of the hill, a one shot kill,
                walkin' in a sniper wonderland.

                In the field you hear a baby crying (crying)
                as you stop to chamber another round.

                Shoot him in the head, his brains go flying (flying),
                and you can watch him quiver on
                the ground.

                Later on by the fire. We will build a funeral pyre.
                From the top of the hill, a one shot
                kill, walkin' in a sniper wonderland.

                Here is the airforce version;

                Sniper Wonderland (To tune of winter wonderland)

                In the fields, there's a lady
                And she's carrying a baby
                Lock and load one round, the baby hits the ground,
                walkin in a sniper's wonderland.
                In the field, there's a commie
                And he's cryin for his mommy,
                Lock and load one round, the commie hits the ground,
                walkin in a sniper's wonderland.
                In the fields, there's a korean
                And he's standin there a peeing,
                Lock and load one round, this eunich hits the ground,
                walking in a sniper's wonderland.
                In the fields there's a cadre,
                And he's yelling at me all day,
                Lock and load one round, this cadre hits the ground,
                walking in a sniper's wonderland.

                Another version

                Thru the fields he was walkin',
                In my sights I was stalkin'.
                It's a One Shot Kill from the Top O' the Hill,
                Walkin' in a Sniper's Wonderland.

                In the town there's a lady.
                In her arms, there's a baby.
                You Lock and Load one round and the baby hits the ground,
                Walkin' in a Sniper's Wonderland.

                In the meadows we can plant some Claymores.
                Camoflauge and bury 'em real well.
                Kill the Commie bastards while they're sleepin',
                And blow their God-less souls straight to Hell!

                Later on in the village,
                As we burn and we pillage,
                It's a One Shot Kill from the Top O' the Hill,
                Walkin' in a Sniper's Wonderland.

                and another
                Sung to Winter Wonderland:

                Through the hills we are walkin'
                Through the jungles we are stalin'
                One shot one kill from the top of the hill
                Livin' in a sniper wonder land

                In the village I hear a baby cryin'
                I snicker as I chamber another round
                I pull the trigger the bullet goes flyin'
                Baby brains splatter all around

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              • Re: To finish the story   by  kerminator     18 y     5,162

                There are all sorts of stories; about mistreatment of non combatants out there, a few may have some truth, but most are just hot air!!

                 I served in the US Navy; have had boots on the ground, in seven different Islamic Mideast countries...  I have heard the bullets wiz over my head, and I have seen men killed...  It is easy to talk and write about things you are not familiar with... 

                Let me suggest that you check out my web site and go to among others and you will see part of the real story which is not on CNN or some other propaganda machine... 

                BTW:{Will have more up to date coverage on web site about the Mideast shortly; stay tuned!}

                Thank you for your time and efforts to try to understand the whole truth!!   


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          • Hadji Girl: A marine song about killing Iraqi civillians   by  rudenski     18 y     2,591

            Her brother and her father shouted…
            Dirka Dirka Mohammed Jihad
            Sherpa Sherpa Bak Allah
            They pulled out their AKs so I could see

            ... So I grabbed her little sister and pulled her in front of me.

            As the bullets began to fly
            The blood sprayed from between her eyes
            And then I laughed maniacally

            Then I hid behind the TV
            And I locked and loaded my M-16
            And I blew those little %¤#&!§-s to eternity.

            And I said…
            Dirka Dirka Mohammed Jihad
            Sherpa Sherpa Bak Allah
            They should have known they were f***ing with a Marine.

            Iraq War - Jeff Key - A Marine Against the War in Iraq, But Not a Pacifist?
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      • Re: To finish the story   by  2dreem     18 y     3,928
        You really need to see this movie loose change at It will be earth shattering. You have to realize that America is responsible for much of the evil in this world. You have been led to believe something that may not be true. I also encourage you to go to

        Good luck and may we all live in peace!
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        • Re: To finish the story   by  rudenski     18 y     2,549
          Loose change is cutting at the branches but to get at the roots,
          you might look in the new testament at something that opens up
          and reveals who is in charge of the world today.
          It is the same devil that was in me
          even as I sat in the pews
          and the preacher told me about a two dimensional God.
          The killer in you is the same killer in me.

          I am now aware of the difference between the
          two gods called God in both the Torah and New Testament.

          Read John 8:44 and you might get a glimpse of what I am talking about.

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    • Great references you are using!   by  white tiger     18 y     2,618
      Great references you are using!

      Jimmy Massey is a bald face liar!
      Ron Harris a reporter at the St. Louis Dispatch who was embedded with the Marines, wrote a series of articles claiming that Massey lied or exaggerated his claims. Harris writes that statements from Massey's fellow Marines, Massey's own conflicting accounts and the five journalists who were embedded with Massey's unit, discredit his allegations.

      Following the article by Ron Harris, the editorial page editor of the Sacramento Bee - one of the first newspapers to publish Massey's story in May 2004 - says they should have looked more into the credibility of the story. David Holwerk writes, "We should have done more to check the truth of Massey's charges before deciding whether to publish them" he goes on to write that running the story, "raises serious questions about The Bee's performance."


      JIMMY MASSEY: A SLANDERER AND HIS MSM ENABLERSBy Michelle Malkin · November 07, 2005 11:27 AM


      Media Passed On Massey's Lies
      What's left of Jimmy Massey's honor died today, as the St. Louis Post Dispatch topped its front page with the lead story in a series that debunked the honorably discharged Marine's stories of attrocities by Marines in Iraq.

      Ron Harris on Jimmy Massey's War Lies
      This afternoon on my KMOX show, I talked to Ron Harris (no relation), the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reporter who has debunked Jimmy Massey's lies about war crimes by US soldiers in Iraq. I called Ron yesterday to congratulate him on his front page story,

      Jimmy Massey atrocity stories found to be false

      Banter in Atlanter: Jimmy Massey - More Details about his LiesJimmy Massey - More Details about his Lies. A former Marine named Jimmy Massey is often championed by those on the left

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      white tiger
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