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    Peace, Love, and Fasting

Peace, Love, and Fasting
by Lithia

12 blog entries; 12 entries per page; 1 pages; viewed 114,527 times
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  • About me...   by  Lithia     18 y     3,176       11 Messages Shown       Blog: Peace, Love, and Fasting
    I am sorry to say that I was unable to upload a picture of myself :-( I am waiting on a responce from the webmaster detailing why I was unable to. I wanted to show you guys my smiling face, which for the passed several years my smiles have been few and far between. What follows is a brief description of my life:

    I was born in Texas, moved to Florida at the age of 2 years old, and have lived in and around the Tampa Bay area ever since. I cannot imagine living anywhere else in the world!!! I am in love with the beauty that surrounds me. Florida is as close as you can get to the tropics within the USA.

    As a child I suffered sexua| abuse at the hands of my grandfather which led to me being an introverted, reclusive, shy, and angry little girl. I never really trusted anyone and the toll this abuse took on my self esteem caused me to make MANY bad decisions in my life. I am fairly intelligent, but chose to do poorly in school. I guess I never really felt like I was worth anything or that I would ever be truly happy. I began to abuse drugs, became an alcoholic, and smoked over 2 packs of cigarettes a day. I can look back now with my new found mental clarity and know that I was self medicating, constantly altering my mood to avoid feeling lost, alone, scared, and angry.

    One thing I thank God for is my parents, who I never hid my "goings on" from. We are a completely open and honest family, sometimes too honest :-) !!! But my father and I had a certain bond that I will be hard pressed to find in another human being. His sudden and completely unexpected passing in 2000 (he died suddenly of a heart attack at 50 years old, just 6 months after his doctor gave him a clean bill of health after a complete physical) caused me to spiral even further down into the depths of my depression and I then developed acute anxiety disorder. There was never a day that went by that I wasn't "self-medicating". I lost a staggering 60 pounds in 8 months!!! My anxiety disorder was completely consuming every moment of my life because the side-effects of an anxiety disorder can lead to the belief that you are going to die of a heart attack, which only scares you even more and makes the symptoms worse.

    In August of 2001 I was admitted into the hospital. I had gotten into such sad shape that I could eat nothing for two weeks, had begun to live off of juice and water, and shortly before my admission to the hospital, I couldn't keep water down, and was vomiting blood. My doctors told me that my blood had become extremely acidic, and the only example they could give me was that of a Holocaust victim. I spent a week in the hospital, trying to accept the diagnosis of an anxiety disorder, because up until this point I was convinced I was dying of heart failure.

    Between August of 2001, and March of 2003 my life was in limbo. My anxiety disorder completely consumed me. I could no longer drive, which I love to do, I never wanted to leave the house, and I no longer cared about anything. I refused to take the drugs the doctors prescribed for fear of the side-effects. But on March 17, 2003 (the day the war started) God answered my prayers. I found out that I was to be a mother, and I knew in that instant that it was time to change. She deserved a responsible mother, and an acceptable role model. I have been clean now for 3 years!!! My daughter literally saved my life!!!

    I have recently overcome my anxiety disorder through the help of Lucinda Bassett's program "Attacking Anxiety and Depression". I can drive again!! I'm no longer afraid to leave the house. The program explained away all my fears over my body symptoms, and taught me how to overcome my anxious thinking.

    Being fully recovered from my obcessive thoughts I was still worried about the effects that sugar, chocolate, and juices had on my heart. Whenever I consume any of these things my heart will pound very hard for a few hours, or sometimes it feels like it does a flip-flop in my chest. I was referred to a cardiologist who did a stress test, and series of ECG's, an Ultra Sound of my heart, and had me wear an "event recorder" for a month. His diagnosis was that my heart is perfectly healthy and what I am feeling is an extra heart beat which is "nothing to worry about". But in doing some research online I found that I could be suffering from adrenal exhaustion due to the many years I abused my body with drugs and alcohol. I began to search the web for "natural remedies" to help combat this problem, and I stumbled across "The Master Cleanser". I know in my heart that God answered my prayer again by leading me to curezone, and I thank Him daily for it.

    I have set my sights on 40 days because that is what I think it will take to purge all of these toxins from my body. It will give my adrenals a rest and possibly allow them to "reset" themselves. And in the course of my healing process I am hoping for spiritual enlightenment.

    So that's my story. I hope I haven't offended anyone with my openness and honesty. I feel like a weight has been lifted by sharing my story with all of the wonderful people on this forum. I have been as honest as possible so that I can share my detox syptoms with all of you as they come. God Bless you all!!! And thank you for all of your support!!!

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    • when life gives you a lemon make lemonade   by  finalquest     18 y     1,551
      Good to hear you are on the path to wholeness.
      God Bless and Keep You
      Jay From OK
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    • I can relate   by  Roaminone1     18 y     1,569
      I spent 14 years smoking, drinking and doing drugs (puking hungover probably 3 days, at least, a week! for 9 oh those years). I have been cleaning up my act so to speak for the past 3 years. For the past few months I have been trying to eat and be healthier (doing various parasite and internal cleanses) this last weekend I felt really sick and thought I was having a heart attack and my stomach and intestines where not happy at all. At the hospital I had an ecg said everything is fine, they said to go to my doc- she said its normal " people have the feeling of extra beats or skipping a beat-- its normal-- some people just feel it more then others" is what she tells me, that doesnt cut it for me. So I'm writing this to you because I too really believe the MC is the answer I really want to do it but I have a really hard time getting past the first couple days. Im working on it and I wish you all the best. I went to sleep praying for help last night and woke up and came on here to see what new I can find out and your message is the first on the list. hummmmm. I can say I have been trying lately but my mind has switched and now after how I felt for the last week I'm making health happen in my life!!! Im too young to feel like this (34 in aug). If you want to email me feel free.
      Wishing you all the best
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      • Re: I can relate   by  Zoebess     18 y     1,251
        You may consider working up to the cleanse by doing the lemonade for one meal a day and it will still be a healing gesture and the drink WILL be beneficial in loosening up gunk and then one day you will wake up and your WILL will have become strong enough to do a day fast, then a 3 day and a 10 and so on. Just keep your eye on your goal and it does not matter how many times you stumble and fall, the quitter is the one who does not get up again and keep going.

        You do not sound like a quitter to me!

        be happy, be well,
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        • Re: I can relate   by  Roaminone1     18 y     1,349
          hey thanks for your message. that is sorta was I was trying for now. I figured drinking the lemonade would be beneficial even if just thru out the day. I am making small changes and eventually they become normal to me and my body wants better if you no what I mean. Ill eventually get there, one small step at a time.
          thanks for your encouraging words... ive read your posts ..keep up the good work
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    • bumps & brambles   by  Zoebess     18 y     1,183
      I am very glad you shared and especially that you got the weight off your chest. Sometimes secret parts of your life get heavy and there comes a time to let go and for you, it sounds like this is a good time. It is also a gift to us to give inspiration to others to follow a path of healing, through all the bumps and brambles in life's road.

      You are doing great on your healing path and with the focus and discipline you are learning to activate on this cleanse, you should be able to do ANYTHING you put your heart and mind to.

      Glad to be walking with you this month long journey as I too enjoy knowing that even though we bring our own issues and needs to this cleanse that I am not alone. It feels like meeting each other at the river of life 'er lemonade, and washing ourselves and our trials of life, away~~~~~

      Also, if you still feel affected adrenally, post-cleanse, consider the Dr. Christopher adrenal formula. I did one bottle in January when my energy bottomed out after the injury to my knee and the pain just wiped me. It really brought me back to the surface and back to life!

      many blessings & best wishes for your success.

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    • you heart   by  Life-n-Light     18 y     1,086
      thingy could be a bit of panic attacks too.

      this cleanse will relax you. its totally awesome in that way.
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    • What inspiration and foritude....   by  kerminator     18 y     1,874

      Good for you; Lady.... You have developed an excellent positive attitude that did not allow you to fail in life...  You saw the light and changed, so now you are beginning to see eternity through your efforts...

      With your attitude you should be able to build a firm foundation for the rest of your life...  Read some of my blogs on self development and improvment... 

      I used to live in Tampa / St Pete; Attended SPHS & USF and come down from time to time, maybe we can do lunch, sometime...  Keep up the great effort and positive steps forward...      See ya.. Kermit

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      • Re: What inspiration and foritude....   by  Lithia     18 y     2,077
        Thank you Kermit!!! These two short cleanses have changed my life so much that I am eagerly wating for enough time to pass to do begin my next cleanse, and hopefully complete it!!!

        I have been on a spiritual quest for the passed 13 years and my awareness of the Higher Power grows with every passing day, and with every new concept I find!!! I believe the Master Cleanser, if undertaken for a long enough period has the potential to bring enlightenment to those who seek it, and that is what I am hoping to achieve...eventually :-)

        We should do lunch!!! I hope you don't mind children, because my daughter and I are inseperable :-)

        And I will definately check out your blog! It sounds right up my alley!

        Peace to you...

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        This is NOT me. This is just randomly assigned avatar, until I upload my own photo. Click here to see my profile.
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